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Long Term Planning

Subject: Social Studies

Unit / Topic
Living with the Land

School / Year: St. Patricks Elementary, Spring 15

Teacher: Mrs. Kaitlyn Turnbull
Length of
Main GLOs and SLOs to be Assessed
3 weeks
GLO 4.1: Students will demonstrate an
understanding and appreciation of how
Jan 25 Feb elements of physical geography, climate,
geology and paleontology are integral to the
landscapes and environment of Alberta.
GLO 4.2: Students will demonstrate an
understanding and appreciation of the role
of stories, history and culture in
strengthening communities and contributing
to identity and a sense of belonging.
4.2.1: recognize the presence and
influence of diverse Aboriginal
peoples as inherent to Alberta's
culture and identity

TA: Marilyn Rosner

UC: Prof. Pam Adams
Weight of
Main Resources
Voices of Alberta:
People, Places, and
(Textbook & Teacher

In this unit students will continue learning about the land and Alberta. Rather than a focus on natural resources, students will learn
more about Albertan landforms, and more specifically, how the First Nations people interacted with the land historically. By the end of
the unit, students will recognize and demonstrate an understanding that the First Nations people are inherent to Albertas identity.
Students will explore the term identity and learn how it relates to them personally, and how it exists on a larger (provincial) scale.


The purpose for this unit is to establish an understanding of the importance of First Nations people to Albertas identity. This unit
scaffolds the importance of First Nations people to Albertas identity into their importance to Canadas identity. Students will also
learn about Albertas landforms and history, which is applicable throughout the Social Studies Program of Studies.
Key Questions

What is identity?
What/who contributes to Albertas identity?

Are the First Nations people an important part of

Albertas identity?

Social Studies textbook
Royal Museum of Alberta videos and website

Travel Alberta videos: Bodo Archaeology Site,

Writing on Stone Provincial Park, and Remember to

Differentiation / Extensions

Differentiation and extensions will be provided as needed. The amount of images and words on the summative assessment can
be increased / decreased according to student needs. Students will be expected to meet the POS outcomes, but expectation for
how these outcomes are met can vary per student need.

Cross-curricular Links

The emphasis on imagery and symbolism of pictographs/petroglyphs and Albertan symbols ties into Language Arts and how
images can portray meaning.

Unit Layout


1. Unit introduction what is identity? Gingerbread person identity activity. What makes up Albertas identity? Brainstorm.
Discuss the First Nations people as central to Alberta identity (p. 98-99). Add first piece to Alberta identity project.
2. Mini lesson the land in Alberta (Rocky Mt, foothills, grasslands, parklands, boreal forest, Canadian Shield) stations for data
collection. P. 101-109
3. Mini lesson archaeology of the First Nations past. Tipi rings, pictographs (drawings on rocks), petroglyphs (carvings on
rock). P. 113-114.
4. Mini lesson learning more (stories about First Nations: Arky book, Dear Canada book, comic books from the fort)
5. Review importance of First Nations people in Alberta, present projects in small groups.

** This unit will have an on-going activity. On the first day students will explore identity personally, filling up a blank
gingerbread person with images and words that represent their own identity. Then we will talk about things that make up
Albertas identity (First Nations, farming, oil, mountains, etc.). The summative assessment will be filling in a blank outline of

Alberta with images/words that represent Alberta identity from the lessons! Every class, after a lesson on Alberta identity,
students will add onto their summative assessment!!

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