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Megan Medford
March 2016
1. Richard Dugger was a successful businessman from Indiana and an active member
of the United Methodist church
a. In the early 1970's he led a group of high school students on a trip to Haiti
and was deeply moved by the plight of people in developing countries
b. He started Educational Concerns for Haiti Organization
2. ECHO worked on agricultural projects in Haiti until 1981
a. Dr. Martin Price changed the focus of the organization to easing world
hunger by sharing information, ideas, and techniques
b. The name was changed to Educational Concerns for Hunger
3. ECHO is a bit different for many humanitarian aid organizations
a. They prepare missionaries to teach, rather than teaching the citizens of
third world countries
b. They do not send people, they help other organizations, missionaries, and
development workers already overseas become more effective
4. Their ultimate goal is to help equip people with agricultural resources and skills to
reduce hunger and improve the lives of the poor
5. Assumptions show in ECHO
a. ECHO arose out of the acknowledgement of a need, thus any learner that
comes to ECHO already recognizes the need to know (1) and has the
motivation to learn (6)
b. ECHOs basis on need also fulfils assumption 5 (orientation to learning),
since it is helping missionaries solve a problem they often see
c. ECHO teaches agriculture for 6 different climates, this brings in the need
to know (1), self-concept (2), and the learners experience (3) by allowing
learners to choose which climate they have already been working in and
will continue to work in

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