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11442 05/12/2010 5:20 PM rom 990-PF Return of Private Foundation or Section 4947(a)(1) Nonexempt Charitable Trust Treated as a Private Foundation Cenacle” oe Te fatima ov can isa ts fe epg erent For calendar year 2008 o ox year Beginning ‘and ending & check atthtapoie [| Inalretm —] nt retum of forme pubic che TT Fram pneodeam aden | ane change Gewese | Woretoraton A Employer ieiiaion namber label. 26-0344869 oterwise, | THE FUND FOR DEMOCRATIC COMMUNITIES B Teopore ow oe pgs 0d ho Po print, ‘Number and street (or P.O. bok number if mail is not delivered to street address) -Room/suite 336-617-5329 ortye. | 712 SOUTH ELAM AVE. © eponappiaon i pend, chest he see Int Speeitic | cay or own, ste, and ZIP code ructions. | GREENSBORO Nc_27403 H_ Check type of organization TX] Sexton SOT) sre pvt oundaton D 1. Foreign exgnizton, check hte > SATE eae » Section 4047(a)(1) nonexempt charitable rust |_| ther taxable private foundation it pmateouncaten satus a eminaecunder TT Fair market value ofall assets at end | J Accounting method: [EX] cash [| Acowal seeten SOTRIKA, coe Here >t of year tom Pat ca @) Cy other pect) Fine functan sina omen termaton tne 16) > _$. 360,044] (Par, column (4) must be on cash basis.) under seston SOD SVE), check here >O Part! Analysis of Revenue and Expenses im | (a) Revenue ona (@) Datura titania co 6, crore feomwcepet” | (b) Netinesinere |e) Agusecret | SY sreharale tana cue page tener) Seats eae ome oot 1 Conbuns. fs gas, recoved (each che 353,112] 2 check] sf undaton mot eited atch Sch, 8 Interest on avings and temporary cash vestments 250 250 350] 4 Dividends and interest fom secures Gross rents g | > Netrental income 0” (oss) Z| 6a veigancr posto stectessascotonine a Ste 1 =193 S| bosses pic tort ase ole 6a 2 | 7 capita gain net income (rom Part IV, ine 2) ° 8 Net shorterm captal gan Q 8 rcome meifeations ‘0a ices ses ee ear allowances Less: Cost of goods sold € Gross peal (ss) fatach sched) ‘1 Other income (tach schedule) 42 Toll, Ads ines 1 tough 14 353,769) 350 350] “9 Compensaton officers, rectors, rustees, 5, 412] 3,412 ‘4 Other employe salaries and wages 128 , 050) 28,050 48 Pension plans, employee benets 26,272 26,272 tea Legalfees tach schedule) See Stmt 2 377 977 Accounting fees atachschedue) Stmt. 3 1,620 7,620 © Cte pctesonal es atch sched) 47 iterest 18 tasienaseainmep Hatten) Stmt A a7 a a7] S| 19° cares tach soma anspitin Stim 5 7,423} E20 occupancy 2,712! 2,712 S| 21 Tere conferences, and mesings 3,346 3,946 E |22 _Paining and pubicatons 8 18 5 [23 omrecueseteny Stmt 6 Stmt 7 13,500 25 12,293 EF | 24 Total operating and administrative expenses. S| sastnes 13 ougn23 195,977 72 47|___ 187,300 B]25 conmutons, ts, grants pa 63,800 63,800 26 _ Total expenses and isbursements ins 220425, 259,777) 72 47] 251,100 27 Subtract ine 26 rom ne 12 Excess ofrevenue over expenses and dabursements 93,992 1b Notinvestment income i negative, enter-0) 778 € Adjusted net income (f negative, entero 803 jacy Act and Paperwork Reduction Act Notice, se= page 20 of the instructions. Fer 990-PF (anes) 11442 05/12/2010 5:20 PM Form 990.PF (2008) _THE FUND FOR DEMOCRATIC COMMUNITIES 26-0344869 Page 2 ne 1 | Beginning of year End of year ‘Alached aneddes ac aroun nthe description clu Part Balance Sheets chodd bets ercutyearemcunis ony (Seeinstucens)[ (a) Book Vae (800% veiw |e) Far Nave Vous 1) Cash—nonintrest- bearing 19,225] 95 , 685) 95,685 ‘Savings and temporary cash investments 213,194 239, 156| 239,156 3 Accounts receivable Less: ellowance for doubtful accounts Pe 4 Pledges receivable Less: ellowance for doubtful accounts Pe 5 Grants ceceivable 6 Receivables due from offoers, crectors, trustees, and other squalid persons (attach schedule) (see page 16 ofthe Instructions) 7 often ete she) Less: allowance for doubtful accounts Pe §) © Proideprae an ctored cages © Imecnerocxporte sto tach he) © estnertscopra bond an ee) (Create 12 mesinent-nrgge ane {2 esmets—cher ech sha) 44 ian snag on 42,424 Ceaonusngeansimoaye Stim 8 17/221 33,545| 25,203, 25,203 18. ther asst dese ) 46 Total assets (be completed bya flrs see the instructions, ls, se page nD 265,964, 360,044, _260, 044 7 Accouns payable and accrued expenses 26] 12 Grant poyable 48 Deteedrevense 20 Loans rom ofcers eco, tustes, ander uated persons 21 Norges nd er tes pate ok chet) 22 Other tabitesdescrbe > ) 25 Total ibis (48 ines 17 trough o aa] Foundations tha fellow SFAS 117, check bee» fd complete lines 24 through 26 and lines 20 and 34 26 Unrestricted 265,964, 359,956 25 Tenporaniresirced 28 Permanent resticied Foundations tha do nt follow FAS 117, checknere® —[] fd compet lines 2 through 3 27 Capal tock, st pia ercurent nds 28 Pacino cpl, or and Hp, and dpm ind 28. Retained earings, scumsted income, endowet, or er funds 30 Toll net assets o und balances (cee page 17 fhe instuctons 265,964, 259,956 31. Toll iabities and net assetstund balances (se page 17 cf the instucion) 265,964, 360,044 Part ill Analysis of Changes in Net Assets or Fund Balances 1 Tote sets or fund balnes a pening of ex—Par clu), ie 30 (mus are wth ecg rept on pr yar rer) Enter out om Pt ne 278 Cotter increases not chided nn 2 iia) Add ines 1,2, and 3 Decenesnotincaddin