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I created a plan for my

Genius Hour project and
followed my plan while


I recorded my ideas and

information about my
topic as I completed my

I shared my Genius Hour
project during a
presentation for the class.

Visual Aid

-I created something (i.e.

poster, model, prezi etc.)
to share with the class

Name: ____________________________________
Date: ____________________________________
Genius Hour Topic: ____________________________________
Genius Hour Rubric
Level 1
Level 2
Level 3
Level 4
-I began to create a -I created a simple
-I created a plan
-I created a
simple plan.
-I independently
thorough plan
-There is no
-I began to use my
used my plan while
-I added to my plan
evidence of me
plan while
while completing
following the plan
researching, with
my project to find
while researching.
teacher assistance.
more details
-There is no
-I began to copy a
-I put some details
-I put many details
evidence of
few ideas into my
from my research
from my research
Genius Hour book
into my Genius Hour into my Genius Hour
notebook into my
own words
Final Presentation
-I shared random
-I began to organize -I gave information
-I communicated my
ideas from my
the information I
in a logical order to
ideas clearly and
Genius Hour project gave in my project
make it easy for my the audience has a
-I used a quiet
-I began to use an
audience to
appropriate volume understand
understanding of
-I used an
my topic
appropriate volume -I used an
appropriate volume
and added
expression to keep
my audience
-My visual aid was
-I used no visual aid -I began to include
-My visual aid was
eye catching and
materials (i.e
interesting and
helped to improve my
pictures) that were
added to
entire presentation
on topic and added

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