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haf cart conte de phonemes a 0: and J: especialy. Bu Oe pe of Sv gh on oe wel whem ho a te we he My ing phoney Pat haf Ia he pesonsnantal bing pronoun Scot ng, Sicha dale of fg ha one phone esa out Seti ai ne the option ats tte he a hs Smaller numberof phoneme! sometnescountestlanced by tel open n'a the st Sst pal suchas wich ehh etalk ‘Phonemic contrast tween ahd a it should non be ssn hath phonic yt todas fe ony sn ainga esr or greater um of phonemes. The ound Sequence ft 12 ‘ita vowel inthe eon of Carnal 3 maybe elation oft none dae, Sind of etn anothers he phoneme categories commonly represent 3 ey, nay neers be present in oth ets, ll the sor ont wom) ‘ig lower he in dat tn at nthe second Or agate iphong Fearon ah pone ht inetd thern g, cuenta ceanton of he vowel in tn Cockney, home, esa un ‘rot wowel phonemes oct both ind of Engl Morcovr, Spates ciferent ales may dtu heir phonemes die ‘tly in wordt a when 3 spear fom the not of England pone fy ‘tan pons wt fa we pene: ow he sus of gre pono ther with foe Eve speakers of te sane lt wa tone ret dialecs) may dstabute the sume numberof phoneme diferent among the store they asa southem England, sme wl says wit a thee Shai ters a and some wily Pn oro, thers es ast, even indus re Hnconsent In cea stations, they ay chinge ine rnb other phonemes eg the oceans aso a ia uaert England in words ke wh and they may no alway ae te same hone 4 particular word oe pop of words eg the varying us, in the same person's Speech of fa rina ike of To sum up, weinayconcue has phoneme analysis oa number of vats cot one langage yt ees eiteren phonemic ystems diferent eli tons of phonemes diferent strbuton of phonemes in words (ad hs st ‘ven this the specehof ne Indi acordg fo te tation). Ris poe Sant to remember ths tinod f complication in bth the tem and ea Eon, ony fpr rs ta en ton Investing past tats of the fanguage. Fora more dead analysis of var ‘Mion between dates se 974). : 5.4 Transcription ‘The tansrpton of an uterance (analysed in ters ofa near sequence of sous) wil atta ifr according to wheter hea so sncte detailed ound values—an Azoeon or Saxsow) transcription or the sequence oi rian tint elements mwa (or hou) transept. Inthe former, allophonic type of transcription, an atemp s made to Ince 4 considerable smount of information concerning out knowl factory ‘ctv ‘or our auditory perception of alloponic textures The Intmationl Pho phate (A) provide sumer dae oe 3 pupse Sh a8 is Ext t gh e warsce as (ett Sach a tain would Fe ae spetion of che sil eta tte st eens a Chal i ogee a the LI shea arial 3th he hack ve ro ise anh he al so esa dey tsshow tat tyne accent Sch Ee eta dl et sme hn she Bio i anes ye sans eth Ba om tn, Type ots a Bon 2 uaa pono he ee cp opt_samely at of ane Ps an ncn sen he Eh Fes tet sot 2 consonants and 20 vowel nts xt ce spn on eh a pet fc mont Sen spon a 0 man oymbolveng om (by dma syns where dese ae Ee el freon common sen Serr roi pronenc ara ec Ee theta of owe tomar Bes taney ce gh tak the Br tcc nc an eet mie tw Fens rset hx wee oe het ae oe ees cmp i owes te Se cag meni scr bang wet allo sug a se a sng ee Sa yore solo tg ea eon thn bok isthe most commas one in tefor te type of Engst esrb see a pen ara ow ty Hel es enc Only we bow the conven Bap be usm reat pos do ret Sane cess poem orp 6 peal Coe er gaa He gh re be Onb fy oc nr sont miro ben pronation fee a ef hone Ee) care backs inate sn aloponie nt gc ny ato tow fe pone se ate etre psec tarsnon. (ache flare tscca ona bese {ta sane ma nt ie Seeen wesc phoney. 