Springfield College - Daily Lesson Plan

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Springfield College Daily Lesson Plan

Name: Jack Weinberger and Kyle Hummel

Date: 1/23/15
Time: 9:00 am
School:Springfield College
Lesson #: Sample
Facilities: Blake Arena
Class Size: 7-9
Grade: Peers
Unit/Theme: Ultimate Frisbee
Generic Level: Control/Utilization
Equipment: Frisbees (7+), Hula Hoop, Jump rope, boundary cones, hot spots (10+)
speaker, grade-level appropriate music
Focus of Lesson: Passing and Defense
Student Performance Objectives (SPO): (National # 1 ; MA CF # 2.9
Task/Activity # 1
By the end of the lesson, students should be able to:

(P) perform skills to be able to throw a frisbee accurately and defend frisbee throws by
showing proficiency in all activities throughout the lesson.
(C) Identify what special considerations a defender should keep in mind while blocking a
pass with 90% correctness.
(A) Students will respect their classmates by keeping their hands to themselves and
using appropriate sportsmanlike language during 100% of the lesson.
Check each objective is it specific? Is it achievable? Is it developmentally
Teacher Performance Objectives During the lesson the teacher will:
Use voice variation throughout the entirety of the lesson.
Share the talk time evenly between both teachers throughout the lesson.
Demonstrate each activities from multiple angles every time there is a demonstration.
Special Considerations What are the safety concerns? What is unique about
the students in this class?
Students are our peers so treat them with the respect that we expect from them. The
gym will also be split in half, so make sure there boundary cones are set on all sides
and with enough room to not disturb neighboring lesson.
References: (include page # and/or actual web site address)
http://www.usaultimate.org/assets/1/Page/USAU_Resource_Guide_P4-Ult_Drills_0809-10.pdf pg 2








Warm up- Teacher will have students through

lead the dynamic warm up. Students will
spend one minutes doing three lower body
stretches (examples: hamstring stretch, calf
stretch, quad stretch, butterfly stretch) and
one minutes on three upper body stretches
(examples: arm across, arm circles, shoulder
flexion, neck circles) and one minute on a
quick heart rate riser (example: jumping
Transition: Students will form a half circle
around the teacher.
Introduce Throwing: Teacher will explain
how to throw a frisbee while students are in a
small half circle.
Transition: Students will get in pairs and
spread out throughout the gym.

Throwing Activity: Students will

get in pairs and throw the frisbee
back and forth as many times as
they can, focusing on the skill cues.
DEMONSTRATION: The teacher will
show multiple angles of throwing a
frisbee and use student demos
throughout the activity
Skill cues:
Side to target
step towards target
frisbee in the armpit
release and point at target
Safety Considerations: Throw the
frisbee when your partner is looking
at you.
If a frisbee goes out of the
boundaries, wait for the teacher to
go get it
Teacher Position: Back to wall,
scanning. Moving around classroom.
Extensions Up: Pairs of students
will move further apart
Extensions Down: Students will
move closer together.

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