Physical Education 8 (Quarter 2.2) PDF

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Grade 8
Quarter II


At the end of the lesson you should be able to

discuss the nature and background of baseball/softball;

explain the health and fitness benefits derived from playing baseball and softball;
practice proper and acceptable behavior (e.g. fairness, respect for authority) when
participating baseball/softball;.
execute proficiently the basic skills and tactics in baseball/softball;
interprets rules and regulations of baseball/softball;
exhibit enjoyment in playing baseball/softball.
Before you proceed any further, you have to pass through the pre-assessment items
below in order to find out whether you already have prior knowledge on the terms, skills
and understanding in team sports. Read the directions carefully and write your answer
in your activity sheet/notebook.



Write TRUE if the statement is correct. Write FALSE if the statement is incorrect
then change the underlined word or group of words into the right one to make the
statement true.
1. Gripping is a basic skill in baseball/softball which is related to throwing.
2. Catching is an offensive skill in baseball/softball.
3. Nine(9) players compose a team in baseball/softball.
4. Fielding and throwing drills develop throwing accuracy in baseball/softball.
5. An inning is finished after both teams commit two outs in baseball/softball.
6. A batter is out when he/she misses four( 4) pitched balls in baseball/softball.
7. Foul ball is a batted fly or ground ball that lands outside the foul line.
8. A free walk is awarded to a batter on the fourth ball.
9. Lead is a term in baseball/softball which is related to running on base.
10. The official in baseball/softball is called referee.

Welcome to Part I. In this phase of the

lesson, you will be given activities to assess your
expectations; what you want to know, understand,
produce or perform by asking questions and
clarifying misconceptions. You will be taught the
necessary rudiments of baseball/softball and be
informed of the assessment techniques which will be
used to rate your output and performance at the end
of the lesson.

Activity 1: How much do you know about Team Sports?

In this activity, your prior knowledge on specific team sports will be assessed.



1. Below is a table indicating the basic skills in playing team sports. Your task is to
identify which of the sports enumerated above does each of the skills indicated in
the table below.

2. Write the corresponding team sport in the space provided in the right side of the
column for basic skills.



1. Dribble
2. Chest Pass
3. Bounce Pass
4. Assist
5. Bat/Batting
6. Pitch
7. Shoot
8. Throw
9. Catch
10. Homerun
11. Strike
12. Balls
13. Home Base
14. Initial Sack
15. Key Stone
3. This time, lets find out whether your answers are correct or not. (Refer to the
answer key to be given by your teacher .
4. Choose one team sport indicated above describe it creatively (e.g. demonstration
of the basic skills, dramatization of a certain team sport scene, performing the
selected team sport skills with an action song, etc.)
5. Present your work to the class
6. It is possible that you have already participated in team sports competitions or
even qualified in inter-school athletic meets. You may share the insights you
gained from participating in such activities. Write your responses in your activity
7. Below are critical questions for you to strike!
concisely as possible in your activity notebook.

Give your ideas as briefly and


What do Team
Sports mean to

what benefits can

you derived from
partcipating in team

How do you think can

team sports help you
become a better member
of your family?

Great idea! Because of that,

you can now proceed
to the next activity...

Activity 2: The team sport that I would like to know more about
This activity will allow you to share what you know about team sports at the same
time bring out your expectations on the lesson, your prior knowledge and skills, and the
specific team sport you want to learn more about.
1. Below is a K-W-L chart. Under K column, write three things that you already
know about your chosen team sport. Under W column, write three things that
you want to know more about. Dont write anything yet on the L column.


Name: ___________________________ Chosen Team Sport:______________

K-What you KNOW
W-What you WANT to
L-What youve LEARNED






2. After accomplishing this task, share the things you KNOW and the things you
WANT to KNOW with the class, friends, relative and neighbors.
Activity 3: Team Sport Engagement Survey
This time you need to fill up a team sport engagement survey form. This will help
assess your engagement in team sports which will serve as a reference for your
planning the sequence of learning activities about team sports.
1. Copy the survey form in your activity notebook and reflect on your participation
in team sports by honestly responding to the survey questionnaire below.











1.Have you experience playing team sports?

2. Do you play team sports often?
3. Do you play team sports with friends?
4. Do you play team sports with your family?
5. Are you a member of the school varsity team?
6. Do you participate in community sports
7. Do you enjoy participating in team sports?
8. Do you consider the benefits derived from
playing team sports?
9. Are there team sports enthusiasts in your
10. Do you plan to make team sports one of your
lifetime fitness activities?


2. Just put a checkmark ( ) on the colunm of your corresponding response to

the items indicated in the survey questions. Its quite easy, right? So go on,
grab a pen and accomplish the questionnaire.
3. Now that youre done, submit the questionnaire to your teacher during the
face-to-face encouter. The result of the survey may help your teacher in
designing your succeeding activities in team sport
Activity 4. This activity will give you an idea as to what is expected of you at the
end of this lesson.
At the end of all the lesson, the following
is the expected output for you to



which are aligned to the
content and of great
relevance to the lesson

Showed creativity and

resourcefulness in the
presentation of their
work or output

deep understanding on
the benefits
of team
sports to family fitness
and wellness

Create a journal containing pictures of your

family showing your engagement in team sports.
Indicate dates, places, and short description
(caption) of each picture including a final essay
talking about the benefits that your family derived
from engaging in team sports.
In case you have a problem of producing
pictures where your family is engaging in team
sports, you may have a collection of pictures of
family(s) engaging in sports and wellness, and
from there, draw your insights or conclusions as to
the benefits of a family playing together.
Example : Alvin Patrimonios Family,
Robert Jaworsky Family


At the end of all the lessons, you are

baseball/softball game in a mini
Demonstrate your understanding of
team sports by executing proficiently the
skills and basic rules in playing .


Can perform or execute the skills

Can adapt to other sports discipline
and situations by using these skills
Can maintain his positive manners and
behavior while playing team sport

Activity 5: Lecture/Discussion
A copy of the lecture on baseball and softball is hereby attached through
Appendix A for your reading. Carefully read the lecture for you to be able to answer the
questions which will later be given to assess your knowledge on the following contents:

Nature and background of baseball/softball

Facilities and equipment needed
Proper playing attire/shoes
Conduct of the game
Rules and regulations

Activity 6: Pick-pass n throw (Assessment of Knowledge)

This activity will assess your knowledge on baseball/softball. It will be easier for
you to answer the given questions below if you have read carefully the lecture attached
in Appendix A.
1. Form five groups. Each group will be given a manila paper and pentel pen.
2. Each group shall be in circular formation and will be assigned an initial question
to answer for two minutes.