in 2 liz) ‘Tota net asst und baloces a nd of ear (ne $ mins ine Pat I, coum oe 30 Liabi Net Assets or Fund Balances 265, 964 93,992 359, 956 359, 956 Ferm 990-PF (2005) 11442 05/12/2010 5:20 PM Form 990-PF (2009) THE FUND FOR DEMOCRATIC COMMUNITIES 26-0344869 Page 3 Part IV. Capital Gains and Losses for Tax on Investment Income 4a N/A : zi tin oops ee aa : I ‘Gorplete nly for assets Showing gain in column (h) and oumed by the foundation on 12/31/60 (0 Gains 031) gam minus 3 ‘ 2: Ne shat cpt nro) a5 eins 12228) () toon eens execu oor es Totesncr) > PartV Qualification Under Section 4940(e) for Reduced Tax on Net Investment Income, (For optional use by domestic private foundations subject tothe section 4940(a) taxon ne Investment income.) If section 4940(4)(2) apples, leave this part blank ‘Was the foundation lable forthe section 4942 tax onthe distributable amount of any year in the base period? —-[_] Yes [X] No 11," the foundation does not qualty under section 4940(e). De not complete this part 1 Enter the appropriate amount in each column for each year, cee page 16 ofthe instructions before making ay entries are pan oars 2 ©, Disb ato coun SEF senna saseientirsdiroton | retowecrrmctabesse sats | a SHES y 7008 146,520 215,076 0.681248 2007 2,262) 22,377] 0.101086 2008 2008 200 2 Total of line 1, column (d) 2 0.782334 3. Average drat rato forte S year bae perdi etalon ne 2y 6, oy he ‘number of years the foundation has been in existence if less than 5 years. 3 0.391167 4 Enter the net value of noncharitable-use assets for 2009 from Part X, line 5 4 402,139 5 Muto ney ines 5 157,304 Ener 1% of etnvstmentincome (1% of Pane 276) ‘ 8 7 Aatines Sat z 157,312 8 Ener using stibutons rom Part ie 251,100 Ine 8 is equal oor greater than ne 7, check the box n Part VI, line 1b, and complete that part using 2 1% taxa, See the Part Vi instructions on page 18 Form 990-PF (2005) 11442 06/12/2010 6:20 PM Form 990-PF (2009) THE FUND FOR DEMOCRATIC COMMUNITIES 26-0344869 Page 4 Part Vi Excise Tax Based on Investment income (Section 4940(a), 4940(b), 4940(e), or 4948—see page 18 of the instructions) Te Bren operaing unalone descrbedn section 4640012, chektere BL ardent Non ne Date ung or ctrmraton ter (ltach copy of ter pecensary—see raion) b Domestic foundations that meet the section 4940(e} requirements in Part V, check 4 8 pete Xl ae re se Pat ne 270 Mater domes undone enter 2% of ne 27. Exempt etn eganzatons er 4 of Pant, nw 12.e8 @) 2 Tec under eactonS1 domes section 42479) truss an ible founds ony. Otersetr-0) a ° 3 Add tines 1 and 2 3 8 4 Subtitie A (income) tax (domestic section 4947(a}(1) trusts and taxable foundations only. Others enter -0-) 4 0 5 Tax based on investment income. Subtract line 4 from line 3. If zero or less, enter -O- 5 8 © CrestsPaymens ‘22000 estintd taxpayers and 2008 overpeynent reste io 2009 6a Exempt torn eganzaone tx wel a souce se ¢Tarpeidvin applean fr exenaon of tne ie (Fe 886) fe Backup whaling enone vated a 1 Tel reds and peymets Ad ine 6 trough 6d 1 8 Enerany penalty fr underpayment ot estinated tx Checker] i Fonm 2220 ataced a 9 Tax due. If the total of lines 5 and 6 is more than line 7, enter amount owed >is 8 40 Overpayment Ine sere thn tela fies Sad 8 er he amount overpaid > [ae 14_Enerineymount ein 0's be, Cedied to 2010 estimated tx retuniea_p [11 PartViLA Statements Regarding Activities ‘Dig etre, lhe lunlon atone hence ay Tolan Halse aon BE ars pata cr leven ran ola eampagn? el TX Did teped mare than 100 aun the ya (te ret ore pocalpupone (ee fae 183 eftbenstucors er dfn)? w| |x Me arewer Yeon, ach eid despa tects ere eal of any ll publaed or tad by te oundatan in cannectan vith he aches. Did eudton le For 120.90. i er? se] [x Emer te amount an) oft pol expends eaten 495) posed ding he year, (1) Onthetunioton D3 (2) Onfouranon managers. $ nar reebureamt (ny Fal bye Tenn ange yer rola pent tx pened envoxndston managers. 2. Hest oundaton engaged an aa al Fave rel reves ben repre te IRS? 2|_|x ¥en" atcha dete descpton che acts. 2 Haste oundaton made any changes nt revusy apart th IRS, ns governing otra alls of inapraon orb or ater snr stmt? "Yes tach a contre copy he changes | |x 4a. Dine fundaon have ube bushes gros cae of 1 0D.r more dng the year? wel 1x b If "Yes," has it fled a tax return on Form 990-T for this year? N/A [4b 5 Was there a liquidation, termination, clssoluton, or substantial contraction curing the year? 5 x Ieee estat etd Gaertn 6 Avetne requremets of seton etn sectors <8 tough 405) sated ete « Bylanguag te govern turer of © By sae eit hat ete arene he govring sumer tht ondary deco ta cont wth este ema inte goering net? s|x 1 Dine ouaton ave atest 000 neste any tne dig heya? It "es alee Pa ic (), and Pat XV 71x fa Ener states in te eundaton opts or wan hich rgetred (te page 18 he incon) NC tft anor “Ys ton 7, as the foundation heed copy of Far 86.7 tit Atmey Gene (or deogat) of ach stata reqie by Gener Icon G71-No atch expnatin oo | x {Is the tunaton coming status os priate cperating futon wn he meaning eset S842) {012} clr yar 200 he trae yar bp h 2009 (see nuts fr Pat XIV on pge arp ihves compte Pat XV elx 40 Dison persona becom suena coir th hte your? en aah ached names ond dens wl Ix Ferm 990-PF (2005) 