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SPECIAL BEAR ISSUE eee TU eRe ae ~— ‘A SPECIAL PULL-OUT SECTION: Pa Qa ear aie leet 1-5 ee oe a because he hears a different drummer, Let him step to the music he SSN eee RT STIL Ls a 7 DRUMMERMAN: JIM CVITANICH ‘The funder of en Behind Bars tks to Chale Linebarger 14 FUN IN AN EIGHTEEN WHEELER by Jack Michal, This truckers old lady woul ke what he's doing inthe cab of is big ig 20 SMOKE-OUT by Michael Agreve “Two big.bears two big cigas, one hela night 30 THE SOCIOLOGY OF THE URBAN BEAR Areporton the bear “moverent by Les Wright 33 DAVID ARMSTRONG Mc Southeast Drummer photographed by Jim Wiger 39 LEATHER EVENTS CALENDAR Pul-out calendar featuring seven regional Mr. Drummer tiehlees.Phtography by Jim Wigler 55 RANDY ‘Abear in carpento's clothing. .and very It of. Photography by Jack ritschePalm Drive Video DEPARTMENTS 4 onrmeror 26 DRUMMEDIA Sept seen ey pet ont ote a” a eee mauseaus Press neLease boats Rimtanonscen . wearee ro Tac tories ae an sin pum so uowcusturr 28 TOUOH cUsToMERS * pew cover Fey PHOTO: PALM DAVE DRUMMER Perens Anthony FDeBlase ‘ka Fledermaus PUBLISHERIEDITOR Joseph W. Bean MANAGING EDTTOR Paul arin ASSISTANTEDITOR, Tim Lewis ART DIRECTOR Tom W. Kelly EDITORIAL ASSISTANT Chris Whipp CLASSIFIED ADSISUBSORIPTIONS ‘AND OTHER RETAL ohn Fora ADVERTISINGICIRCULATION FEATURED CONTRIBUTORS Guy Baldwin’ Jack Fritsche ‘any Townsend Bl Ware Michael Agove/Hoday Allan Fick Jackson David May / Aaron Travis CaveloClby 8. Clarke Howard Cruse The Hu Pulsed by Desmodus, ne PO Box 14 San Francie, CASHIOVINE (a) 282-195, DHOMMERTO 3 : OFF bee What Did Bears Ever Do For You? by Joseph W. Bean and Brian L. Gollum ‘gay men. They are not @ certain thing lke blacks or jews or ampu: tees. And stil everyone has an idea of where, more or less, the dividing lines ar. Bears are probably hairy and likely to have whiskers. They can be small, or medium, butthey tend tobe (atleast expected to be) large. They often have whiskers, and usually are not terribly, ignorantly young, But, hey, why bother with ‘em? Afterall What did bears ever do for you? Well, actually, unless you are personal: ly perfectly proportioned along the lines of a cross between Adonis and Hercules, bears have done a lot for you, (By the way, Hercules would almost surely quality as a boar without the Adonian admixture!) Once upon a time, in easy reach of memory, you had'tofitthe current mold of beachboy or clone or bodybuilder perec: tion to fee! good about your body and yourself in gay bars. Granted, leather bars ‘were less prescriptive about the definition ‘of “hot men’ than most other watering holes, but the allowances were petty tight ly circumscribed: Daddies were great, if they hadn't let themselves go too badly Chubies were tolerated, ifthey stayed out of the way, covered up, and quiet. And. . that’s about i Then, six or seven years ago as far as (JW) know, bears began to identity them- Selves as okay creatures. (Give a type a fame and the men who fit will discover ‘what pride there isin wearing it) Just as Daddies and Chubbies had discovered chasers, bears found that they had cubs, hunters, and lair-mates, The difference between bears and other gay men without the Adonis touch, Whether they were leather bears or pure Teddies, is that they didn't buy into any of the “don’t get too ino it” crap other men, including leathermen, were putting out. In fact, right away you could see that a selt identified bear was a free man. He didn't need anyone's approval to let go and be himselt. tis a piece of anti-atitude that is B fears are not a definite sub-group of more common than bellies or beards or ‘back hair among bears, They like to be liked, but they don't need mainstream, 9, orleather community encouragement to Celebrate their bodias, their desires, their sexuality, or their attractions, This revolutionary idea — saying “I'm Ok" without asking “Don't you think so? — sets bears, cubs, and honorary bears (like JWB) apart from the rest of leather- is@ ‘moustache an bearded bea There area number ‘lvarations ntl th wink; |) 2nd the owny ace i Pw DRUMMERIEO 5 NOT BY THE BOOK Tread Guy Buin ane (Tes that Bind, "Gisy Houses" Drummer 138) with fascination. Last year Tefthe Bish avy afer 23 yeas and meta guy inthe leather/SM scene hough hat at is as irecing my if inthe way T wanted io go, Tas very visapointed to ind ad given up one set of ‘esrciveulesand regulations for aother et with the Leather community. The frustration his caused problems between mean my pare. and we have ‘pent some ie a our ow 0 ork things out a underoath as ben causing the prob lems ~ andone ofthe things was my aseping this second setof ules — and realized what | must do t0 recy them. ic Wasa delight and connate (Guy'Saricle AFTERWARDS. ‘Thank you for Donner gain, We relly need toleep ending thse horizons, and breaking down the slt-imposod barriers M.D. / London, England AN OPEN LETTER ‘TO THE LEATHER COMMUNITY When [eft home March 8 for the Mr: & Ms Southeast Leather Cones in Aan, thought Las ving to a contest based on looks and physique. 1 Knew that mental atte nd communicition kills sere important, but {il felt could win with my bexy alone. What ha not considered was the enor mous responsi that comes with th tile of Mr Souteast Leathe. Asthe weekend evens progressed Tecame aware that his was mach more than pat playing This was ao Work! eta ot of beaut, senste, earng people people had read and head about, Suddenly these “famous” people in the leather community were treating me a a brother, son and confidant. Iwas saz atthe family atrsphere thats shared inthe Teather community Tas beginning to realize that something wonderful was happening around me, Thenthebigevent—the contest, Ofcourse was nervous since this ws my ist const, I wanted ‘win but Twas also aware that ery well might not Win. tas during th cones! tht Began ove di ferent lings about Tnolonger antedto win thet or myst, ut wanted win so Leo use thet asa forum becoming an ativisin my os [sant sow the woe tht we can al ive in a mony T want hop wth undeising for AIDS pro ets and others ess fortunate than sel. ealid that want 10 make a diene! Exch ofushasa responsibil to eachthero do heer ve can weer smal and isignfcat we may fel that action to be. We must ll become in volved! We have a tolgh Fight agunst AIDS, discrimination and prejudice, even within our ov community. If weal contribu, tgesher we ca win! 1 di not bring ome the ile of Mr, Southeast Leather, but eam home with something fr more 6 opuMMeReo important to me atthe present —abetter understan ing of mye andthe love and Friendship of sme wonderful people. To those special poople a send a sine ani heart “Thank You" an hope that ean inet show that same ean renship tthe, Tank othe ater community fr elping me find myself My lfeandespecally my relationship with iy lover are much cer asa result oftheexperenees ofthis weekend, Bill Cosiomiris 2nd Runner-Up, Me. Souteast Leather MORE PROOF rwnmer is looking great Thnk you Sir. would iketo ares couple of hing that esp coming up in Male Call. Firs eter from CB in laa at month See ‘Chile, Amici Pus Bui,” ssue 137 — i) said um thing tha hayes personality «quite wel but cersinly dono show good sense. As for cigars, realizing or good edo smokes them), "hey stink, maka mes, and ae sickening o most people. (ocluding Leatherman) Those that find ‘hem pleasing in ANY way are a minority, Kigrude togoouttapublicplace dnd otendthireusomers by smoking your big cigar. Excepe for very few select individuals, nobody is going to relate o your cigarsmotingas ert, trace, ormasculine The facts you stink, youar sinking up someone ese «stablishment, dnd offending just about everybody ‘hati outrying to havea good time, Indoors. cleat Shor sas iertating as pimple oma cowboy as. People don't realize how much stoke can fle ‘ters. When go mo askey ba fora fe hou, takes 3 to 5 days to get my eyes bac t normal While do not expect people to guitsmoking forthe time Tam in the ha, do expe them not oon smoke directly in my fae. big gly slob used to ome inthe local leather ar here a alas tnd Airetly next ori fron me an law his sar ‘smoke in my face. He liked the it tha it bthered me. After repeated requss fori tp, [final ly cured him instal. One nite came in and planted himself righ nex o me and sted ping "watched him rin rom ear wo ear and then truck ‘ut wth dhe palm of my hand grinding that bi fat ‘gat inthis big fat face This rude and obnoxious ‘man does bother me anymore! People who donot Fave filthy, inky el Razandos diets do ont and should ot oleate itinothers who would init ‘heir weakness on them Nex would ike tae those people that ca ml good looking men. It is nice to see bath gvodlooking. tanned, tops and bottoms in your ‘magazine ws wel as average guys alo Tan even teat the beer ellis, dark lise, cars and such You do need to accommodate guys who get off on ‘month dontcare abot heir ais, dont want you tosee int their eyes, an lke w offend ober people inonderto gt the dick ard, Lama handsome man and Tasch and tired of rps making sound like itisucrime forme whe goodoking you look at the individuals who wee that they want white, ley, homely or raunchy sex partner thats exuly hat you wil nd. They tink that pysically uly or unatractive guys are beter ibe, because thats allthey kno llth have ever had. Wither us Iyatitudes, hat ial hy wl eer pet These bigs, that sneer at me or other guys because they are Philly beau ron toed by hic in aequacies and limitations. Pity them, Ou editor Fledermaus is good example that cigars and ‘nerscight do ot ne io be atached ra an uy people that hate beauty. have sae him ply ith ‘beau bys and homely ones andrea them with thesame respect. isthe atte that counts. Just 8s Fledermaus is beautiful from his charm, tens, and responsible considerate tude ECB wants to smoke his “big, black cigar” in Public has, I suggest he ao nude on this boy's airspace ore willbe wearing that iar home. His tad isk that of many sel proclaimed masts They think that being uply,selF-ndulgent, incon siderate, and opinionated that they area master Not sol tismotaprereuisite to smell like sewer, bea gant and have the body fa pregnant sw in onder tobe aot etherman, CBhas slot of swing odo bere he ever get beyond tht ite “naga world he ives in. W's Bee said that “the bigger the bike the smaller th cock The found ths tobe {cue but none way oranother think itis true “the biger the cig the smaller they ar Edvard, San Diego 1 think it's about time somebody spoke up for that abused minority, the handsome man. Lord ‘knows, Pm about as ugly asa stick, but uni ‘ead you eter That even realized how bigoted 1 was, that it was sheer ugly prejudice that was hecping me from falling at the fet of handseme zen like you and worshipping your tanned, athletic god looks. Well, action follows thought. and so my own Affimative Acton plan for the next year will be to find atleast one tanned, ‘physically beautfl specimen of masulint, and ‘no matter how much it pains me, no matter how Fepugnant may find my own actions, I shal of fer that man my ovn worship services (AM in- {eresed, extremely handsome, tanned, athletic ‘men who would ik to help mein this projet may write me at Drummer, PO Box IIIS, SF CA, 4101-114, Please mark your envelope “Per- sonal") ou did't say muct about what happened im ‘mediately after you ground the big ugly slob's ‘jgar into his face. Did he break you jaw? id it hhurt? How long were you ia traction? Did you re ‘quire cosmetic surgery? How many stitches did sou get? You must realy be into medical scenes — inecause if you dd something like tht to me, 1 would definitely put you i the hospital. PM JIM CVITANICH The creator of San Francisco’s MEN BEHIND BARS by Charles Linebarger ay bartenders putting on a benefit to raise money to fight AIDS. I's simple idea, kind of ke Mickey Rooney and Judy Garland geting the kids together to puton ‘show. Butittook San Francis bartender Jim Ciitanich—and something oa misunderstand ing—to make it happen, It stared as an idea inthe summer of 1989, Just when AIDS was sating in to bight the decade. Cuitanich, a dark-haired actor who Could sing and dance, was bartending atthe Pisner inn, a bar that describes itself by its {geographical location, “A Lite South of Market.” One night Bay Area Reporters leather columnist, Mc Marcus, came in. Cuitanich recalls mentioning casually to Marcus that it would be a great i the city’s bartondars got together to produce a show, an AIDS benefit "We thought we'd cal ‘Men Behind Bars: That was 2 take-off on ‘Women Behind Bars’, a popular spoof about womentin-pison movies that was touring downtown a the time’ “Anyway,” recals Cvitanich, “the following week | read in Marcus’ column that Jim Critanich was putting on a show called "Men Behind Bars to benefit AIDS charties. Well it kind of gave me the prodding needed doit” The fist MBB show, an all-bartenders tf, Prottby Say DnUMMERIEO, 7 Was presented in January, 1984. Thefith show vas las February. Overthe years the show has become increasingly professional and it has ‘moved from the rundown, 500-seat Victoria Theatre to the much large (1000-seatcapac:- ty) and grander Palace of Fine Ars. But what hasn't changed is Cvitanich’s pivotal role inthe ;roduction. He remains the producer, director, ‘iter and creator ofall MBB shows. ‘The irsthree Men Behind Bas’ productions were put on by the city'sbartenders. vitanich, who has always etained artistic contol over the production insted open auctions forthe ast {wo shows, “it goto the pont where so-and-so bar was responsible for doing a particular ‘number, but they did't rehearse i, lcoulnt letthem goon the stage and screw up the whole event” he says. Most ofthose who audition are used in some capacity in the shows. Seventy-five men audi tioned forthe Foles Men chorus line (MBB 5), {and sixty were chosen to jin the production. ‘Says Ovanich, ‘Some us have been through all five shows, some of us who were in earlier shows have passed away, and some of usin this show are new. | did have one exception tothe ‘ule of requiring everyone to auton, | didn't ask anyone to audition for a role they had created in a previous show’ NUDE BODYBUILDERS ON STAGE (One of the show's hottest numbers in 1980 was "Drag Queen Heaven” where Nicole Dushey begins by singing about her lng lost love and ends in a reverie about drag queen heaven. The curtains atthe Palace of Fine Ais par atthat point reveal og rolling across the stage (an MBB staple) and three nude Dodypuliders, aparently tiedto columns. One in particular was eye-catching his face hidden behind abeety arm, his body ted against the column so that his back was gleaming in the limelight His huge thighs rising up spectacular ly ono his fl, rounded buttocks: A palpable ‘sexuality throughout the scene, ‘would think that drag queen heaven would be ike that" explains Ovtanich. "tt would be fog ‘and beautiful, naked men, and drag queens. | wanted todo beetcake that would work within the meaning ofthe diferent numbers. Here, | think, it i Describing the process by which these beautiful men were chosen, Cvtanich says, There were some men | chose forthe show for ‘no other reason than that knew they would ook fabulous naked. And they did. But everyone, even the lving statues as we called them, had tedance in the big battleship’ number” ‘The batleship number was probably the high Paint ofthe show. (Elto's note: Some ous think ‘of naked men ted to columns as 2 higher high pint, ofcourse) began with ite im Garner, ‘dragged out as former SF Mayor Dianne Fein- sain, singing about the Battleship Missour, ‘which she unsuccesstuly tried to get voters to approve for homeporting inthe San Francisco Bay. "It’s Just a Little Old Piss-ant Bat- tleship...