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Brecken Larsen

Period 6 HELA 10
Mr. Lundstrom
8 February 2016
The Power Of Fear
The oldest and strongest emotion of mankind is fear, and the oldest and
strongest kind of fear is fear of the unknown. -H.P. Lovecraft. Fear is an incredibly
powerful force throughout our lives. It is used in nearly every aspect of our lives, and yet
we rarely notice its presence. As we have moved into the digital age, the media is able
to portray images in such a way to influence our opinions as a nation using fear as the
catalyst. In modern times the use of fear through religion is extremely prevalent in the
middle east with the Islamic State. However, fear is incorporated into our lives in many
other aspects as well. Fear is used in religion, education, and even how we are raised
as children. We are exposed to these fear by everyday people. Including the media, our
peers, and our parents. The power of fear is extremely powerful and is used to
maximum effect on a nearly daily basis, in our personal and public lives.
To begin, fear is used in religion to manipulate and control many people.
Recently the use of this fear has become prevalent due to the presence of ISIS. In
Julian Fleischmans article Fear Tactics Have Proven Successful For ISIS he says,
However, this high-budget propaganda machine most likely has an even greater
purpose than to portray themselves as legitimate followers of Islam ISIS is employing
the age-old political strategy of fear tactics. This quote, despite displaying how the
Islamic State uses fear, also brings to light how this fear is spread in the modern age.
Previously the act of publically hanging someone was commonly used as a fear tactic
against criminals, but that was before the internet. With modern technology we can take
videos of acts and even use special effects to increase the effectiveness and power of
the fear. In the article 99% Inspiration the author says, Because fear is so widespread
in modern society, it seems a central part of life. In every field fear is used as a
motivating force: religion (join my religion or youll go to hell). This is another quote
representing the underlying message behind many religions. Although we may not
realise it, fear is the driving force for many of our actions and decisions through our
individual lives and our lives in the community.
Next, fear is used in the education system. Regardless of the intentions teachers
use fear in order to control them. Students are feared into behaving as otherwise they
are sent to the principals. The turn in their assignments as they are fearful that they will
fail. Again, many do not realise how prevalent fear is, it has become so common in our
everyday life that we often dont realise that the reason we are doing certain things is

because of fear. In the article 99% Inspiration, the author writes, In every field fear is
used as the motivating force: education (learn what I tell you or I will flunk you). This
helps further prove my point how fear is implemented into the education system. As we
go about our days we rarely reflect upon the driving force behind our actions. Due to
this the true power and influence of fear often goes unnoticed. In the article How to
Conquer the Fear of Failing in School the author says, Teachers will zero in on
meeting grade levels rather than focusing on the personal interests and overall
development of their students. Anyone who doesnt meet the grade standard are
labeled as failures. In modern society peer pressure is a very real fear. The need to fit
in is incredibly powerful in teenagers and is even used by the education system to
influence children through fear to complete their work. Being labeled as a failure can
influence the social life of a teen, something they value greatly. As you can see fear is
implemented into multiple portions of our lives. Despite the seemingly obvious nature of
this, many people go about their days without realising the influential power of fear in
their lives.
Finally, fear is used by our parents for multiple purposes as we are raised. As
children our parents our the gateway to the rest of the world, because of these they are
easily able to alter our views and opinions. Due to this, fear inflicted by our parents is
one of the most potent applications of fear. In the article Teaching Through Love Instead
of Fear Pam Leo writes, When I hear a parent counting "One... two" at a young child, I
always wonder what the child has been told will happen if the parent gets to three. Is it
the threat of a spanking, being yelled at, time out, abandonment (I'm going without you)
or the withdrawal of love and approval? Whatever the threat may be, I rarely hear
"three." As intended, the threat of what will happen if the parent gets to three usually
compels the child to do whatever it is the parent is telling the child to do. This quote
greatly encompasses the idea of how powerful fear can be. A mere threat can be used
very successfully to control our actions, thoughts, and outlook on life. Parents are able
to use fear to control aspects of their child's life. Depending on how the parent used fear
it can complete change a child for the rest of their lives. In the article Behavioral
Change the author writes, Fear appeals can be used in convincing people to appraise
and change their behavior, such as quitting smoking or not driving. At first glance this
quote may not seem applicable to fear in parenting. However, the fear used in
advertisements, such as anti-smoking campaigns, use fear to alter behavior, just like the
fear inflicted by parents as we are being raised. Fear in parenting is a powerful, and
necessary action. Without it many children would not know right from wrong and would
participate in many negative behaviors. Once again, the power of fear is most present in
the places we would least expect them.
Despite all this evidence, many people do not believe that fear is very powerful.
According to the article 99% Inspiration many people feel that, Fear places a wedge in
our relationships and distracts us from our daily tasks. It diminishes our effectiveness in
the world and the contributions we make as humans. However, this is not true. On

occasion fear can be overused, overloading people and negating much of its
effectiveness. Regardless of this fear can still be used extremely effectively enabling the
full power of fear. Fear is the most powerful tool in the world. However, like all tools you
must know how to use it.
In conclusion, fear is the most powerful force in human history. It is intertwined
into our lives, altering our behaviors, choices, and actions. Fear is an effective tool when
used to manipulate and control any number of people. Fear is most effectively used in
religion, the education system, and even by our parents. Religion uses fear to acquire
followers, and ensure the loyalty of their worshipers. The education system uses fear to
ensure that its students follow rules and complete assignments when required. Parents
use fear to control and alter the behavior of their children, ensuring a well behaved
child. Fear is a great and powerful weapon and provides absolute power, just remember
the wise words of Lord Acton, Power tends to corrupt and absolute power corrupts

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