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John Kasich

Jennifer Lopez

Political Party: Republican
His Stances

I do not think we should be demonizing people who are law-abiding and hard-working

He wants to keep all the immigrants in the U. S., but the immigrants trying to pass the
border should be sent back.

Kasich has said the policy makes great sense, adding that he believes Obamacare has
made real improvements in people's lives.

He supports Obamacare and expanded Medicaid in order to bring Ohio money back to
treat the mentally ill, drug- addicted, and help the working poor get health care.
We must cut taxes to stimulate the economy, Kasich said.

He believes stopping taxes and restraining the growth government would let people
keep their money so people have more control over their lives.

Evaluation Source
Link to Source:
The title of this website is The Washington Examiner and it is credible. This website is current for the content
since it is currently updated; the article was originally published on April 28, 2015. Friday, March 4, 2016 at 5:34 pm
this website got updated. One can believe in this source since it is constantly updated and this article is .com. There
are three professional authors who peer-review this website professionally. Different presidents perspectives are
shown, showing that this site is not biased since it does not only focus one person. In addition, the editing is done by
Hugo Gurdon, an editorial director, corporated by Stephen R. Sparks, president and chief operating officer, and
advertised by Mark Walters, who has had 20 years of experience in cross-media advertising, sales management,
business development, and marketing. The Washington Examiner can be interpreted as a secondary source since there
is not extremely specific details on the occurrence, but it does give a good amount of information. Another source
that has almost the same information, for my president, is
General readers, the intended audience, can visit this website if they are trying to figure out which president to vote
for and see presidents arguments and stances. They can check every president perspective on issues and their
political party. In addition, this website shows the occurrence on the white house, congress, and other information
one might not know of. To sum up, Washington Examiner is owned and operated by the The Washington Newspaper
Publishing and it is a credible website.
Work Cited: Your Guide to the 2016 Presidential Candidates. Washington Examiner. N.p., 02 Mar. 2016. Web. 03 Mar.

Bernie Sanders
Ibeth Martinez

College tuition:
If other countries can take this action, so can the United States of America, many other countries have
free college tuition like Finland, Norway and soon Chile.
Racial Justice
African-Americans are twice as likely to be arrested and almost four times as likely to experience the use
of force during encounters with the police, Bernie Sanders feels like polices attack African Americans,
more than it is allowed
Woman Rights
The decision about abortion must remain a decision for the woman and her doctor to make, not the
government, woman are often victims of rape and end with an undesirable pregnancy, and for acts like this
the government should not oppose abortion. is a website dedicated to Bernie Sanders political campaine and
expresses his thoughts in a way that the public can see at any given momment through out the day. Bernie
2016, the name of the website, is trustworthy because it is updated constantly due to the fact that the title
states it was published during 2016. Also, this website is being supported by Bernie Sanders himself, as in
he pays for all the expenses of the website, he also asks for help of the public to donate his campaign but
it does not explain how or where the money is spent on.

Marco Rubio
By: Melissa Soto

Policy Positions

Rubio wants to reform the tax code into two brackets at 15 percent and 35 percent. Which basically he wants to tax the rich with a
higher percentage and tax the more poor people less. He also wants eliminate many tax credits and deductions but create an
additional child tax credit of $2,500. This means that the parents of dependents would have a deduct of $2,500 per child when
they do their taxes.

Rubio also wants to remove Obamacare and replace it with refundable tax credits for purchasing health insurance. What he is trying
to do is have people buy health insurance and give them a refund for buying it when they do their taxes, he would also let insurance be
sold across state lines.

Rubio also wants to undo the sequestration budget cuts on defense and use funds to "modernize our forces." Meaning that he wants to
take money from the sequestration budget and use it to make our armies and weapons more modern and advanced to make them


The Trumpinator

Donald Trump
By Melanie Gatica
Americas Big Fat Elephant(because hes a republican)

I want to build a wall.

Trump wants to build a wall between Mexico
and the U.S. and he wants Mexico to pay for

Guns rule!
Well, I'm a big Second Amendment person. As an
example, for the horrible thing that just took place in
Oregon had somebody in that room had a gun, the
result would have been better. Trump said in an


Trump thinks that the concept of climate change was created by the Chinese to suppress the U.S.
The website is dedicated to every political leader on every issue. It was published for anyone
who is looking to be more informed about politics, presidential candidates and for people who are deciding on who they should vote for as
their next president. The website is very current since it contains information on Trumps stances on issues from February 2016 and it also
contains all his thoughts on issues from all the way back to 1990. The author is never stated so the website is considered unsigned, however
it only contains the names of who to contact for business and political information.The website is a .org, meaning its a non-profit
organization.The site is not biased since its not just a website purely dedicated to Donald Trump, rather to all the running presidential
candidates. It has sources and links to absolutely all the quotes cited. This website is a secondary source since Donald Trump himself did not
write it.Overall, the website is a credible site since it contains links and sources to every single one of Trumps stances.

Sources: GOP `Your Money/Your Vote` 2015 CNBC 1st-tier debate , Oct 28, 2015
PBS News Hour "2016 Candidate Stands" series , Jun 16, 2015
CBS Face the Nation 2015 interview by Bob Schieffer , Oct 11, 2015

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