Keepcalmandcarryon3 1

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1 Keep

Calm and Carry On

The Keep Calm poster was designed in the 1939 and has recently become
hugely popular. It is often recreated and parodied. It is a great example of
simple, effective design with beautiful & clean typography.
1) Watch the short video about the history of the poster
2) Read the instructions carefully and complete the following Keep Calm
and Carry On tutorial:

Create an 10.69 x 15.5 Artboard (03mavesr031)

Create specific colored background
Practice Kerning
Practice Leading
Practice Live Trace
Practice Align to Artboard

The purpose of this project is to create a poster that is as close

as possible to the original Keep Calm and Carry On poster.
You will also be learning important things about Illustrator like
Rulers, Guides, the character palette, Live Trace and the
align tools.
You also have the option to create a variation of the poster,
changing only a few things. Follow the steps very carefully to
create your poster.
If you see the words (Variation Possibility) at the end of a step,
that is a step that you are allowed to change. But read the rules
for the variation very carefully!

1. Download the Keep Calm font or something close.

2. Create a new document with the following settings:
units: inches, width: 10.69 in, height: 15.5 in
3. Remove the stroke color.
4. Choose the background color. To do this, double-click
the Fill Color square.

5. Insert the hex code B12325 and hit OK.

(Variation Possibility: You can change the background color,

but there is one rule. You must start with the Red color Ive
given you (B12325). Then you can move the slider but you
CAN NOT move the little circle color selector.

6. Choose the Rectangle Tool and draw out your

background to fill your whole artboard.

7. Lock your background layer.

8. Turn on Rulers by going to View > Rulers > Show

Rulers. OR use the shortcut command + R.
9. Now what were going to do is drag out Guides. These
are not actually going to be a part of your design, they are
just there to help you as youre designing.
To do this click on the top ruler and drag down.

Drag out three guides. One at , one at 3
1/2, and one at 4 5/16. To see the ruler in more detail,
Zoom in.



Create your crown icon for the top part of the
poster. Go to the following address on the internet: and copy
the image and paste it into your document.
Since this image is very simple and only uses
one color, we can use something called Image Trace and
skip the pen tool. With the image selected, go to the top of
the artboard and you will see:

Select the small arrow between Live Trace button
and Mask Button.

Click Advanced to show more options. Then
Check Ignore White and hit trace.

Click Expand. Youve just turned that crown into a
shape (like something you would have done with the pen

We need to take this out of Black and White mode.
The easiest way to do this is to open the color palette, go to

the options, and choose CMYK.

Now select your crown and change the fill color to D0C5AB

(Variation Possibility - If you change the words you need to

change the icon at the top to match. Your design should be pretty
square. About as tall as it is wide. Only use one color! Be careful
and do a really nice job with this one. Use a source image from
the internet to make an accurate drawing. Draw this with the pen
or find a source image that is simple enough [and only
one color] to use Live Trace.)
Select your design with the selection tool.
Hold down the shift key* and grab the corner of
the transform box and resize your design to fit between
the top two guides.
*Holding SHIFT keeps the dimensions of the image the same
as you resize it.

Now we want to center it. For this we want the
Align palette. If you dont see this go to
Window > Align or hit SHIFT + F7.

In your Align palette, find the Align To options and
choose Align to Artboard.
(You may have to choose show options first.)

Make sure your design is still selected. Then
choose the Horizontal Align Center button.

it should look like this now:

a. Select t he Type tool

and click somewhere on
your document.
In all caps, type:
(make sure to hit enter after each word, dont put any extra

spaces in or it will not center correctly)

(Variation Possibility - Variations must have the same
number of words (5) and start with KEEP CALM AND)
With your words selected, change the typeface to
Keep Calm, change the size to
148 pt, change the paragraph to Align Center, and change
the fill color to D0C5AB.

Now were going to adjust the letter sizes and
spacing. First find your Character Palette.
(command + T to bring up character palette)

Lets shorten the spacing between the lines of text. This is

called adjusting the leading. Drop the leading down to 169



Select the first word KEEP

Were actually going to make this word slightly smaller. So in

your Character Palette, take the size down to 145 pt.
Also, I want you to space out the letters in the word more, so
adjust the Tracking to 77.
Select the word CALM and adjust the tracking
to 28.

Now we want to make AND smaller. Select the

word AND and adjust the Character Palette to have font

size: 63 pt, leading: 100 pt, and tracking: 65.

Select your text with the selection tool
move it so that the top of the word Keep lines up
underneath your third guide.
Make sure your text is still selected, and in your
Align Palette click on the horizontal align center button

Go to View > Guides > Hide Guides or use the
shortcut command + ;

Select all your text (CTRL + A) and convert it to
outlines by going to Type > Create Outlines.


Done! Save it with your name, and turn it in.

Overview of Rules for Variations:

1. Variations must have the same number of words (5)
and start with KEEP CALM AND
2. If you change the words you need to change the icon at
the top to match. Your design should be pretty square. About
as tall as it is wide. Only use one color! Be careful and do a
really nice job with this one. Use a source image from the
internet to make an accurate drawing. Draw this with the
pen tool
or find a source image that is simple enough
(only one color) to use Live Trace.
3. You can change the background color, but there is one
rule. You must start with the Red color Ive given you
(B12325). Then you can move the slider but you CAN NOT
move the little circle color selector.

4. Sve File Name: KeepCalmpersonal

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