5 Syllables concept of unit at a higher lee than that of the phoneme of sound ny yet sie rm thao the word x moqpeme, has exited sine ancien ey, tis scat that mst spats suet as our own, which have as thi haste representation of ponemes y ker (however approximately), ave ac sate y way ot form of wing whic symbols 2 group of Suny yay teed the ase de wing of many languages, hat ‘ofthe Semi roup, remains slab inthis sense. The general notion that there ‘exits unt known as the sylable hase o many attempts nee testo ‘etn te ten. The best knoven approach that whl used te called 4 the fry af prominence but Is nomadayn Better known 3 the sooty leach. ss. ‘The Sonority Hierarchy In any utterance some sounds stan out 38 more prominent or sonorous than totes Le. they ae fl by Hsteners tobe more sonorous than thei neighbour ‘another way of udging the sononty ofa sound sto imagine ts "eaeying poe ‘vowel ie [a eearly has more cteyiny powes than a consonant ke 2 which {a turn has mote eateyng power than a [lode the last sound lose, hat ‘italy no sonorty a al anes fllwed bya Yow. A sononity sale or hee chy can be set up which represents the relative sono of ¥aous eases ot Sond whe here some argument over sore of te det of sacha racy, the main clement ae not disputed. One version ofthe heathy #35 flows “the most sonorous classes ae at the top ofthe scl ‘open vowels lose vowels ilies, figs fer cass altieates plies Intermesite vowel are appropriately placed between open and close. Within the ls thee categories voiced sounds are mote sonorous than votes sounds ‘We have not previous wed he terms ge’ and ai. Tis sudeson ofthe dass ‘approximant (se 84.3.4 (9) glides areshort movements aay fom vowel postion (eg English jw?) le guid covers sounds ike English Tah, whieh have natowing without fiction but are not rltable to vowel ‘urd. Tels an flaps are aly clea wth id although this not ‘gteed by al (tts well enough foe English since ted and fapped fe ate “arlans ofthe usual approximant (0 ‘Using the sonorty earch we can then daw 3 contour representing the ‘The numberof syllables in an utterance equates withthe numberof peaks of sono in hi cate ve (marked with ao head). ls accords with native Fone 8 9TH, speakers Intuition. However, here are some cases where contous pote with {fe sonoity hierarchy do not produce resus which second wath out wtution. Many such cases English vole sn cists, sf example, ns “The contour of sap mpies two slabs, while native speaker intlton fcr tain that there only one sylable. This suggest that sounds bow a cea evel J he hierarchy cant constitute peasy Le. that casts fom fatves down Wards cannot constitute peaks in English hough the cut-off point maybe dawn aiferent level in ieret languages). Forma tatenenssbout the stag onsbtiesofEnglsh consonants sometines teat fan sppendi to syle Atich nay conseqemty soit esetonson theesononty ee 10-101 (01) 55.2. Syllable Constituency In the previous section reference was mac to syllable peaks. na word ike pie ithe wows const de peak and We consonants around ate some tps si to costute te syle mars, wth those before the peak: ing filled the onset and those after the pea bung called the coda, The Onset peak coda of slab fxm 3 hettclyof consent whic the coxa s owe ‘Sosy ssocatd wth the peak than withthe onset. Ths ean be represented agednaticaly as idence forthe seater coherence ofthe peak and the coda compared wth that hetween the ons and he peak comes om thease frying i verse in hich pact sat rye but pr pd pack dot tyme and hence the ws of fhe em syne’ sl) acl to hich there are very ate estos betwee the peak andthe cousin ways in wih Here te ot betwee te onset a the Peake the consonant J Ins can ony follow short vowels, Moreovt, ‘niet consonants are involved in aps of the tongue bt ca consonants a ote pat the cle maybe produce witha to ea he a o ever cate ‘ake sono nice pak the ck pa cate iid wont ae ete an in wad he pint, onacts evel iavobeIneresng sony pt he peak eg Ps ore Snot hat while the peak A sre sonorous than) while cass Be aly involve decreasing snort te tex sonorous han a which es Sonora than the peak i). A8 meron above In ths ction, the al Enexecption hic does not constitute 4 ylable despite being of higher sone ity hat he A whe precedes 5.5.3. Syllable Boundaries nite dhe onsets and ads