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Megan Medford

Assumption 2, learners self-concept
Assumption 3, The roles of the learners experience

How many of you have been to a third world country?

What about your time there sticks out the most to you?

How would you try to solve some of the problems commonly faced
in third world countries?

In the early 1970's Richard Dugger led a group of high school
students on a visit to Haiti and was deeply moved by the plight of
people in developing countries
He, with the help of others, started Educational Concerns for Haiti
ECHO worked on agricultural projects in Haiti until 1981 when Dr.
Martin Price, changed the focus to sharing information, ideas,
techniques, methods, books, and materials to try and ease world
He also changed the name to Educational Concerns for Hunger


Richard Dugger was a successful businessman from Indiana and
an active member of the United Methodist church
Though Dugger founded the organization, he never worked there
full time
Martin Price has a doctorate in biochemistry and did post-doctoral
research in agriculture
Prior to his position as the Executive Director for ECHO, he was a
research manager in Ohio and often spoke as a guest lecturer at
various colleges
Price was the first person to work for ECHO fulltime, and is thus
considered a co-founder

Based on what you know so far, what type of adults do you think
would learn through ECHO?
Who would you try to educate in order to fight world hunger?

ECHO is a bit different for many humanitarian aid organizations.
Rather than teaching the citizens of third world countries, they
prepare missionaries to teach, or better teach, those living in
They also have 8 recent college graduates as interns
ECHO does not send people though. They help other organizations,
missionaries, and development workers already overseas become
more effective
They also do NOT teach farmers in the US
Any guesses as to why?

The answer they give:

People in the U.S. who want to grow their own food have access to local
agriculture extension agents, master gardeners, and land grant
universities. Those who suffer from hunger in this country have access to
food banks, food stamps, soup kitchens, and charities that help meet
their needs. These services are seldom available in developing countries
They have very specific goals, and are trying to meet a need no one else
was filling

ECHO exists to help equip people with agricultural resources and
skills to reduce hunger and improve the lives of the poor
They aim to help missionaries learn how to help people in the
place where they have already been serving
ECHO besides offering many different training opportunities at the
farm in Florida, they also provide seeds for plants that produce
food, and raise public awareness of hunger related issues in third
world countries
Does anyone see how any
assumptions fit in with ECHOs

ECHO arose out of the acknowledgement of a need, thus any
learner that comes to ECHO already recognizes the need to know
(1) and has the motivation to learn (6)
ECHOs basis on need also fulfils assumption 5, since it is helping
missionaries solve a problem they often see
ECHO teaches agriculture for 6 different climates, this brings in the
need to know (1), self-concept (2), and the learners experience (3)
by allowing them to choose which climate they have already been
working in and will continue to work in

Price, Martin. "The Founder's View: Lessons Learned in the Creation
of a Global Ministry." ECHO. N.p., 2003. Web. 01 Mar. 2016.

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