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Grammar videos: Have got answers

Answers to Have got exercises

1. Check your grammar: multiple choice have got

1. Theyve got

5. Weve got

2. Shes got

6. Hes got

3. Have you got

7. Everybody gets

4. I have

8. We had

2. Check your grammar: ordering have got

1. She has got dark hair.

4. Have we got everything we need?

2. Have you got the shopping list?

5. You havent got much in your basket.

3. Ive got tennis practice at 7.

6. Has Oliver got any good ideas?

3. Check your grammar: error correction have got

1. He has got / Hes got / He has green eyes.
2. We have got / Weve got / We have two dogs and a cat.
3. She has got / Shes got / She has a brother and a sister.
4. They have not got any / They havent got any / They don't have any / They do not have any / They have
got no / Theyve got no / They have no chilli peppers.
5. Has Daisy got / Does Daisy have a boyfriend?
6. We have not got / We havent got / We don't have / We do not have many ideas.
7. Have you got / Do you have the time?
8. Does he have / Has he got a pencil?

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