* Meantime, from behind, a huge, 8 onuMMEneo stel-gray battleship glides irresistibly toward her on an ocean of canned fog The battleship soon splits dwn the middle andis alle off stage o reveal the Follies Men dressed in nothing but sallor pants (spandex ‘ell bottoms!) and caps, singing the tite tune “That was the frst number | wrote for this show" says Ovianich. "though, wouldnitbe {great to have a battleship on stage, and we Worked backwards from that, The music, of course, was rom The Best Lite Whorehouse in Texas. We just changed ‘i's Justa Lite ity Country Place'to'i's Jus a Lite Piss-ant Bat tleship”” LEATHER LOVE ‘Another number, "Love Rock and Ral Siyie features darkhaied, black leather-clad "leader ‘ofthe pack” Johnny (Carter Stevens) singing a ‘medley of ld rock tunes while coming on tolly (Eric Brizee) whois squeezed ino a pale blue Polo shin. In the background, their respective ‘gangs—Johnry’s leather pack and Bill's 2 Chi iends—dance and provide the chorus, ohn and Bily got down and dirty as they sing a selection of rock songs to each other: Leader of the Pack; Baby, Get Down on My Knees; and We've Lost That Lovin’ Feeling, The ‘audience goth point easily when Billy rel in front of Johnny to sing “Baby, get down on iy knees if you'l love me like you loved me belore...”" Billy very sexily cups the big microphone up against his pouting lips, as he pleads with Johnny tolove him ke he loved him belore. ‘Tha "Can-Can” number was als prety sexy butiteidn't start out that way, In the beginning, the matrons ofthe Eureka Opera and Eurythmic Society came out in akicksine wearing some of the most god-awful gowns inthe history of crag, leach sporting @ pair of huge pink balloons Pressedinto service as 55 D-cup alsies. These irs did the can-can befor they were joined by Theirboytiends, the hunky Folies Men dressed (realy respected doyennes of the community dose Sarria (the Widow Norton) and Michele. ‘The men—ladies!—wore matching gowns, though one was black and the other white—as thay sang other supposed, purported, and ap- parent three-decades-ong rivalry. Both Jose fand Michele were ‘dressing up! and doing shows as long ago as the 1950s. ‘AL the closing performance,” recalls COvitanich, “Michele was 80 moved that in be: tween encores he tured tome andsad, ‘Even though I have moved to New York, you San Franciscans are my bosom buds,” And that SSrothing but spandex. Amostimmediately, the 15's ripped the spandex ofthe men who had athing on undemeath... except jackstraps, ofcourse Author's note: One gil got oo carried away & the performance | atended and managed S2rrehoM to rip off not only the hunk's spandex atwear, but his jockstrap as wel. At fst, | ough it was a gag It tuned out it wasn't Covering his raked cotch with hishand andast ningred, he turned tail andran of the stage. he only politic thing he could doa that point The "\Can-Can'" number allowed he Folios Men an opportunity to show oftheir assets, as Hey danced in groups, in pairs and single. Eric Brzee—Bily of ‘Down on My Knees’ mention jabove—deserves a special award asa ving J teasure. Os it that Cvtanich deserves special award for discovering and uncover. ing Brizee's assets? The chorus performers, the Follies Men, no Matos how attractive or physically charming not normally eady for an event ike Men Behind Bars wire they have o strip to next thing, orto noting, entertain an audience. quires some coaxing and hand holding to. pare some ofthese young men fo ther big moments on age. ‘The Folies Men always get very hyper and nervous about going outon stage nearly naked se fisttime says Ovtanch, "You get allthese ls when you explain to them that they end dancing in number on stage in thistle col fd piace of clth that you can hold in one fiand. But, by show time, you have ahard time gating them to keep their clothes on: {An element that Cvtanich has worked into MBB repeatedly is respect fr thase members ofthe gay community who are nolonger inthe eaegory of "the young and beautiful” however ‘Beautiful we may ind them and their contribu: ions. ‘Bosom Buddies" was the 1280 entryin this category. It honored two wel-known and kind of feling sone ofthe things that makes a ‘show ike MBB work. Reaching across genera tions, aross the dverse dividing lines of the ‘community, and out into the friendly non-gay community 2s well, Citanich’s "bartenders benefit’ has become both areflection ofthe way ‘San Franciscans are and a reminder that there is something very valuable inthe way we relate toone another Everytime Men Behind Bars returns with a ‘new production, the city is awed by the talent that is put on stage for just a fw sold-out per formances. And, evry time, audiences go away saying, “They should do ths every year!” The they” here being Jim Cvianich, of cours. CGitanich responds by saying, "i's become ‘never ther year show Ithinkthat having two years of allows ito build up more in people's imaginations. As the stripper in Gypsy said, ‘Make ‘em beg fr more, and don't voit‘: Sometimes by holding backalittebit youcreate ‘the anticipation forthe next show’ Usually after a successtul MBB show closes, Cvitanich is quoted as saying there won't be ‘another. No one ever believes that, no one wants fo beeve tha. Ths year Clanich has put ‘slight twist onthe rumor. He srt saying “no more but. .. "Whether the next show willbe ‘another Men Behind Bars production," he says, I don't know. | have a lt of ideas in my notebook. Unlike Men Behind Bars which is a fund raising model every city in the country could easily imitate successuly, Jim Cuitanich is @ ‘one of akin, leatherman who has found his ‘unique way fo comfort a community in crisis while helping individuals in need. We need ‘more men ike Citanich, but none of them wl be exactly like him, ever, anywhere, ruwwenreo By Larry Townsend Si Traly dont know how to put al this down, b here goes Tin 23, and somewhat into Feather Percednpple, hares, armband tc Toe alsobeen aterin ane ofthe to so-called leather asin the are. head ver-heels for 21 yea ld boy and Tikes to grow up tngethe with meas Top and him asm pupp The main probes tht have emo Sons for him, but his insecurities ate hong hin ac, So, it obvious Ihave to hol back unl he ‘comes around, But cat sometimes, because Thate the dese to find a Daddy for mysel and unfor {unately in Detroit chances resi, Ineed a Dad Aiyfoteach me how to bea man, phsily mental I and emotional asad once that you cant be the best Top without being the bot ist, And 1 antto be the bes Top formy ba: Bu then, agai if ave thesght Dad an rom int the ght kind of man, [might someday meet the ight by fo serve me and want to dot, arsarert the ans, because ‘here are any worth the name in Det and pr sonal ads aralvaysfullefies, Can you offer me any hep? ear Ponyboy, You have more than onesetof confi, 38 eet and the ony way you are going start esoving ay ‘ofthemstoty fora better grasp on your own reali 'y-Ontheone hand, you wantto be a Top, whichis arole you aril-equipped to handle, Onthe other you want 2 Daddy t teach you the ropes fom which ‘experienc you might well beef In your opening phrases you imply an emotional involvement with Your 2-yearold friend and in the end you seem willing to forsake im with the hope of finding another young partner some in the future, when oar emotionally beterequipped io handle him, Ona purely academic eve, 1d say your best bets to find the Daddy (or Top or Master) and let him {Buide you toward greater degre of matuiy, From 8 practical standpoint this may not be possible, 25 you point out. But wat about your feelings forthe young man you aleady sem to fone? You know itis ‘one ofthe ret accdental triumphs eto meta ‘person whom you can love, and whe can Love youn "stun. fyou'verell found hi, don't throw away ‘he opportuni. Stop being so selfish and ty to apt your needs to more closely mesh with his (Once the relationship is established ican evolve — sradually, perhaps —inlo something moe attuned toyour fantasies. You mighteven be able bringin third person a2 future time — assuming you can find him —and let hm ply with both you. nay event, you've go plenty of time for ial and ero, and inthe end that's the only way ay of s make it ‘rough it Pony Dettot, Ml Dear Me. Townsend, Ina recent issue of Drum you quoter rom 10 omuMMeRiio a slave who has to wear a cock hamess which is “Master putson him every morring although he takes ito again). Would you please describe the kind of hares meant, a would be very interested in get ting one for mse to present to my Master, and 0 have the pleasure of being made to wear i. And ‘would ak if again! MF, Hamburg, Germany Dear ME, My comespondent id nat describe the harness he vas supposed to mea but would expectit was pro- bably a snap-on lather sap that went around the ‘ase of his cock and ball probably with some sot ofall spreader or separator attached, There are any umber of varieties onthe marke, even some that «canbe locked in pace or which have 2 waist harness ‘nadditontothe genital straps. suggest ou lok ‘over the available items in any of several shops in the ‘Rapperbahn area, or get hod of a good mailorder catalogue. Dear Lary, Innesponseo your request fo deta fom the am pitlves my Daddy and haveaays hada great af fection foreach other’ pits When we met ive yes ago after fl fo his handsome face ees, and lp, Trea beng turned on net by snugging up under his thick leather jacket, where his naked torso was ripping in sweat Late spent the evening sleeping with my face brie in his bg, delicious pt. Nothing inthe wok makes me eel mrcotet and insite ‘than a ood long wif om my Daddys underarm Nov orem stp sing orn cor Doe bee et frase. Meth eo pasties for eachother caress andr oe hea Emacs, aks abot our dso wrk op el Set pia and pte eth als soe tine our wins mx come lo aed. These arent le Snel we taling abot Set theese of fish andlivingmonod whith ours ie tyes sn mask. Though hs prac dosnt stem lend so omnia sour reader ingen ee ae for groups ke th Seay and da ede ares toring the hark ein of ruc, and ches Eten souarentnn playing wh he pt Lay hae ou ever aed any the sae his bd oor? Bob usin, TX DearBoh ‘feos the odrafthe go you asin for a nights adver an import componet is poste ornate lence, White part of him {opel any of our ess s going fb deter mint of yoar ee of dese What bows your Skit ste. Butte ou un thumbs on nance aches, Yd area are tent on tbe of the the cos moto ‘high? Oristhee a righ” a re Lear ee rts uae eer erg res ra ee ene (OUR HERO, WHILE ENJOYING Fo THE SIGHTS OF THE COUNTRYSIDE, SUDDENLY FINDS HIMSELF SAT ON. BY A LARGE PART OF IT. HQHO, A TEMPER... AND A GREAT Ass! ‘A GREAT COMBINATION... tue it! YOU COME WITH ME, BOY. AND THAT HOLE, YOU MIGHT NEED NEVER TOWEAR PANTS AGAIN. MY” NAME!S: ETHAN. IIVE GOT SOMETHING HERE THAT MIGHT |NTEREST Nou! ‘DRUMMeRe0 1 AND WHAT MAKES YOU THE LAW OF THESE THINK |'D BE INTERESTED FORESTS AND MOUNTAINS IN ANYTHING YOU HAVE? A, ToLD ME! NOT MUCH ESCAPES US WOODS- MEN! 1. OR MAYBE IT he WAS THE WAY | SAW [NS YOU BOUNDING ae THROUGH THE LF 2 FOREST TO GET ANOTHER LooK AT Me! YOUR FACE IS KINDA FAMILIAR». RAVE WE MET BEFORET MACBE, MAYBE NOT- BUT IT Fi MUST HIVE BEEN A CASUAL Eigen Scr TeY MEETING... ANYTHING ELSE ec NOU WOULD HAVE Ly YOURSELE come CERTAINLY REMEMBERED,! oe: \\ WZ You, SIE, SawwS ARE ONE Bic ARROGANT ut BASTARD, NOW, eer GET OFF V/NNomney ME! sb tien 2 RUMMERIHO FIVE GOT ALITTLE CABIN ASMALL WAYS UPSTREAM... NOT MUCH, BUT IT'S MINE... BACK BEFORE NIGHTFALL! 