of sales ae obviously lst identifiable athe beings and ends of word, aiding word-medal Sequences of consonants tetween coda a onset ca be problematieal. nt mat langage such ving [twos Int ylabls fa tcativeysraigtorward proes (en Bat la Suge in Japanese, andi French) ther language ke Eni, tis no. The “Snot hetachy tls us how many sylbles there arin an uterance by show ings numberof pests of sono, Sich peaks represent te cenes of sabes (Chuay vowel, Convery, t would sem reasonable orth toughso sory torepeesent the toundaies between sales Sours allowing the ou would be in ascending sono upto the pea sd sounds following the peak twould ein descending sonst wp othe tough. But roblems are beans the Terachy dvs nt tlfuswhthe o place the rough consort Hal wih the preci rte follow sabe: an addons! poem fase by the ape {iced a mentioned inte previous secon 50, fr example yb dbon problematical in word is fyi, mates eta esto Various ines {Eine api to deta between aerate align yale Dourdan with mor peme boundaves where present ihe morphanle principle align sable iin to par ylabc cova and onset atthe en an beonngs of ‘rors he phonotsete pnp align sylable boundaries vo best pedi ll- [hone vaation ej, the devote o lowing Unfortunately suc et Epis fen conte! wh one another. Aurher peng sten invoked in Soh ‘ey he maximal onset principle which aig consonants to oct wherever potted said fo bea universal in langues his i fen cont {rth one or more ofthe principles above: The syabiestion of wormed Ssuences in Engh seat wi in detain 10.102 5.6 Vowel and Consonant lagen in the pei cpr tat tempo are at unis phone ‘ehnition ofthe tes wow and contonant encounter dliclis a ards “eta bordsline sounds such 3 tn English I, howeve, the slble {lfined phonslogialy 4 trom the pont of view of istibuto of phonemes, ‘tron can he oi hee pct oud hat he ‘phonemes oft language usually fall nto two classes, those which ae (ypelly ental inthe slab occurring at the pel) a hose which typlaly occur at the margins (or onsets and coda) of sylable. The term "vowel then be ‘opti those panemes having se onmer function and "consonant to tose aici te tater The ftontess Engst sounds vt wc acorn 0 Paving tons re vowel, never fncton i he Ngee aan eam ne sae Artes aston fe ss consonant yey provided by the behavou ofthe English ates ne hms gaig i ee ones Ts me a eka vel a efor a cnsnant: me 3, the forms a tt uc the th wet he abet and 1 Sins and ra ae th, vt can Be ae 3 ea oe onpna asf poems deste he owe equi Sor an asa sounds are commonly clase phonetically 3 f Feeental ype because of the comple o para mouth ow oth ne cans Pe (vo nena wpe wo, they geet rl they, a unc hey ae seal magna the syle Sometimes, Betancourt peak sony, 1 mie [lla owen ny ors anti the paso spas tn sch akcuenes bat etre oy apllaic ateas ad nasa 0 te eens ofthe aterance are vie no wo capone, ce arcane to one cissaccording io phonetic cate ay sae unit et a queso of phonlogics (entona) aah. 5.7 Prosodic Features! iy, hose phone shawe nave sen in Chapter 3, 90nd tony as guy, hos a pen whose ucton i the langage ea be determine ce a ers of eng pitch and tudes, Tete may be phone Da ai as te ed ly rn art on length ferences a opostens in net ganofa poe may rent 0 tent context # ee ae tegen ster Deore wocless consonants that ete enh and ous may conte to pttems whieh oa ean o urine tan he sng een and we ed extend ove rt tal or morc. ch & wed wo make sence of aa a atch able ox word consisting fhe se san eine nezingssecotdng othe chose At RC seyret a agg an even ti tone ngs lows 18 Cs a emake derences of oxanon whey en er ecard eng ca Contour pro ee enh eta are inked togethe, WHE 10 ey on nonaton a etre pes caus Ste Sata ores of pc, leat and Towle wil ao produce combina teal slies are made to sand ot om thos and Jee er ee ater rv ere whos ngs we de anger to whic tes regu bat 9 andes Moc mea cowesatonalenpo of pak of sth Bt

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