Future Fantastic Nurses

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1. Be on Time to
1. All students must be in their seats by
the last bell at 0850.
Tardiness is disruptive and conveys
disrespect to your teacher and peers.
2. Be Prepared.

3. Everyone is a
Human Being and
Every Human
Being Deserves

4. Listen.

5. Complete

2. The student will have all appropriate

materials needed for the class, to include:
textbook, paper, pencils, and homework
Being prepared conveys organization and
that the student WANTS to learn the
concepts being taught.
3. The student will address the teacher
and/or peers in a respectful manner,
utilizing the correct tone, volume, &
Mutual respect is the stepping stones to a
productive and positive classroom.
4. The student will pay attention when the
teacher or a peer is speaking. This will be
demonstrated by the student engaging in
discussion about the material being
covered and asking questions.
A positive learning atmosphere is achieved
when ALL students participate.
5. The student will turn in ALL
assignments given within the time frame
Assignments are utilized as re-enforcement
of concepts and convey responsibility.

Success in the Content!
Increased Self-Esteem!
Letter to your parents outlining your

Free time assigned to the computer lab!

Your Professionalism grade is maintained at
100 with NO point deductions every 3

1. Habitual tardiness is unacceptable and
conveys disrespect for me and your classmates
with disruption once the class has begun. I
want a nurse taking care of me that does not
arrive late to my procedure.
2. Bringing the appropriate items you need for
class promotes organization and success as a
nurse. Your Homework Organizer is to be
brought each day to class. I want a nurse
taking care of me that brings the appropriate
supplies with her to perform my procedure.
3. Words to live byNurses show great
respect to everyone, from your peers; to
physicians; to patientswe all deserve respect.
Respect shows accountability; positive attitude;
and clear understanding of self-control/selfdiscipline. I want a nurse taking care of me that
respects me.
4. When your classmate or I am talking, you
should be listening. There could be very vital
information missed when side bar
conversations take place or you are on your cell
phones, and it is disrespectful. I want a nurse
taking care of me that I have his/hers full
attention when I am explaining my concerns.
5. Assignments are given to promote practice
of a concept, therefore, please complete your
Homework Organizer and turn in each day. I
want a nurse taking care of me that has
practiced prior to perform a procedure on me.

First Infraction: Verbal Warning with point
deduction from Professionalism grade.
Second Infraction: Written Warning with
point deduction from Professional grade.
Third Infraction: 2 page written report on the
importance of Being on time; Being prepared;
Respect; Listening/Inappropriate cell phone
usage; Homework with point deduction from
Professionalism grade.
Fourth Infraction: Call to parent with point
deduction from Professionalism grade.
Fifth Infraction: Referral to AP with point
deduction from Professionalism grade.

Remember, YOU Control your own Destiny

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