3. After answering the first question, rotation follows. Pass your question clockwise
to the next group and wait for the next question to be passed to your group.
Passing and receiving of questions shall be done every two minutes.
4. All answers shall be written in the manila paper given to your group.
5. Now, lets see if you really studied the attached lecture in Appendix A. Your
knowledge will be assessed on matters of adequacy and relevance. Your score
in this activity will be graded and recorded.

necessary things to
be considered in
playing team sports

Why are rules

important in team

Baseball/Softball an
excellent means of

How can a specific

team sport like
develop teamwork

necessary in the
promotion of family


Kudos for passing the task and challenge.

You can proceed to the next part of the

Congratulations again! You made it

to this phase! Prepare yourself for you will
be provided with various learning resources





understand and perform better in




Activity 1: Baseball/Softball Basics

This activity aims to introduce you to the the basic skills in baseball/softball and
the mechanics on how each skill is properly executed. Read the instructions carefully so
that you will know how the skills are being executed. You will be given a chance to
perform them later. These skills will make you a better baseball/softball plahyer, so what
are you waiting for? Lets go and play baseball/softball!
In this activity, you will need

baseball/softball ball and gloves

baseball/softball playing area or diamond
partner or group
a good pair of playing shoes
body and knee protector
masks and helmets

Basic skills to be learned

running or base running

A. Throwing
Throwing is the most basic skill in
baseball and softball. It allows the team
to prevent their opponents from touching
bases or even earning points or runs.
Style and technique in doing it differ from
player to player.

To have a good throw in

baseball/softball, you should
consider the elements of grip,

fragmentwind-up, delivery


Heres how the elements of throwing are being executed...

Grip the ball across the seams with your index
and middle finger. The thumb is under the top fingers.

Raise the throwing arm up and turn the
shoulder in the direction of the throw. The gloved
hand points toward the target. Raise left foot and
place all the weight of the body on the right foot.

Make a backward swing with bent elbows;
lean forward in transferring wieght to the left foot
and release the ball.

Point the throwing arm down-forward,
putting the feet parallel in a ready position.

It is important for you to

focus on your target before
you execute the l throw.

B. Pitching
Pitching is a skill that puts the
game to play. It is performed by a
pitcher, one of the key players in
baseball/softball who stays at the center
of the playing field called diamond.

To have a good pitch you have

to consider the elements of grip,

wind-up, pivot delivery and followthrough...


Heres how the elements of pitching are being executed...

Keep the front part of the right foot in
contact with the side of the plate. Shift the weight
to the back leg and take a backward step.

Pivot on the ball of the front foot to turn
parallel to the plate. Lift the left foot.

Take a stride or wide step with your left
foot. Release

After the relase of the ball, continue the
forward motion, with the throwing arm pointing to
the target.

It is important for you to

focus your pitch on your
target before you execute
thel pitch.


C. Catching
This is a defensive skill used to receive
a thrown ball and hold a base runner or batter
from proceeding or preventing them from
earning a point or a run.

In performing this skill, you must consider the following mechanics:

Hold your glove open and keep a visual on the ball at all times;
Keep your free hand in front of you and bring it on top of the glove as the ball
approaches; and
Close your hand over the ball the moment it hits inside your glove.

D. Hitting/Batting

This is an offensive skill used to strike the

pitched ball using a bat done to advance to the
bases and eventually leading to earning a run or
In doing this skill, you
following: Grip, stance,
stride and swing.

Gripping-use your fingers in gripping the bat and

tighten your grip as ball approaches.
Stance-proper stance includes slightly bending your
knees, feet parallel to the plates in shoulder width
distance and bat tilted at 45 degrees and not
positioned over the shoulder.
Stride-as the ball approaches, stride right foot a
little backward to gain momentum
Swing-after a little stride backward, transfer the
strength generated by the body towards the arms to
bat as it swings parallel to the ground aiming a the
ball and directing it to the intended destination.

E. Running/Base-Running

This is a very important skill

you need to master because it allows
you to advance from one base to the
other with full speed and agility

To condition the body for efficient and effective

running, you must take into consideration the following:
Speed Running-running with speed from one point to
a definite distance. Try getting your time as you run
and improve your speed everytime you do it.
Agility Running-running with a change in position and
direction in the fastest possible speed you can. To
master this, you might as well consider running through
the bases of the diamond.
Improve your speed
everytime you do it.
Before the start of any baseball/softball drill lessons,
lead-up or actual game, consider doing a combination
of the following exercises that may help you improve
your running: Shuffle, Back Pedal, Jogging, High
Knees, Carioca, Butt Kicks, Jumping Jacks.

Activity 2: Skill development activities

This activity provides an opportunity for you to demonstrate the basic skills
you have learned previously. You will be given five skill stations for you to actually
demonstrate a paticular skill based on the demonstration given in the activity
You will need

baseball/softball balls
playing area (a baseball/softball diamond/improvised diamond/gym)
protective gears (mask, sheen guards, body protectors)
proper playing outfit with a good pair of playing shoes

Basic skills to be learned

base running

1. Consider the following before starting the activity: warm-up exercises, safety
2. You now proceed to the playing area designated by your teacher five stations
corresponding to each basic skill to perform will be provided for you.
3. You should pass through each station of drill lessons on basic skills. After
undergoing the drill lesson in one station, move to the next station so that you will
experience all drill lessons provided.
4. You should do well in this activity because your performance will be rated
according to the following criteria:
Indicators for Assessment:
Can perform or execute the skills
Can follow instructions efficiently and effectively
Can exemplify positive behavior troughout the drill
5. At the end of the drill lessons, gather yourselves together with your classmates
and report to your teacher in a circle formation. This time, share your drill
experiences to the class. As you share your experiences, expect for reactions
from your classmates. As this happens, be ready to openly accept their
reactions, be it positive or negative. Consider it a room for you to improve your
Baseball/Softball performance more.
Drill Sequence:


Station I

Station II

Station III

Station IV

Station V








Drill Illustration:
Station 1 And 2: Throwing and Catching



Station 3: Pitching

Station 4: Batting

Station 5: Running

Base on Balls

How well have you performed in the drill lessons?

You must be tired after the drill lessons but before you proceed to your next
baseball/softballl challenge, lets check if you have done well with the activities. Just put
a checkmark ( ) on the column of your corresponding response to the items indicated
below based on how well you did in each drill station. You might as well consider the
criteria given before you started the activity (proficiency in the execution of skills - 40%,
ability to follow instructions - 30%, behavior during the drill - 30%).Copy and accomplish
the table in your activity notebook.


