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Alan Bohachevsky

Curmano P7
9 January 2016
Adv. Language Arts

Lord of the Flies Creative Writing

Theme- In the novel, Lord of the Flies, by William Goulding, shows that the lack of
civilization can lead to savagery.
Summary: The book starts of when a plane of young boys crash on an island, all
ranging from 6 to 12. There is a war waging on, and the boys think they will be saved by
soldiers. The island unlike any cliche island with dangers every corner, the island is very
plentiful with fruit, animals, and fresh water. There is no adults to govern them, they develope a
small orderly system, with a conch shell, and a chief. After a while, the two main leaders are
Ralph and Jack. Ralph is the chief, and is in charge of building shelters. Jack is to tend a bonfire,
to keep a smoke signal up for any ships. Jack wants to put his efforts towards hunting, for the
boys are deprived of meat. Whilst Jack is hunting, he no longer tends to the fire. Ralph then
notices a ship, but then discovers that the fire was not alight. He feels betrayed by Jack, Goulding
describes it as a link that was taken away from in between them and replaced somewhere else. A
dead man in a parachute then flies on to the island, making the kids believe there is a beast. Jack
slowly starts to think he would make the better chief, and wants to dethrone Ralph. Meanwhile a
boy named Simon hallucinates and gets very dirty to the point of being unrecognizable. The rest
of the boys mistake him for the beast and kill him, now crossing the border of insanity. Ralph
breaks away from Jack, and Piggie follows him. Jack's group then kills Piggie for his glasses to
make a fire, leaving Ralph to run for his life. He then finds himself on the shore, in front of a
navy soldier. The novel then ends with the boys being saved, but not from the insanity that they

Creative Piece, Book Review- Author William Goulding has now released another
novel, which may be merit worthy. The novel begins with a plane wreck on an uninhabited
island. When the boys first assemble, they speak of other grand adventures, when one boy speaks
of Coral Island. In the book, The Coral Island, the three sole survivors of a ship wreck face
many dangers on a resplendent island. This is hinting at the misfortunes that will come. Goulding
has created a very surreal place as the setting for the story.Later the two oldest boys have devoted
themselves to tending a fire and building shelters. Soon the boy designated to watching the fire is
fed up with his and the boys lack of meat, and goes to hunt, then creating a rift between himself
and Ralph, the other boy. Ralph represents civilization, trying to dedicate his work to keeping the
boys alive, whereas Jack represents savagery, by the end trying to kill Ralph. Before this has
played out, another boy by the name of Simon has been infatuated with the head of a pig Simon
has killed. The Pig head represents the lack of civilization, and what could happen without a
proper refinement.This has been a very good book, I would recommend it to any fans of R.M.
Ballantynes work. Goulding has said Ballantyne's novel, The Coral Island, has been an
inspiration for this book. The Lord of the Flies, has been a good read, and shows what can
happen to any civilized place that is unbridled.

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