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This God ordered book contains 34 eye opening, mind blowing, and heart wrenching chapters.
In this second book I use 579 pages to continue my story, a story you will not soon forget. You
will be allowed to read an excerpt from 21 chapters. God has given me many scriptures in their
original script to substantiate all I've written. In the excerpts, I tried to at least give you some of
the scriptures but there are many more in the book that substantiate further what I've written in
the excerpt. All I can say to you is that God is truly speaking in this book. I pray that you will be
enlightened through these words of wisdom. God Bless.
My first book Super Natural Survivor has touched the lives of so many people and I have only
God to thank for that. In this new book I again speak with truth and the utmost candor. If you
have the mindset that certain subjects should not be talked about openly, then, let me warn you
first because I will discuss them. This book is not a sex novel but I will address many things of a
sexual nature. I feel like God has been over my shoulder all of the time whispering in my ear
what He wants me to say. I could not have possibly put such a book together all by myself. This
book is Gods doing and His project. Yes I did live through all that I am about to expose,
however, it was God that brought me through. God is love and He loves everyone. In this book
I address issues of fornication, sexual perversion, lesbianism, adultery, masturbation and
homosexuality etc. Let me make it very clear that although it is the sin that God hates, He still
loves the individuals involved in those things that He says in His word is wrong. God loves the
whoremongers, lesbians, adulterers, bisexuals, fornicators and homosexuals. However, it is the
sinful actions that He hates and according to His word it will most certainly cause eternal
separation from Him. God loves everyone and Jesus died for us all. This is not a hate book,
neither is it a book about hating any particular group of people regardless of their race, sexual
practices, sexual habits or sexual preferences. So please dont get it twisted and take it that way.
God expects the real church to stand up in this hour for what we believe in, all the while showing
the utmost of love. At this time many people are saying things that are very mean and
derogatory about other people, people with drug addictions, mental issues and alternative
lifestyles, things that should never be said. This list, however unfortunate, goes on and on.
There is a way to speak out against the things that are contrary to what we read in the Bible
without our words being considered hateful. However, most certainly we cannot disregard what
the Bible says to us about certain lifestyles, fornication and many other things that God hate.
God is not about hate but love; therefore, we should never show hatred to any group of people.
First of all we dont know why they are as they are nor do we know their story behind their
struggle. Secondly we should not hate them but love them to God. I know we often say that
we, love someone to death but we need to love them to God, Amen. God is love and we
should love everyone and pray for the ones that are falling short of His word. All souls belong to
God. 2 Peter 3:9 says, 9The Lord is not slack concerning his promise, as some men count
slackness; but is longsuffering to us-ward, not willing that any should perish, but that all should
come to repentance. In other words He is saying that He is true to His word. God means exactly
what He says unlike man who can be double minded. Hes also saying that He is longsuffering
and He will give us more than enough time to turn from our sinful ways, repent and serve Him
totally and completely. God wants us to also love those whose lifestyles are contrary to His

word. So many of you may have had your own struggles and cares, but thank God for Jesus who
has given us the victory. When Jesus Christ is totally and completely the head of our lives, there
are no more struggles because we can cast all our cares on Him, for He cares for us. I once heard
an awesome man of God say something like; You have to love God more than the thing that
you like doing. In other words we need to say to our flesh, You are not getting what you
want, especially if it is of a sinful nature. So you see it is all about our mindset. Our struggles
are just light afflictions, and they cant be compared to the glory that will later be revealed. You
have survived because you too are survivors. No matter what the plight or challenge you may
face, always remember this one thing, Jesus said, I will never leave you nor forsake you. We
are never alone, God knows, He sees, and He cares. There is life after being sexually abused and
coming out of perversion; there is life after coming out of adultery and fornication and most
importantly there is life after coming out of homosexuality and lesbianism. There is life after the
hurt and the pain from those that you loved that should have loved you back. The life that there
is, is a life through Jesus Christ if you put your trust in Him. As my story continues you will see
the hand of God at work in my life in ways that are awesome and you will know that He has
truly ordered my steps. Finally, you will read some shocking things that Ive encountered,
however, if you continue to live in this world, you will see much worse than I have suffered.
Shame, humiliation, agony, hurt and mental abuse were all on the plate that I was constantly
being served at the hand of another, not to mention the fact of how I was abusing my own body
through masturbation and pornography. As you continue to read my story you will get a clear
picture of the Hell that I lived through, a Hell no one should have to endure. Upon conclusion
you will know that it was God alone that brought me through. I can now speak freely because I
am free. I can now say the things Ive said in this book without reservation because I had
become so frustrated and tired within myself. Upon completing this book you will know that I
am a Super Natural Survivor and that I can't be concerned with who says what about me. The
bottom line is that others can and will be set free also. I am now free and it is all because of a
loving Father, a wonderful Savior and an Awesome God.