Advanced Proficient Approaching Developing Beginning

Station 1: Throwing
Station 2: Catching
Station 3: Pitching
Station 4: Batting
Station 5: Running
Please refer to the following for a more accurate self-assessment:
Approaching Proficiency:

90% and above

74% and bbelow

Activity 3: Rules do count!

Lets level-up! You now proceed with the introduction to the basic rules and
regulations of baseball/softball. Study them carefully because you will need them to
overcome the challenges of the next activity.
You will need:

baseball/softball balls
playing area (official or improvised diamond)
protective gears (mask, sheen guards, body protectors)
proper playing outfit with a good pair of playing shoes

Skills to be refined:

basic rules officiating


1. The table below shows the most crucial aspects of baseball/softball when it
comes to rules and regulations. Be guided accordingly as to how you should play
baseball/softball. Remember, were talking of amateur baseball/softball, not of
professional baseball/softball yet, because in professional baseball/softball like in
International Baseball Federation (IBF) or Little League Baseball rules and
regulations are highly technical.



Ball In And Out of play

Nine Players per team
(Pitcher, Catcher, 1st Baseman, 2nd
Baseman, 3rd Baseman, Short Stopper,
Right Fielder, Left Fielder, Center Fielder)
PLAY/Toss-coin (whichever team wins the
toss-coin, that team decides whether they
start with offense or defense play)
Seven Innings
The ball is in play if it batted and lands on
safe zone or within the 90-degree foul line;
its out of play if it lands outside the safe
zone or outside the foul line




Two substitutions per inning (in case of

injuries or upon decision of the coach in
case substitution is needed for a better play)
Batter unable to strike pitched ball in strike
zone (strike is awarded); three strikes results
to an out, next batter resumes; three outs
results to change of play/inning;
Base-runner/s unable to reach base and
tagged; batted ball is caught before it hits
the ground
Assault to an opposing player
Disrespect to officials
One inning is given to each team in case of
Chief umpire
1st base umpire
2nd base umpire
3rd base umpire
Time-keeper (in case innings are timed)

2. Your teacher will discuss more about the aspects of playing baseball/softball
indicated in the table above. You might as well do some research on this matter

to enrich your knowledge on baseball/softball rules and regulations. Remember

some of the amateur rules indicated and discussed by your teacher may vary
depending on the tournament or league agreements like for intance number of
innings in a game, substitution, number of time-outs per inning, and others.
Reminder: You have to consider the following before starting the activity:
proper attire, warm-up exercises, safety precautions.
3. This time, your class will be grouped into three. Groups 1 and 2 will play first
while group 3 will manage and officiate the game. Make sure that participation
among your teammates is maximized. In the meantime, you may consider a
game of 3-5 innings as your class time allows you to. Below is the schedule of
games and officiating officials:
Game 1
Game 2
Game 3

Group 1 Vs. Group 2

Group 2 Vs. Group 3
Group 3 Vs. Group 1

Criteria for Assessement: On Skill

Execution while playing
Proficiency in the execution of skills 30%
Ability to adapt or use skills to certain
baseball/softball situations
Behavior in playing baseball/


Officials: Group 3
Officials: Group 1
Officials: Group 2

Criteria for Assessement: On

Appropriateness of
calls and signal


Fairness and Equality


Coordination with other officials

and behavior in officiating 30%

You are encouraged

to make the best of your
performance in this activities
because your performance
will be rated and recorded.
Activity 4: Baseball/Softball Developmental Activities
(Bass-on-balls/Zigzag throw-catch/Throw Baseball/Softball)

In this activity, you will be provided with lead-up activities for you to see how
basic skills, when combined together, can be applied efficiently and effectively in playing
You will need

baseball/softball balls
playing area (Official/Improvised diamond)
protective gears (mask, sheen guards, body protectors)
proper playing outfit with a good pair of playing shoes

Skills to be learned:

basic rules and basic officiating

1. With same three groups as the previous activity, group 1 will start with base on
balls, group 2 will proceed with zigzag throw-catch drill, and group 3 will start
with throw baseball
2. Carefully observe carefully the mechanics of the activity to guide your group on
what to do at the course of the activity. You have to be reminded that the
performance of the group determines the success of the drill.
3. Rotation shall follow after each group finishes the drill so that every group will
also experience the playing in the other drill/lead-up stations.
Reminder: Consider orienting learners on the following before starting the
activity: proper attire, warm-up exercises, safety precautions

Drill Matrix:

Group II


Group I

Group III

Base on balls

Zigzag throw-catch drill

Throw baseball/softball


Throw baseball/softball

Base on balls

Zigzag throw-catch drill


Zigzag throw-catch drill

Throw baseball/softball

Base on balls

Drill illustration:
Station 1: Base on Balls



Players: 6-8 players in a team

Equipment: baseballs/softbalsl, gloves, bat
Area: Playground or gymnasium (with official or improvised bases)
Skills:Throwing catching, batting and base-running
Procedure: The objective is for the batter to hit the ball into fair territory and run
the bases without stopping, before the catcher gains possession of the ball and
calls STOP! The fielders, instead of playing regular baseball/softball rules,
throws the ball directly at home to the catcher. There are no outs. A caught fly
ball would mean no score. A fly ball would count as a turn at bat. After each
batter has had turn to bat, side changes.
Scoring: One point is scored for each base touched before the catcher receives
the ball at home. A home run counts for four points. The team that earn higher
score after 2 side changes or innings wins.
Variations: (1) Use batting tee. (2) Have the batter throw the ball into the field
instead of batting it. (3) Use a pitcher. (4) Instead of having the fielders throw the
ball to the catcher, let them throw it to the pitcher who must pitch a strike to stop
the batter from running. Use a different pitcher for each batter. (5) specify the
number of throws per relay
Station 2: Zigzag Throw-Catch Drill

Throw-Catch Side

Catch-Throw Side

Players: 6-8 per side; 12-14 per team

Equipment Needed: Gloves, baseball/softball balls/improvised balls
Area: Playground or any open space (30 feet or more between lines)
Skills: Throwing, catching, ;pitching
Procedure: The objective is for the team to throw or pitch the ball through a
zigzag pattern in the shortest time. Each team is divided evenly into two lines
facing each other. The first person in one line throws the ball across to the first
person in the other line who throws the ball to the second in line, and so on down
the line. When the person at the end of the line receives the ball, he or she
throws diagonally to the first person in the other line and then goes to the head of
his/her own line This continues until everyone is back in his original position.
Scoring: the team which records the shortest time upon accomplishing the
activity wins the game.
Variations: Use underhand or overhead and side throwing