5 a FUN IN AN by Jack Michaels hhad just finished eating @ midnight breakfast in the “Chicken Deluxe restaurant and had consumed more coffee than I ever cane to remember, when the mos ugged "Big Bear" trucker that ve fever seen came in. He swept the room with hiseyesand thought, "Wouldn'titbe great THIS sucker would cruise ME?” Naturally, being Interested jin feet, I glanced down as casually as I could to observe the size of his shoes. Whew! He had hoppers! Plenty a stools and where do right next to me. He was a BIG daddy-ype, omhisredcap swith the blue bill and “Top Gun" blazoned boldly ceross the front, to his chocolate. brown biking boots. [noticed hisbiglegsand thick calves. Weightifier? Or experienced fucker? Hmmm. This guy was more my type the longer looked at him. I was fantasizing ‘whatit would be like to run my tongue down hishairy lege and suck on those huge oes of hig. (Leould only HOPE he hed hairy legs) 1 only gazed athim occasionally: didnt want him to think Iwas comin’ onto fas. Saltand pepper grey beard and bait. Ali tle older than mysell. Maybe forty-five. Like my “daddies” ale older than me. lusty type. Hehad beeiy, hairy hands. Huge saus- ‘age fingers, You know what they say about big hands, 1 could only hope. | thought I id make the frst move. My mouth was yheart was pounding, and my voice ‘was quivering when I spoke i," Isaid. Great, bold beginning, right? Hi, Name's Jake.’ When he turned his (gaze on me, it was lke the steady, pene- trating stare of a Leo. He thrust that big beely, hairy Beer's paw at me, Hisengulled mine, He smiled broadly into my face. One of those smiles: it washes over you and cap- tures you, You then become irrevocably His. Buy you @eup of coffee?” he asked with a rich, husky voice filled tothe brim with invita tion. | was already enraptured in his presence. | hink!’d have done ANYTHING he asked, esitbut "Sure," I said. Even though my bladder was screaming "Cotfee Overload!” and begging me tosay “no,” Lheard mysellsay, ‘Yeah, sure. Preciate i [sipped on the coffee while he wolled down couple of burgers and fries, [watch ed him closely. He noticed, but dida'tseem tomind, Infact, I'm sure it was turning him on. [watched those big, heavy forearms lit those Irles and burgers and coffee till mas beginning to breathe heavily. Thick, chestnut hair you could have combed ran down hisarms. love toNo, musi think ‘bout that Wie exchanged a few more details about each other and hislostrun from Denver toi Louis. ‘The waitress kept trying to fill my cup. f finally sad, "No mere, thanks’ My bladder wos screaming, “You and me got some ‘business to take care of, Bud. And | mean NOW, BOY! excused myself. saw the sign atthe end ofthe restaurant that said" Gertlemen" and foundthe john downstairs. Tkept hoping he would follow. Man, I'd love to get that big boy. After draining my "Mister Lizard,’ and carefully returning him to my pants with a promise that I would try to get the big boy, I ‘washed my hands and face, takings much time as I could; still hoping he would show up, Just then he tolledin and went straight!o the utinal tothe right of me. I wish I could describe the way this i foot plus man swag- WHEELER gered confidently into the bathroom, but swords fail me. Confident? His stroll was, damn dangerous. [saw out cl the comer of ry eye hat he was standing back far enough that Thad « fll view of his cock. When he tunravelled that dick, « big bushy tuft of dark hair followed. What would itbe like to bury ‘my face in allthat hair? He hadahhuge, ripe, veined sausage. Icouldtellit was partially hard, IHAD gotten bim excited! My heart ‘was beginning to beat stronger. Maybe, | hhad a chance with the Big Boy Jake. He made sure tha saw ital. twas heavy -withblood and he was playing wit itbefore itstarted squirting long blasts of yellow gold Hetookhistime getingrid of allthatcoltee. Tulekly joined him and pulled out my cock ‘and pretended tobe taking my piss now. By the time [pulled mine out, he had finished He didn't put his well-hung dick away, but ood there staring at the wall and slowly pulling on his mect. I watched the corded muscles inbis forearm {lex ashe pulled back Gnd forth on his wang, [twas beginning to stand up allby itself. twas good eight inch: fe so far, What was it going to become, besides becoming mine? Tkept watching. I kept growing and grow: ‘ng. [leew he could tll was watching. This big boy really was abig hoy. Iknow twos thick nine inches of hot meat now. ‘Could help you ake care of hot?” said with @ slight, membling hesitation in my ‘Maybe, he said. “li(’ he paused, ‘you'rea good boy.” With hathe wrangled that nearly erect cock and danced it back ‘and forth ill he managed to wrestle t back {nto those big blue jeans. What a beautiful, full box he had, Stuled tight. "Yes st" Isaid nervously. “loan be that. Iguickly followed, not wanting to ose con tact was not quite quick enough. Lmomen: tarily lot him. Those big, thick legs could really move him cround in a hurry. Then 1 spotted him heading forthe ruck parking lot Tollowed, I had never been to any of the trucks. What the helll Yeu only live ence, DRUMMERAG 15 time doing that in it worth their while, Peterbilt truck with « reefer (elrigeration unit on the back, Ilooked| ed for the night. There was nc ‘emblem on the cab, which mean hisrig and that he was not just hired driver. Iellowed twenty othiey feet behind him, He unlocked the driver's door and ¢ in, leaving the dos y know this was an inv few more words with turned off the cab lights, but then olled dawn the window and looks iown, Jake flipped the ca on low. My heart neatly stopped. His hand ‘was resting on .45lying between the seats. self-defense, Sofar I've never hat Buton the road, younever know what kind of sillspeechless. He ingome kind of "Torch and Twang He then put his hand on my leg, D. Laing. She sure can sing" De hed never heard of her. 1d tie to cover the bulge with one hand, which was a hopeless attempt. Lcou vering under my palm. He This guy glowed with self Isaid. Damn, Why quiver oat of my voice? He noticed and sas unattainable? That's how fl round to the other side, and I'l bs ever’ once ina Iwalked around, climbed up and: crak wapot sane Yeah. Why not? A beer" Laid with «lit tle more ease in my vole. Jake stood up and crawled through the fo the sleeper compartment up; he said ashe turned on the color TY. "Ifyou want to take your boots off down there, ill be easier. And more fun," He ick histongue out and growled. [think the guy had a bull in ub-wooterin that golden, bearded throat of his. ‘We're gonna get along just fine, boy fine.” He was breathing heavy again, By the way,” he said. “It you're i ‘lean, I can tell you this I took a showe right before I ate a that ‘dive’ back thor. Clean feet; clean butt; clean dick. Soapy clean, ya’ know?" As! climbed up into the bunk, he was peeling offhis shirt. He had a bear's chest. Completely covered with smoky, curlsof hair that ran wild allover his barrel chest. twas 0 hairy that his nipples you couldn't alitlebit of an overhang: ing pet. I could eat him alive. Al that hai Just Boy, there's moro room in one ofthese sleepers than | thought,” I said. Never had been in me, [sawhis back, Whol! twas thickly coated with huge masses of hoit. A great pattern ran all over his broad, muscular back. '"Man, if your but is ‘anywhere near as hairy as your back, I'm uldn't resist the temp tation over that pret back. I could fee! it bristle like litle wites under my touch Looks lke I'm gonna have to get the smellin’ salts out Nover misead a bealinhis concentration, "There. That'sali tle batter" he eaid, As he sll, and iotake my pantsoll ailing. dothe sameI cracked mm Owl Iguessth n I thought." 1 @ the top of m You'll got couple of litle touch ofdevilmentin his to our boxer shorts, suddenly snulling ) ! | DAUMMERGO 17 18 ORUMUERIWO mouth. Asldid, [could feelthe body heat of forth onhischest, pumping my dripping dick hhrarming [ran my tongue over into his amily keeping my fongue moving as [drew more and more heb fh. T could ag I 00 squecky el sill eucked his toe as I came down just warmin that high. Finally, when I could alm He was begin lengthening cock. uckon the Don't matter too ssbeen able| tomyhungry mout toes, Iran my tongue between histo citime, He meaned and told me how that felt. Atthis point ewho ighly pall on my ing aroused. lhe big toe or paren ih 0 of that beautiful toe, | did ‘never done 1 Shhow big the feet, I've getallthe other fourin mopping itand pepper beard. yshota geoff to get of nin the eyessting totaly selt-contide thing, my favorite thing todo. Youbstchal Inswbegan to do the some thing on his other foot ere, boy. Let me show you something, he sa "Yeah, {eaid minutes, trying to get soi con my chest. Way up high le this. back. I stared putting on m High on my chest. Yeoh, lite that" He then pants. “Sure you can't stay What would you like todo with them?! didthemostpeculiarthing. Ididn'tihinkthis round,” he said, stll with that appetite mean, really do-with them? possible He lipped both feetandrested —_unlulilled ould. No ‘Only if | wanted to be admite pat I would realy like to do with ‘em and suck ‘om dry what. Il let you do your ee 7 elahe - Saher cra Wie teed tb eae een thing Fale cing on my cock real slow. ‘slipped down into the cab and start Cie aoe hosp grabbed eno fing vigo n foot with ny hand he toe of hisletio ke to jack off boys on my ch Well, 1 get to suck on your oes while ingme off, [cantellyou'mgon my nut offinabig way. Yo fered with plied sadl Butldon'tw one ater [bee for net Haughed. ron my beard kod his ex felt my into sucking his toes. centrated on feeling every: Tene | was close tocumming [elt the big toe flexing in my mouth as he ull. consciously flit tex by toe in my mouth, The playing on the hairy, but not ike his. Tooncentrated, or ried to concentrate o what [was doing. I slowly made my jown othe archee of hishge fee. Hist. were o thick, portelly hubby. just ike [ike How big are these fucker a thtteens, baby. Ar sitive. They like what you right now. Ummm, that feels real Keep itup, sdind it, Shetd boos monthstryin'togetito Don't know how I be re. Ill be recliner for aweek, Hope she dos tn oes, Ill tell her on my searching to ming started op whet twat again, Before Igettothe: really breathe hea back and put my fall her ready to explode. | foot, ran my beard over the to nigh Maybe; he s kha started to ond walked ba ng bei vith Bott c'mon, man, Shoot me Tvant the whol imhaveit, [stp vy with he Big Boy. in meet up with that Daddy eda, lbbled as my was rocking back an rumeniea 19 bee ‘his isnot mecessriy the exact barn the stn, bute darned one wth oe othe bggestigars wove ever Seon, and a prety good size czok oo big evenon Golat 65" 245 pound bo. hea fom Fars Cve eos ‘Tucker's Cigar one of several POV tapas featuring Golan) 20° pruennea ' massive body topped by two cone- ‘shaped mounds oft lesh, hick bulge resting between apar of thighs a thick as red- woods, two thick-Soed leather boos that were ‘meant to receive a licking froma slave tongue, ‘and finaly apairof sensuously curved is that were clamped around one of th thickest and foulest smelling cigars | had ever encountered. Yeah, the man was perect. As walked towards him, trying to act as nonchalant as possible, there was no doubtthat this was the kind of man Ihad spent rights dreaming about as | worked mmy dick into a cum-based lather It didnt mat for that to most ether guys he would probably be Just some overgrown slob stinking up the alr with his equally overgrown cigar but. What mat- tered was that as | sauntered by him, my own cigar dwarfed by the one jutting out of his ‘mouth, he nodded his headin recognition ofthe fact that another cigar stud had entered his ‘smoke-iled territory. Like two cats deciding whether to fight or fuck, we discreetly sized up each ater from a istance of ony afew feet. He seemed to ike What he saw. Like my cigar, my body was @ smaller version of his own, wit less padding around the middle and fewer inches of height. We could have been kissing cousins, xcept for the fact that his longish Nair was the palest blonde possible, while mine was more ofthe "diny" orpiss blonde variety. Buttheatitude was the same. Nobody was about to invade our teritory without having a good reason todo so. [Nor was. anybody likely to pause within breathing room of our stogies wthout having at least aha assaditoestin the kindo stink that ‘only a good cigar can generate. As we watched leach other from the comers of our eyes, the ar surrounding us turned into haze, forcing usin- to.akind of smoking room al our own, I didnt mind the privacy. {never was one for ‘ronds. Obviously, my frend had no love for acked- together bodes either He leaned back {nd raised one booted foot against the wall, then lite his head up in a gesture that could hhave either been an invitation to join him or @ if he man had ital athickly-whiskered faoe, by Michael Agreve challenge stay clear ofhis tertory thought ‘about the choices for a couple of seconds, then ‘decided that he was just too hot looking not to be explored further. inched my way into the comer where he 00d, tying notto show ofthe hardon that the sightofhis heavy boots and hot cigarhad given me, Itwasn't easy. As | came close, inch ater sold inch crept up against my leg. My body {temperature rosea the same time. By the time I got within slapping distance of him, my cock had grown to about as bigasithad ever gotten. Then it began to throb as he folded his arms across his chest, puffing outhis massive pecs anda the same time creating an even greater ‘senso of danger around him, | couldn't move. | was trapped in a smoke- filed net that he had woven around his well Padded body. For the firsttime, lcould fee the Choking in my throat that everyone else inthe place was sensing. I began in the pit of my stomach and fanned upwards until there was a lump in my throat as big as the lump in my crotch. Now that was inside his space, | would bbe expected to respect the man and te cigar that nad created the invisible wall around us. 1 could na longer chomp on my butt withthe con- fidence of someone who challenges everyone around him to say something negative