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Eastside Elementary

P.E. Rules & Regulations


Physical Education is a required course by the Texas Board of Education. Physical

Education is considered a regular classroom subject and the same rules apply.
Students will be held accountable for their own actions and will have their own
agreement form to sign the first day of school.
Additional rules and regulations must be implemented and are explained below.
1. Gym Attire
A. Comfortable shoes MUST be worn (you will not sit out due to your shoes)
B. Shorts MUST be worn under a dress
C. Dress code is enforced (please see handbook)
2. No Food or drinks in the gym
A. Water bottles only
B. Any food, drink, candy, gum, etc. will be thrown in the trash
3. Doctor/Parent Notes
A. Parent note is only good for 3 days, after that you will be required to have
a doctors note. (Grade will be affected)
4. Leaving Class
A. Teachers- if a teacher needs you during PE you MUST have a written note
signed by the teacher. You will check-in with your coach or points will be
B. Counselor if you need to see the counselor you have to have a
counselors pass written by a coach. (One student at a time)
C. Nurse you must have a nurses pass to leave from PE
D. Bathroom gym bathrooms will be LOCKED during class, if you need to
use the restroom you will need our bathroom pass and will go inside the
school in the 6th grade hallway.
5. Coaches Office
A. No one is allowed in the office, this is an automatic write-up
6. Write-ups
A. Fighting
B. Profanity (or other disciplinary actions may be taken such as running,
push-ups, etc.)
7. Electronics
A. No cell phones will be taken up if seen and turned into the front office
and the parent/guardian will have to pick it up) NO EXCEPTIONS
8. Parent Conferences
A. If you need to schedule a conference please call or email
B. Coach Browns Conference 8:05-8:48 (2nd Period)
Coach Broussards Conference 9:35-10:18 (4th Period)

We are excited to have your child in our Physical Education Program. We

would like to improve your childs fitness and overall well-being. It is our
goal to teach discipline, responsibility and a sense of fair play. If you have
any questions or concerns about your child please feel free to contact us.
We are looking forwards to having a great year!
Coach Brown
Coach Broussard

Please sign and return the bottom of this form

(Cut Here)

I have read and understand the rules and

regulations for my child shown above for Physical
Students Name: _________________________________________



(Please circle one)

Parents Signature: _______________________________________

Contact Information:
_________________________________________________ (Home)
_________________________________________________ (Cell)
This will be filed for reference needed throughout the school year.

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