Station 3: Throw Baseball/Softball



Players: 6-8 per team.
Equipment Needed: Gloves, baseball/softball balls/improvised balls
Area: Playground or any open space with an official or improvised
baseball/softball diamond
Skills: Throwing, catching, fielding and base-running
Procedure: The objective is for the batter to run the bases without being out.
The game is played like baseball/softball except that the batter, instead of batting
the ball, catches the pitched ball and immediately throws it into the field. The ball
is, then played as in regular baseball/softball. The batter is allowed only one
throw per time at- bat. If he/she drops a ball in the strike zone, he/she is out. A
foul ball is an out. Theres no stealing. Upon reaching three outs, the game
changes sides. The game ends after 2-3 game changes or innings.
Scoring: One point is scorred for each run. The team that earns higher points
wins the game
Variations: (1) Have the batter use an under-the-leg throw. (2) Use an
underhand throw. (3) Use a batting t


Assess for process in this activity.

Criteria for Assessement: On Skill Execution
Proficient execution of the skills
Can follow /understand instructions
Can/manifest positive /behavior
while playing team sports




Activity 5: Checking Your Understanding

In this activity, your understanding of the essence and benefits of participating in
team sports will be assessed. You can present your responses in any form you are
comfortable with. Do this activity in a separate sheet of paper or even in your activity
Reaction or position paper
poster and slogan

Lets go deeper and deeper this

time! In this phase, you are provided
with other learning resources and
learning experiences

for you to

enrich/broaden your understanding of

the lesson.

Activity 1: Living Legends

In this activity, you will be given an opportunity to rethink and refine your
undersdtandings on team sports by listening to invited resource persons as they speak
on how team sports influenced them as an individual and as a member of the family.

NOTE : In the absence of an invited guest, you can utilize available resources in their
place like recorded interviews or written materials like autobigraphy and features that
has something to do with team sports.
1. Form three groups ..
2. With each group you determine and decide who among the home-grown team
sports enthusiasts in your immediate community interests and inspires you most
and could share meaningful insights to your class as regards his/her participation
in team sports.
3. Draft an invitation letter requesting him/her to speak to the class on the following

Persons who influenced him/her to engage in team sports

How team sports contributed to his success in life
The role of his/her family in his active participation in team sports
His/her team sports achievements (winnings, awards, recognitions)
How team sports influenced him/her as an individual and as a member of the

4. Upon confirmation of the resource persons approval to your request, invite them
to deliver their inspirational message to your class.
5. After the sharing of the resource persons answer the following questions:
a. Who among the three resource persons inspired you most? Why?
b. How did their sharings reinforce or enhance your understanding, belief or
view on team sports?
c. What role did his/her family play in his/her success in team sports and in life?
d. Based from the insights shared by the resource persons, what benefits can
one derive from participating in team sports?
6. You may answer the questions above using any of the six facets of
understanding (explanation, interpretation, application, perspective, empathy and
You refect your answer to the questions in your activity notebook.
NOTE: If you choose or use other means aside from inviting a guest, you can
give your reactions and insights by using any of the six facets too .

That was impressive so with that, Ill give you a thums up! Kudos!!! Hope you can do
the same in this next activity.
Activity 2.: How Good is your Aim if you wont pull the Trigger
You will list down your goals as regards your personal, family, and community
involve basetball/softball) or team sports in general. This aims to reaffirm your
commitment in making team sports your lifetime fitness endeavor. The following is an
example of an output on this activity. You are encouraged to have other modes of
presentation employing your creativity and resourcefulness in this challenge.




Activity 3: What have I learned?

Heres your final challnge in this part of the lesson, you will accomplish the K-W-L
chart you have started accomplishing in Part I of the learning sequence. You will be
tasked to share three things you have learned from participating inbaseball and softball
and in team sports in general.

K-What you KNOW

W-What you WANT to know



L-What youve LEARNED



Finally, you have made it to this

part! This is now your chance to show
enveryone that you can demonstrate the
different skills in baseball/softballl as you
play with your classmates/family/friends.
After playing, your task of accomplishing
your final product is up next! Dont waste
this opportunity because there are no
second chances! Your performance and
product will be graded accordingly to the
given criteria.

Activity 1: Mini-Team Sport Tournament (Assessment of Performance)

This activity aims to finally let you synthesize and apply what you have
theoretically and practically learned in the previous phases of the learning sequence.
Decision making, critical thinking and sportsmanship will be revealed and developed.
Your performance during this activity will be rated according to the following criteria:
Appropriateness of Skills, Execution of Skills and Behavior during Performance.
You will need:

baseball and softball balls

diamond and playing area
teams or groups
a good pair of playing shoes
proper playing outfit
score sheet

Skills to be demonstrated:

throwing and catching
base running
postive manners and behavior while playing
execution of other offensive and defensive skills


1. Form three groups.Group 1 and 2 will play first; group 3 officiates the game.
Rotation will be made so that all groups will be able to play and officiate. Make
sure that participation among your teammates be maximized. You may consider
a quarter of 8 minutes only to allow rotation of roles among all 3 groups in your
class. Here is the schedule of games and officials:
Game 1
Game 2
Game 3

Group 1 Vs. Group 2

Group 2 Vs. Group 3
Group 3 Vs. Group 1

Officials: Group 3
Officials: Group 1
Officials: Group 2



Proficiency in the Execution

of Skills
MASTERFUL: Able to use
knowledge and skills
automatically, effectively and
efficiently in diverse game
SKILLED:Completely able to
use knowledge and skills in
diverse game situations

Ability to Adapt a Skill to a

Certain Sport Situation
SKILLFUL: Demonstrates
powerful and skillful execution
of the game skills with high
level of confidence

ABLE: Has limited but

growing ability to use
knowledge and skills in
diverse game situations

PRACTITIONER: Demonstrates
general level of coordination
and competence in the
execution of game skills with
limited but growing confidence
APPRENTICE: Demonstrates
limited coordination and
competence in the execution of
game skills, with low level of

APPRENTICE: Relies on a
limited repertoire of
knowledge and skills; has
limited use of judgment and
responsiveness to game
NOVICE: Can perform only
with coaching and relies on
highly directed skill
execution, procedures and
game approaches