aboutit {could only putt away gingerly, an accomplice ‘otis already perpetrated crme. knew that he had earned the right to be thought of as @ Master. | wasn't about to do anything to challenge that right, He seemedto sense mynervousness.Likea true expert in the art of mind fucking, he Capitalized on my weakness, sending putts of foul smoke in my direction while he kept his ‘gaze focused straight ahead. Only when my Cigar went out id he acknowledge my presence by icking aight infront of my face. As the ame ‘iluminated the haze around us, felt an even Greate fear when he moved forward, match fist. When it stopped atthe tip of my cigar, relaxed. So great was the feeling of sexual menace surrounding him that had conjured up images of uring flesh peeling off my face. In- ‘stead, | watched his face ight up in a smile as the haltinch of dry ash atthe tip of my cigar caught aglow and sprang to life again. "You shouldn't be smoking them cheap stogies. They'll burn out on you every time. When you finish with that baby but, you can ty one of mine” He gestured towards a leathor pouch filed wih an assortment of cigars, each ‘one longer and thicker than the other. "My ‘name's Bart My friends calle Buddha. . for ‘obvious reasons.” | stared down at his gut, excited by the pros- Pect of having it lying ontop of mine as we let ‘ur dicks slp and side over each other. "My name's Al No nicknames. ust Al.” He stretched out an arm towards me and ‘grabbed my hand ina vise-like grip that made my teeth chatter. Not only did the man have bulk, he also had enough power to make his resemblance toa wild bear complete. “Wate youdoingin aint ike this? You don't lok ik the type that goes fox pimple-faced twinkies’ |ooked around and surveyed the crush of young and sometimes painfully emaciated Docies. Then looked back at Bart... Budaha, and returned the smile. "What are you doing here?” He held onto the grin fora couple of seconds then shifted his weight until the other leg now rested agains the wal. "Just ooking, suppose. ‘Same as you are. Tiying to figure out wy anyone would want to go with one of them r00pj-assedshitheads when they could grap- ple witha halton of man flesh instead: | could sense something unspoken behind the word, but cid pursue knew allt wall tha he didn't stand a chance in holy hell with ‘most ofthe guysin the bat Nether did for that matter We were a special tate, ke the taste for wellnorn boots and fout-smeling cigars. We both wore our kinks in the form of scragaly beards and clothing that was ripped inal the ‘wrong places. Anyone who recognized the signs could el ata glance that for us, sex was rumueniea 2 ‘chance to enter a mind tunnel and run the full length oft until you finaly caught a glimpse of light atthe other end. The only thing we feared was that we'd reach the light before we got a chance to explore every inch along the way. Yes, we understood each other, allright Maybe that's why we were able to just stand there, neither one speaking, as welt our rains conjure up allthe possibilities that our hook-up could offer. When the words finally did come ‘out it was Buddha who spoke. He offered me an imvtation a go back this place. He cit have to-say a word about what we'd do once we got backithere. Like the connection between ane lit Cigar and another, twas understood implicit \Wemoved outofthe barin lence, follawed by the stares of everyone who had watched our ‘mental dancing inthe corner. No doubt some were wondering about how we'd it together in ‘one smallbed. Others might be figuring out the 0st in damaged sinuses as we let atrall of smoke in our wake. Butone thing was certain— we weren't leaving the bar just to take a walk around the block. We were leaving a go home and fuck ourminds with smoke and lt of good id fashioned imagination “W hydortyou get outa those clothes? Leave just your boots and socks on, Fl be in-as soon as I finish this beer: | watched his massive body ast stoo fram. ed by the wooden doorway. He was stil fully Aressed, Only the top three bultons ot his black and blue plaid shit hac aeen opened up as made a play forthe hairy mounds of his cone- shaped tts. Icould stl se my sit glistening on his hall-hidden skin. He ha let me suck on his. ‘ches, nibbling the sizable tt buds as | slob: ‘bred over his pecs for almost fteen minutes. [My hands had nervously reached down towards his cock in a desperate attempt to make some ‘mental measurements ahs meat, He had top ‘pede, grabbing my hands and pushing them Imback as | served his chest Then he shoved ime forward int te tny bedroom and left me there fora couple of minutes while he retrieved beet Althe while the room filed up with cigar ‘smoke as | obecientl waited for his return, ‘Come to think ot, you might as well take yourboots and socks of oo. don't thinkyou'l be needing them tonight | started removing my shirt ashe turned and walked out of the roam, A cloud a thick smoke tralled behind him, inducing me to remeove my pants and then my well wor jock sap | threw my clothing in a heap into afar comme, adding tothe one or two ples that seemed to grow up ‘ut ofthe wooden floor. Then sat down onthe oversized bed and started tugging at my boots. They came off sow, revealing enough musk omake any boot slave lick his chops in anticipa tion. Then | peeled the sweat soaked socks of and stood up once again. My reflection looked back at me from the wal of mirrors positioned opposite the bed. It wasn't an encouraging sight 2 omuMMERTWo | was hairless asa naked babe witha crotch shaven smooth asthe day it fist passed out of the womb and int the world. There was no mus- cle definition to make hears fuer But there was @ boyishly handsome face that spoke of Irish ancestors who had mated wit big-cickea alan to reduce the seven inches | was spor. ing. A thick leather band had been secured {around the base of my cock making it appear ‘much bigger than twas, Topped by a beer be Iy that was also ait rom my krish ancestors, the etfect was somehow incongruaus. But ob iously, Buddha cidnt mind. | could hear im Sucking hisbreathn as he came intothe room his shirt now off and his pees pushed out even further by the criss-crossing straps of aleather hamess. ke it by. ike ita whole lot |couldnttelithe was talking about my cock ‘or my belly or both. All! knew was that as he ‘moved towards me, his cigar puting out haze a mile a minute, could sees cock rise beneath hist reached out towards it once more, only to have my hand slapped hard then pus bind me. let youknow when you can touch my dick, shithead He grabbed the atherhand and quickly pled cutalength of leather strapping fram his back Pocket. Quickly, he wound the leather coil around my wrists, securing them, leaving litle doubt about who was in charge ofthe scene. ‘Now, let's me and you have a good talk, boy. | want fo know just what you're going to do to lease me. got os of te, so don't leave out any details: He pushed me down on the bed and placed ‘couple of pillows under my head. maved my legs outstraight ashe sat down on the edge and began stroking my barefeet, could sense his excitement ashe played with each toe. Slowly | began to relate to him each litle detail of how | would fist plant my mouth on his boats, then work tongue upwards until had licked every inch of his massive body Al the while, my bound-up cock twitched endlessly as he ran hishand up my eg towards the spot where my smoath shaven balls were ‘raped over my ass pucker Only when Istarted begging him let me claim his gungy boots did he smile up at me, then lower his face onto my foot and begin to lap up the sweat that hac covered it | couldn't believe that it was him, not me, ‘sucking foot, But as he mouthed one te, then ‘another, then al five at once | stopped thinking ‘and just gave int the incredible pleasure his ‘mouth afforded. When he had fished with one foot, then the cther, | watched as he stood up ‘and placed one booted leg under my chin and shoved my face onto the leather surface with the other "Now that you know how it ought 0 be lone let's see you put your money where your ‘mouth i. Come on, boy, suck on thase boots. Shine your Daddy's shit kickers" A thick cloud of smoke came driting towards ime as! turned my head and began to tongue the thick leather surface of his Boos. | could taste stale beer and what may or may not have been a couple of drops of cried out piss at the tip. could aso taste cigar smoke ashe leaned in closer and watched my performance. Even though he had just finished licking my bare pads off, ne was sill obviously the master ofthe Situation. With hs hai-covered tts scrunched up as he bent over, and his belly protruding ‘almost nto my face, there was no doubt about who had the physical and mental advantage. As his sweat began o side down his stomach and dripped onto his boots, lapped it up greatly, thanking him outloud as he pushed my face ‘deeper and desper ino the spit drenched sur- face. Finally, when both were absolutely clean, he pushed my head forward and ordered me to lick his pauncn, I groaned loudly as my tongue made contact ‘wth the thick siabo lsh that was draped over his belt buckle. Slowly, its surface became a ‘mass of matted hair as | licked and slobbered ‘ver every inch of historso, AS wave aftr wave ‘of dense smoke was fanned in my direction, | ‘once again claimed his massive pees for my ‘wn. Icould smell the ripeness from his pts as | worked my tongue over the mountains and valleys othis body's landscapes. Finally, ashe Stretched his arms up towards theceing, iy caimto the thickly forested pits where allthis body smels seemed to chum and bubble out | lobbed and sucked ul oul seethe pale flesh underneath turning a bright crimson. Then, ited my head upward and opened my mouth up wide fo receive his greatest gif. urtworoundedbelis touched ashe pas. cd the dogs frm hs cigar onto me slowly and with as much determination as his ming could Conjure up swallowed ihe dense smoke and Spit tout again, smiling as | watched his face contort with gut lve pleasure. Then | thanked him forthe athe had just given me. Over and cover. Ithanked him unlthe ash that grew rom the end of his stogie dooped dangerously towards my ever receptive mouth. | wondered what the ash wouldtaselke. Then ashe crew thebuttoutothis mouth and hed it cise tomy face, | panicked a the realty ofthat taste hit home. “What's the mater boy Don tust your Dad 4? Think ldo something to hurt my litle boy?" | wanted to say "Yes" but mumbled the op- rUMMERNEO 23 posit. That set him to laughing. He knew that Twas ying, He lowered the butt below my chin, then stared intensely into my eyes ashe flicked the {ash downward. One haltbuming clump of ash fell across my chest, missing my nipple by a fraction of aninch Another eame fling onto my cook, sending stabs of pain through me as it landed onthe tender head, Fortunately, most of ‘the burning embers had been extinguished long befor they fl. Buddha knew they would, What ‘remained could only sting. But that singing was ‘enough. Iteleased in me a desire so acute that ‘had to strain to keep my loadinside my nut sac. Instead, | plunged my head downwards, not stopping unti my mouth was clampedonto the ‘pot where his dick was pushed up agains the worn fabric of his jeans. | sucton-cupped my lips ono the covered sur- face of cock then began to tongue it ike it was a bare-bone. Instantly, his paw-lke hands clamped around the back of my neck, forcing my face even deeper ino the recesses oft ‘grimy Levis | spit soaked his pants, revealing More and more of the outline of his cock. | wanted so desperately 0 eat the raw meat ‘esting underneath He knew too. He held my ‘mouth away for afew seconds as he clumsily tugged at the zipper holding his dick in. ‘Automatically, let my tongue work is way out from between my lips as saw fist the rounded ‘ockhead, then the thick shaft appearin myline otvision Like the man himself the cock was big and fat and possessed a visual power that held my mind thrall. tay nestled in a dense forest of curling blond hairs. Part of me wanted ‘desperately to swallow it and serve every inch ofits vein studded surface. Another part of me wanted to just le there and marvel at the wayit curved upwards almost touching the slab of his beer gut twas the man himself who decided the clemmaas he pushed my face forward and ‘ordered me to worship hs cigar-shaped dick. | obeyed, taking first the cock head into my ‘mouth, then claiming the shaft. Al the while, Could smell the sweat that poured off is hefiy ‘nuts onto the sheets below wanted that sweat {orm own. But could wait. had plenty of cick ‘worshipping odo betor| wouldbeg him o feed ‘me his hairy balls and ass pucker "You suck that dick, boy. Eat every inch of your Daddys cick. Worship It, boy. You do areal {0d job andl et you suck my fet of ‘That did it. | raised my head up and then plungediit back down onto his bone repeating the action time and ime again until could feel tis body vibrating with the need for release. When t finaly came, twas in one thick burst of cumthat shot out of his piss sit across my beard and onto my chest. | sid of the bed, my chest dipping with his sill warm spunk as I watched him move his ‘body onto the sticky sheets. He moved with the ‘g1a0e of acat,neveroncetakinghis yes off me. "knew that even with his load seeping down 24 DRUMMER towards my crotch, he was not about to elease ‘metfomhissexuai ve. Likeaspiderwhotraps its vitim, thon woaves cocoon around, ea ing bound fora feast ater, at the spider's con- venience... he weve invisible ropes that bound meio his wll Fst, wihatesh cigar Planted fly between his et, then wth he ‘sight oft cock dangling betwoon his massive thighs, he spun circle ater cic around my bran. He never sada word, gave no command, ‘or even the slightest hint of what he expected {fom me. But as he ay