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By: ChibaEmi
Communication, especially at the dawn of high-technology, changed the
world into both a better and a worse place to be in at the same time. A
simple call, for example, could mean preventing a crime or saving a life, but
it could also mean giving a go signal to kill somebody or approving to
annihilate a city. Through communicating, people could come together to
further a noble cause but they could also come together to plot something
destructive. In this context, communication can change the world positively
or negatively depending on how it is used.
In personal and interpersonal levels, however, communication could not
possibly go that wrong. Being able to communicate enables us to express
ourselves better and make ourselves well-understood by others. Since
communication is always a two-way process, engaging in it also gives the
one we are communicating with a chance to express himself/herself.
Likewise, it allows us to comprehend him/her. This gives us the opportunity
to broaden our knowledge and gain a higher understanding of the people
around us and of people in general. When there is understanding, there is
peace. Then harmony will follow.
Communicating with others also helps us to discover something about
ourselves. There are certain things that we would not know about us unless
we converse or communicate. These bits of information need triggers, such
as an argument with someone, to come out into the open.
Communicating does not only give us a higher understanding of others but
also a higher understanding of our own selves. If we know who and what we
truly are, we would know how to make ourselves better for our own sake and
for others.
Now in this context, I guess communication changed the world by changing

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