To those who have had the opportunity to read my first book, Super Natural Survivor, you may
remember as the book ended I announced that I would return to Dallas, Texas, to live, in June of
1978. To kind of pick up where Id left off in the chapter entitled Blind Love, I had recently
returned home to Cleveland from visiting Calvin in Dallas. Id previously left Dallas earlier than
planned because Calvin was actually homeless. The year was 1977 and it was around
Christmastime. As you may recall, earlier in the year right before my prom, Calvin had gone
back to Dallas; however it wasnt until after hed taken some money that he was supposed to
deposit into the bank for his employer. As I said in the previous book, there I was, had traveled
about 2,000 miles, (actually only 1,200 miles) and Calvin didnt have anywhere for me to stay.
Come on now, I mean he was a grown man every bit of 26 years old, to me that was ridiculous. I
now know that he probably wasnt homeless and in all actuality lived with another woman, but
in my young 18 year old naive eyes he was just homeless. While I was visiting him he had no
place that he called home. Yes, knowing him like I do now, he did have somewhere he called
home. When I left Dallas I let him know that I was not coming back to live until he proved to

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me that he had his own place and I meant every word I said to him. As I think about it now, how
could he really prove it to me? All I would have was his word. I was really walking by faith and
not by sight. He could have told me anything, or just given me an address saying that it was his.
All I had to go on was his word and so I did.
(2nd Excerpt Same Chapter)
Contrary to what some people are saying about sex in this hour, it is never and I repeat never in
the will of God for anyone to engage in sexual activity before marriage. Men and women are not
cars; you dont take a test drive in the bed to see if you want to marry the person. There are a lot
of people including some that are very influential that believe you need to know in advance if
you are compatible in bed with someone before you commit. First of all sex is not the reason
that people get married, or at least it shouldnt be. On the other hand, for those that cant contain
themselves, then it is better for them to marry than to burn. God wants people to be together for
reasons of ministry and to enlarge his kingdom by being fruitful and multiplying. Gods word
says that the children are his reward. Proverbs 18:22 say, Whoso findeth a wife findeth a good
thing, and obtaineth favour of the Lord. God is a good God, and His will for all our lives is full
of purpose and good, we just have to say yes to His will. So what a woman needs to do is to let
the man find her, then take it to God in prayer and wait for His answer. Whether you are Gods
daughter or His son He only wants what is best for you. If we as His children truly wait on His
answer, we will never go wrong or be led astray. As you can see I was clearly out of the will of
God and went astray when I had the encounter at Matts house.
When we finally reached the apartment, I couldnt help but wrinkle up my nose at the smell in
the air as we got closer and closer to the building he lived in. It just so happened that my new
home was located right across from a factory. The neighbors later told me that the odor
allegedly came from animals that were being made into a product. Of course I didnt believe it;
however the smell was bad, more like spoiled peaches in a peach cobbler. Upon reaching his
apartment, Calvin went into his pocket for the key and opened the door; at least I was hoping it
was his key. As I walked in I noticed that the apartment was really nice and clean. It was
equipped with one bedroom and one full bathroom. I remember looking for any tell-tell signs of
other life. By that I mean I checked the drawers and the closets for clothing other than his. Well
I thought, Thank God because there were none. When I went back into the bedroom I couldnt
help but notice a couple pictures on the dresser. One photo was of a baby girl about a year old;
she was a little chubby and as cute as she wanted to be. The other photo was a little girl about 8
or 9 with pigtails and a smile that would melt anyones heart. I questioned him and he said Oh
thats just so-and-sos baby, and so-and-sos little girl. I really didnt believe him but at that
moment it was not a pressing matter, but I did remember the names of the women that were
supposed to be the mothers of the little girls.
2nd Excerpt
Not long after I started working at the hotel Calvin said that we were invited to a party and so we
went. I really didnt know anyone there that night but all of a sudden I found myself all by
myself and began looking for Calvin. I think he had been talking to some friends and then just
drifted away from me. When I found him, there was this girl...

