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Workgroup Te © 2 jgrenll Dea e. Presi carer Tay Roast ovemara Ree tion for Bi Basha Baraat oy Mar tt Oeprecaon ont Board eT a [Comm tod | er Gana Dee Fed Toa IFrant8 orginal Approption z z z o|— om = ° 3 OTT Boao x 3 x af — 108 ° ° « n ¢ a + | san + x + 3 [Fraorr Program Wartenance a x | oan o ¢ ° n eer a3 aos} — ore arnt] — te arms $$ ara Ae 2 2] doson __couro)__o0 ° 3 ° 2017 Tour “aoe aoa @ «| 28 oreo ‘ ooo pierce ton PYAR Sas —anor z 3 | tas — ener az 3 ——ese00 ation: | move tothe Kiaho Worf Depredation Control Board for fiscal year 2017, $400,000 one-time from the General Fund 1 be transfered tothe ‘Wolf Control Fund Other Moneys Subaccount. There are no positions for this program. Discussion’ This money will serv as the state's match to contributions from the livestock industry and sportsmen to control wolves depredating livestock and wife Page sy7pas 13304 ‘Senator Schmidt [Bice af ie Govemor Governors Ree ‘Waton Tor Senator Sehidt "ot Omer Corl Board Tost [ Ouest Tou] FTP _ urea Dedcated_“Fegerl_ Tou [Fy20%6 original Appropriation @ @ 00 a 7 7 7 FY 2017 Base ° © oo # o * a 3 o bi. + 2 e a 2017 Program Wainionance © © ea n a. € o wor conve Tea] — aOR ‘om HOSE 7 oa lsat rastore 0] 00%) oot 0 @ | fev zo17 rou ao . ‘301 soe a. ‘oom [itorencs rom FY 276 AppreR 0 0 a a0 10.00 a ora ea ‘Motion, I move tothe Idaho Wolf Depredation Control Board for fiscal year 2017, $110,000 one-time from the General Fund tobe transfered tothe ‘Wolf Control Fund Other Moneys Subaecount. There are no postions for this program Discussion: This money will serve as the state's match to contributions from the vestock industry and sportsmen to control wahves depredating livestock and waif, ‘This motion is based on the testimony provided by the Wolf Control Board February 8th. It leave an ending balance of $358 800. Assuming the addton of $110,000 from have $575 800 for FY 2017, The addition of $110,000 from the General fund Estimated FY 2016 Expenditures $ 924,600 Revised Estimated FY 2016 Expenditures __ 675,000 ‘Change n FY 2016 Est Expenditures Original Est Ending Cash Balance Revised Estimated FY 2016 Ending Balance Estimated Transfer in Fom Livestock Producers Eatirated Transers in From Sportsmen “Transfers in From General Fund __ 110,000 743,600, 140200 359,800 410,000 10,000 Estimated Gash Avaliable to pay FY 2017 Bis 689,600 age? ssumes FY 2016 expenditures of $875,000. That would livestock producers and $10,000 from sportsmen, the Board would ayy 426" beg | ie Workgroup Se [Beparamant of AgiauTare TRaonay aauost Govenars Rae ‘Wotan Tor Burionshaw Gute, Lacay Solan Water Conservation ommisslon | Gand Total _| Gamal Total_|FTP__Gevoral___Dadlestod__ Feder! [FY2016 Orginal Appropriation "210,00 a8ut0| —a5m,100——_zeurata| 1778 zs00,07 ——_sen300 a 2017 Base, ‘zua400 2903700] —2se2000 203.00 | 7.78 2eaaon 181300 * ena Cons 3800 soo] —Tac00 ‘goo — ooo Tasoo 2300 7 Jepacemen ons 720 ram) 47200 aram| 0m ato ° a statwige coat locaton ‘aan (aoa) Gan an] 000 aan) 20) Q [cnange Employee Compensaton 00 aoe] ase sao] coo zatoo a0 o inh Peyol 35500 aso] 3500 410500] coo 3ss00 goo 8 [ry 2017 Program Maintenance zag 903700] —aaneo0o Somnaco| 775 Zesnemo — se2000. a [rircessed oties Space Costs 70500 Bisoo] — 20800 "as00] — €00 20500 c 7 |: Tecnis!Ansitance Coat Recovery ‘ ‘00 ° ‘00 coo 0 10000 ° p. conservaion atcinginconves 2m nam 6 0] ao 5 ° ° [sister a | o 6] om 5 6 5 2017 Total “iteaet 32200 | —ageago0 Seno | 7.78 zseemm0 3700 . ore Rom FY ITS Rap. aca "aso | 6c ron at ne z 05 ‘sx [ a aoe | 00% 3% ‘Motion. Starting with the JFAC base, include $18,900 for benef costs, add $47,200 for replacement items, include a reduction of $5,400 for ‘Statewide cost allocation, include $33,100 for CEC and $40,500 forthe 27th payroll. Next, add $20,500 ongoing General Fund support for increased Office space costs. Lastly include line tem #2 for technical assistance cost recovery. | move to the Soil and Water Conservation Commission for fiscal year 2017 $2,666,500 trom the General Fund and $372,000 from dedicated funds fo a total of $3,058,500. The FTPs are capped at 17.75, Discussion: This motion matches the Governor's Recommendation. The motion isa 3.7% increase in the General Fund and a 4.0% increase in all funds from the current year. Legislative intent: | request unanimous consent to include the attached standard language, regarding the use of trustee and benetit payments Pages syrjooi6 138M \+ at peal , peter | eT ca a Ff Or =~ prise Sen aoa Sa ae eee aS ee ee 3 — ua eee een ae 3 ae 2 oe oe ee ee oo oe ee eee coe oe. See Se ee eu a ge Be oe ae as ee — a — a ag a eee eae — Senet ns — ts — 2a 5 ae ee oo Se a fe nbrae = a tk ee ea een A as i ae eens: ices ee a ae eset et ee a a Ee era me eee ee ee SS ot Tolion: Staring with the JFAC base, include $18,900 for benefit costs, add $47,200 for replacement items, include a reduction of $5,400 for ‘Statewide cost allocation, include $93,100 for CEC and $40,500 forthe 27th payroll. Next, add $20,500 ongoing General Fund support for increased ‘office space costs. Include line item #2 for $10,000 in dedicated funds for technical assistance cost recovery. Lasty, add $100,000 one-time from the Evonomic Recovery Reserve Fund for the North Central Idaho Wire Restoration Group. | move to the Soll and Water Conservation Commission for fiscal year 2017, $2,686,800 from the General Fund and $472,000 from dedicated funds fra total of $3,158,500. The FTPs are capped at 17-75. Discussion: The additonal $100,000 fr lne tem 4 isto be directed toward an efor to coordinate a regional respense to initiate restoration work on private and municipal land affected by the 2016 wikfres. The effort involves the five conservation districts in central Idaho: Clearwater, Idaho, Latah, | ‘Lewis, and Nez Perce which have formed the North Central Idaho Waldfre Resteration Group (WRG) “The motion is a 3.7% increase inthe General Fund, a 34.4% increase in dedicated funds and a 7.4% increase inal funds from the current year, The WRP wil address four prot ereas throughout the region; public health and safety; restoration and protection of transportation infrastructure: protection of public natural resource investments; anc hazardous fuels reduction. Lesislatve Intent | request unanimous consent to include the attached standard language, regarding he use of trustee and beneft payments and the ‘attached language regarding the North Centra Idaho Wife Restoration Group (WRG). Page 33 3/7/2016 348 PM Standard Legislative Intent: Soil and Water Conservation Commission Section 3. LEGISLATIVE INTENT. It is the intent of the legislature that $100,000 of the amount appropriated in section 1 of this act for trustee and benefit payments is to be distributed equally between the 50 soil and water conservation districts in addition to the amounts authorized under Section 22-2727, |daho Code. 50 SWC Distiets General Fund Trustee and Benefit Payments Each Base amount in formula §22-2727 $ 425,000 $ 8,500 Twice local match up to $50,000 $ 678,200 FY 2013 Capacity Building Grants $ 50,000 FY 2015 Additional to each District. $ 50,000 $ 1,000 FY 2016 Additional to each District_$ 50,000 $ 1,000 Total FY 2017 TB Appropriation $ 1,253,200 $ 10,500 Page ab Sen Johnson Proposed Legislative Intent: Soil and Water Conservation Commission Section 4. LEGISLATIVE INTENT. Itis the intent of the legislature that $100,000 of the amount appropriated in Section 4 of this act for trustee and benefit payments is to be granted to the Nez Perce Soil and Water Conservation District as the lead for the Central Idaho Wildfire Restoration Group. Such moneys shall be leveraged to the extent possible fora regional effort to identify and prioritize restoration of private and municipal lands damaged by the 2015 wildfires. 50 SWCC Distrets General Fund Trustee and Benefit Payments ach Base amount in formula §22-2727 425,000 $ 8,500 Twice local match up to $50,000 678,200 FY 2013 Capacity Building Grants 50,000 FY 2015 Additional to each District FY 2016 Additional to each District FY 2017 Wildfire Restoration Group Total FY 2017 TB Appropriation 50,000 $ 1,000 50,000 $ 1,000 100,000 $ $s $ $ $ A $ 1,353,200 $ 10,500 Page 3¢ parimant ot Environmental Guaiky ——Agancy Roauest ‘Woton Tor Bar Burtenshaw Lacey itr Monks Rall ‘Cena Tot Fre Oaoral Dodieted esol Total THis Original Appropriation 60 0 0 Se.00 14h, 600 — 1073000 37435300 wt x00 fev20%7 Base 1.189.200 6 1400 35800 4.724400 37208400 ea tact Costs "aie 137800 00 "rite Tanaco S07 20 itatinary Aejestments 25700 a0 200 ‘sc 2000 24200 pacer tom soc sno 200 mao mace 60200 ‘eee Action 4760) oc 00 zi 2600 10000 gen Employee Companion sage co 00 36300 zzio0 ano Payot seaico__osn3c0 0 cao 560800035900 [Fv 2017 Program iantonance “Trane boo 61400 | 740.300 eer soo | S00 Ti1s9300 — saz0.806 8 [take Potion schage mination ieee asta] asco totam] — 4002400 ° oak | Unserorouna Storage Tank Progam 160.00 0] 1900. 