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Name: Laura Famiglietti

Cohort: A1

Lesson Plan
Lesson Title: Coming Soon
Subject/Strand: Language/Media Literacy

Grade: 5/6
Location: In Class

Date: 18 01 -2016
Time: (length in minutes): 60

Lesson Plan Description

Today we will be focusing on Media Literacy in the form of movie trailers. As a class we will go through
an example of a movie trailer and discuss its purpose and how different audiences may respond to it. The
students will then work in their home groups, each with one iPad and view a different movie trailer. The
students will fill in a chart with the headings: what is the purpose of the trailer? Who is it intended for? We
will end the lesson with a gallery walk.
Ontario Curricular Overall Expectations (Grade 5-6)
1. Demonstrate an understanding of a variety of media texts.
Ontario Curricular Specific Expectations (Grade 5-6)
1.1 Explain how a variety of media texts address their intended purpose and audience.
1.4 Explain why different audiences might have different responses to media texts.
Learning Goals Discuss with students: What will I be learning today?
Today I will learn
How to build a deeper understanding of movie trailers
Who the intended audience is for specific trailers
The effectiveness of media literacy
Success Criteria Discuss with students: How will I know I have learned what I need to learn?
I can: understand the message of the trailer
I can: analyze who the trailer was made for
I can: understand why the trailer is effective
Assessment How will I know students have learned what I intended?
Achievement Chart Categories (highlight/circle the ones that apply):
Knowledge and Understanding;
Assessment For, As, Of Learning (Circle One) (Describe way(s) you and/or your students will assess.)
Assessment Mode

Assessment Strategy and Task for


Assessment Tool - Instrument used

to assess task and record learning


The students will individually

answer the questions we have
prepared on the charts for each of
their trailers on post-it notes.

Checklist as we are doing a gallery

walk, the teacher will view the
students responses on the post-it
notes and assess their understanding
and thinking.


Prior Learning: Prior to this lesson, students will have

* worked with various forms of media (movies posters, magazines, commercials)
* worked in their home groups
* done a gallery walk
Differentiation: Content, Process, Product, Environment, Assessment/Accommodations,
Instruction for lesson said verbally and written out on the board
Learning Skills/Work Habits Highlight/circle ones that are assessed: responsibility, organization,
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independent work, collaboration, initiative, self-regulation

Fugitive a person who is fleeing, from prosecution, intolerable circumstances, etc.; a runaway.
Comply to act upon wishes, requests, demands, requirements, conditions, etc.; agree.
Harboring to give shelter to; offer refuge to.
Trials the act of trying, testing, or putting to the proof.
Merely simply
Shall plan to, intend to, or expect to.
Grief keen mental suffering or distress over affliction or loss; sharp sorrow; painful regret.
Intern a person who works as an apprentice or trainee in an occupation or profession to gain practical
experience, and sometimes also to satisfy legal or other requirements for being licensed or accepted
CEO chief executive officer.
Hysterical uncontrollably emotional.
Masseuse a woman who provides massage as a profession or occupation.
Inspire to fill or affect with a specified feeling, thought.
Investor a person who makes a purchase with the expectation of a larger future financial return.
Generation a group of individuals born and living at about the same time.
Resources and Materials /Technology Integration
Classroom iPads (6)
Movie Trailers (6) Example Inside Out; Groups Tomorrowland, Cinderella, The Peanuts
Movies, Star War: The Force Awakens, The Intern
Posters on the iPads for each of the movies for gallery walk
Chart Paper (side one heading what is the purpose of the trailer; side two heading who is it
intended for)
Post-it notes for each student in the group to place on their chart
Anchor Charts: Success Criteria; Vocabulary
Learning Environment (grouping; transitions; physical set up)
Groupings of Five
Cross Curricular Links
Three Part Lesson
What Teachers Do:
What Students do:
Minds on: Motivational Hook/engagement /Introduction
Time: 10-15 minutes
Ask the class: Why does Hollywood use movie
trailers? Then the teacher will play the trailer to the
movie Inside Out on the smart board.

From their desks the students will watch the

trailer for Inside Out while thinking about the
question: Why does Hollywood use movie

To activate prior knowledge the teacher will ask the

The students will think about what we have
students Is there anything similar or can connect what worked on in media literacy in previous lessons.
we have seen when we looked at commercials?
Then the teacher will introduce the ideas of purpose
and intended audience. Then as a class based on the
trailer for Inside Out we will answer the questions:
Lakehead University Orillia, 09 02 15

The students will think about the trailer they

have just seen and will discuss the ideas of
purpose and intended audience.

what is the purpose of the trailer? Who is it intended

We will discuss our success criteria as a class and the
teacher will write them out in the form of I can
sentences on an anchor chart for their reference.

The students will have an understanding of our

goals and success criteria.

Today you will be working in your home groups,

The students will listen to the instructions and
every group will get a different trailer that will be
one member of each group will gather the
viewed on the classroom iPads. Your task is to write
materials that they will need.
your answers on the post-it notes and place them under
the correct question.
Action: During /Working on it
Time: 15-20 minutes
Groups will be given iPads with the trailers loaded and
ready for viewing. They will watch the trailer and
answer the two questions on the chart paper.

The students will work in their groups viewing

their trailers and answering the questions by
filling out their post-it notes and placing them on
the chart paper.

Tomorrowland -
Cinderella -
The Peanuts Movies -
Star War: The Force Awakens - (subtitles)
The Intern -
Consolidation & Connection (Reflect and Connect)
Time: 10-15 minutes
The students will set up their chart paper with their
post-it note answers. The iPads will have a stock
image of their movie posters loaded and prepped for
display for the gallery walk.

The groups will set up their work as a gallery

walk, and everyone will go through to view
everyones views on the trailers they had seen
and understood.

The teacher will go through the gallery walk filling out

the checklist.
The students will come back to their desks and we will
have a final discussion relating back to our learning
goals and success criteria. Have they been met?

The students will return to their desks and will

participate in a final discussion based on if we
have met out goals and success criteria.

Extension Activities/Next Steps (where will this lesson lead to next)

In our next lesson involving media literacy we will being working on our culminating task in which
students (in groups) will have the choice of creating a movie poster, commercial, an advertisement, or a
magazine article.

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ELL student: will watch a movie trailer with subheadings so that they can work on understanding
of spelling Darren is on an IEP for language and often has difficulties getting his thoughts down
on paper and his writing is often illegible therefore for this assignment he will use the alpha
smart to get his thoughts down in a neat and legible manner Lily is on an IEP as she is working
below grade level, thus will need to work one-on-one with the teacher to complete this

Lakehead University Orillia, 09 02 15

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