11442 05/12/2010 5:20 PM Form 990-PF (2008) Part VILA Statements Regarding Activities (continued) THE FUND FOR DEMOCRATIC COMMUNITIES _26-0344869 Page 5 " 2 ® 1“ 1 At anytime ding the yes. i te ounaton, det one, cn a contol ently wii he meaning of secon 512 "Yes" alach echecl (a page 20 el he tts) Dic the foundation acquire a cect or incirect interest n any applicable insurance contract before ‘August 17, 20087 Di the foundation comply withthe pubic inepection requirements for its annual returns and exemption appication?” Website addess WwW. £ ‘The books are incareof >» MARNIE THOMPSON: Telephone no,» 336-275-1781 712 SOUTH ELAM AVE. Located st» _ GREENSBORO, NC Section 4947(a)(1) nonexempt charitable trusts fling Form 990-PF in leu of Form 1041—Check here and enter the amount of tax-exempt interest received or accrued during the year Part VIB Statements Regarding Activities for Which Form 4720 May Be Required zips 27403 > | ss | rn x 2 x lx -O te 3a le Form 4720 if any item is checked in the “Yes” column, unless an exception applies During the year cid the foundation (either directly o nec) (1) Engage inthe sale or exchange o leasing of property wth a d'squalifed person? (2) Borrow money from, lend money to, or atherwise extend credit to (or accept from) a squalid person? (3) Furnish goods, services, or facilis to (or accept them from) a disqualified person? (4) Pay compensation to, or pay o reimburse the expenses of, a disqualified person? (6) Transfer any income of assets toa clequalified person (or make any of ether avalable for the benefit or use ofa disqualified person)? ‘Agree to pay money or property toa government oficial? (Exception. Check "No" ithe foundation agree to make a grant to orto employ theofficial fo a period after termination of government service, if terminating vthin 90 days.) I any answer is "Yes" to 14(1}(6), did any ofthe acts fal to qualify under the exceptions described in Regulations section 53 4941(¢)-3 on a current notice regarding disaster assistance (see page 20 ofthe instructions)? Organizations relying on a current notice regarding disaster assistance check here Dic the foundation engage ina prior year in any ofthe acts described in a, other than excepted acs, that were not corrected before the frst day ofthe tax year beginning in 20007 “Taxes on failure to cistribute income (section 4942) (does not apply for yeas the foundation was a private ‘operating foundation defined in eecton 4942()(3) or 494205) [At the end of ax year 2008, did the foundation have any uncstributed income (ines 64 and 66, Part Xil} for tax year(s) beginning before 20092 1105," fit the years B20 2 20 2 ‘Ace there ary yeas iste in 2a for which the foundation fs not appying the provisions of section 4942(a)(2) (eating to incorect valuation of assets) to the year's undistributed income? (i applying section 4942{a)(2) to all years sted, answer "No" and attach stalement—see page 20 ofthe instuctions ) Ifthe provisions of section 4842(a)(2) are being applied to any ofthe years Iisted in 25, st the years here. > 20 20 20 20 Dic the foundation hold more than a 2% citect or increct interest n any business enterprise ‘at any time during the year? Ife," did it have excess business holdings in 2009 as a result of (1) any purchase bythe foundation or lisqualified persons after May 26, 1969; (2) the lapse ofthe 5-year period (or longer period approved by the ‘Commissioner under section 484(¢\7) to dispose of holdings acquired by gf or bequest; or (8) the apse of the 10, 15-, or 20-year ist phase holding period? (Use Schedule C, Form 4720, to determine i the oundation had excess busines holdings in 2009.) Dic the foundation invest during the year any amount in a manner that would jeopardize ts charitable purposes? Di the foundation make any investment ina pri year (out after December 31, 1989) that coud jeopardize its N/A | 46 no N/A | 2b Bi no N/A | 3b 4a x 40 x Ferm 990-PF (2005) 11442 05/12/2010 5:20 PM Form 990-PF 2008) THE FUND FOR DEMOCRATIC COMMUNITIES 26-0344869 Page 6 Part VIB Statements Regarding Activities for Which Form 4720 May Be Required (continued) a Daring the earch fondo py or incur any amount (1 Cary on propaganda ar cnevie atop to uence lepton eaten 4945)? [ves no €) Inence the utcome of any spect publ electon (see secon 4955) or to cary on drat or nec, any oar raglan ave? Ar Bx (8) Prove erento an nial fra, tty, or oer ilar purposes? yes IK No (0) Prove arnt oan organization citer tan acta, et, crgantzalion described in section 50(a), (2 oF), o section 404082) (eee page 220 the ntucons) [vee BE no (8) Prove or any purpose ole han eligi, chal, slrfl, Merry, r eda purpoces, efor the prevention of ers to chien or animals? Cl vee EE no Hany ansverie "Yes" to S(T), day fhe transactions flo quay under the exceptions decribed in Rguston seton 3 445 rn a cent nati regardng lace ectance (see page 2 ofthe etuctons)? n/a | s» Crprttons ren on a cure nto epardng acer alana check ete ro the aneweri"Yes" to questo S(), oes the foundation clam exerptn tom he ax because I mained expenditure repanebly forthe rant? N/A (ves [1 no ives tach the tater rete by Regltonssecton 534945.) aid the funded, cringe year, rece an unde, recor net, ope prembne cn personal