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Tristan Strom

Ms. Stronks
Vocab #18
1. Discipline: Noun - the act of training people to obey rules with punishment for
The discipline at the monastery is very well enforced.
2. Fervor: Noun - intense and passionate feeling
His devout fervor at being chosen was amazing.
3. Inherit: Verb - receive money, property, or a title as an heir at the last owners
Blessed are the meek, for they shall inherit the earth.
4. Imitate: Verb - take or follow as a model
Some nonpoisonous animals imitate poisonous ones to scare off
5. Interior: Adjective - situated within or inside
Her interior design skills are amazing, Ive never seen better.
6. Intervention: Noun - the action of coming between things to prevent or alter a
If someone has a stoppable addiction, people will often stage an
7. Legacy: Noun - an amount of money or property left to someone in a will
I have no idea what our Eighth Grade legacy gift will be.
8. Obstacle: Noun - a thing that blocks ones way or hinders ones progress
To pass this level one must get around all of the obstacles in their path.
9. Rhetoric: Noun - the art of effective or persuasive speaking or writing
I wonder what reading rhetoric literature must be like.
10. Virtuous: Adjective - having or showing high moral standards
The virtuous church-goer has never said a word against faith.

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