0] 000, ‘© veao00 noo) o I. Weather Forecasting O€ to PC ° | ° 5] ooo a ° ° |: Ga ranste WeCr to nv ome © ssna900| © xs00000| 000 ® ss00m00 a san ranalr WPCF to Env Rerea oat © simeon] a0 ° qse0m00) o [stn untae Ion! “ “ ‘o| 000 0 ° Hn fev 2017 Tou Trjem seme Tiasgao| yawns, Troe — Tien sash o0 [erence mom FY 0T6Appron- 1600 —— 0400. zrmo| Peo) Tassaoo sez e00 rons 7 20% ae oo ‘Holo, Staring wi the JFAG base. nclude $997 200 for benef costs and $64,200 for ilatonary adjustments. Next, for replacement fem, include $254 400 Hench General Fund, $25,200 tom dedicated funds, and $260,600 fem federal funds for total of $550,200. Next include $10,000 fr statewide cost alocation, $5768 300 for CEC. and $935,900 forthe 27% payperiod. Then inde Program, to $160 000 one-term costs and nese line item #4 ard the $17,908,000 from the General Fund, $11,290,800 in Discussion: As a reminder, there are two fund hits ‘GEC fora foal of $112,000. These fund shifts ae recommended to cover pers base gran. Compared tothe Governors Re in the computer replacement cyle from 3 yea ‘Rane tine appropriation of $120,000 from te the Economie Recovary Reserve fecormendaton this mon neides a $15,000 General Fund re 4 years, and the shift ct $31,500 from the General Fd to dedicated and federal funds for servers and routers. ‘Economic Recovery Reserve Fund provised as the fist year ofa two-year stop-gap measure to fund the Cnderpround storage tank program unl! fes can be pun place. “The FTP count s increased by four due tothe approval of hirdyearfuning ‘motion also incorporates the rancter of $1.5 Snteipated each year forthe next 18 years 2s we bull up the mat imion fom the Water Pliton 135 Te inctease in dodicaed funce, anda 1.95% increase in federal funds fora total increase of 4.2% i al funds. “There areas two sections of standard legs Intent that go withthe transfer. wil wat to make that request separally, ree ees the ne tern #28 recommended. Adjust line tem #2, or he Underground Storage Tank Fund nclude bre tem #3 to transfer $60,000 from operating expenditures to personnel "cash ransfer as recommend bythe Governor. | move to the Department of Environmental Quay for cal year 2017 ‘desioated funds. and $28,785 600 In federal funds for afta of $67,322,600. FTPS are capped at 372 In this budget from federal funds to General Fund support ameurtng to $29,200 for benefits and $82,800 for onrel coe increases for programs supported by capped ai quality and water quality eduction in replacement tems to account for change or the dao Potutant Discharge Ekmination System amounting to $404,200. This \Contot Fund tthe Envfenmentl Remediation Fund. These annus raters ae ich for cleanup ofthe Coaur Alan Basin. The maton s an & 9% increase in the General Fund 27s 208 PA DEQ STANDARD LEGISLATIVE INTENT Section 3, CASH TRANSFER. There is horoby appropriated to the Department of Environmental Quality and the State Controller shal transfer $1,500,000 from the Water Pollution Control Fund to the Environmental Remediation Basin Fund, through monthly installments or as practicable for the period July 1, 2016, through June 30, 2017 Section 4. LEGISLATIVE INTENT. Its the intent of the Legislature that monoys deposited into the Environmental Remediation Basin Fund are to be used for Fomediation of the Coeur d'Alene Basin in accordance with the superfund contract with the Environmental Protection Agoncy. The Department of Environmental Quality ‘shall file an annual report each year with the Governor, the Legislature, and the Cocur d'Alene Basin Environmental Improvement Project Commission on the remediation progress and the expenditures involved. Intent: Env Rem Cash Transfer Section 5. LEGISLATIVE INTENT. itis the intont of the Legisiature that the appropriation fof moneys from the Water Pollution Control Fund in this act specifically supersedes the provisions of Section 39-3630, idaho Code. ‘Note: Costs listed in 39-3630 include Water Pollution Control Bonds, the match for wastewater oan; the tmeteh for coking water loans, and contracts pursuant to Chapter 96, water quay law. This itor removes ony doubt tat moneys may bo used to pay forthe state's match ofthe COA remediation, thoy nay be used for costs ef aamnstenn grants to muncpaltios fr planning waste water projects, and they ‘may be sed within DEQ’ operaing budget forthe Lake Management Plan, the Benefical Use Rovornaissance Mentonng Program, and other waler qual programs. Intent ro: uso of WPCF Prepared by Leplatve Sanvces Page sa arrose

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