Article Summary 2

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EDUC 356- Article Summary #2

Abstract: Research Report

1. Full citation (A.P.A. style)
- Self-Management of On-Task Homework Behavior: A Promising Strategy for
Adolescents With Attention and Behavior Problems. (2009, September). School
Psychology Review, 38(3), 1-8.
2. Search terms/Keywords (These are normally listed below the abstract but they are not
used in all articlesskip if they are not available):
a. N/A
3. Research questions/hypotheses:
a. Does self-monitoring and differences in time-intervals affect students on-task
behavior, thus affecting homework completion?
4. Method
a. This study was done in order to see if self-monitoring strategies in time-intervals
affected students on-task behavior. This study was done using an observational
approach and study of 4-male adolescent students and 1-female adolescent
student. The students had a timing device that was used as a reminder to check if
they were on-task and doing their homework while the device also told the
observer to write down their observations.
5. Salient findings:
a. It can be taken from the findings of this study that students who have attention
deficit problems and who have a self-monitoring strategy at certain time intervals
are better at staying on-task and turning in their completed homework. Whether
academic success comes from this study is inconclusive in this study. In all of the
students tested, scores increased from their original baseline data collected.
6. Implications for Practice:
- Sit down with parents and students and talk about a self-management strategy for
completing their homework when they are feeling anxious.
- Have a timing device at the table while the student is completing his/her homework
for a reminder.
- Set a smaller or longer intervals (3 or 10 minutes) at first.
- Gradually take away/use the device les, as the student is using self-management
- Take it away completely once parents and teacher feel good about the progress of the
This is a great strategy to use in your classroom as it helps your student with self-determination
and being able to finish a task (homework, job work) without having to be reminded.

7. Critical Analysis & Recommendations for Future Studies:

- After sitting down and reading this article I can see why teachers might use this type
of strategy in their classroom. It both gets the student to complete homework
assignments and teaches them to monitor their own on-task behavior both in school
and while at home, hopefully creating habits they will use when they either go to
college or get a job. The results speak for themselves in this study and this type of
strategy works.

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