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Loredana Lutzu 2L

The Parthenon
The Parthenon is a Greek temple dedicated to the goddess Athena.
It was made in 447 BC when the Athenian Empire had lots of power.
The building was finished in 438 BC but the decoration was finished
in 432 BC. Together it took 15 years to finish this building. Its one of
the most important surviving buildings of the Greek history. The
Parthenon is made in place of the Older Parthenon that was
destroyed in 480 BC, this temple was also dedicated to Athena.
Architects Ictinus and Calicrates and sculptor Phidias designed
the building.
Ictinus was a Greek architect, his most famous works are the
Parthenon and the Temple of Apollo Epicurius. Ictinus was very
interested in the development of the Greek architecture. In the
Parthenon he made the image of Athena with the cella.
Calicrates was an ancient Greek architect. He was the architect
of the
Parthenon and the temple of Nike. Calicrates was an
ancient Greek
architect. The temple of Athena Nike is a temple on
the Acropolis of Athens.
The temple was built around 420 BC.
The temple is the earliest Ionic
temple on the Acropolis. Its
placed on a steep bastion.
Phidias was a Greek sculptor, painter and architect. He lived in
the 5th
century BC. Hes one of the greatest of all sculptors of
Greece. Phidias made the statue of Zeus at Olympia.
That is one of the
Seven Wonders of the Ancient World.
The Parthenon is a rectangular building that stands on a platform of
three steps. Just like other Greek temples columns surround it. There
are eight columns on both endings and there are seventeen of them
on the outsides. There are two rows columns at the end. The
columns are made in the Doric order, which means that the
columns are smooth, round and plain compared to the other
Greek orders.
On both ends of the Parthenon the facade is finished with a
triangular shaped pediment with sculptures on it.
I would use this building as inspiration for my foundation because its
wide and strong building. That is exactly what our
foundation has to
be. The only thing is that it seems pretty difficult to
make so I will maybe change
some things, I think that its fine

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because its more like an inspiration than an
everything works out.

example. I hope that

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