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Right now I think this is a good time to address some things; I need to talk to the ladies for just a
moment but men you can listen also because it concerns you too. Im going to switch gears for a
moment and then get back to my story. Ive got to keep this thing real. I want deliverance to
come to Gods people. Please dont throw the baby out with the bath water. If this has never
happened to you, then by all means pray for the ones that it has. Talk about strange behavior
sometimes as women we are put into some very strange situations. We can love our men so
much that we will let them do strange things to our bodies. If we allow them, they will put
anything up in us, or spread something that belongs between two pieces of bread or on top of a
cappuccino on us in our private area. Leaving you all jacked up in the mind and carrying a
desire for the perverted things they introduced to your body.
2nd Excerpt
It should go without saying that you cannot fit two penises together neither two vaginas together.
Now that brings a thought to my mind that could further substantiate a state of confusion. Now
remember that the word filthy in the Hebrew was defined as muddle and turn corrupt morally.
Therefore corrupted morals are morals that have been changed from good to bad. The actual
changing has now caused the morals to be corrupt. So when someones morals are corrupt or
bad and they are now doing things in a wrong way instead of the right way and they believe it is
the right way, you then have a spirit that is muddled, or confused. I once heard a women say that
she did not want to be with a man but with another woman and would use a strap on apparatus.
My thought was, if you dont want to be with a man then why are you imitating how men
perform intercourse? If the feeling achieved from the penetration of a mans penis was
supposedly not what she desired because she did not want to be with a man, then could it be that
the natural desires of the body that God ordained was still crying out for that feeling that God
made her body to desire from the beginning?
I couldnt hear so I went back to the window and now she was reaching for him and he kind of
moved to the side, thats when I opened the door and did not say anything, because my presence
was statement enough. Calvin then said something like Everything is okay Im coming back in
the house in a minute. I closed the door and my first thought was here we go again. When he
came back in I asked him who was she and he gave me some lame story about her being one of
his friends girlfriend. I called him a liar and a cheater among other things. Then I believe he
said to me I swear that Im telling you the truth. I didnt believe him, what I should have done
was to question her and him right then and there. I was not afraid to but I was not the one for
confrontations. So again life went on, until I could prove that he was lying and cheating on me.
As I think about it now, what would I have done at the time if I were able to? Probably nothing
because I was all jacked up from the perverted sex.
One night we were at this club not far from my apartment when I thought I saw someone on the
other side of the room that I used to work with in Cleveland. I thought No way, Yes way! It
was in fact this guy that I used to work with. We danced and were laughing at how tripped out it
was that the two of us would cross paths 2000 miles away from our home state. He was really
nice and never said anything out of the way. While I was being entertained with my friend

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Karen met these two guys that asked if we were interested in going to a party after the bar closed.
I was hesitant at first but Karen wanted to go so I decided that Id go along with them. We got
into their car and we were driving a pretty good while. When we reached the destination we
found that there was no party. The guys said the four of us were the only ones.
Although Calvin was now working, he said we needed to talk about doing something to get some
extra cash. His idea was to allow one of his buddies from the hotel to stay with us until he could
get his own place, and apparently hed already made the decision for him to move in. We only
had one bedroom so that meant that hed have to sleep on one of the couches. I knew of him
from the hotel but I really didnt know that much about him. Calvin called him Get-Right, but
the only thing that I knew for sure was that at some point in time he and Karen were dating. I
was thinking that this might not be a good idea to have another man in the house with me. Well
against my better judgment Calvin allowed Get-Right to move in
Calvin was always quick to say to me that I didnt trust him and rightly so. However Id always
give him the benefit of the doubt and of course I was always sorry that I did. When I got my
income tax check I gave him the money to buy a car. This time he did what he said but the car
he chose was not any of the ones we previously looked at. What he selected was something that
looked like it belonged to a pimp. It was very long and was a gold and orange looking color with
a cream ragtop, oh yeah I cant forget about the white wall tires. I didnt like it but it was
transportation. The scheduled weekly payments we made were not that much. We had it only
about six to eight weeks and then Calvin failed to make the payments. Id given him the money
but for 2 or three weeks straight he had not paid, then one day the car just disappeared and I
knew that it had been repossessed.
My boss didnt take the news very well and he started swearing, but it didnt bother me because
he uses that language all the time. He finally calmed down and I assured him that Jade was
capable of doing the job. As it was, I later found out that he had hired someone else to help her
after I left the hotel. The week went by so fast and they had a little going away party for me that
Saturday at work. All in all, my experiences at the hotel will always be remembered, the good
things as well as the bad things. I learned a lot from my experiences and still remember them to
this day; well most of the things anyway.
The neighborhood store was not that far from home but too far me to walk if the temperature was
really really hot. I did, however, decide one day to walk up our street to the store. I had gone in
the store with Michelle several times so the owner knew who I was. On that fateful day I
thought maybe I could get something free or maybe ask him to let me borrow $10.00. I didnt
really need it, I was just trying to see if he would lend it to me. He did let me borrow the money
but I could tell he really didnt want to. As I walked out of the store a woman approached me. I
then recalled a scent in the air that was very familiar. She asked me if my name was Cynthia and
I said Yes it is. The next thing that came out of her mouth was, Im Benita and I want to
know if youve got your stuff together. Of course stuff was not the word she used.

