Production Name: The Grave-Robber: Character Movement Camera Movement

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Production Name: The Grave-Robber

Shot No: 1

Character movement

Page: 1

Camera movement

Shot No: 2

Shot No: 3

The grave-robber is digging up a grave.

On Screen Action: A bat is shown behind a

branch as the camera focuses on the grave
robber digging in the far distance.

On Screen Action: The grave-robber continues

to dig the grave. The trees and moon are
behind him.
Camera Framing: Mid shot

Camera Framing: Establishing shot

Camera Framing: Close-up on bat

Position: Low angle looking up at trees

Position: High angle

Movement: Tilt down

Movement: Static

Lighting: Back-lit, trees as silhouette

Lighting: Lit from top right, low-key


On Screen Action: The moon is shown

behind two secluded trees.

Audio 1 (Sound FX): Heavy rain, thunder,

lightning, wind

Audio 2 (Music): Dramatic organ fade in

and out
Notes on Production Design: Darkness
obscures our view, with only light coming from
the moon.

Audio 1 (Sound FX): Wing-flap, distant

shovelling, light-rain
Audio 2 (Music): Organ - faint
Notes on Production Design: Shifting focus
from bat to robber. Composition shows both graverobber and the bat positioned by rule of thirds.

Position: Worms eye view; low-angle

Movement: Static
Lighting: Back-lit, low-key lighting
Audio 1 (Sound FX): Shovelling dirt, light rain,
grunting as shovelling
Audio 2 (Music): None

Notes on Production Design: The grave-robber

flies dirt on the lens as he is digging. His face is
hidden under dark shadows as he is back-lit.
The grave-robber wears a long blue coat and a
dark brown hat.

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