there, puting sly on histobacco sick, understood exactly whathe wanted, Without breaking the mood by speaking, 1 slipped sient down on my knees in ont ofthe bed. | st crouching, my yes fixe onthe stow, steady ise and talloihismourtinaus belly. O- Iyhis eyes spoke to me, wth sue shades of meaning passing across the pele bue surface tke dots and dashes of morse code. waiched the mated ringlets of his pale air circing is face. Then, ashe pointed one tinge towards the fot ofthe bed, owered my head ono his boots and began once moreto ck he smooth leather surface, | sucked and polished the dyed black hide, making sure that my tongue dug in deep enough for him to feel evry worshipful meve- ment Finally, asthe sriace glistened with my Spi sawhim each down and begin fo ute the laces holding the boots ight in place. moaned as one boot came of, then another, releasing the smells that had boon trapped in- side the warm sock. could sees cock spring ingbacktoite sounded head glowed wih a fresh coating of precum, making my mouth waters he paimed it orl at rst, hen with slonly increasing pressure. My onn cock was desperate to release its Juices Buty hands were sill secured behind my back, making any dick pling impossible. Instead, I rubbed my organ onthe edge of he matress salthee watching him ereve one s0ck, then another: ‘Soon, both offs eet were bare. lowered my faceinothe grouping of ve rounded oes and began inhaling the combination of sweat and shoe leather that had collected there. | wanted desperatly to suck nhs toes, ust ke he had done with ine. Instead, ested there wth my rose up against them, wang or himto signal what he expected me to do et. waited and ‘cited, but il hela there, his cock in one hhandand is mouthnoisiy chewing onthe end at his cigar Every now andthe, he's direct a puff smoke at me, causing my cock to jump ‘pin expeciaton ‘Only when his cigar was hatway down dhe take notice ofthe fact that | was crouching in desperate expectation. He withdrew the cigar ‘romps lips and grasped itn hishand. Then he Joworedit down towards me. half expected him {ofick another load of ash on me. Instead, he brought the cigar down towards his left foot and planted itfimiy between his second and third toes. mmecately | understood what he wanted. |Tmoved my head in closer to his foot and \wrapped my mouth around the endo he cigar that had been planted in his mouth only seconds ago. breathed in deeply, sighing as the familiar taste oftobacco made the inside ot ‘my mouth tingle. "You finish that one for me, boy” exhale, filing the air infront of me with a thick cloud of smoke. “Lipid you get you something better than those nickel buts you were smoking, didnt?” | stopped puting long enough to bark out a loud "Yes, Sic’ Then | started smoking again, aware that with each puff I was abe to get an equally rewarding taste of his barefoot. “Just don'tett get down oolow. you burn iy octsies, you'lIhaveto spend the es of next ‘week sucking on them: | wanted to say that'ike nothin beter: In- stead, lonce more sang out the required "Yes, Sit and continued to finish up his but. When itwas dangerously atthe point of touching his toes, | slid the lt slogie out carefully with my teeth, then moved it towards the ashtray. 1 _snuffedit outwith several quick downward stabs ‘of my head, then lett drop into the glass bow ‘Secure in the knowledge that had done what | was tol to do, stood up slowly andiet my eyes wander down tothe man who was sprawled out ‘on the bed, fast asleep. Even nis sleep he resembled a bear. Only now, he was a bear in hibernation. The thythmical movements of his breathing expanc- ‘edhischest, making my mouth ong forthe salty taste of his sweaty pecs. Hiscock, now sof, lay to one side, shrunken, seeming a lot smaller thant was. Only the body remainad its tre size, leaving litle room on the bed for me. Bu the tempiation to snuggle was ust oo great. | sid myself between his wide spread legs and ‘managed o cur myself up sothat coud claim some room below his croc cide mater that my feet hungover the side of thelbed or that my ‘wists were begining o feel he fatigue of hav- ing been bound up for solong. knew justhow the wanted meto sleep, and! knew that my own comfort took a back seat to his need for pleasure Hay ther, lke a fetus desperately seeking some attachment tots Big Daddy. could smell ‘the sweat coming from his oeich mixed withthe stale smoke that had draped our bodies tke fog clinging toa shoreline, We smelled alike, my Daddy and me. We had each tasted part ofthe ‘other and somehow blended those tases into something that went beyond just sampling. | hha tied myse to his massive body bath iteally ‘and figuratively. Now, as sleep began to settle cover my brain, | raised my head upward and sought out the connection that woud firmly tie the newborn its maker lopened my mouth up wide and brought his cock inside with one lous agulping mation. Then Iciamped my mouth shut ‘and locked his dick inside. | would spend the long night with it resting firmly inside my throat. would bejust one more cigar that | could chomp on and stroke slowly ‘th my tongue. But it would be the best cigar fall. twould be my Daddy's. a With Apologies. . . tesa that toerris human, to forgive divine. Maybe itis more accurate to say that to err is unavoidable in the publishing business, to ask forgiveness uncommon. But we know you'l give usa break In Drummer 126, ou spirituality issue, there was a stunning paintingof a hunk bound tothe leter 8—thats Bas in bondage. We had kept the painting around the office fr a year or so, watching always for the perfect opportunity t0 use itn ull colo: Finally, with the title of my ar- ticle onthe sprtual dimensions of Bondage, that opportunty came. And we blewit Inflow: inginasolidblack backaround, we obliterated the artist's signature, and we flied to give him credit on the facing page. The picture, repro- duced herein black and white, was created by Leon, Denver's justyfamous leather ats, In Orummer 137, the issue with ll three win. ners from our Tom of Finland story contest, we Presented a portiolio of photographs from Mark |. Chester's "Sexual Portats and Private Acts from the Warzone." Somehow, despite a great eal of care having been taken to see that none of Chester's images would be cropped or ther wise distorted, wo of the photographs came back from the printer slightly altered in shape, top edges trimmed away. The portrait of “Scot and Dwayne” was stil acceptable—but not ight. Onthe cher hand, the photograph entitled Bil" had lost to much ofits original impact. to give you a chance to see Mark|. Chester's ‘Bilas heiendedit, tis reproduced hee in ts entiray. Finaly, we have been faling to give credit were itis due. Fr the past ew issues, we have been calling on Tom W. Kelly for editorial assistance. In thisissue, belatedly and finally, his name has been added tothe masthead. ‘Are we forgiven? Sincerely hoping 0, Joseph W. Bean DnUMMERIGO 25 by Joseph W. Bean TAKING THE PLUNGE Boats are nol exactly your standard pornstar types. That honored (hal) status belongs to butfed baby boys stil, but don't you wonder why? Actually there may be alte bit ofa shift afoot. While usualy just ignore the “prety boys ath tan lines” fcks, laid watch one lately. I's Falcons Plunge, This is nota leather or SM video, jst a tiny straying f the mainsiream stttin ou ection. ‘Some furry legs, a coupe of but slaps here and there sprinkling otttoos, a shaved asshole cor wo alowed to grow back to brite, and even alte playful bondage. .. plus one ofthe pretty fellas here has some curls on his pees. Not ‘much, as | said... but f Mom's going to vist {and you think Dungeons of Europeis abt heavy forher, ori you come nome one evening wth ‘taste for something pink and uty, Plunge may be ust the thing Ona scale of one toten bears, ten being best, it's slim ONE BEAR, 00H, Danby! "you ke your bearsalite onthe Daddy side, youll go for the Papa Bearsin Werking Sti, an Adam & CompanyiAtomar video. The title sequence—a rap number about @ “working stiff" who just “can’t wat to get off —is dull, leven disturbing. And the next bit doesn't do ‘much magic either: Grisly bear wakes up and fantasizes that the black, Bodybuilder aerobics instructor on TV pops aut and gets him oft Fortunately, our sleepy, grey-furred Papa {908s to work and finds couple of his men fuck ing ff, actually jerking of, and—as any decent foreman would—ne joins them. The sex stays pretty vanilla, butte uysare delicious and the Construction site setting is pretty exeting, The other scenes are all separate litle Playlets: A Daddy-boy couple christen a red: ‘wood deck they've ust bul. Inthe absence of ‘champagne, they're forced to make do with cum, a procedure they have obviously used before, Then a hard hat comes home andjerks off using only his hand and a convenient miro. ‘The ard hat here is one Harley Behy—one very beautiful Harey Beh. In the last bt, a black guy in a suit, but net what | would calla black bear finds Drummer Daddlisin his mail, and almost gets imsel of betofe his Daddy (ourjob-ste foreman, above) comes home to hep, 28 prumuenn Phot fom Falcon Video's Wildest Dreams. Overall, Working Sots is good sul, maybe as interesting forthe boots and feet and sox asor the bears and he sex. So, onthe ten-bear scale, with added points for feet featuring, itratesan easy EIGHT BEARS, CUBS AND pups ‘Bears and Cubs trom Adam & Company is a great ti. Unfortunately, the tape inside the beautiful titled box 99% bear-tee.Ithasa bit fuzz here and there, but not much Sil, while it wimps out forthe most part, it has its moments, ‘Seeing a “cub” switch gears, and go from licking and sucking J.D. Slater's dickto ripping the seat out of his (Slater's) jeans and fucking him. that’s nce After afew scones that are sexy enough in their way (I guess), if hardly bear-stut, there's anather definite highlight A Daddy shows up ‘one who might pass for a bear in someone's view (ot mine). Anyway, he cartainy dd get a few inches ofblood pumping south and staying there. He as some dark fu atick moustache, and an even thicker uncut dick His cub or boy ‘also happens tohave a prety impressive uncut Cock. Two dicks with generous foreskins can lead to only one conclusion: a beautiful, but in this case fr too briet, dacking scene: deep, mutual foreskin fucking. Hot stuf. I's only a minute, but fis what you really wan, t may be reason enough to oun Bears and Cubs. ‘The, inthe last wo minus or so ofthe tape, We getto see the truly magnificent county bear whose picture graces the back l the box, Heis soillused and underused, though, youl fel Cheated i you buy or rent the tape because of him. So, grand as itis to see so perfect 2 sculpture of bear fash, histny ite moment on screen can not be called a highlight Gems in the mire, adding upto a maximum of THREE BEARS, THREE TRUE BEAR FLICKS You'd expect COA, the people who make Bear Magazine, o know what abearis, and they do, Their videos are all bear al the time, anc they've made quite a few of them. Here are some samples. Big Bear Mon, a COA video now being distributed by Bijou, is subtitled "A facial and body hair extravaganza,” and thats just the beginning. Maybe the COA folks have ‘someting to leam about vdeo making, butthey ‘sure know how o push all ofmy bearioverbut- tons. n nine solo scenes (interrupted by one very bro ing of fucking) they do tall. Infact, scene one alone got me of. i's a leather bear who shows his tits whose boss, his cock too. “Then, once got my juices back to a funcional level, I dove into the other eight scones. Mmm Mmm good. ‘These guys are doing something I'd love to ‘ee mare video producers doing. They're put ting ther own interests, tishes, and passions ‘on tape, Anyone could figure out what a bear shoul look ike and shoot the appropriate body ‘ypes in erotic situations, but only an exper ‘enced bear hunter, bear lover, or bear could do the whole thing right. dont suppose there isa escribably "bear" way to work food ar dildos or cigars or spit into a JO scene. And, if you need to hear a description, no amount of scribing will do. But, if you know, you know, and these guys know. Big Bear Men gets EIGHT BEARS, easy. ‘Bear Fuck Paty is anther COA success. This ‘one, though, is less perfect. The guys are ‘great—more belies than fur ths time—but the Video drags from semievent to sub-event all ‘along, What to do? You have all these great bears sucking and fucking and slugging each ‘other, butthe tape never gas rling. So, yu put it aside for playtime. Fight, that's my plan These guys would be good background video. Every once in a while they'licatch my attention ‘ormy partner's, and well watch orhalowatch. In betwoen, we can just entertain ourselves, Bad as the video compilation is, the bears ‘andthe sex are too good ta ignore completely. ‘So, cast 10, tape 2, for an average of SIX BEARS. Finishing up the COA tro, we have another super tape, Big Bad Bears. The star heres Jay ‘Shaffer whose star-qualy erotic fiction you ve seen inthe pages of Drummer. So down’ rity Inthe video, Jay playsthe part ofan erticstory ‘writer conjuring up the bears he has writen ‘about. And, lke the men in any erotic fantasy, ‘day's imagined bears are perfect. Infact, his frst fight of fantasy wilfoor yout you'e already a bear hunter and convert you i you're not Bear number oneisadream. His beautifully bearded face his fur his hard, roundly. and DpumMeRiso 27 above al his sohyhard, huthurtme eyes will get toyou. And, after he cums, whon his did -do- ‘okay grin begs for approval, you just can't hold back. Careful Remember i's video Kiss gent “Then nine more scenes all tumble by, each Airey delight. You'll get your fil of over Iv?) sale waterspors, fur, cock, ass play and foreskin here if in any single bear or Daddy video. Special reats come in the form