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Shortly after Jade and I started back talking I got a phone call in the middle of the night. I
believe it was about 12:00 a.m. or so if my memory is correct. As usual, Calvin had his behind
in the streets. The voice on the other end asked, Is Calvin there? I recognized the voice on the
other line right away because it was Benita. I immediately said no and hung up the phone. She
called right back and after hearing it was her I said, I told you hes not here! Then she said in
her regular voice, I have some bad news, and I asked her what was it, then in a fake sounding
crying voice she said...
Then wouldnt you know it here comes this phone call? I was in the bedroom and happened to
pick it up at the same time as Calvin but he didnt hear me. He said hello and the voice on the
other end responded but it sounded like a little girl. After they said their hellos she said
something like Baby you know I love you, and Calvin you know this and Calvin you know
that. I ran into the living room and just sprung into action, I slapped him right in the face and
said in a very colorful way Im tired of you cheating on me and proceeded to slap and punch
him. He tried to restrain me but I think he was scared that he might grab me the wrong way.
Usually hed grab me to prevent my arms from hitting him or try to shake me, but now I had all
this stomach area to worry about. Then I started screaming at him and said, I wish I was not
pregnant and I dont want to have your baby. I then grabbed a bamboo pole that we had in the
house and pointed one end of it at my stomach and ran toward the wall.
The test found that my babys heartbeat was decreased with labor pains. I was hurting but that
was about it, she was not budging. Then one of the nurses informed me that my doctor was on
his way to the hospital and that they would have to take the baby. I was like Oh, okay. I
didnt realize at the time what they were really saying to me, they were going to perform a csection and I was not happy. The nurse came in and said she had to prep me for the incision; I
was like, What incision? Then she said, Youre going to have a cesarean section. I just
began to cry, in case you dont know by now, back then I was a real crybaby. Calvin came into
the room and I told him what they wanted to do and he was in agreement. The doctors
prognosis was that if they were to wait for the baby to come on its own, chances were that she
would not have survived the birth process.
There was a store that wasnt even a block away if wed go through the back way of the
apartment building. To get there I had to go past Casey Alices apartment. On this particular
day I had come home from work and was going to the store before I picked Monique up from
Casey Alices house. Id left the store and was almost to Casey Alices building when a man
approached me and introduced himself as Rob. He said he needed to talk to me about Calvin and
I said okay. He began telling me a story about how he came home one day and caught Calvin
hiding in the closet. Rob said he lived there with his girlfriend Beverly. He said to Beverly, I
know youve got some nigga up in here and Im going to find him. He said he went for his gun
and with it in hand proceeded to search the apartment. When he came across Calvin in the
closet, he said he was half dressed and...

