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Entertainment of the 50s

-By late 50s, 90% of American homes had televisions
-Television programs explored safe, relatable subjectsbeing careful
not to introduce any controversial ideas to mass amounts of viewers
(safe shows include I Love Lucy, The Mickey Mouse Club, Leave it to
Beaver, The Twilight Zone, The Adventures of Ozzie and Harriet, etc.)
-The age of Rock music, a hybrid of white and black music, provided a
sense of identity to the youth of America & encouraged rebellious
-Folk music became popular in the latter half of the decade, drawing in
listeners with its musical authenticity and simple nature
-Elvis was the heartthrob of the decade, with singles like Heartbreak
Hotel (1956), he was aware that sexuality and attitude were as
important as the music he created
-Buddy Holly was also a major pioneer or Rock in the 50s
-Aside from rock music, Nat King Cole won the hearts of many with
his extreme influence on the jazz music and culture of the era
-Teens listened to music and often went out to dances
-Schools would host dances called sock-hops (called this because
students were told to take off their shoes in fear or harming the gym
-There were many types/styles of dancing that occurred at these
events (The Jitterbug, Swing, Lindy, the Boogie-Woogie, the Bop)
-Teens gathered at ice cream parlors for sundaes, pizza parlors and
often coffee shops
-Popularized meals/foods of the 1950s include: deviled eggs, meatloaf,
baked Alaska, tuna noodle casserole, TV Dinners, Meals constructed
with condensed soups, various Jell-O concoctions
-Movie theatres and drive-in movies were common meeting places for
people during the 50s (especially for teens and young adults)
-Some movies that premiered in the 50s include: Sunset Blvd., Angry
Men, The blob, Titanic (1953), Houdini, Around the World in 80 Days,
Cat on a Hot Tin Roof, uys and Dolls, Gigi, Singin in the Rain, Harvey,
House of Wax, A Streetcar Named Desire, etc.
-Teens especially looked up to actors like James Dean, Marilyn Monroe,
Frankie Avalon and Elizabeth Taylor because of their popularity and

-Consumers of the 50s loved their automobiles. They would often take
their families on long road trips to destinations like Disney Land & the
Grand Canyon

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