benefit contact? Ll ves i no > _Dethe foundation, cur the yar, pay rei, Alc onc, he péraonal bene cra? w»| [x ies" to 6p he Fo 8670 7a ALany meeting the tx ear, vaste foundation apart oa pohbted tx sheer ransacon? (yes ff) no 'b__Ifyes, did the foundation receive any proceeds or have any net income attributable to the transaction? N/A | 7. Pat Vil Information About Officers, Directors, Trustees, Foundation Managers, Highly Paid Employ and Contractors 1 Listall officers, directors, trustees, foundation managers and thelr compensation (see page 22 of the instructions). (0) antarege | (c)Corponaon (net pad enter a (epee sn dewatoares | “teed (ay Nene ana actos 2 Compensation of five highest-paid employees (other than those Included on line 4—see page 23 ofthe instructions). I none, enter "NONE." (omen onscjestonet_| (2) Exerc emosoares | “sea down (0) 1 an re (2) Name and adress of each employee pai mere than 850,000, esrparwon” | (e)Corpanton ented pets Teal rer of ahr employees pd over $50,000 e] Form 990-PF (2009) 11442 05/12/2010 5:20 PM Form 990-PF 2008) THE FUND FOR DEMOCRATIC COMMUNITIES 26-0344869 Page 7 Part Vill Information About Officers, Directors, Trustees, Foundation Managers, Highly Paid Employees, and Contractors (continued) '3_ Five highest-paid Independent contractors for professional services (see page 28 of the Instructions), I™none, ener "NONE (2) Name and adress of ech parson ps move than $5,000 (by Type coin (e)conpensaton NONE a rir ars ag 60 BOD Tortora aE a Part IX-A ‘Summary of Direct Charitable Activities. The Gee ar wpe as te ale dg oxen ete pny ala Fasano a ee eects ce ig ee ech a cower 7 PROMOTION OF GRASSROOTS DEMOCRACY -- GRANT MAKING, COMMUNITY DISCUSSIONS, YOUTH GROUPS, ETC. 251,100 2 3 ‘ Part IX-B Summary of Program-Related Investments (see page 24 of the instructions) 41 N/A 2 ‘Alohar pograrnreaiad restnants, Sa page 24 che nsructons 3 Total, Add lines 1 tough 3 > For 990-PF (2005) 11442 05/12/2010 5:20 PM Form 990.P 2008) THE FUND FOR DEMOCRATIC COMMUNITIES 26-0344869 Page 8 PartX Minimum Investment Return (All domestic foundations must complete this part. Foreign foundations, ‘see page 24 of the instructions.) 1 Fair market vale of assets not used (or held or use) crecly in crying out chatable, ete purposes: ‘a Average monthiy fer market value of securities ta 0 1b Average of monthly cash balances tb 408,263 © Fair market value of ll other assets (see page 24 ofthe instructions) 1c 0 4 Total (anes ta, b, and c) ‘a 408,263 © Reduction claimed for blockage or other factors reported on ines 1a and ‘1c (attach detaiec explanation) o 2 Aequston indebtedness applicable to line 1 assets 2 o 3. Subtractline 2 rom line 14 3 408,263 Cash deemed held for chartabe acti, Enter 114 % of ine 3 (fr greater amount, see page 25 of the instructions) 4 6,124 '5 Net value of nonchartable-use assets, Subtect ne 4 from ine 3. Enter here and on Patt, ine 4 3 402,139 Minimum investment return. Enter 5% oftine 5 é 20,107 Part XI Distributable Amount (see page 25 of the instructions) (Secten 4942()) and (NS) private operating foundations and certain foreign organizations check here _[X] and do not complete this part) Minimum investment return fram Part X, tne 6 4 2a. Taxon investment income for 2008 ftom Pat VI, ne 5 za Income tax fer 2009, (This does not nce the tax trom Part VI) 2 & Adines 28 end 2 2e 3 Dictribuable amount before adjustments. Subtract ine 2e from tne 1 3 4 Recoveries of amounts treted es qualiyng distributions 4 5 Addines 3 ana 4 5 {8 Deduction trom estrbutable amount (see page 2 of the instructions) 6 7 Distributable amount as adjusted, Subrat ine 6 ftom line 5. Enter here and on Pat Xi tne 4 1 Part Xi Qualifying Distributions (see page 25 of the instructions) 71 Amounts pa (ncuding administrate expenses) fo accomplish charable, tc, purposes ‘a Expenses, contrioutons, gts, ete—Iotal rom Part |, column (ne 26 1a 251,100 _Program-elated ivestments—ttal rom Part X-B 4b 2 Amounts paid to acquire asets used (or hed or use) rectly in carrying out chartabl, ete purposes 2 3 Amounts set aside for speci chartable projec tha satis the: Suitably test (pir IRS approval required) 3a 'b Cash distributon test (attach the required schedule) ab 4 Qualtying distributions. Add ines ta through 3. Enter here and on Part V, ine 8, and Pat Xl ine 4 4 251,100 ‘5 Foundations that qualify under section 4940(e) or the reduced rae of taxon net investment income. Enier 1% of Pat | line 270 (see page 26 of te instructions) 5 8 6 Adjusted qualifying distributions. Subtract ine 5 from line 4 6 251,092 Note. The amount on tne 6 wil be used in Part V, column (b), in subsequent years when calculating vinether the foundation qualifies forthe section 4940(e) reduction of tax in those years. For 990-PF (2005) 11442 05/12/2010 5:20 PM Form 990-PF 2008) THE FUND FOR DEMOCRATIC COMMUNITIES 26-0344869 Page 9 Part Xi Undistributed Income (see page 26 of the instructions) « © © @ 11 Distibutabie amount for 2009 from Part Xl corpus Years pro 2008 2008 2000 line7 Undistibuted income, if any, as of the end of 2008 Enter mount for 2008 only bb Total or prior years: 20 2 20 Excess cstributons caryover, if any to 2003: From 2004 From 2005 From 2008 From 2007 From 2008 Total of