COMPETENT: Demonstrates
the game skills with confidence

NOVICE: Has very low or no

coordination in demonstrating
game skills; has very low level
or no confidence at all

Behavior in Playing Team Sport

MATURE: Highly disciplined and
able to demonstrate
appropriate behavior towards
the game, players and game
SENSITIVE: Disciplined and able
to demonstrate appropriate
behavior towards the game,
players and game officials
AWARE: Generally
demonstrates proper behavior
towards the game, player and
game officials
capacity for self-discipline but is
still limited to own reactions and
attitudes towards the game,
players, and game officials
EGOCENTRIC: Has little or no
consideration to the rules of the
game; behaves untowardly and
has no respect for other players
and game officials


Activity 2. Team sports family journal (Assessment of Product)

This activity will encourage you to involve your family in playing team sports . This is
a form of fitness activity wherein you prepare a documentary of your familys
engagement in team sports.
You will need:

team sports photographs of you and your family

coloring materials
folders/card boards, etc.
writing/printing materials
anything that could be used for collage, recyclable materials/old magazines)
computer and computer programs (Movie-maker, Photoshop, Powerpoint, Nero,
blank CD/s

Skills to be demonstrated:

Uniqueness and originality

Creativity and resourcefulness
Deep understanding of the benefits derived from participating in team sports
Involving the family in team sports endeavors

1. Gather some pictures or videos of your familys team sports activities. Prepare a
documentary by organizing them in a portfolio or scrapbook or any other
presentation you wish to do. You are also encouraged to have it digitally
presented (videograph, powerpoint presentation, movie maker presentation,
2. Dont forget to put descriptions or captions in each documented activity. Your
descriptions/captions may include the team sport played, date and place it was
taken and the like.
3. The last page or final slide, in case you prefer digital presentation, should include
your insights gained from participating in baseballor softball and team sports in
general and the benefits that the learner and the family as a whole gained from
engaging in it.
4. Your uniqueness, creativity,and resourcefulness will be challenged through this
activity so dont waste your chance. Go and start your masterpiece!

Criteria for Assessment:

Content and relevance of pictures presented


Creativity, resourcefulness and quality of presentation


Understanding (benefits of team sports to family fitness wellness)


NOTE: In case you have no

family pictures or videos, you
can cut out pictures of well
known/prominent sports icon
then organized it in a portfolio
or scrap/tbook or any other
presentation you wish to do.


APPENDIX A Lecture on baseball and softball

The game of baseball is said to have begun in the early 19th century, but that's
just half the truth. The game was played much before but the first baseball clubs were
formed around that time. An Englishman named Alexander Cartwright in the year 1845
devised the first set of rules baseball. In fact, many of the rules listed out then are still
used in the game.
In the early 20th century the concentration was more on hitting the home runs.
Babe Ruth changed the course of the game with his magical abilities to achieve home
runs. It was due to sportsmen like Babe Ruth that baseball achieved the levels of
popularity that it did. The popularity of Babe Ruth also helped in improving the money in
the game, since people just went to watch Babe Ruth in action.
Baseball became a game of strategy and hitting throughout the last part of the
20th century. However, pitching and home run hitting are the baseball benchmarks of
today. Depending on the strength of their bullpens and their home run hitters, baseball
teams are either big winners or big losers. The one thing that is consistent is that the
cost of admission still continues to rise.
A baseball/softball game is played by two teams who alternate between offense
and defense. There are nine players on each side. The goal is to score more runs than
the opponent, which is achieved by one circuit of four bases that are placed on the
The defense wears baseball/softball gloves, a leather contraption that fits on the
hand, to catch the ball. A baseball is a white ball roughly three inches in diameter with
red stitching. A softball is roughly twice as big, sometimes yellow (but no softer).
The offense uses a bat, which is made of wood in the professional ranks, and likely
made of aluminum or a metal composite at amateur levels. Almost all softball bats are
aluminum or metal.
The part of the field closest to the bases is called the infield, and the grassy
farther reaches is called the outfield.
The bases are 90 feet apart on the diamond, closer in children's leagues and softball.
Other fields are variable, and the outfield fences or the amount of foul territory - the

amount of ground that borders the field between the long white lines that connect first
base to home plate and third base to home plate varies from field to field.
There's a pitcher in the middle of the mound who initiates the action by throwing
the ball toward home plate. The catcher catches the ball if it's not hit. The infielders are
the first baseman, second baseman, shortstop (between second and third base) and the
third baseman. There are three outfielders: The left fielder, center fielder and right
There are nine innings in professional baseball games (sometimes fewer in lower
levels), and each inning is divided in half to the top of the inning (when the visiting team
hits and the home team plays defense) and the bottom of the inning (when the home
team hits and the visiting team plays defense). Each team gets three outs in each half
of the innings.
Each team has nine players in its batting order, and they must stick to that order
throughout the game (players may substitute in for other players). A play begins with a
batter waiting to hit a pitch from the pitcher. If the batter hits the ball into the field of play,
the batter runs to first base and can run to as many bases as he or she deems fit
without getting "out." If a players hits the ball over the outfield fence in fair territory
(between the foul lines), it's a home run, and the batter can circle all four bases.
There are many ways that the team on defense can get an offensive player out. Four
common ways are:

Strikeouts (hitter misses three pitches)

Force outs (when, after the ball is hit, the defensive player with the ball reaches a
base before the runner)
Fly outs (when a player hits the ball in the air and it's caught by a defensive
player before the ball hits the ground)
Tag outs (when a runner is touched with the ball, or a glove with the ball in it)

Baseball requires a high degree of skill to play well. Athletic ability will help a
player compete with other top players, but the specific skills of hitting, throwing and
catching the baseball require significant work and practice to acquire. Many of the top

hitters in the game don't have a tremendous speed or strength, but they all have a highlevel of eye-hand coordination.
Hitters who can drive the ball over the fence, such as Babe Ruth and Hank
Aaron, are lionized, but many hitters who don't hit frequent home runs can be just as
important to their teams. Hitting the ball consistently takes timing, hand-eye coordination
and confidence. These skills are developed through regular batting practice. Hitters
must be balanced when standing at the plate and drive their hands through the ball with
all their strength and momentum behind their swings.
Catching and fielding the baseball takes athleticism, aggressiveness, timing and
coordination. Fielding ground balls requires the player to get to a spot on the field
quickly, to get his body in front of the ball and to catch it out in front of him. Catching fly
balls takes speed, timing, anticipation and coordination. Fielders need to catch
hundreds of ground balls and fly balls in practice to learn how to field consistently.
Throwing the ball well requires arm strength, balance and timing. Baseball
players must build the strength in their arm by throwing regularly with the proper
technique. That means players must step toward the target when they throw and must
get their momentum traveling toward their target.
Base Running
Having speed alone does not make one a good base runner. Speed helps, but
understanding the route to run, the arm strength of opposing outfielders and the game
situation are more important skills than flat-out speed. A good base runner will listen to
advice from coaches on the base paths, but will make the final decisions whether to run
or stop based on his knowledge.
In the beginning baseball players did not wear gloves. Today there are several
different kinds of gloves. The catcher's mitt is big, round, and padded. The first
baseman's mitt is longer than the other fielders' gloves, and an outfielders' glove is
larger than an infielders' glove.

