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Peebles Baptist Church Policy on Protecting Vulnerable Adults

Peebles Baptist Church aims to ensure that any vulnerable adults, are protected and kept safe
from harm while they are with staff and volunteers in this organisation. In order to achieve this,
we will ensure our staff and volunteers are carefully selected, screened, trained and supervised.

All applicants to our organisation will complete an application form.
Short listed applicants will be interviewed.
Short listed applicants will be asked to provide references and these will always be taken up prior
to confirmation of an appointment.

Where relevant to the post, the successful applicant will be asked to agree to an appropriate
disclosure. Disclosures will be requested prior to the applicant taking up post.

The successful applicant will have received information giving an overview of the organisation and
its purpose, values, beliefs and structure.
Relevant training and support will be provided on an ongoing basis, and will cover information
about their role, and opportunities for practicing skills needed for the work.
Training on specific areas such as health & safety procedures, identifying and reporting abuse, and
confidentiality will be given as a priority to new volunteers, and will be regularly reviewed.

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All staff and volunteers will have a designated leader who will provide regular feedback and
Peebles Baptist Church will ensure that all involved in recruitment, training and supervision, are
aware of this policy and have received appropriate training and support to ensure it full

Peebles Baptist Church has a separate policy document relating specifically to the Protection and
Care of children.

28th September 2005

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