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Invasion written By Mark Bridgland Address Phone Number EXT. A LAND OF BLUE CRYSTALS, SHARP SHARD TOWERS LOOM HIGH UP IN TO THE SKY Camera pans across showing the expanse of this dark world, Large monstrous figures loom in the background creaking as they walk around the environment. Camera focuses on a small B-Cell wandering the land. NARRATOR I am a survivor. I wander in a plagued land, an accursed world of death and decay - and all around me, the killing darkness, which comes creeping from the crimson towers. CAMERA DOES NOT ZOOM INTO B-CELL SHOWING HIS VULNERABILITY Camera flypast of graveyard of Mechanical Fighters that have been destroyed and left to rust, B-Cell making his way through, dwarfed by the size of these fighting bots. Large shadowed monsters roam far away in the foggy distance. CUTS TO THE PAST NARRATOR This world was not always like this. Once a vibrant place where all worked in harmony, our realm was defended CAMERA PANS ACROSS A LANDSCAPE FULL OF LIFE, BIOLOGICALLY TROPICAL - LIFE GROWING ON CELL WALLS (PLANTS and CREEPERS) NARRATOR B-Cell Units would hunt for their match and mark them for death, sit and wait for the Natural Killer Squads POP UP OF B-CELL STATS Scene of how B-CELLS mark their Match NARRATOR The Natural Killer Squads, trained to repel all invaders, an elite tactical force, small but effective. POP UP OF NATURAL KILLER STATS Scene of how Natural killers attack the enemy NARRATOR And if things ever got heavy we had the Macros as back-up - the big boys, the muscle - who overpowered our enemies, first breaking them down into pieces and then displaying their victims as battle flags to warn any other would-be assailants. POP UP OF MACRO STATS Scene of how MACRO attack the enemy NARRATOR But we always knew. We always knew ‘The War” was coming, and on that dark day, the floor yawned wide beneath us and the invaders came in swarms to swamp our kingdom’s defences. Everything they touched they poisoned and we were powerless against them, for our enemies had adapted to our strategies: they’d mutated, they’d learned - and now they were stronger than us. They were smarter than us. We didn’t stand a chance. CAMERA CUTS TO DISTURBANCE IN THE TROPICAL SCENE A portal opens up from the floor, sending blue shards of crystal up into the air - From the portal large Flu monster walk through - touching the vibrant red walls they morph and shatter into blue shards - where they touch decays turning the vibrant land to a blue colour. BATTLE SCENE CAMERA ANGLE CARNAGE CUTS BACK TO WANDERING B-CELL NARRATOR And now, I wander alone, the last of my kind - a solitary B-Cell seeking its match, so from out of this Darkness may life come once more. Camera pans to a Flu Monster sitting on his own on the edge of a blue shard ridge, B-cell Stalks and finally marks for death NARRATOR Lets just hope their are other survivors

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