The first bases used in baseball were four-foot high stakes. Too many players ran into
them and were hurt, so they tried big flat rocks. Players were still being injured, so they
finally filled soft sacks with sand. The modern day bases are made similar to the sand
filled bags.
Safety Gear
The first catchers in baseball did not wear any gear for protection. Today's
players wear a face-mask, helmet, chest protector, shin guards and a cup. In 1952, the
Pittsburgh Pirates were the first team to wear helmets. They wore them when they were
batting and when they were playing in the field.
In the major leagues, only wooden bats are used. The rules say that the bat can
only be 42 inches long, and can only be 2 3/4 inches in diameter at the thickest point.
White ash is the best wood to use to make a bat. A bat made out of white ash helps
absorb some of the shock when hitting a 90 mile-per-hour pitch.
All baseballs are made the same size and weight. They are 9 to 9 1/4 inches in
circumference and weigh 5 to 5 1/4 ounces. The center of the baseball is cork. The cork
ball is covered with rubber. Cotton and wool yarn are tightly wound around the cork and
rubber center. 150 yards of cotton yarn (450 feet) and 219 yards of wool yarn (625 feet)
are used to make a baseball.
Baseball Rules & Regulations
Former Chicago White Sox owner Bill Veeck famously said, I try not to break the
rules but merely to test their elasticity. A certain amount of rule-bending is likely to exist
in any sport, but no game has a set of rules as well established as baseball, where the
regulations have been virtually unchanged for over a century. For newcomers to
baseball, the following is a brief overview of the games essential tenets:
Each team in a baseball game starts nine players. The game is broken up into
innings, during which each team plays both offense and defense. A regulation baseball
game consists of nine innings (many levels of youth baseball, including high school,
play only six- or seven-inning games). An inning starts with the home team on defense
and the away team on offense. The offensive team attempts to score runs, while the
defensive team attempts to record outs.
One inning is completed after each team makes three outs. The team that has
the most total runs after nine innings are completed is the winner. If the score is tied,
play continues, with each extra inning functioning as sudden death.

Positions & Lineups

On defense, the players occupy nine positions. There are five infield positions
(pitcher, catcher, first base, second base, third base, and shortstop), and three outfield
positions (left field, center field, and right field). The diagram to the left shows the typical
defensive alignment on a basic baseball diamond.
On offense, the nine starters form a strategically arranged lineup, which
determines the order in which each player bats. Many baseball organizations allow the
use of a designated hitter. This means that one player who is not among the defensive
starters may bat in the place of a defensive player. In many cases, the designated hitter
bats for the pitcher.
The players take turns batting according to the lineup, and once every player has
batted, the order starts over from the top. It is against the rules to bat out of order.
Substitutions may be made at any time, but once a player has been removed from the
game, he cannot return (unless specific league rules allow it).
Pitching & Defense
In baseball, play starts when the pitcher delivers a pitch. There are two positions
from which a pitcher may start his delivery: The wind-up and the stretch. The wind-up is
typically used with no runners on base, while the stretch is utilized when there are base
runners, because it is a quicker way to make a pitch. The pitcher must be in contact with
the pitchers rubber when he throws the ball.
For every at-bat of a game, a count is kept in order to keep track of how many
balls and strikes have been thrown (for example, one ball and two strikes, or 1-2). The
strike zone is an area that reaches from the batters knees to his chest, and spans the
width of home plate. The home plate umpire determines whether each pitch crossed
through the strike zone, and so strike zones tend to be somewhat subjective. If the
pitcher throws a pitch that misses the strike zone, it is called a ball. If he throws a pitch
inside the strike zone, or if the batter swings and misses, or if the batter hits the ball into
foul territory, it is called a strike.
There are several ways to record an out on defence:
Strike out: After three strikes, the batter is out. However, a batter cannot strike out on a
foul ball. If he hits a foul ball with two strikes, the count remains the same.
Tag out: When the ball is in play, any defensive player may tag a base runner when he
is off the base to record an out.
Catch: If the batter hits a pitched ball in play, and any member of the defense catches it
in the air, then the batter is out. A runner on base may attempt to advance to the next

base once a catch has been made by tagging up. However, the runner does so at the
risk of being tagged out.
Force out: If the batter hits a pitched ball in play that is not caught in the air, the
defense may field the ball and touch first base (or more likely, throw it to the first
baseman, who then touches first base) before the batter reaches the base to record the
out. Also, if there are runners on first base, first and second base, or all three bases, the
runners must advance if a batted ball touches the ground (they are forced). Therefore,
the defense can tag a base in front of a runner for a force-out. It is possible for the
defense to record multiple force-outs on the same play. This is called a double play.
The home plate area consists of home plate, a left-hand batters box and righthand batters box (on separate sides of home plate, and a catchers box (directly behind
home plate). The offensive player stands in one of the batters boxes, while the catcher
squats down behind home plate, and the umpire stands just behind the catcher.
In order to score a run, a batter must safely touch all four bases (in a counter-clockwise
direction) and home plate. The player doesnt need to touch all four bases during one
play. Once he reaches a base, he may choose to stay there, and as long as he stays on
the base he cannot be tagged out. Therefore, in order to score a run, the offensive team
typically must get multiple players on base safely in order to advance them around the
diamond and touch home plate to score a run.
There are several ways that a batter may reach base safely:
Single: The batter hits a pitched ball into fair territory, and the defense is unable to
catch it in the air. If the batter makes it to first base without being tagged with the ball or
before the defense can make a force-play at first base, then the batter is safe with a
Double: The batter hits a pitched ball into fair territory, and the defense is unable to
catch it in the air. If the batter makes it to second base without being tagged with the
ball or before the defense can make a force-play, then the batter is safe with a double.
Triple: The batter hits a pitched ball into fair territory, and the defense is unable to catch
it in the air. If the batter makes it to third base without being tagged with the ball or
before the defense can make a force-play, then the batter is safe with a triple.
Home run: The batter hits a pitched ball into fair territory, and the defense is unable to
catch it in the air. If the batter touches all three bases and makes it to home plate
without being tagged with the ball or before the defense can make a force-play, then the
batter is safe with a home run. In addition, if the batter hits a pitched ball that lands
beyond the designated outfield fence, it is an automatic home run. He is allowed to jog