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Finally, we reached Cleveland and the family met us at the station. Home sweet home, was all I
could think, but I never imagined the hell that I would be soon facing. The assignment of the
devil was that he would destroy me, and was out for my very soul and life. The devil had
planned to sift me as wheat but Jesus was already on the right hand of the Father making
intercession for me and He had already prayed for me, hallelujah!
Spring had sprung and I looked forward to the nice weather. Trouble should have been Calvins
middle name because he always seemed to find some. The first woman that I recall Calvin
fooling around with just so happened to be a woman with whom one of my older sisters went to
school with. I came home one day from work and my sister said to me that Calvin was messing
around and she wanted to make me aware of it. She then told me that one of her friends
approached her at the bank and asked her if she and Calvin were seeing one another. Now to the
best of my knowledge if my memory serves me correctly she just said No but I think she left it
at that to see what type of information this woman would give her concerning him. The next
thing the woman said to her was Well do you and Calvin have a baby together? My sisters
response again was No. Then the woman said to my sister Calvin and I have been seeing each
other for a couple months and I decided to go into his pockets and I saw a picture of you in his
wallet and a picture of a baby that looks like the both of you; He said he was not married but I
didnt completely believe him. It was then that my sister gave her the information that she
didnt want to hear.
It was the month of May and it was Memorial Day. I had gone downstairs to my mothers house
and walked into the kitchen when her phone rang. Someone answered the phone and said,
There is a lady on the phone for Calvin. I went over to the phone and picked up the receiver.
The voice on the other end of the line was the voice of a woman and she did not sound too
happy. She responded to my hello with Yeah let me speak to Calvin and I said, This is his
wife, who is this? The lady on the phone then shouted at me saying, Aw B you aint got
crap! I could not believe my ears, in a voice of utter disbelief I said out loud You all this is
Leticia on the phone, oh my God! She proceeded to curse at me and say things about Calvin
that I cannot recall, but I quickly came to the conclusion that the two of them had been messing
around with one another. I guess I was in somewhat of a state of shock. This woman was like
family to me and it was very hard for me to process all that had just taken place.
When I became born again I gained zeal and vigor or a passion, Id say, for the rest of my family
to find God the way I had. Actually, God was not lost, He found me, He knocked and I opened
the door. As it goes though, my family that lived in the house that I lived in had no intentions in
getting saved. It was the farthest thing from their minds. My mother went as far as to say,
Dont be bothering anybody and Dont be trying to redeem any of us, in other words she was
saying leave us alone. My only recourse was to cry out to the Lord all the more. Im thankful
that I had Aunt Willie Mae; I could always call her whenever I had a problem and she would
pray and encourage me, however I never mentioned to her about my addiction to masturbation
and pornography. There is no other way to put it because it was certainly a very strong hold and I
was addicted, ashamed, and too embarrassed to say anything to anyone. It was my quiet
addiction and I chose to fight it alone. I remember asking my sister, the late Prophet Alesia
Williams to go to church with me before she was saved and she said, I dont want to go to

church and I am not ready to get saved, so NO! It was a hurtful feeling that none of my family
seemed to want to be saved but it did not stop me from praying for them. I would just come
home from work, do what I had to do for my household and cry out to God. I needed some help
on my Christian way and I thank God for the warriors that were there for me during that time.
As time passed by, not only was Aunt Willie Mae there for me but Aunt Tiny as well.
He called me as soon as hed arrived in Dallas and he said that hed keep me posted on
grandmas condition. I talked to him about every other day and for about a week he was fine.
Well from what I could tell anyway, I would listen for a change in his voice and had not heard
what I feared. Im now guessing that it was about nine days or so when I got the phone call that
I dreaded to hear. Calvin called me and as he began to talk I detected a slur in his speech and I
knew that hed been drinking. All I could do was pray. I wanted to cry but I didnt at that
moment. I asked him if hed had something to drink and at first he denied it, but then he
confessed that hed had a couple beers. I knew at that moment that it was not going to be easy
for him to refrain from getting high if he hadnt already.
I had had enough of all the things that Id endured with Calvin. Sure I know that I had vowed for
better and for worse but this was worse than worse. I felt like Calvin had pushed a knife into my
heart and I was slowly bleeding out. I was holding on to God with all I had and all that I knew at
the time because I was still very young in the Lord and age wise as well because I was only
about 28 years old. Wed been married only about 8 years and already it felt like forever. Never
mind a seven-year itch, Calvin had been itching and scratching from the beginning. It was a hard
choice for me to make but I felt I had to. Monique was a real concern for me because Calvin was
always just daddy to her. She really wasnt aware of everything that Calvin and I were going
through or at least I didnt think she was, however, she knew that he couldnt live with us
anymore. She had a hard time with it and would ask me when could daddy come back home? I
told her I didnt know and that we just had to keep praying for him.
Not being with Calvin opened the door wider to sexual perversion. This was also a time where
masturbation really sunk its clutches even deeper into me. The more I did it the more I wanted
to. It literally was my way to escape all that I was going through and it seemed like a high that I
needed daily. My mother still was not saved and she had acquired a little collection of VHS
movies that were pornography. As the strong hold of masturbation got stronger and stronger, the
stronghold of pornography was a close second right behind it.
If we take another look at Romans 1:24-27 using the Greek meaning of key words (in bold
letters) it would read as follows:

Wherefore God also gave them up to impurity physically and morally through
the longings of their own thoughts and feelings, to commit wicked and
abominable deeds in their own bodies between themselves: 25Who exchanged the
truth of God into a falsehood, and adored and served the things made by God
more than God, who is blessed forever. Amen. 26 For this cause God surrendered

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them up unto disgraceful passions: for even their women did change the physical
instinctive use into that which is against natural production: 27And likewise also
the men, leaving the physical instinctive use of the woman, burned in their own
excitement (of the mind they were longing after) one toward another; men with
men working that which is indecent, concerning the pudenda /genitals, and
receive in full in themselves that requital (penalty that is justly deserved) of their
straying from orthodoxy or piety which was necessary.
Here in these scriptures we see that indecent and abominable things were done in regards to the
genitals of both men and women. Now, because we see that verse 27 states, And likewise the
men, it lets us know that the men were in error just like the women when they left the physical
instinctive use of the women. Two of the key words to remember if we are going to understand
the next statements are, change and left. One of the words in the regular definition for the
word change is to alter. So when you change the way you do something, it means that you
alter the way that you do it. It does not mean that you stop doing it all together, you just do it
differently. Therefore, if you change the way you use something, then you alter the way
something is being used and not that youve stopped using it altogether. With that being said,
the scripture says that the women did change the physical instinctive use to that which is against
natural production. Now because natural production is mentioned we now know that the
genitals of both men and women are being referenced. So the women changed the way the
vagina was to be used but the men left the use of the vagina all together. Going a little deeper we
must first understand and know what the proper use of the vagina was according to what God
intended. Proper order says that the penis is to be placed into the vagina in order that the woman
could become pregnant which is also called natural production. However, what weve read in
the Bible right here is that the women were interacting between themselves and that they were in
error. So if the women changed how their genitals were to be used and to be used meant that the
penis penetrated it, then what were the women using for penetration if the penis was no longer
involved but yet the vagina was still in use? Something other than the penis has to now play a
part because the penis was abandoned in the altering process of how the vagina was to be used.

2nd Excerpt
When the men left the natural instinctive use of the women which was to penetrate the vagina
they burned in their lust one toward another. So when they left the natural instinctive use of
their penis which was to penetrate a womans vagina, the natural instinct to penetrate something
was still there. Now because they lusted after another man then their lusts or desires to still
penetrate carried over and they began to penetrate each other because they had left using the
vagina all together. Now I know that makes sense.
1 Corinthians 6:19, 20 say to us, What? know ye not that your body is the temple of the Holy
Ghost which is in you, which ye have of God, and ye are not your own? 20For ye are bought with
a price: therefore glorify God in your body, and in your spirit, which are Gods. Right here is a
good place to now address the mutilation of our genitals /bodies that I mentioned earlier towards

the end of the Alone Again chapter. Looking at the 19th chapter in the book of Leviticus, verse
28 says, 28Ye shall not make any cuttings in your flesh for the dead, nor print any marks upon
you: I am the LORD. In this hour what type of cuttings and markings are we allowing,
disfiguring and mutilating the temple of the Holy Ghost?
2nd Excerpt
Looking back at Leviticus 19:28 using the Hebrew definition for some of the words this scripture
would read as, 28Ye shall not give/put any incisions in your body/pudenda (genitals) for the
breathing creatures, nor give/put/make any marks upon you: I am the LORD. I would have to
say that the marks and the cuttings in this hour are the tattoos and piercings.
3rd Excerpt
We bring judgment on ourselves when we partake in Communion unworthily. Again, receiving
the Communion Supper is something that God approves of. That being the case if there is a
judgment to come on us for putting the broken body and blood of Jesus Christ into our mouths
(belly) when the condition of our heart is not right, how much more so for putting semen into our
mouth (belly or rectum)? Those are the places He does not approve of because the atmosphere
there is not conducive to bring forth life.



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