ines 3a through & Qualying estibutions for 2000 trom Part XI, lines ‘Applied to 2006, But nat more than line 2a ‘Appled to undistributed incame of prior years (Glecton requred—see page 26 ofthe instructions) Treated as distributions out of compus (Election required—see page 26 ofthe inetructions) Applied to 2009 distributable amount Remaining amount dstibuted out of corpus Excess distributions caryover applied to 2003 (ifan amount appears in column (), the same ‘amount must be shawn in column (2).) Enter the net total of each column as Indicated below: Corpus. Add ines 3, 4, and de, Subtract ne S Poe years! undistributed income. Subtract line from tne 25 Enter the amount of prior years’ undistributed income for which a notice of deficiency has been issued, or on whieh the section 4942(a) taxhas been previously assessed Subtract ine 6e from line 6. Taxable ‘amount—see page 27 ofthe instructions Undistibuted income for 2008. Subtract ine 4a from line 2a. Taxable amount—see page 27 ofthe intructions Undistributed income for 2008. Subtract ines “4d and 5 from ine 1. This amount must be distributed in 2010 Amounts treated as distributions out of corpus to satisfy requirements imposed by section 170(0)1}\F) or 494216)(3) (see page 27 of the instructions) Excess distributions carryover from 2004 nat applied online 5 or ine 7 (see page 27 ofthe instructions) Excess distributions carryover 102010. Subtract ines 7 and 8 from line 6a ‘Analy of line 8: Excess from 2005 Excess from 2008 Excess from 2007 Excess from 2008 Excess from 2002 Form 990-PF (2005) 11442 05/12/2010 5:20 PM Form 990-PF 2009) ‘THE FUND FOR DEMOCRATIC COMMUNITIES 26-0344869 Page 10 Part XIV. Private Operating Foundations (see page 27 of the instructions and Part VII-A, question 9) 18 2a If the foundation has recelved a ring or determination letter that it sa private operating foundation, an the ruling is effective for 2009, enter the date ofthe ruling > N/A Check boxto indicate whether the foundation Is a private operating foundation described in section [Xi a0anqy@por | | a0aayey Enter the lesser ofthe adjusted net Tax yeor Prior years (Tota income fom Pat othe minum 2008 wy2008 (e)2007 (ay008 investment return fom Part X for ‘each yea sted 803| 4,585) 64a| 6,032 85% ofline 22 683| 3,897) 547) 5,127 Qualifying distbutions from Part Xi line 4 for each year sted 251, 100| 146,566 2,262! 399,928 Amounis cide in ne enol weed recy for etvecondit of exempt aries Qualifying distributions made directly {or active conduct of exempt actus, Subtract ine 2d from line 26 251, 100| 146, 566 2,262 299,928 Complete 3a, b, oF ¢ forthe ‘atterative test relied upon “Assets” alternative test—enter: (1) Value of all assets (2) Value of assets qualying under section 4942((3)(8)) “Endowment allerative test—enter 2/3 ‘of minimum investment return shown in Part X, in 6 foreach year istec 13, 405| 7,169 429| 21,003 “Support” alternative test—enter (1) Total support other than gross, Investment income (interest, dvidends, rents. payments on ‘secures loans (section '512(a)(5), or royalties) ‘Suppor from genera pubic ‘and 5 of more exempt ‘organizations 2s proved in section 4942(9(3)(8) (@) Largest amount of suppert fom {en exempt organization (4)_Gcoss investment income @) Part XV Supplementary Information (Complete this part only if the foundation had $5,000 or more in assets at any time during the year—see page 28 of the instructions.) Information Regarding Foundation Managers: List any managers of the foundation who have cantbted more than 2% of the ttal cantibutions received bythe foundation before the close of any tax year (bt only they have contributed more than $5,000). (See section 507(4)(2).) See Statement 10 st ony manages fe furan who on TO ar rere he sack aa corporate (eran ema lrg poten oe corre a prership oar ent of wich te ounce has 10% rete set, N/A 7 normation Regarding Goninon Grant Gf, Loan, Scholarship ee, Programs Check here> [| ithe tundaten ony males contatons to preset’ chatabl egenzatns and dest accep nase equa fr ins Ite oundten maka its graf, (8 page 28 he tte) oni of erganzaons under ober onions, compet ta 2b and 7 There, eo, wn lope nba bw pron vin apie sid be dared GRANT PROPOSALS/F4DC 336-617-5329 712 SOUTH ELAM AVE. GREENSBORO NC 27403 The ern wich =ppealone shoul be submited an infetn and mali they shod nade See Statement 11 = Any abso deen: See Statement 12 Any restrictions or limitations on awards, such as by geographical areas, charitable fields, kinds of institutions, or other factors: See Statement 13 Form 990-PF (2005) 11442 05/12/2010 5:20 PM Form $00-PF (2008) THE FUND FOR DEMOCRATIC COMMUNITIES 26-0344869 Page 11 Part XV__ Supplementary information (continued) 3_ Grants and Contributions Paid During the Year or Approved for Future Payment Recipient “Sho ay wins Founssten Purpose starter] pnaunt Name and address (nome or business) erkseartal sro reorient “ean Paid cxing the year SEE ATTACHED 63,800 Total > 38 63,800 Approved for fate payment N/A Total > ab Fer 990-PF (anes) 11442 05/12/2010 5:20 PM Form 990-P (2008) THE FUND FOR DEMOCRATIC COMMUNITIES 26-0344869 Page 12 PartXVEA Analysis of Income-Producing Activities Enter gross amounts unless otherwise indicated Uniisied aasnans