around the bases and touch home plate, and any runners who were on base are also
allowed to score.
Base on balls: If the pitcher throws four pitches out of the strike zone (as determined
by the home plate umpire) before the batter hits the ball fair or strikes out, then the
batter is awarded first base.
Hit by pitch: If a pitched ball strikes the batter on any part of his body, the batter is
awarded first base (unless an umpire determines that the batter intentionally moved in
order to get hit).
Catchers interference: If the batters bat makes contact with the catcher while he
attempts to swing at a pitch, the batter is awarded first base.
Defensive error: If the batter is able to safely reach base as the result of a defensive
players mistake, then the play is called an error. An error has effectively the same
result as a hit, but officially it is a different type of play.
Dropped third strike: If a batter swings and misses at a pitched ball for the third strike,
but the catcher drops the ball or it bounces away, the batter may attempt to run to first
base. If the batter reaches first base before the catcher can tag him or make a force-out,
then the batter is safe.
Fielders choice: If the batter hits a pitched ball into play, and the defense chooses to
tag or force-out another base runner instead of the batter (thereby allowing the batter to
reach base safely), then it is considered a fielders choice. This is a less desirable way
to reach base, because an out is recorded in the process.

The name "softball" dates back to 1926. The name was coined by Walter
Hakanson of the YMCA at a meeting of the National Recreation Congress. (In addition
to "indoor baseball", "kitten ball", and "diamond ball", names for the game included
"mush ball", and "pumpkin ball".) The name softball had spread across the United
States by 1930. By the 1930s, similar sports with different rules and names were being
played all over the United States and Canada. The formation of the Joint Rules
Committee on Softball in 1934 standardized the rules and naming throughout the United
The first British women's softball league was established in 1952.
In 1991, women's fast-pitch softball was selected to debut at the 1996 Summer
Olympics. The 1996 Olympics also marked a key era in the introduction of technology in
softball; the IOC funded a landmark biomechanical study on pitching during the games.


In 2002, sixteen-inch slow pitch was written out of the ISF official rules, although it is still
played extensively in the United States under The Amateur Softball Association of
America, or ASA rules.
The 117th meeting of the International Olympic Committee, held in Singapore in July
2005, voted to drop softball and baseball as Olympic sports for the 2012 Summer
Olympic Games.
Other sanctioning bodies of softball are AAU, NSA, PONY, ASA, ISC, USSSA, and ISA.
Equipments of softball
Equipment required in softball includes a ball, a bat, gloves, uniforms and
protective gear: for example, helmets for the offensive team and a helmet, shin guards
and chest protector for the defensive catcher. Also cleats, sliding shorts, face masks
and knee sliders may be worn for softball.
Despite the sport's name, softballs are not especially soft. The size of the ball
varies according to the classification of play; the permitted circumferences in
international play are 120.125 in (30.50.3 cm), in weight between 6.25 oz (178 g) and
7.0 oz (198.4 g) in fast pitch;. A 12-inch circumference ball is generally used in slow
pitch; although in rare cases some leagues (especially recreational leagues) do use a
14-inch circumference ball..
In 2002, high-visibility yellow "optic" covering, long-used for restricted flight balls in coed recreational leagues, became standard for competitive play. Yellow is the color of
official NCAA and NAIA softballs. Yellow softballs are fast becoming the standard for all
levels of play for girls' and women's play in particular. White balls are also allowed, but
are much more common in slow pitch than in fast pitch.
The bat used by the batter can be made of wood, aluminum, or composite
materials such as carbon fiber. Sizes may vary but they may be no more than 34 inches
(86 cm) long, 2.25 inches (6 cm) in diameter, or 38 oz. (1.2 kilograms) in weight. In fast
pitch softball, wooden bats are not allowed. The standard bat barrel diameter for both
slow-pitch and fast pitch softball is 214 inches. Many players prefer a smaller barrel,
which reduces weight and allows higher swing speed.
All defensive players wear fielding gloves, made of leather or similar material.
Gloves have webbing between the thumb and forefinger, known as the "pocket". The
first baseman and the catcher may wear mitts; mitts are distinguished from gloves in
that they have extra padding, and no fingers. No part of the glove is allowed to be the
same color as that of the ball, including that of its seams. Gloves used in softball are

usually larger than the ones used in baseball. No glove larger than 14" (36 cm) can be
used in ASA sanctioned play..
Protective equipment
A helmet must have two ear flaps, one on each side. Helmets and cages that are
damaged or altered are forbidden. Helmets must be worn by batters and runners in fast
pitch. Helmets are optional in slowpitch. In NCAA fast pitch softball you have the option
to wear a helmet with or without a face mask.. In male fast pitch masks are generally
only used for medical reasons. In fast pitch, the catcher must wear a protective helmet
with a face-mask and throat protector, shin guards and body protector. Shin guards also
protect the kneecap.
In any form of softball, any player (other than fast pitch catchers on defense) can
wear a protective face mask or face guard. As usual, it must be in proper condition and
not damaged, altered, or the like. This is intended to prevent facial injuries.
Decisions about plays are made by umpires, similar to a referee in American
football. The number of umpires on a given game can range from a minimum of one to a
maximum of seven. There is never more than one "plate umpire"; there can be up to
three "base umpires", and up to a further three umpires positioned in the outfield. Most
fast pitch games use a crew of two umpires (one plate umpire, one base umpire).
The plate umpire often uses an indicator (sometimes called a clicker or counter) to keep
track of the game
Decisions are usually indicated by both the use of hand signals, and by
vocalizing the call. Safe calls are made by signaling with flat hands facing down moving
away from each other, and a verbal call of "safe". Out calls are made by raising the right
hand in a clenched fist, with a verbal call of "out". Strikes are called by the plate umpire,
who uses the same motion as the out call with a verbal call of "strike". Balls are only
called verbally, with no hand gesture. The umpire also has the option of not saying
anything on a ball. It is understood that when he stands up, the pitch was not a strike.
Foul balls are called by extending both arms up in the air with a verbal call of "foul ball",
while fair balls are indicated only by pointing towards fair territory with no verbal call. No
signal is given for balls that are obviously foul and for closer calls that are not
borderline; a mere acknowledgement signal is given.
All decisions made by the umpire(s) are considered to be final. Only decisions
where a rule might have been misinterpreted are considered to be protestable. At some
tournaments there might be a rules interpreter or Tournament Chief Umpire (TCU) (also
known as the Umpire In Chief, or UIC) available to pass judgment on such protests, but
it is usually up to the league or association involved to decide if the protest would be