of Jay's talented asshole gobbling up and coughing out chrome eggs, and a shaggy-bearded fella in leather, wit sir andi who peses allover his faded black jeans... for starters. Splash ‘Yurim. TEN BEARS, al growing, KEITH ARDENT PLUS ‘What does a video producer do when he has 2 few reels of hot sex scenes on totally Lwealsic backgrounds, each soeneadiferent background and a diferent couple? Wel, i you're Adam & Company, you get very creative, ‘and you come up with Raw Footage. The raw footage that needed tobe putto use ‘and became Raw Footage: The Videos to hot ot to market and too weird to write a story ‘around. So, itis presented as the raw footage being examined by a video editor. Nice trick. Given a couple of delivery boys, a producer, an ‘tito and boy who hasan auton to do, plus the six guys.n the editor's monitr, tis ick is bursting with men wio are atleast pleasant looking, some of them much better than tat. Forme—and for many of you, suspect—the attraction of Faw Footage inthe box is Keith Ar 26 oruuenn oS x = = a D > o = $a} oS a] ‘San Francisco Eagle 398 1h St San Francisco, CA 93108, (415) 626-0880 Sanfrancisco Leathernecks PO Box 94182 San Francisco, CA AIM Seattle Men in Leather PO Box 25226 Seat, WA 98102 ‘Shades of Grey Leathers PO Box HOsie Dally TX 75214 ‘SigMa PO Box 1050 ‘Washington, DC 20008 Silver Dolphins LLC POBox 629 (Corpus Chis, TX 78866-6129, SLM Copenhagen Schackspade 8 th ‘DK—I805 Copenhagen K Denmark SLM Oso Posts 703 Sensumn N=0106 Oslo 1 Norway SLM Stockholm 0x 9239 "073 Stockholm Sweden SM Gays (SM) BM SM Gays GB—London WCIN 3XX. England SNC London. BM. Box SNC {GB-London WCIN 3XX England South Bay Leather Uniform Group (M&W) (suc) 1W6S Hester Ave San Jose, CA 95126 08280.SLUG Stallions lo The Leather Salon 2203 St Char ve. (Cleveland, OF 44118 ‘Sasex Lancers MSC ‘Tejas MC Ine, PO Box 120292 San Amoni, TX 78212 ‘Thunderbolts MC (TBats) clo Jocques Carle ‘9 Bardet Ave Norwalk, CT 06850 ‘The Tradesmen PO Box 36712 CCharlote, NC 28208 Trident Central Massachusetts POBax34 Northboro, MA O1S32 ‘Trident Rhode Island (653 Haris, Providence, RL a2902 ‘Two Whedlers of Omaba co Tony Zamudio 505 Tamer Bd 8 (Omaha, NE 6813 Unicorn MC 2203 St Cir ve, Cleveland, OH 486 ‘vASM (Gancouver Activists in SM) POBox S57 ‘Vancouver, BC V6B 4A Canada (60) 732.295 ‘anguards MC PO Box 2308 Philadephia, PA 19108 “Wasatch Leathermen MC PO Box Ii Sal Lake Ci, UT SAU. Windy City Bondage Club eD. PO Bax 578605 Chicago, IL 60657 Wings MC POBox 4788 Memphis, TN 3874 Several European labs hve requested that trades be kepe confide. They ae thus aot included in this listing even though their ‘vente are included in the ‘lender. For further infor- imation on these clube ty ‘contacting ECMC offices in ‘aie THERE IS NO SUCH THING AS AN OLD ISSUE OF DRUMMER THE BEST IN HOW-TO SM Sing Issues $495 cach Drummer (crcl number below) ($12) 6 810 106 toy M558 Dungeontaier Yearbook! (16) (61495) (ele number below s7_ 19m 8 DungeonMaserYearbocki (72) (Sats) 14 18 28-28 : ‘Single sss (cle nberbelew S550 ch Dungeons Varbookl (37) Gas) MS ‘hx Pack cle sss low) $3000 Bakers Dazen (cicie 1 issues bt Issues Avalale: 2 2 23 2 2 25 7 2 2 4 3 we 3 uo 6 7 8 Oe 47 48 49 50 si §2 53 54 55 56 5B 59 60 61 62 63 6S 65 6 ST G8 9 7 7 @ 73 M75 73 77 7% 7) 80 BS w@ 83 B85 86 8 86 8 80 oi oP 9 94 9 96 oF 9B 98 100 101 102 108 104 105 8 109 HO TH M2 M19 He 16 117 18 120 121 te 123 tar we 9 190 mat 182 199134195. 196_157 Single nsves (cele number below) ($495) se7ennns SS | THE BEST IN FICTION, ART & PHOTOS Seamer Fane) Burr 88,698 Beene cremate to) 05) Seeee era) Gab etaee Ssorte ws 8m 3 Brome Beas M3) cur Sheloes ct mber bt 1) Gramma Guiles i8) om VP nS) | wT path for $10 1 WANT TO SUBSCRIBE 10 DRUMMER ‘2 sues: ($70 — Canada and USA Ist Class Mall S110 — Foreign Al Mall Special Publications oe | CA Residents Set we me ~ ‘magsane:s200 ADDRESS a 2G magazes: $350 | _ bei: Tiamagaznes: $5.00. a | een iczemigamnes'sr00 STE zP - | a jai eee ‘Charge itto my (1 VISA CO MASTERCARD 1] AMEX | sepng& Handing tes + —— exp dae ee ~~ Canada & Mexico: rei card ones acct Swot! Chiesa abovesces Sinan ct cers DER Sescrnien SOU ANRTERSEWODE anyon yen 0 change wit nate. rem ‘lOher Courres —— “ees sboe pees SIGNATURE 002000 arm over 21 (SIGNATURE REQUIRED ON ALL ORDERS) PLEASE MAKE CHECKS PAYABLE TO: DESMODUS, INC. | PO BOX 11314, SAN FRANCISCO, CA 94101-1314 Do PaO rN CA Carpenter (eA Riv feu TE) alm \ Or Mr, Southern California Drummer Contest Benefits Los Angeles Aid for AIDS, Inc. by Bill Humphrey President of AFA Board of Directors hats @ straight physician doing on- slageinaLos Angeles leatherbar ona ‘Sunday afternoon, peting off his shirt ‘and donning a chest hamess? Helping to raise funds fr Aid For AIDS, Inc, the ron-poft agen- cy that helps Southern Californians with AIDS fand ARC to pay their bills untl government assistance begins. Los Angeles’ leather and uniform com ‘munities were instrumental in founding Aid for ‘AIDS (AFA) in 1983, and continue tobe among its strongest supporters. The doctor an AIDS specialist, was joining — with much good humor — inone ofthe monthly beer busts that the leather community holds to raise funds for the ageney. His donning ofthe harness, on a friendly dare, raised $2,000 alone! ‘Sots fitng that proceeds ofthe 1980 Mr. southern California Drummer Contest, being held in Los Angeles June 23 will go entirely 10 'AFA, An invtaton-ony party June 2, hosted by ‘current Mr. Drummer Brian Dawson and HMaratton Films, atwhich Marathons new film “The Wall willbe premiered, also will benefit AFA, Like the victims of any Iifetreateningliness, people with AIDS and ARC are often too weak. fo work and frequently have depleted their ‘assets, but are nat yet receiving government ‘2ssistance such as Supplemental Security In ome (SSI). AFA grants meet these financial reeds and enable clients to maintain their ign tyand seltesteem, [AFA \s currently disbursing approximately '$20000 per manth in financial assistance to Clients — paying their rent, utility, medical. in Surance, and cher bls — and spending ap proximately $5000 per month on its Vitamin! Pharmacy Program. Like many organizations that have arisen 2 result ofthe AIDS crisis, AFA's founders had fo idea that they were forming a non-profit Social service agency, o that would be around 'Solong or grow so large, when they st dscuss- ‘wally itll came about as a result of my wining the Southern California Gay Bartenders’ Real ‘Man contest. | was tending barat The Stud — ‘non Grit's — in Siveriake. One of my contest prizes was atrip, and| raffled it of at The Stud ‘wth the understanding thatthe proceeds would {010 AIDS Project Los Angeles (APLA) 0 pro- ‘ide financial help to people with AIDS. Butthen ‘we found out that APLA didnt offer financial help to people with AIDS" Green remembers"ike twas yesterday" the night he announced the raffle winner. "Several Of us stepped ito a litle leather shop next to ‘The Stud and decided that ofthe $2,200 we'd collected, we would use $700 to form an ‘organization that would help people wth AIDS pay ther bls and donate the resto APLA. had Been sponsored in the Real Man Contest by the Llos Angeles Court, and Colin Booth — aka “Empress Hazel” — committed $100 ofits funds ight there, so we realy started AFA with only $800" 'AFA operatod out of founding members’ In- ing rooms, keeping its records in cardboars boxes, until October 1985, Then, the newiy formed Giy of West Holywood bestowed is fst ‘ofa grant onthe agency, allowing AFA to ent fice space and hire aul-ime executive direc- tox The agency now has a staff of four fulltime ‘employees, and an annual budget of $548,800. ‘Administrative grants trom the City of West Holywood and Los Angeles County allow the ‘agency to give more than 80 cents of each ‘donated dollar to cients, an enviable record among social service agencies. However, having an office and a paid staft doesnt mean AFA is nowon easy stret. Infact, with an ever.inoreasing caseload, AFA’ finan- cal needs ae often nearly as dre asts cients. In the 1986-1989 fiscal year, AFA gave '$285000 tots lens. Inthe first three quarters ‘ofthe curent 1989-1990 fiscal year, AFA grants have already exceeded that amount. Unfor- tunately, the demand for AFA's funds Keeps in- creasing. In Api, requests for grants jumped 40% om the previous month. AS rest, AFA ‘could not fund each eligible cient for thir fll requested amount “Los Angeles’ leather and uniform com ‘munities ae sill among the agency's most yal Supporters," declares Jeffrey Lysaght, a longstanding member of the AFA Board of Directors and a member ofthe 22-person L.A. Leatner Commitee which organized the "Wall Party” and Mr. Southern California Drummer Contest. The city's eather bars hast numerous fundraisers for AFA, such as the monthly beer busts held at Grif's and the Gaunt scene ‘tthe AIDS doctor's good-humoed intradution toleather gear AFA cofounder Colin "Empress, Hazel" Booth acts asthe fundraisers’ popular ‘auctioneer, and was instrumental in making that ‘Same Sunday alernaon event $3863 bonanza for AFA. Forthe past ow years, Lysaghthas directed AFR fundraising activites at Los Angeles feather bars, including the Gauntlet I. “I've ‘been behind AFA since 1980)" says Gauntlet I Manager Bo Linsey, whose support hasbeen ‘a mainstay to the agency. "They deal directly ‘rth people who ned help, and our money ‘goes directly tothe people who needit. Infact Slotof ther agencies send theirciens to AFA “That's because AFAisstilLos Angeles Coun- ty’soniy non-profit agency making emergenoy Cash gras avalabe to members othe general public who have AIDS or ARC and are also in Severe financial dificulties.Infac, since itsin- ception, AFA has made cash grants to nearly 2.000 people to help pay their rent, uiitis, transportation, and other bil. To become eligible for a cash gran, an in- ividual must ome to AFA offices and present proof of an AIDS or ARC diagnosis: proof of financial need — ie, anincome of 700 month ‘or less, evidence that the client has applied fox, but not yet recewed, government assistanc ‘and substantiation for grant requests, such as ental agreements and utity bis. recom mended by an AFA case manager and ap- proved by the AFA Grants Commitee, the grant ‘Spaid directly tthelandlord, ullity company, insurance company, etc. A client can receive three monthly grants totaling $2,000. ‘AFA also has a Vtamin/Pharmacy Program hich enables clients to receive upto $100 of ‘doctor preserited medications and nutional ‘Supplements each month at participating phar macies, and a Financial Counseling Program tihich helps people with AIDS and ARC lean hhow to cope with ther financial situations ‘Of course, | wish that this terrible epidemic ‘would end and that AFA could closets doors because its services were no longer needed. That day wll come. Forno, however, AFA must continue its much-needed mission. To dothat, the agency needs money. | want to thank the leather and uniform communities for te'r con- tinued support, and | welcome any adcitional donations sent to our offices at 8325 Santa Monica Boulevard, Suite 200, West Hollywcod, CA 90086. The leather community has been atthe forefront inthe bate aganst AIDS since its inception. The ‘APA storyisutcne rom across the county, and the world, We invite others to send us reportson ‘siilarachieverins by leather men and women working together fo ight this disease. AFD o DRUMMERIAO 58 The Search Is On ‘This year’s progress towards the Mr. Drummer finals in September is going strong. Regional Contests are being held all over the world. The line up as of late Apel is NORTH AMERICA: Ne. New England Orummer, Aug. 19 oston,eponsored by ders MC Me, Northeast Drummer, June 23 New York iy, sponsored by Shatway Productions Me Mi Atantle Drummer Washington sponsorship open Me. Southeast Drummer, June 17 Tanta, sponsored by the Eagle Mr, Florida Drummer, May 20 ‘rlando, sponsored by Pariamert House Mr, Great Lakes Drummer ‘Gneago, sponsored by Back Door Productions We, Great Plains Orummer, May 5 ‘Se Lous, sponsored by rum Preductons We Guilt Coast Drummer, Jy 28 Deals, sponsored by Shades Of Grey Mr, Southwest Drummer, Ron Brewer PPhoen, sponsored by J & § Productions Me Rocky Mountain Drummer Denver, sponsored by Galario Loon Mc Southern Cabfornia Drummer, June 23, {Los Angeles, sponsored by Michael Pereyra and the Pleasure Chest, Mr Northern California Drummer, Api! 28. San Franeseo, sponsored by Dungeon Fantasies Proauctons lr. Northwest Drummer, Jul 28 Portland, spongred by ORGASM Wr, East Canada Drummer, June 23 Montel, sponsores by MC Faucon Me Ontario Drummer “oronta, sponsored by The Too! Box SOUTH PACIFIC: Mr, Australia Orummer, May 19 820 (Cantera, sponsored by Jayar Leather Ir, New Zealand Drummer, June 2 ‘Aucland, sponsored by Warathon Films, OUT Magazine & Altes EUROPE: He Germany Drummer, Acc 15 Beri, sponsored by Marathon Fins and Comec: ton Bern Bar Me, Netherlands Drummer, Jy 21 "amsterdam, sponsored by Narathon Fis Me. United Kingdom Drummer ‘London, sponsored by Marathon Films and HIM magazine c = 60 RUNNER -_——— ‘The Me Germary Drummer contest opened witha hot Euromuscie show, ‘mer weekend brought together leatherfolk fo party, select a new Mr. Southwest ‘Drummet ado discuss formation ofa Phoenix ‘chapter othe National Leather Association Ron Brewer was selected as Mr. Southwest Drummer 1990, and Andre’ Kingsley was chosen as Southwest Drummer Boy 1990 ‘Judges were Rick Conder Mc. Southwest rum ‘mer 1988, Tei Totter, Ms Arizona Leather 1980, Marcus Hernandez ("Mr Marcus" of San Fran- cisco), Dave Rhodes, publisher of The Leather “loural, Jan Lyon, Ms NLA 1989, Lee Wil, ‘owner of Stud Works in Seattle, Washington) and Jay Cunningham, Mc Leather Arizona 1965. Emcesing the contest were international Mt Leather 1988 Michae! Pereyra, and actor and director Steve Schemmel. Dennis Russel ro ‘Vided sign interpretation. The event was on: ‘sored by the Bum SteeR of Phoenix. The high point ofthe fantasy presentations had to be Fon Brewer's fantasy, a fantasy of miltar discipline ast might nave been practic fed by the Cavaly in Arizona Tetitry ‘A special quest atthe event was Arizona's State Representative Sue Laybe, addressing the audience concerning upcoming ejsltion ofinterstto the Gay and Leather communities. T his year’s Southwest Regional M. rum Fon Brewer Mr. Southwest Drummer 1990 (Photo by Michael Rouse) in The Connection barn West Betin or the fist Mr. Germany Drummer contest ever held, The contest nada very strong inter- ‘ational flavor, a there wil be only three Mr Drummer contests this year cover all of Europe. Nine contestants, from Germany, France, Sweden, and the Easter Bloc cour- tries performed toa packed house. (In fact, 80 ‘many people had tobe tured away thatthe pro- ducers have already promised next year's ‘venue willbe much larger) “The judges came from Australia, San Fran- cisco, Canada, France, Holland and Germany to pick Christian Dreesen Mr. Germany Drum mer 1990. The udging panel was officiated by Steve Patten, Mc Norther California Dummer 1988, ‘The event was produced by The Connection bar in Beri, MSC Bern, and Marathon Films 7000 Marks were raised forlocal AIDS charts. 