noone caeiymeasses | te) @ @ "uncten cone | uses code snretnt ao ‘Seepage 28 ot 1 Program service revenue: the inatons 19 Fees and contracts from government agencies “Membership ues and assessments Interest on savings and temporary cash investments 14 350] Dividends and interest from securties Net rental income or (oss) from realestate: ‘2 Dettfnanced property b Not debictinanced property 6 Net renal income or (loss) from personal property 7 Other investment income 8 Gain or (ess) from sale of assets oter than inventory =i93 3 0 1 Net income or (oss) from special events 40 Gross proft or (oss) from sales of inventory 11 Other revenue: a b d 42, Sabiotal Add columns (B),(), and (e) 0 350] =193 49 Total. Add line 12, columns (), (2), and (e) 3 657 (See worksheet in tine 13 instructions on page 26 to verify calculation. PartXV-B Relationship of Activities to the Accomplishment of Exempt Purposes Line No, | Explain below how each actity for which income is reported in column (e) of Part XVI contributed importantly to the v ‘accomplishment of the foundations exempt purposes (ther than by providing funds for such purposes). (See page 29 ofthe instructions ) N/A Daa Faw 990-PF (2005) 11442 05/12/2010 5:20 PM Form 990.PF (2009) THE FUND FOR DEMOCRATIC COMMUNITIES 26-0344869 Page 13 Part XVI Information Regarding Transfers To and Transactions and Relationships With Noncharitable Exempt Organizations “1 Did the oxganizaton crectly or indirect engage in any ofthe folowing wth any other organization described Yes [ No. in section 501(c ofthe Code (other than section 501(c)3) organizations) orn section 527, relating to pottcal ‘organizations? ‘Transfers from the reporting foundiaton to noncharitable exempt organization of (1) cash fran x (2) Other assets fara) x bb Other transactions: (1) Sales of assets toa noncharitable exempt organization Io«1) x (2) Purchases of assets from a nonchaitable exempt organization cy x (@) Rental of facies, equipment, or ether assets foo) x (4) Reimbursement arrangements fecay x (6) Loans or oan guarantees ious x (6) Pesformance of services of membership or fundraising solictations Cy x © Sharing o facies, equipment, mang Ist, other assets, or paid empoyees te x 4 Ifthe answer to any ofthe above i "Yes," complete the follaing schedule. Column (b) should alvays chow the fair market value ofthe goods, other assets, or services given bythe reporting foundation. Ifthe foundation received less than far market value in any traneaction of sharing arrangement, shod in column (the value of the goods. alher assets, of senvioee received {apLineno | (b)Amountinvoved _[_(e) Name of nonchariabie exempt oroarzaton| () Desorption of wants, vansactons ard shang aTergereris N/A 2a_ Is the foundation direct or indrecty afisted with, or related to, one or more tax-exempt organizations described in secon 801(c) ofthe Code (ther than section 601(¢}3)) or in section 5277 bb_I1 "Yes." complete the follwing schedule (a) ome ofcrnaston {bl ise vomonston {el eecrpton detent N/A beet Ris tue conse ah eons. Geoaistano pepae ter than ye oratioy) bated oa rancho whch preparer ay KToaegpe PRESIDENT |) seer = Va s om Ta = " Check ruc Sgn 5] cz] eau: b Mettoyea® [| Beroeoemenens| BY v8 | vee: DP cuucx avenne 05/12/10, P00280366 £23 | Fvosone@yoost , HOllingsworth Avent Averre & Purvis, PA £5 | cet enpines 200 W. Millbrook Road ey> 56-2119415 and cose Raleigh, NC 27609 ene 919-848-4100 Ferm 990-PF (2005) 11442 05/12/2010 5:20 PM Depreciation and Amortization rom 4562 see eesten (Including Information on Listed Property) Intemal Reverse Sect” so > See separate instructions. attach to your tax return, Nereis) own on retarn Ieentiying number THE FUND FOR DEMOCRATIC COMMUNITIES 26-0344869 Business er ety fo wich is form votes Indirect Depreciation Part! Election To Expense Certain Property Under Section 179 Note: If you have any listed property, complete Part V before you complete Part I 1 Maximum smount. See the instructions fora higher it for certain businesses. i 250, 000 2. Total cost of section 179 property placed in service (see instructions) 2 3 Threshold cost of section 178 property before reduction in imtation (see instructions) 3 ‘B00, 000 4 Reduction in imation, Subtract line 3 from line 2, If zero ot less, enter-0- ‘ {5 _Dolar imation fer tx year, Subic 4 om i 1260 cross, ener 0. I mared fing separate, see istetons 5 é (a) Deszripon of ropes (8) Cont (business use ont) |e) Eien 7 Usted propery. Enter the amount rom ine 29 7 8 Total elected cost of section 179 property. Add amounts in column (c), nes 6 and 7 a 9 Tentative deduction. Enter the smaller of ine Sor line 8 ° 40 Carryover of celled deduction from line 13 of your 2008 Ferm 4862 40 114 Business income limitation. Enter the smaller of business income (nt less than Ze) or line 5 (see instructions) m7 12. _Section 179 expense deduction. Ad lines 9 and 10, but do net enter more than line 11 12 13 Carryover of eisallowed deduction to 2010. Add lines 9 and 10, less ine 12 > lis ‘Note: Do nat use Par I or Part il below fr isted property. Instead, use Par V. Partil Special Depreciation Allowance and Other Depreciation (Do not include listed property.) (See instr. {4 Special deprecation allowance for qualified property (ther than listed property) placed in service dunner soe nstctons) Mm 227 15 _ropry itt etn 18) econ 4s 48__Ohnederocton (ncn ACRS 18 1033 Part il MACRS Depreciation (Do not include listed property.) (See instructions.) Section 47 MAGRS deductions for assets placed in service in tax years beginning before 2008, _ Laz 6,117 Secon BAsset Placa in Service During 209 Tax Yea Using the Gnel Depreeaon Syston to catsteaentienety — | igedin | (Slarecinosrenine [2° | ce coverten | on veras | () Dexestoncetten ia Sear b _ S-year property 228/ 5.0 HY. 200DB 46 Fes pope oye pepe = 1Syee pepe 1 20-year property g_ 25-year propert yrs. SA 1 Rell oal 7158 | am si ore zrsy8_| wi A T rwasn ay, | _w si rey va si ayer ys st es ors [wn st PartlV___ Summary (See instructions.) 