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Honors World History Syllabus

Mrs. Stacey Walker

Classroom Philosophy
My classroom is intended to be a safe, equitable and nurturing environment for
students. This is a place where we can learn together and from one another.

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Course Overview
You cannot know where you are going, until you know where you have been.
Starting with the foundations of societies around the world, moving up through
global contemporary topics, students will develop a strong cultural awareness as
well as the ability to make historical connections. In addition, this class will
deepen reading, writing, critical thinking and research skills.

Office Hours
MTWRF: Zero Period
Email me to schedule a time after

Daily Required Materials

pencil/pen (recommended: highlighter)

3 ring binder
Notebook paper

Cell Phone Policy

Semester Grading Policy
Assessments: 42.5%
HW/Classwork/Quizzes: 42.5%
Participation: 15%

Please leave your cell phone at the door. You will have the opportunity to check
your phone during (2) class breaks. Being attentive and productive in class is
vital toward your success. I reserve the right to take your phone for the day if it
is used during class time.
Homework/Make-up Policy
All homework, projects, and essays will be marked down 10 points (one letter
grade) for each day they are late. If you miss an assignment or need to make-up
a test, it is your responsibility to make-up that assignment within 3 school days
of your return. Utilize your zero period and office hours after school.

Please sign below to indicate you have read through the course syllabus and understand, and accept, all classroom
grading, policies, and procedures. Show to Mrs. Walker by the specified due date.

Student Name:___________________________ Signature: ____________________________

Parent/Guardian Name:_________________________ Signature:___________________________

2nd Semester/2016

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