Agatha Christie: The Mystery Queen: Artis Lay Dr. Andrews Fifth Grade Biography

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Agatha Christie is know as the Mystery

Queen. Agatha Christie believes most murder
mysteries examine justice, its violation which
comes through murder and its restoration by a
detective who decodes the factstosolvethecrime
and ensures that the murderer suffers for hisorher
deed. Agatha Christie was one of the best selling
novelists of all time. She specializes in mystery
stories starring Hercule Poirot, Mrs. Marple and
many more characters. She is a very successful
writer. Her mystery novels have sold roughly 2
billion copies, and her estate claims that herworks
come third in the rankings of the worlds most
published books, after Shakespeares works and the Bible. She remains the most translated
individual author, her stories have been translated into at least 103 languages. She wrote 66
detective novels and 14 short story collections. As well as
The Mousetrap
, the world's longest
And Then There Were None has been Agatha Christies best selling novel, with 100
million sales to date, that made it the worlds best selling mystery ever, and one of the best
selling books of all time. It was based on 10 Little Indians becauseeverycharacterdiedlikethe
rhyme is the 10 Little Indians story. She hints several different questions in And Then There
Were None : Is it okay to murder a murderer? Which is expressed in Wargrave the judge when
he Control murdered a murderer. What is justice, andhowdoyourestorejustice?Wheredoyou
draw the line in between people who commit crimes and people who punish them? Agatha
Christie also describes the personalities of the people who die through how they went to their
deaths. She revealed the murderer in a letter explaining whythemurdererkilledallthesepeople
and who he was. This book switches between the perspective ofdifferentcharacters,expressing
their different feelings. A summary of the story is that ten people are lured to an island by one
person that impersonatedmanypeopleto luretheminandthenkilledthemonebyoneaccording
Agatha Christie described her childhood as a happy one. Agatha Christie was born on
September 15, 1890, Torquay, Devon, England. All her childhood she alternated living places
between her home in Devon, her stepgrandmothers house andheraunt'shousein Ealing,West
London. She had home education and she loved arithmetic. She learned to be musicalandliked
playing piano. Agatha Christie loved to read even when she was just a little girl, but she spent
most of her time alone, isolated from other girls, as she was very shy and reclusive. But she
loved her pets, which she said were adorable. Her father was oftenill, sufferingfromaseriesof
heart attacks, and he died in November 1901, aged 55. Agatha Christie later claimed that her
father's death, occurring when she was eleven years old, marked the end of her childhood. In

1902, Agatha Christie was sent to MissGuyer'sGirlsSchoolinTorquay,butfounditdifficult to

adjust to the crowded different atmosphere. she was sent to Paris where she was educated in
three pensions:MademoiselleCabernet,LesMarronniers,andthenMissDryden's,whichserved
as her finishing school. When she returned home in 1910 and found that her mother was ill,
because of that she took her mother to Cairoforthewarmerweather.Thenshestartedsearching
Agatha Christie was Christian but she still believes that each human has a dark sideand
the dark side takes over with jealousyorrageorsomeothersinofthekind. Andthatinjusticeis
restored by a person who solves the crimes and restores justice. She stopped going to church
when her husband divorcedherbutsomeshewroteinherautobiographysherecountssomething
her teacher told her: To love, as Jesus loved, is to be a Christian. Likewise, to despair, as Jesus
life. About that, Christie wrote, Years later those words were tocomeback tome andgiveme
hope at a time when despair had me in its grip. Agatha Christie had quoted in her biography.
Agatha Christie was a determined,persistentanddedicatedwriterforwhenshemovedto
Cairo withhermother,shebegantoworkonpiecesofstories,butherefirstbookwasdeclined at
six publishing places. But she pursued her dreams heartily and finally signed a contract where
later in her life where she realized it was exploitive. She took inspiration from her mother and
her close companions, who inspired her to never ever give up. She was very, verysuccessfulin



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