upheld. Protests are never allowed on what are considered "judgment calls" balls,
strikes, and fouls.
Play begins with the umpire saying "Play Ball". After the batter is ready and all
fielders (except the catcher) are in fair territory, the pitcher stands at the pitching plate
and attempts to throw the ball past the batter to the catcher behind home plate. The
throw, or pitch, must be made with an underarm motion often called the "windmill"
motion: the ball must be released below the hip when the hand is no farther from the hip
than the elbow to get it in the strike zone.
The batter stands facing the pitcher inside a "batter's box" (there is one on each
side of the plate to compensate for either right or left handed batters). The bat is held
with both hands, over the shoulder, and away from the pitcher (90 degree angle). The
ball is usually hit with a full swinging motion in which the bat may move through more
than 360 degrees. The batter usually steps forward with the front foot, the body weight
shifts forward, as the batter simultaneously swings the bat. When swinging, the back
foot should look like it is squishing a bug. A bunt (baseball) is another form of batting.
There are different types, including a [sacrifice bunt], or [slap bunt]. There is also regular
slapping in which a batter takes position on the left side of the plate and usually stands
in the back of the box, but it is possible form anywhere. Once the ball is hit into fair
territory the runner must try to advance to first base or beyond. While running to first
base, the batter is a "batter-runner". When she safely reaches first she becomes a
"base-runner" or "runner".
A batted ball hit high in the air is a "fly ball". A fly ball hit upward at an angle
greater than 45 degrees is a "pop fly". A batted ball driven in the air through the infield
at a height at which an infielder could play it if in the right position is a "line drive". A
batted ball which hits the ground within the diamond is a "ground ball". If a batted ball
hits a player or a base, it is considered to have hit the ground.
The pitcher is the individual who throws the ball from the middle of the diamond
or the pitcher's mound. In baseball, the mound is elevated, but in softball the mound is
not elevated. The pitcher usually throws the ball in the strike zone. In softball, the
pitcher uses an underarm motion to pitch the ball towards the strike zone. As soon as
the pitcher makes a throw, the fielders are ready to field balls that are hit in the middle
of the diamond. Pitchers usually tend to be tall, very flexible and have good upper body
strength. Pitchers can be righthanded or lefthanded. The softball pitcher makes a
windmill motion while throwing under hand. Unlike baseball who throw over hand.

The catcher is always behind the hitter in semi-crouched position at home plate. The
catcher recovers pitches from the pitcher. The catcher also throws balls to other bases
to throw out runners. At home plate, the catcher is responsible for making some of the
team's outs by retiring base runners attempting to score. In most games, catchers
provide a visual or finger clue as to what the next pitch should be. Catchers are usually
very strong, agile, think fast and possess fast reflexes. Catchers need a lot of muscle to
make powerful and fast throws. Catchers must block balls on the ground and try to keep
the pitches in front of them in order to prevent a girl from steeling a base. They are one
of the most important players in the game. A good catcher makes the pitcher look good
by framing the pitches (moving balls into the strike zone in order to fool the umpire).
First baseman
The first baseman is the position to the right of the first base. The major role of
the first baseman is to make fielding plays on all balls hit towards first base. The first
base is usually involved in every hit that occurs on the playing field. Individuals at first
base have quick hands, a good reach and are always on the lookout to catch the player
off base. First basemen can be both left and right handed.
Second baseman
The second baseman plays in between the first baseman and the gap at second.
If the ball is hit to the left side of the field, second covers second base. If the ball is hit
on their side of the field, they back up the fielder, cover first, or field the ball depending
on where it is hit.The second baseman also is the cut off on balls hit to the right side of
the outfield. The second baseman also throws directly to the catcher to prevent runners
from scoring. Mostly, when the ball is hit to the left side of the field, the second basemen
plays second for shortstop. Also, in the case of a bunt, the second baseman must cover
second as the shortstop runs to cover third base, since the third baseman is running up
for the bunt.
The shortstop fields all balls hit to the infield between the second and third bases.
This individual also helps cover second base, third base and is frequently involved in
force plays, double plays and frequently throws the ball to the catcher to throw out
runners at home plate. On steals to second base (when the runner from first is
advancing to second on the pitch) the shortstop usually covers. The shortstop only
doesn't cover second base when a right handed batter is up. In this case, the second
baseman covers the steal. Most short stops are very quick, agile and think fast. They
are the captain of the infield as is the center fielder of the outfield..
Third baseman
The third baseman covers all hits to the third base and receives balls from the
outfield. The third base person also frequently throws the ball to the catcher trying to

throw out the runner at home plate. The individual at third base usually thinks fast
because of the types of hits that commonly occur in that zone. Quick thinking can often
stop runners from scoring or can result in double plays.
The outfielders are players that cover the grassy area behind the infield.
Outfielders are named for their positions in the field relative to home plate. Traditional
outfield positions include a left fielder, a center fielder, and a right fielder. These players
usually back up the plays made by the infielders and make plays when the ball is hit
past or over the infield. Because their positions cover a greater range than those of
infielders, outfielders tend to have strong throwing arms.

Web Sources:


Cole, Terrence. A Purely American Game: Indoor Baseball and the Origins of
Softball. International Journal of the History of the Sport 7.2 (September 1990): 287
Gems, Gerald R. Windy City Wars: Labor, Leisure, and Sport in the Making of
Chicago. 1997.
Garmean, Judith Fay. "A Study Of Attitudes Toward Softball Competition For Women."
Santa Barbara: University if California 1969: 87


Berlage, Gai Ingham. "Women In Baseball: The Forgotten History". London: Greenwood
Publishing 1994:208

Alexander, Charles C. Our Game: An American Baseball History. New York: MJF, 1991.
Bjarkman, Peter C. (2004). Diamonds Around the Globe: The Encyclopedia of
International Baseball. Greenwood.
Alexander, Charles C. Our Game: An American Baseball History. New York: Henry Holt
and Company, 1991.


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