0 Easter Sunday, over 500 men gathered Try LeGrand, Christian Droesen, and Steve Patten DnuMMEReo 61 SE ee ad fea contests in San Francisco and the Central Valley and South Bay areas led NORTHERN CALIFORNIA. M:Srummer contest. Joe Holinger and Kevin “MeCarthy ftom San Francisco, Steve Lesh and avid Carranza from the Southbay, and Ric Lewis and Mike Deel from the Cental Valey competed fr the regional ile e Lesh was selected as the new Mr Northern California Drummer by judges Brian Dawson, Mc Drummer 1988-90, Robert Kirk (the artist Ciby), Jack Ftscher of Palm Drive Video, Terry Le Marathon Films, Judy Tallwing-McCarthey, and Bill Bailey and David Gee of New World Fubbermen’s Club Steve Patten, Mr. Northern California Drum ‘mar 198, emozedthe show, along wth the new IMsL Gabrielle Antolovich. The event, a Dungeon Fantasy Production, was held at San Francisco's Towns End dance club, taking a vantage of avery high-tech lighting and sound systom, as well as an extremely persistent fog machine. Danny Beck Mr. East Canada Drummer 89-90 | (What etars was submited by Canny Back o accompany is pa etre | Iniave 120 Unorunateyitd¢ not arve Yom Moreen ier hat ss) pponsored by M.C. Faucon of Montréal, the rst Mt. East S Canada Drummer representative proudly made the Mr Drummer contest beat to the international rhythm, He shows us today thatthe International aspect ofthe con- | test is now under construction, that the foundations are solid So willbe the infrastructure, He is actively involved in building a sold leather community up north, and at the ‘same time, wth David, his American lover trom Florida, en- suring that no boundaries will ever stop them in their work towards awareness and acceptance. Throughout the winter, he coordinated the sale of dis- count books and has produced Leather-Pride pins wile a second pin cartes anew Gay-and-Lesbian logo of which he is very proud. Profits of these are to be distributed to local and international leather events such as the running representation fees of Mr. Drummer International ‘As acarrier ofthe fist Mr Leather Montréal tile back in £86487, he judged many of the contests that followed, in- cluding the recent Mr. Leather Montreal contest held last April He is actively involved in the preparations for “GAN(E)S- 90)" agay pride parade to be held next June 23rd within the Gay Village of Montréal, in concordance with the festivities of Saint-Jean Bapliste celebrations. After designing the logo to.adorn the T-sits and commemorative pins, he made sure that the leather community including about fiteen cif- ferent groups, would be wellzepresented. That night, he will pass on his tite tothe next Mi. East Canada Drummer, Incharge of the Safe Sex Workshops in collaboration with (C-SAM, the local AIDS awareness group, many of his rights are spent showing how safe sex can be fun sex, He doesn't 62 pauuMenneo ‘Steve Lesh, center the unners-Up: Joe Holinger et, and ic Lewis, right ‘Mr Northern Calforia Drummer, flanked by ‘mind overtime withthe right guests Through his receptive tour agency Le Tour du Village, he ‘also runs the fur-flled “French Connection Tours” These are ten day excursions (in June, July, and August) for gay ‘PHOTO: JIM WIGLER Oh Soe The contestants hanging out tthe Mc Norther California Drummer contest ‘men and women in which visits of touristic cities such as Montreal, Quebeo, Ottawa and Lac Saint-Jean area are rived with leisurely days of horseback riding, whale watch- ing excursions, canoeing and white water rafting. Danny Beck is proud to have represented the leather community of East Canada, especially the French com- ‘munity of the province of Quebec. Danny Beck, M. Drummer 89-90 Section Est-Canada arainne par M.C. Faucon &e Montréal, ce tout premier Pp représentant de la partie Est Canadienne a su fere- ‘ment faire battre ce concours & une rythme inter- national. II nous démontre aujourd'hui que aspect Interna- tional de ce concours est présentement en construction et ‘que es fondations sont maintenant solides. Son infrastruc- ture le sera aussi. lest présentement implique & construire tune solide communaute de cuirau nord, tandis qu'avee son, amant Américan David qui habite la Floride, il ‘assure qu’aucune froniere ne les arétera dans leurs efforts en vue d'une acceptance et d’une prise de conscience du vecu du cui Pendant la période hivernal, il acoordonné la vente de livrts-rabais. a aussi produit des macarons de fierté du cuir ainsi qu'un deuxieme qui vehicule un logo Gai-et- LLesbien dont est tes fir. Les profits générés parla vente dde.ces produits saurontprofiter ala cause de divers groupes ‘et évenements relatifs au cuir tels entre-autres le fond de deplacement de M. Drummer International En tant que premier représentant local du titre de M. Cuir Montreal en 86-87, la agit comme juge lors des competi tions postérieutes,inciuant le récent concours ten an Avr ‘Stove Lesh, Mc Northem Caltornia Drummer 1990, and an admirer implique dans les preparaifs de la parade de Fierté "GAN(E)S 90" Cette marche aura lieu le 23 juin prochain dans le Village Gai de Montréal, pendant la période des festivites entourant a fete de la Saint-Jean Baptiste. Apréss'tre oocupé du Logo de la parade pour es T-shirts ainsi que des macarons commémoratifs, il s'est assure de la présence des quelques quinze groupes et ‘associations ainsi que de la représentation massive de gén- ral. Ce soir la, il remettra son ttre au prochain represen- tant du ttre de M, Drummer de 'Est du Canada lors de la finale de ce méme concours regional. Présentement en charge des atelirs de “Sexe Satistai- sant et Sécuritair en collaboration avec C-SAM, le groupe ‘de support du SIDA de Montréal, il s'atfaire souventen soi- ea démontrer que le sexe securitare peut alsément etre trés satistaisant. Le surtemps dans ses fonctions ne sem- ble pas le géner, surtout avec le bon groupe dommes. Par Ventrerise de sa compagnie receptive, Le Tour du ‘Vilage il mene & bon port ses excursions French Connec- tion Tours” D'une durée de dix jours, ces excursions (en juin, jullet et aott) pour hommes et femmes gaie)s aménent les groupes a visite les plus belles villes de Est ‘du Canada, notamment Québec, Montréal, Ottawa et la region du Lac Saint-Jean. Des journées d’équitation, observation des baleines, de cance et de descente de rivigres alternent durant le sejout Inutle de résister plus longtemps si vous desirez visiter lest du Canada. D'un simple appel i sassurera des détails de votre séjour, des reservations hotaliées, automobiles, du choix de restaurants, detours deville et de "Decouvertes des Bars” Extrémement fier avoir pu représenterla communauté de cuir de\’Est du Canada, et particulierement dela com- munauté francophone de la province du Québec, Danny Beck verra@ toujours se depasser pour que''écho de ses pas prenne le rythme des autres hommes de Drummer qui fraternisent partout dans le monde. RUMMERIAO. 8 Ss oe ail AO sag ‘By placing an adinthis section, abaror ther" business 1s Toling you Hat thoy ATLANTA EAGLE 06 PONCE DE LEON AVE. eS Marra, ceonca 404 87-EAGLE aT | | | | | Woodstock NY 914.657.8927 | SAN DIEGO SS NORTH PaikD STREET omuuNeRTe LIVING IN LEATHER Livingin Leather, the national conference, is scheduled for October 23,24, and 25,1990, atthe Coliseum in Portland, Oregon. Sponsored by the National Leather Assocation, this con- ference celebrates the diversity of the pan- sexual leather'SMietish community, “The overwhelming success of four previous conferences contributes to increasing com- ‘munication and understanding the leather fami Iy enjoys: explain Sallie Huber, Conference Director. Living in Leathers bridging the gaps between gay, lesbian, bisexual, and heterosex ual leatherflk, Informative workshops on political, social and community issues, as well as play techniques and strategies, complement an exhibition hall filed with many ofthe leather Community’s talented business and crafspeo- le, providing leather clathing and accessories, fat art, iterature, and equipment, The Red Lion a the Coiseum's the host hotel this year and The Execulodge (formerly the Cosmopolitan) is providing rooms foradtional participants vith chapters, affiliates, and individual members from across the United States, Canada, and aroundthe worl, NLA sa catalyst for building, strengthening and defending the rights of aculs to engage in sae, sane and con- sensual ertic expression. The phenomenal growth of membership isa testament to NLA'S accomplishments at disproving negative stereotypes, misconceptions and media miscepresentations about the leather communi ty's history, traditions, and culture. Information about the National Leather ‘Association and the Living in Leather con: ferences available by wrting National Leather ‘Association, PO Box 17469, Seatle WA 98107 FANTASY '90 ‘Dustin is doing it again. Dustin Logan, Mr Gay Nebraska 1968-89, Mc Great Pains Drum- met 1969, The Leather Journarsmanf the year for 1990, and a recent Drummer coverman is ‘again hosting a major leather eventin Omaha, Nebraska. This year itis "Fantasy '90, A New Decade of Unity in Leather” cosponsored by Dustin and The Leather Journal. The event wil be. benef forthe National Leather Assocation and for the University of Nebraska Medical Center's Viral Syndrome Cine Dustin Logan performing at Fantasy 89, Festivities begin on Friday July 0 with an evening party that willinclude a parade of Cub ‘ols and introduction ofthe weekend's special ‘quests. On Saturday afternoon, July 21, there willbe six hours of seminars and demonstra tions by various experts including Brian Dawson, the current Mr. Drummer; Gabrielle Antolovich, the new Intemational Ms Leather, and members of Houston's Brotherhood of ain. Meanwhile those not wishing to attend classes can visi the Fantasy fait, an assortment of leather and rubber themed game and craft booths ‘The main event occurs on Saturday evening when the magnificent Max again is iled with leather celebs performing fantasy skits and cher entertainments on two stages. Among those scheduled to appear, in addition to those already named, are allt the first three intorna- tional Ms Leathers: Judy Talwing McCarthy, ‘Shan Car, and Susie Shepherd; Ms NLA, Jan Lyon; Mi, Florida Drummer 1988, Bill Kanouf Mr Marcus Hernandez; Alan Sey, the original Mr ; Dave Rhodes, publisher of Tho Leather Journal, and Jim Richards, cochair of NLA: National Plan to attend now! Tickets including all events are $25 per person until July 4 and $20 er person after that date. To order or or further information, write Fantasy '90, PO Box 6364 ‘Omaha, NE 68106-0964, Pry ORUMMEREO 65 Interview with SUSIE SHEPHERD by Dustin Logan Dustin: Tell us your coming out story. Susie: | actually knew that was gay atthe age ‘offive, but didnt come out to my mather unt the day of my 13th birthday. | told her all that | Wanted for my birthday, was to have Kay (his gorgeous woman wine happened to be our ‘church chair director come to ou family in ‘er |Yold my mother I was @ homosexual, ut she said that | was role modeling an that Kay was an excellent role model for me. L went back ino the closet forthe next eight years. 'v now been out for over twenty years. When | recame back out to my parents, they already knew my lover. She was a work ‘associate of mine. | told my parents we had to tak. My mathe said she cin t know il was go: ingtotallher hat | was alesbian, dropping out ‘of school, o° pregnant. | thnk she knew deep down what! had to say. | assured my parents thatit was nothing thoy did wrong, was just the true me. They said it was okay tobe gy, but not to bring home my lover. Well, as Isai, they ‘already knew my lover, which made the whole thing much easier My lover and | bought the book Lesbian Women by Del Martin and Phyl Lyon — the Cnly definitive book on lesbianism, We bought three bookstores out and gave the books to ‘every member of both families to read, Mother, who isan avid reader, knew what her next job was. She and Dad went on to eventually found the Oregon Chapter of Parents and Friends of Lesbians and Gays (P-Flag) ‘Dustin: How was coming aut in leather diferent for you? ‘Susie: Coming out as a lesbian was much easier or me. Deep down, lknew that | was to leather, but | couldn't accept it. | believed every myth andstereciypeInad heard. A iend ‘ok me inioa dungeon forthe frst time over ten years ago, and | asked questions. Foaling totally hypocritical since at that time, was pure vanila, ‘andtouring the dungeon wth a powertl vanilla friend inthe community ‘At one time in my lit, laid sort of leather- bashing. | helped run out the pastor in our church because | knew he was ino leather To day, | fel awful about that, but | try to make amends by my involverent wth IMsL, tne NLA, people and the community. In Api 88, | had a major spiritual crisis. 