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A. Learning about institutes for adult education helps better prepare you for finding a job
that is well suited for you
a. Gives a better idea of what is available and what is interesting to you
B. Most people recognize the YMCA as a community center, and have been involved in
some way or another. Many dont realize its relation to adult education though
C. In 1844 London, George Williams noticed that many young men were living in poor,
unsafe conditions
a. He and some friends created a safe place for these young men to escape to. It was
based on Christian ideals and gave opportunities for Bible study and prayer
D. In 1851, Thomas Valentine Sullivan recognized a similar problem in America
a. Due to the YMCAs success in London, he started one in Boston
E. The YMCA has contributed many things to the world
a. Including body building, summer camp, basketball, volleyball, and racquetball
b. They have also caused lasting personal and social change by listening to
communities and providing innovative, effective solutions to community needs
i. "Early Y leaders understood that if they could shape the values of the
youth, they could shape the values of the nation."- Ryan Bean
F. The made early strides in adult education
a. First known ESL class in America in 1856
b. Large-scale evening classes in 1893
c. Opened over 20 colleges in the U.S.
G. Offer a wide variety of classes
a. They are often based on a need within the community (assumption 1)
b. Their continual availability allows people to take classes when they are ready
(assumption 4)
c. The majority of classes are focused on helping solve a problem in peoples lives
(assumption 5)
d. Many of the classes can help people get better jobs, earn higher salaries, and
improve self-esteem and quality of life (assumption 6)

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