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Family Tree

Alexis Violeta Wallace

D.O.B: February 22, 2001
Birthplace: San Francisco, CA
I was born at 2:15 pm at kaiser permanente in San Francisco, California. I am the youngest in my
family. I have one brother who is three years older than me. My hair is long, black and curly, and
my eyes are dark brown. My personality is a mix of both my parents, I can be quiet and stubborn
like my dad and thoughtful and warmed hearted like my mom. I look more like my dad and I like
to work by myself and be independent like my mom.

Orfilia Lpez Wallace

D.O.B: February 16, 1967
Birthplace: Guatemala City, Guatemala
Orfilia is my mother and she is wise and spiritual. My mother is very funny and weird and is a
very emotional person. She loves to be occupied but she also stops to enjoy life. I dont really
want to share any stories about my mom since the memories are personal to me but I guess a
good memory Ill share is when we decided to start volunteering so we get to spend more time
together and laugh more.

Alvin Jerome Wallace

D.O.B: April 25, 1960
Birthplace: San Francisco, CA
Alvin is my father and whenever he introduces himself to someone they like to yell Alviiiin, like
in the movie Alvin and the Chipmunks. My dad is strong and focused and responsible. He is
stubborn in a way and thats why I am somewhat stubborn. He can sing and you can hear him
singing along to the radio sometimes. I have his brown eyes and frizzy hair, and also I am strong
like him. I dont laugh or smile a lot like him, and I am strong minded like him. I like to sing like
he does and we both have good hearts we just dont show it.

Alexander Hamilton Wallace

D.O.B: February 25, 1998
Birthplace: San Francisco, CA

Alex is my older brother. A lot of people think that we are twins at first glance since we look so
much alike, but we are three years apart. He is quiet and strong and likes to play basketball. Not
many know this but he too can draw but he mostly draws cartoons and a sort of graffiti art. We
are both from the same ingredients and the only difference is that Im a girl and hes a boy. Also
we are sort of like the same person he is just me in guys body and I am him in a girls body

Emilia Rosario Lopez

D.O.B: October 12, 1935
Birthplace: Guatemala
Emilia is my grandmother but we call her Mamita Chayo. She was a hard worker and had eleven
kids and look care of all of them and never gave up on them. She was patient and NEVER
criticized anyone. She was extremely quiet, kept to herself. Her and I have the same color hair,
also I keep to myself like she did.

Victor Manuel Lopez

D.O.B: December 16, 1932
Birthplace: Guatemala
Victor is my grandfather who is a hard worker and a responsible person. Just like my
grandmother he too has a nickname which is Papito Meme. He Was always willing to help. I am
strong minded like him and also a hard worker.

Norrissa Hamilton Wallace

D.O.B: April 20, 1932
Birthplace: Somewhere in Louisiana
Norrissa is my grandmother, she worked as a nurse at Kaiser for 35 years. She took Care of my
brother and I while my parents were at work. She really likes to attend church(Baptist). Loves
gospel music. I get my frizzy hair from her. We are both reserved.

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