Campaignplan Fall15

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Laura Albrecht

Betty Brown

Lloyd F. Moss Free Clinic

Table of Contents
Situation Analysis..2
Execution and Timeline.5

Situational Analysis
With our research we discovered that the Lloyd F. Moss Free Clinic has a niche of regular
visitors and doctors. The key publics consisted of people in the lower middle class who live in
the surrounding counties of Fredericksburg, King George, Caroline, Spotsylvania and Stafford.
With the average client being a Caucasian woman between the ages of 41 and 60. These publics
have taken advantage of the clinic, however, there is another clientele basis that has yet to be
reached due to the lack of consistency in social media.

When there is no correlation between the outlets that are used, there becomes room for error.
The Facebook page, Twitter and website have no linkage amongst them. We have decided to do
a Social Media Takeover. With this takeover, we will make the names of the social medias the
same as well as evaluate new ways that the clinic can have outreach with the community.

Because this is not a one-day event, the implementation will be different from a typical event
plan. Our takeover will have a set timeline of what types of posts to schedule during the week.
This will help promote the clinic to clientele over different social media platforms.

By simply searching for the clinics social medias, users can see the problem immediately. The
Facebook page is titled Lloyd F. Moss Free Clinic, but the website and twitter only use Moss
Free Clinic. This discontinuity in their branding can cause a disconnect for anyone who is
searching for information on them and can be confusing.

Standardize social media platforms so that they are easily found and recognized
Create relevant and engaging digital content
Provide information that can be easily understood
Target Audience
The targeted audience that the social media takeover tailors to are:
Caucasian Females who:
Are between 41 - 60 years old
Have a minimum wage job
Do not have insurance
Our targeted audience, also however have a specific reason to attend the Lloyd F. Moss Clinic.
These reasons for going are:
Medical Attention
Not check up
o It is for a current medical need
There is an exception of annual female check ups. These include:
o Pap smear
o Mammograms
o Breast exams
The clinic can fill most prescriptions except for birth control
The strategies that we will use are the following:
Utilize Hootsuite to have the same content across social medias
Use the Facebook Scheduling tools in order to timeout posts
Use LinkedIn to connect with potential new doctors

Execution and Timeline

With the implementation of consistent social media, there is no physical timeline. However,
there is a timeline of when, how and what to post. We want to produce and execute a set
schedule of what to post on social media for any given day. With this, the optimal time to post
for both Facebook and Twitter is between:
7:30 to 8:45 AM
12 PM to 2PM
5 PM to 7 PM
With these optimal times, this allows more outreach to a variety of groups across the five
counties that the clinic provides services to.







Feature Friday



With the social media takeover, scheduled Facebook posts will be a way to inform patients of the
clinics services being offered that day. Listed below are the the services offered each day. This
post should be scheduled to be published by 7 AM each day.
Monday: Chronic Care Clinic
Tuesday: Chronic Care Clinic, Primary and Dental Clinic in the evenings
Wednesday: Chronic Care Clinic, Gynecology Clinic (every 1st and 3rd
Wednesday of the month)
Thursday: Chronic Care Clinic, Primary and Dental Clinic in the evenings
Friday: Chronic Care Clinic

Along with the morning posts, scheduled Facebook posts at the lunch hour will be another way
to keep the targeted audience informed. Listed below are the the lunch hour posts. This post
should be scheduled to be published by 12 PM each day.
Mental Health Tip
Dental Care Tip
Womens Health Tip
General Health Tip
o Based on seasonal sicknesses
Feature Friday

Feature Friday will allow the clinic to highlight doctors, volunteers, patient testimonials as
well as any opportunities that the clinic may offer at any given time. This will allow the clinic to
become more personable with their patients. When patients see testimonials, they become more
inclined to visit or reach out to a specific host.

The social media platforms can also be used to promote specific events hosted by the clinic. The
clinic hosts a handful of annual events and these should be promoted through both Facebook and
Twitter. These posts can be published during the dinner hour. The content of the post should be
information about the event and a registration link. The closer the event becomes the more often
the posts should appear.

In order to evaluate the success of the campaign we will use a simple but effective survey
method. We will add a question to the patient paperwork that asks where the patient heard about
our clinic listing:
Search Engine Result (Google, Bing, Yahoo, OneSearch)
Word of Mouth

These would be options with an additional space to write in other ways that the client has heard
about the clinic. When patient paperwork is processed, the answer to the question will be
recorded into a graph and will visually represent where patients get information on the clinic.

To determine the success of Facebook posts we can look at the Facebook analytics for each post
as well as the comparison graphs which are provided for free by the social media. In addition to
Facebook Analytics, tweets can be analyzed as well using twitter's analytic system. The analysis
of each of these is measured in both overall views/people reached as well as engagement with the
post (likes, shares, comments, clicks).

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