1 weighed 289 pounds, had mouse brown hai, and was sit months st of bein ten years clean 6 prumuensea International Ms Leather 1989 and sober and eleven years celibate, | knew | had to lose weight. I was having escalating non- ‘anil fantasies, but was paranoid | would oc casionally read the ads in The Advocate and ‘masturbate. One day lordered male spanking Catalog, which gave me rliean the one hand, but it made me more frustrated on the other because Iwas sil oo scared to act out my fan- lasies. | knew something had to change, | sartedlosing weight, and before | had ost the fistten pounds, lalso knew | hada realize my leatherSM tendencies. | knew Judy Tallwing- MoCarthy(MsL'87) and Sashie Hyatt (Oregon ‘State Leatherwoman '87) but avoided them because they represented my own fundemen- tal truth. Their new organization QUACK’ (Queers United Against Closets) we became fiends. Sashie blew open my leathercloset door ‘on July, 1988 and is been all ut since. She ‘and Judy took me to Living in Leather Il where "had Judy redo my harinta whats now and made my connection physically that Sashie had been bringing out spiritually Dustin: Your said tohavea strong bond wth men in leather ‘Susi: Yes, Ido. Because | was in denial for so long about my sexuality, man ware my frst ole ‘models. | really didn't know that many women in feather | stayed friends wth men in leather, ‘andlistenedto al hat they said, and knew in sie that they were relly important to me, as wells hal they hadto say have had fantasies about men in leather, but they had nothing todo wth sex, ust wth Gay SM, |fe0i we all need to ‘accept wito we are and not deny ourselves ex Periences just because someone is of the op- Posie sex. Why should limit myself evenifonly in my fantasies? Dustin: Do you feelthaterinking and crugs are ‘8 probiom inthe leather community? Susie: Yes, d. But nt justin the leather com- ‘munity I's. global problem, Overuse ofan ‘and rugs kis people. fee thee is spit in aur ‘community between recovery and disease. For ‘thase whe are in recovery, thats great For those inthe cisease sal, find that very sad. Atone point in my ie, Iwas nthe disease state. Fora Fong time lived in denial of my problem. | had convinced myself tha didnot have a problem, ‘Today, | do not dink or do drugs, an I dally ‘choose not io slat up again. By the Grace of God, | have been in recovery for ove eleven years. You can find mein local jas once a week, spreading the message of recovery to helpin- sure my own, Horo JIL Posen Susie Shepherd = Intemational Ms Leather 1969 Dustin: As IMs, what area ew othe evens you attended that eally stick out in your ming? ‘Susie; Every single one ofthem sticks outin my mind. They were al trips to the max. But to name afew In Dallas, Texas, | judged the Gulf Coast Drummer Contest. The men were incredible. They kept calling me "Maa all weekand, | told them that I was a bottom, and to call me Susi, but they said thal | was a lady first, and that they mould have o call me "Malam'"I did ‘amajor modeling sequence in the show where came outof pink og allover the stage. At that time, Bonded with the audience. There was 60 ‘much spiritual expression. | will alvays have love riveted to that city In Phoenix, Arizona, | co-emeeed the Southwest Drummer Contest with Wes Dacer. There was an auction where we hoped to raise '$20000, butunexpectdly, the auction took of like wild fire. We auctioned off pictures, {gauntlets from the Studworks, drawings by Cir by, my pasties, and many other things. The ‘poner exchange between the audiance and me ‘was amazing. People were buying things right off my body. We wound up raising $1 0000. ‘Tony DeBlase got onthe microphone awards while | was changing clathes, and raised $$30000 for my travel fund. The men were SO supportive. Women read Drummer, oo, and we needto let women know ust how much support ‘we have from our brthers. | performed my fan tay with allsix Drummerboys. They called me “Mom.” Itouched mato where | almost came. We had SO much fun INTERNATIONAL MS LEATHER 1990 GABRIELLE ANTOLOVICH by R.M. “‘Race’’ Bannon This year's International Ms Leather, Gabriele Antolovch, is no stranger to the limelight. In her native Australia she achieved wide notoriety asa spokesperson for thatcoun- trys gay and lesbian movement, then nits fancy Her frequent appearances on television made her something of a housefold word in ‘Australia, as "that lesbian” Five years ago, a the age of $5, she moved to the United States and immediately dis- covered the leatherSMifetish scene and her ‘own afnity frit. Sine that ime her involve- ‘ment nthe scene has been considerable and pursuing the Intemational Ms. Leather tile ‘seemed a natural next stop. met with Gabriele Just prior an SM play part she was attending. Race: You are one of the few women to be featured in the pages of Drummer Some men will applaud that, some won't ike it. Ifyou had tosay one thing the gay men who are reading this magazine, what would ite? Gabrielle: | would say thatthe one ting that ‘opened me up from Being a lesbian who only mixed with lesbians was a question | asked imysell."How do know whati's relly ike over there don't make friends with those people” ‘And 've done that. ve taken that step. And ve been amazed at some ofthe similares and someofthe dflerences. Those differences dont ‘make us enemies. They ust make us colorful people Race: I'm interviewing you just prior to an SM play pary. This party is unique (outside the ‘SFIBay Area) because men and women, gay, lesbian and straight willbe playing in the same space. This kindof cross-mixing is relatively recent phenamenon and you seemto beat the forefront of it. Any thoughts about this development? Gabriele: Poltical issues cannot be resolved by Using tunnel vision. If only mixed with lesbians, | would only get portion oftheideasthat have ‘bout my vision ofa postive world. | need to hhang outwith gay men and straight people to see how they fol about things before | can rea- Iy get a good perspective. ASapoltical activ, Heel am one of those people who stands back tose the whale picture and lstens toll sides This is what | fel being apolitical activist and fa ttle holder is all about. I'm fascinated with people who are different from me and I'm fascinated to know how people think and feel about things. Then | put it ll together to see wat we can all do to make things better. Face: What do you think is going to be the ‘number one issue you will need to address as you begin your year as International Ms. Leather? Gabrielle: Well, there are actually three tings Hee! strongly about First, isto explain, even to people already inthe ‘scene, te ference between violence and SM. "ve done ths inthe past in colleges and at various $M organizations. | usually use my own personal experiences todo this. explain that! know how it fees tobe violent and aggressive, but also know how t feels when my dominance ‘comes out. constantly ry to keep Intouch with the differences and will never play when my dominance is polluted by violence or aggression ‘Second, isto combat bottom-o-phobia. on 92 the feeling that being abotiom, slave or sub- Photo by Cree Haron missive is looked upon as less than being atop, ‘master!mistess 0 dominant. know that’s not true. find that Ihave to educate bottoms to feel {ocd about themselves before we can really get Int relating, because they fee ss than equal {as @ person, then anything | do will make it (wots. | got so sick of doing thaton aone to one basis that I've taken it to the political platform. ‘The more we come out ofthe closet, the more allthese old ideas about ourselves wil come out ‘80 we can address them head on ‘hie, i'm forustolookat the older SM per- son. Some ofthe older gay SM men have said tome that an older gay man is shunned and discarded by the gay men’s community butan ‘older SM mani looked up to because he has ‘alt of experience that he can offer the young ‘ones. thought, ofcourse, hiss ur opportunity to take our place in our own community, as many other cultureshave done, where the older person is looked up to because they have ex perience and can give the younger people so much knowledge. tc Wes gave me his right-arm heavy chain arm- band, which| now wear to every event attend, and gave him my lef 2i9-zag armband. (Other events that were truly grea forme, were Fantasy’89 in Omaha, Nebraska, andthe 1989, ‘Mr, Drummer Contes. Such special things hap pened at every event lattended, and| realized ‘such powerful commitment om those involv ed. |wll remember everything | di forever Dustin: What do you feel are some of your ma- Jor accomplishments as IMsL? ‘Susie: A lat of AIDS fundraising, and getting csparato parts of communities to work together ‘andiak out some oftheir aiflerences tried very hard ta be a positive role model. | also worked very hard oincrease communication between the men and women everywhere | went. My leather brothers are now aware that they, 35, rman, ae fighting the same battles as women, interms of trying to retain contol of our bod ‘tom the Supreme Court and State Legislative bodies. Dustin: What qualties wil you look for in your Susie: Someone who knows she isa leather woman, true to her lifestyle, witha history of politics in gay, leather or human rights. She should love people, and be comfortable work- ing with various organizations. She should also be very well organized, in order to meet the ‘many demands of the tite |. am sick of specious titleholders. My philosophy i, fyou are running fora ile, and you getit then USE IT! ‘Dustin: What are your pans forthe future? ‘Susielam commited tothe NLA and will keep. busy helping it grow. | want to get on the IMsL Board and use my year's experiences to make some changes. | will wrk on opposing ant abortion issues and stay politically active. We have a major gubernatorial race coming up in (Oregon, which wil be very exiting to work on. | want to stay involved every way I can in the leather community, helping with funcraisers, and keeping the community together Dustin: Your signatures always BOTTOMS UP, tellus about i ‘Susi: Simple. Laman uppity bottom. think he signature is very upbeat. Ihas pep and vigor. sme, Dustin: Do you have a farewell message to the ‘community ending your year as IMsL? ‘Susie: Te frst word | uttered when I won. ""Mazeliov, Sashie, and Shalom.” Thank you {rom the bottom of my leather heart for the in credibly ich opportunity to serve you. It has ‘been the most magic year of my life. urge you all not to let your work stop here. Get involved with each other, and set aside your pety di ferences, so we can all continue tobe Hell Bent for Leather in a Sale, Sane and Consensual Society Bottoms Up. a RUMMERINO. 87 DEAR SIR: DESMODUS, INC. + POBox T1314 + San Francisco CA 94101-1914 Cost of Ad: ead across othe amount inthe right ‘margin of helt ine you havo used: poi NAME rat ies a wt un x ‘ADDRESS ‘Subtotal = —_ For 4or more insertions, deduct 10% from subtotal... = omy____________ boy vumber (Onesie charge of $500) ‘STATE ‘Telephone Number in Ad (Add $2.00) DP cde” ae Tota pares ‘OR: Sign me up forthe Leather Fraternity! “Ths includes a Drummer subscription, perso aa yr oa i and ah in my an ed cae as, and ee forwarding as described onthe undomand tne peo plese trawl as facing page al fox only $2000 ($1600 ouside Tivitiseay mney vanes Senor a ype cal the US) eee SIGNATURE REQUIRED. Method of Payment: Check Payable to Desmodus, Inc) Money Order PLACE MY AD IN THE FOLLOWING CATEGORY: “Visa Mastercard _American Express MyHome State ___International (ard Numer ___ Exp. Date ees a ‘Your signature requed hae for wedi card autora: (tyou do not select a category we wll place the adin your home stato) “Your ad shoul appear n printn about 60 day BOLD HEADING: (@5 letters and spaces maximum) "AD COPY: (One letter or character per box) eee Skt $3700 $4050 $4400 $4750 $5100 $5450 $58.00 $6150 $65.00 Teed more space? Print or type the rest on a separate sheet, and add 83.50 for every 25 charactersispaces you use. 68 DRUMMER HOW TO PLACE YOUR AD IN DEARSIR: | sek apne oe EAD TH! Wi accept ads andchangsto as. on ning, Sry, we canna this ove the poe Submit aon none ang page of copy oil you cent boar iocelupyout soe ofrerandcan' make peacopes sends ante 2 wel mal you cops th om. Spielman Ceca ernie SSmetetaaigipar'er arn go, $500 by yous ummemaitextrtelectyour ad. Evenaheryourasegres, | “Séetenem tea : ret eae cesane trees pete ie eae | gees sete gta (Ge sa nae, We cana ward malo saeane named Borie" PO. ‘carat samreray Sten pero e Soc the Pn Oco nonce yout aess charge, us know. nude our ox number wth your new dares, 50 you carne rece reptes. Phone Number: Seucanputyu phone unborn you a rinmadal response WE WIL ONLY PUSLSH VERINED PHONE NUMBERS Heres ow 9 pt our Dhoe rambo Hatinyourad, (Dorrie $2.00 pone vereaion charge) About twowees fer Jounal eee ous youcal aes) 2525 dingbusiress fours (200 en500pm Pate Tie Mor), Beathe pone nonber you are flacnginyerad We weal yovbacto very herumber weave need Jourrumber win ae morta wel pub te ad wth aboxnunber toed TICE CATES Gta pone number See arian YYouonly need o verily a number nce. Ones thas appearedin print in Dur ¢ i dun hoot [tate acopyolte poled actoyou nw adi you wah seta! tephone ‘ber agen We wl ot pubis ocemal setae rune In prone. Dont ee once our ees cove ‘What else? [yetares otro ie ey Putanyhing you wantinyour ad rcpt references 0 minors, armas poston ordtugs Expect abou 60-day