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Why You Should Support KEVIN L. KOBE Libertarian For District 51 Missouri State Representative Solving Partisanship at Root Level z Religious Term, Goverment License, 2 or Individual Right? zB» Same Sex Marriage is an issue of Government isk and Religion each claiming to have soverign law Bas Over the love ofindividuals Recognizing Loved 2a ‘One's benefits as a Contract Law issue and pez Marriage as not an institution of the state willallow each Religious institution and each ga oct person to decide for their selves the terminology age and rights by which ther family is based. ian iggo Freedom not Foree Understanding that we are a society of s= individuals with choices should be the key to any argument. Often one side of most debates would argue a “Fore” clause to their side of the issue, ‘which would eliminate voluntary or alternative choices in the important issues of oir generation, Remembering that freedom REMEMBER: means the freedom of choiees will ensure that future generations willbe governed by consent. REGISTER LO VOTE ‘The Constitution is not to9 Old, nor too BY OCTOBER 6 Partisan, Nor too selective ‘The Constitution of the United States was drafted by persons who knew what it was like to live in a society ruled by other people with ‘outside special interests. As such they drafted not a perfect government, but a More Perfect Union of governments that agreed upon basic principals of individual and State freedom. Some ‘would say that these freedoms enable too much hatred and danger, however, the lack of freedom js much more dangerous generationally. Some think that parts ofthe constitution were drafted too broad or narrow for moder time, however, by ineluding the Amendment process, the founding fathers enabled future generations to change the law of the land. Wostaya] SeMoyLJoamelsjarides Please Mail this form to: Committee to Elect Kevin L. Kobe ‘621 Lewis Ave Kansas City, Missouri 64125 Evening Phone the campaign Email ution (amount) $ 1 cannot give financial support, but I would like information on -Donation Pledge Form- how to volunteer my time to VOTE KOBE 2010 I would like to help the campaign of Kevin L. Kobe for Missouri sia State Representative District 51 by: (LJ Making a financial cont a Day Phone Address Name Libertarian? fsn’e that AGAINSY goverament? On the contrary. Kevin believes that the Government as we know it has merely ‘grown beyond its Constitutional checks and balances and that we need people educated about the Constitution and the checks and balances to work within the government to bring it ‘back to the noble restrained service of the people that it was intended to be ‘when the founding fathers wrote that there s no government without having ‘Consent of the Goverened.” Kevin ultimately believes thatthe Bill of Rights and the right to vote established a ‘ath branch of government known a8 ~The People” who havea duty as constituents to oversee their elected officals and vote them out when needed, ~Get Big Government off your Back” Senator John McCain made this promise during the 2008 Presidential Election However, the people understand thatthe term ‘Big Government” when uttered by mainstream politicians usually only ‘meats opposition to big taxes and regulations, and not real expansions on government powers. Instead, Kevin likes the term “Big Empire” as it is inclusive ‘of foreign obligations, eWvil iberties rollbacks, surveillance, privatization of public services, as wells the usual taxes And fees on the middle and lower classes to support these bureacracies. ged Parties ave a wasted vote? ‘The recent Tea Party and Anti-War movements are proof that the two-party system is not supported by the majority ‘of Americans and the only way they stay in power is to swindle the people into believing that supporting alternatives to the mainstream isa wast of time. Break the eyele by realizing that a grd party CAN win if the people sway each other and the majority itself to support ‘common sense over politicians. Jesse Ventura and others have shown in the past that you do not have to have a "D" or “R" next to your name in order to win once the people get behind a common message. It's not about “Winning” if we LOSE Missouri's values in the process. Can you do the Job? Kovin believes that fora “Representative” transparency and accessibility i job #1, Kevin has been a “Constitution” activist forthe past 2 years. While not a lawyer or career politician, Kevin understands ‘how legislation ean be interpreted and the parliamentary process and wants to ‘work with you, the constituent, to draft ‘comimon sense legislation that will benefit the residents and businesses of KC, Sugar Creek, and Independence ‘while upholding constitutional rights and restritions. While political differences, exist, Kevin understands most political beliefs and can find common ground with most voters. Kevin wants to be YOUR voice in the State government. Please get involved and allow Kevin to be your communicational tool.

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