2A Usted property, Eran om ie 28 a 22 Tal. a anouts tomlin 12 es though 7, nes 19nd 20 nc (tine. Ee ae ten te appopiena of our tn, Paremsips rd Scorpions incre 2 7,423 23 Forests sown above a ced in abe ding th cent eee he For Paperwork Redicton Act Notice, Se separate nartons Fo ABB can) 11442 05/12/2010 5:20 PM THE FUND FOR DEMOCRATIC COMMUNITIES 26-0344869 2 Form a2 (2000) Page PartV ted Property (Include automobiles, certain other vehicles, cellular telephones, certain computers, and property used for entertainment, recreation, or amusement.) Note: For any vehicle for which you are using the standatd mileage rate or deducting lease expense, complete only 24a, 24D, columné (a) through (2) of Section Aa of Secton 8, and Section © appieadl. ‘Section A—Depreciation and Other Information (Caution: Seo the instructions for imi for passenger automobiles) 24a _Do you nave evcence to suppor the businessinvesbret use claimed? [ves [ [No _[ 24b _irYes." is the evidence written? ‘ves_[ [No ” ©) Ses © © a o o Rancee™| See | Mateanace® | “sean” | etmestestert pesos” | coment ceisen cas st * use only) 25 Special depreciation allowance for qualified Inied propery placed in sie tring he taxyear and used more than 50% in a qulfied business use (se instructors) 25 25 _ Property used more than 50% in a qualified business use: 27 Property vsed 50% or less in a qualified business use ol sk ol sk 2a Aa amour w coun (nes 25 Uwough 27, Ener have andon ine, pape La 28__Add amounts neon Q, ne 2. Ener ere andon ine 7, pape 1 2 ‘Section Information on Use of Vehicles: Complete this section for vehicles used by a sale prooretr, partner or other “more than 5% oner," or related person If you provided vehicles teyourempoyes, fet answer the questors in Secon C ose # you met an excep ocomplteg ths secon for those veils. 30. Total Businessiinvestment mies driven @) ° © @ @ uring the year (do not include vehi venice? | voncies | veniiea | vonces | venciee ‘commuting mites) 31 Total commiting miles crven during the year 32 Total other personal (noncommting) mils crven 33. Total miles driven during the year, Ad tines 30 teaugh 32 34 Was the vehicle avaiable or personal Yes [ No | Yes | No | ves | No | ves | No | ves | No | ves | wo, Use during off-duty ours? 35 Was the vehicle used primary by move than 5% onner or relate person? 36__Is another vehile velable for personel use? ‘Section C—Questions for Employers Who Provide Vehicles for Use by Their Employees ‘Answer these questions to determine if you meet an exception to completing Section B for vehicles used by employees who are not ‘more than 5% owners or related persons (see instructions). 837 Do you maintain a written poiy statement that prohibits all personal use of vehicles, including commuting, by Yes [No your employees? 38 Do you maintain a written poiy statement that proibts personal use of yehicles, except commuting, by your ‘employees? See the instructions for vehicles used by corporate officers, diectors, © 1% or mare owners. 38 Do youtreat all use of vehicles by employees as personal use? 40. Do you provide more than fve vehicles to your employees, obtain information from your employees about the Use ofthe vehicles, and retain the infomation received?” 441 Do you meet the requirements concerning qualified automebile demonstration use? (See instructions ) Note: If your answer to 37,38, 38, 40, or dt is "Yes," donot complete Section B forthe covered vehicles, Part VI Amortization 7 f : e Dn 5 cate at eaten ota he | ATES | arate rn ye {32_Amortzation of cose thal begins during your 2009 tx year (se instructions) “Amorization of coats that began before your 2008 tax year 2 1,162 Total, Add amounts in column (9). See the instructions for where to report 4a 1,182 Form 4562 (2000) ie 8 11442 THE FUND FOR DEMOCRATIC COMMUNITIES, 5/12/2010 5:30 PM 26-0344869 Federal Statements FYE: 12/31/2009 Statement 4 - Form 990-PF, Part | How Description Received Date Date Sale Net Acquired __ Sold Price Cost Expense Depreciation Gain / Loss WD 500 GB HARD DRIVE 2/23/08 7/01/09 $ 148 § 8 53 8 -95 office MAC 4/09/08 7/01/09 96 68. mail sorter filebox 1/10/08 7/01/08 52 14 -38 Table for Telephone 5/01/08 7/01/09 43 qa T s o$ 339 $ os 146 8 Statement 2 - Form 990-PF, Part |, Line 16a - Legal Fees Net Adjusted Charitable Description Total Investment Net Purpose Indirect Legal Fees $ 977 $ $ 8 977 Total $ 37 s 0 § 0 s 977 Statement 3 - Form 990-PF, Part |, Line 16b - Accounting Fees Net Adjusted Charitable Description Total Investment Net Purpose Indirect Accounting Fees $ 1, 62 $ 1620 $ 1,620 0 $ 0 $ 620 13 11442 THE FUND FOR DEMOCRATIC COMMUNITIES, 26-0344869 Federal Statements FYE: 12/31/2009 5/12/2010 5:30 PM Statement 4 - Form 990-PF, Part I, Line 18 - Taxes Net Adjusted Charitable Description Total Investment Net Purpose Indirect Taxes/Licenses $ a7 $ a7 47 $ Total $ aa $ a $ 47 s 0 Statement 5 - Form 990-PF, Part |, Line 19 - Depreciation Description Date Cost Prior Year Current Year Net Investment Adjusted Net Acquired Basis Depreciation Method Life __Depreciation Income Income APPLE MACBOOK PRO 17" 1,990 200DB 5$ 1,070 $ $ 9/07 5 39 DESK, HUTCH, CHATR, 1/10/¢ 7 280 SMALL DESK, TABLE 5/01/08 5 7 12 2 DRAWER FILING CABINET 9/08/08 ata 16 200DB 7 27 LEATHER OFFICE CHAIR 702/08 1 7 32 HP LASERJET PRINTER 1/14/08 419 5 34 2 COMPAC PRESARIO LAPTOPS 2/01/08 129 5 681 500 GB EXTERNAL DRIVE 2/01/08 145 5 46 LINKSYS NAS200 NETWRK STORAGE 2/23/08 241 5 7 WD 500 GB HARD DRIVE 2/23/08 148 5 23 BH 500 COPIER 6/02/08 5 3,071 VOSTRO 200 DESKTOP 6/20/08 5 186 45 11442 THE FUND FOR DEMOCRATIC COMMUNITIES, 5/12/2010 5:30 PM 26-0344869 Federal Statements FYE: 12/31/2009 Date Cost Prior Year Current Year Net Investment Adjusted Net Acquired Basis Depreciation Method Life. _Depreciation Income Income 2 VOSTRO 6/24/08 $ 1,175 $ 235 200DB 5 376 $ $ TELEPHONE 4/26/08 53 11 200DB 5 1 NETWORK & ROUTER EQUIP 9/23/08 99 200DB 5 27 2 DRAWER FILE CABINET 9/10/08 60 34 200DB f 7 QUICKBOOKS PREMIER /30/ 438 174 3 PARALLELS DESKTOP 3.0 FOR MAC 10/20/07 100 35 3 34 ADOBE CS3 DESIGN PREM 10/19/07 1,896 746 3 632 MS WINDOWS XP 10/19/¢ 298 a7 3 100 GOTHAM ROUNDED MAC LICENSE (2) 1/05/08 576 384 3 96 TV, DVD, Antenna, Cart 5/20/09 455 200DB 5 273 mail sorter filebox 1/10/08 52 7 1 7 Table for Telephone 5/01/08 43 62 7 5 quickbooks pro MAC; office 4/03/08 101 63 3 uw office MAC 4/09/08 3 8 Total $ 423 $ os 0 11442 THE FUND FOR DEMOCRATIC COMMUNITIES, 5/12/2010 5:30 PM 26-0344869 Federal Statements FYE: 12/31/2009 Statement @ 23 - Amorti Des Date Cost Prior Year Current Year Net Investment Adjusted Net Acquired Basis Amortization Life __Amortization Income Income _ COGS. START UP Co: 6/08/07 $ 17,726 § 1,871 15 § 1,182 § $ s 1726 § 1271 8 1,182 § os. 0 Statement 7 - Form 990-PF, Part |, Line 23 - Other Expenses Net Adjusted Charitable Description Total Investment Net Purpose 8 s $ $ Expenses WES SERVER &: ours ‘OR SERVICES BOOKS, SUBS TONS SERVICE TELEPHONE, BANKIN' OFFICE SU BOARD Mi INSURANCE 67 11442 THE FUND FOR DEMOCRATIC COMMUNITIES, 26-0344869 Federal Statements FYE: 12/31/2009 5/12/2010 5:30 PM ‘Statement 8 - Form 990-PF, Part Il, Line 14 - Land, Building, and Equipment Beginning End End Accumulated Net Description Net Book Cost / Basis Depreciation FMV. NISHINGS $ $ 1,492 § $ 1, 492 EQUIPMENT” 10,107 10,107 COMPUTER E 3,690 9,690 SOFTWARE 3,409 3,409 START UP CosTs 17,726 17,726 -14, 168 =3, 053 $ 8 42,424 8 $ 25,203 11442 THE FUND FOR DEMOCRATIC COMMUNITIES 26-0344869 FYE; 12/31/2009 Federal Statements 5/12/2010 5:30 PM Statement 9 - Form 990-PF, Part VIll, Line 4 - List of Offi ers, Directors, Trustees, Ete. Name and Average Address Title Hours Compensation Benefits Expenses MARNIE THOMPSON PRESIDENT 20.00 0 0 0 1214 GROVE STREET SREENSBORO NC 2 ED WHIT EXE DIREC 20.00 5,412 0 0 1214 GROVE GREENSBORO SABRINA ABNEY DIRECTOR 2.00 a 0 o 214 GROVE STREET NSBORO NC 27403 DIRECTOR 2.00 a 0 o DIRECTOR 2.00 0 o o 1214 GROVE STREET GREENSBORO NC 27403 JONATHAN HENDERSON DIRECTOR 2.00 a 0 o 1214 GREENSBORO MUKTHA JOST DIRECTOR 2.00 a 0 0 1214 GROV. GREENSBORO NC 27403 LORENZO MEACHUM DIRECTOR 2.00 a 0 0 1214 GROVE STREET GREENSBORO NC 27403 ISABELL MOORE DIRECTOR 2.00 0 0 0 214 GROVE STREET SBORO NC 27403 STEVE SUMMERFORD DIRECTOR 2.00 0 0 0 11442 THE FUND FOR DEMOCRATIC COMMUNITIES, 26-0344869 Federal Statements FYE; 12/31/2009 ist of Officers, Directors, Trustees, Statement 9 - Form 990-PF, Part VIll, Line 4 5/12/2010 5:30 PM Et (continued) Name and Average Address Title Hours _Compensation Benefits Expenses STREET GREENSBORO NC 2 o 0 2.00 a 11442 THE FUND FOR DEMOCRATIC COMMUNITIES 5/12/2010 5:30 PM 26-0344869 Federal Statements FYE: 12/31/2009 Statement 10 - Form 990-PF, Part XV, Line 1a - Managers Who Contributed Over 2% or $5,000 Name of Manager Amount STEPHEN JOHNSON $ 32,311 MARNIE THOMPSON 32,310 Total $ 64, 621 Statement 11 - Form 990-PF, Part XV, Line 2b - Application Format and Required Contents Description T COMPLETE F4DC.ORG. GRANT GRANT APPLICANTS AVAILABLE ONLINE AT Statement 12 - Form 990-PF, Part XV, Line 2c - Submission Deadlines Description F4bc ACCEPTS GRANT APPLICATIONS ON A ROLLING BASIS. INTERESTED PARTIES SHOULD CONSULT WWW.E4DC.ORG TO LEARN MORE ABOUT OUR GRANT GUIDELINES. Statement 13 - Form 990-PF, Part XV, Line 2d - Award Restrictions or Limitations Description FaDC CONCENTRATES ITS GRANTMAKING IN THE SOUTHEASTERN U WITH ICULAR INTEREST IN THE NORTH CAROLINA PIEDMONT. OUR FOCUS IS ON PROJECTS AND PROGRAMS THAT NURTURE 5 GRANTEES MUST SIGN A GRANT FORM STATING THAT THE GRANT WILL BE USED FOR THE OTHER GUIDELINES ARE LAID OUT DOWNLOADABLE DOCUMENT TITLED “AFTER THE GRANT IS AT WWW. F4DC.ORG. 10-13

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