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Paul United Methodist

March 2016
From Pastor Nathan
As we enter the season that begins at the end of
this month, I am reminded about a piece of church
history that has inspired me ever since I learned
about it in my first year of seminary. For much of
my life, I thought that Sunday was the Sabbath day:
The Day of Rest. But then I started thinking, Wait,
the Sabbath is supposed to be the seventh day of
the week. Which means that Saturday is the Sabbath. So whats so special about Sunday?
During church history I learned how this confusion started. Back in the days of the early Church,
Christians were trying to distinguish themselves
from the Jews that they had broken away from.
Since the Jews worshiped on Saturday, the actual
Sabbath, the Christians wanted to worship on a
different day to set themselves apart. So, the question for the early church was, What day do we
As we know, they settled on worshiping on Sundays. The reason they chose Sunday is because after
Jesus was crucified on a Friday, he rose from the
dead on Sunday. The is the most important fact of
the Christian faith; without the fact that Jesus rose
from the dead is the portion that proves his divinity.
It is Jesus rising from the dead that proves Jesus
defeat of death. Jesus is the risen Christ, the Son of
God, the Son of Man!
This is what we celebrate on Easter morning!
This is the foundation of our faith, and this is why
the ancient Christians chose Sunday as the day we
worship. Every Sunday morning is meant to be a
reminder of the joy that comes from Easter morning. Every Sunday worship is meant to be a chance
for us to have a mini-Easter. Every single Sunday is
the opportunity for us to celebrate the love of God
that was shone to us through the living Christ.
I want to challenge us all to remember that every Sunday is meant to be a mini-Easter, a celebration. So, as we meet together on Sundays, we all
need to keep our focus on God. Keep our focus on
the promises fulfilled in Jesus Christ. Focus on true
worship of our Lord and Savior.

St. Paul United

Methodist Church
Office Hours
Tues, Thur, Fri 9:00-1:00

Thank you
Easter Lilies
If you would like to order
an Easter Lily in honor or
in memory of someone
to help decorate the
sanctuary this Easter
please contact Karen in
the office or sign up on
the order forms by Sunday, March 13. The cost
is $7.00 per plant.

Finance Info
We need to bring in
$2,200 each week to stay
on budget.

Week 1$2181.
Week 2$1350.
Week 3$2913.
Week 4$1640.

St. Paul United Methodist Church

Page 2

Pioneer Club

Thank you to everyone who helped to

make our Silent Auction/Trivia Night Fundraiser a success. Because so many gave so much,
we were able to raise $1,770. This is truly a
blessing to our club helping us with weekly
supplies expenses, summer camp expenses and
special event expenses. We Praise God for
the blessings we receive through each of you.
Thank you!
On February 8, we had a special event with
Matt Kasten speaking about his work when he
was an Arch helicopter paramedic. He did a
wonderful job giving the children information
and holding their attention. Also, the children
had many good questions during the Q & A
time, and they were happy and surprised when
Matt gave each child an Arch pencil, Arch flight
wing pin and Arch lanyard. We appreciate the
time and information Matt shared with us, and
we say thank you! (side note) Matt is the son
of Bev Kasten and the dad of Alyssa (one of
our Pioneer Clubbers) who did a wonderful
job introducing her dad to the group.
Following the above activities, the children
enjoyed Little Italy Pizza.
Looking Ahead
During regular meeting time on Monday,
March 21st, we will have our annual Easter Egg
Hunt-rain or shine. Bags will be furnished.
Accepting donations of individually wrapped
treats to be placed in plastic Easter eggs. Also
accepting big & medium sized plastic eggs.
Thank you

Phyllis Graham

Valentines Day Chocolate Fellowship

This activity was well received despite the

snowy weather. Due to the weather, two of the
youth attending took the opportunity to show
Gods love to the attending adults.
Kyle Warren and Daniel Cokel chose to clean
the snow off all the car windshields in the parking
areas. Kyle attends St. Paul with this family and
Daniel is with us on Sundays when he stays over
night with Kyle. Daniel attends the Catholic
Church and is a member of Pioneer Club. Thank
you boys-proud of you!
Phyllis Graham

St. Paul Church Family

Sunrise Breakfast

When-Easter, March 27, 2016

Where Cartwright Building

Time-7:30 am following service at the

Presbyterian Church

Hosted by the Methodist Men

If you would like to help, contact Tom Graham


Thank you to the Watson family and the Lucille

Moore family for naming St. Paul as the memorials
in memory of their loved ones. Laverne Watson
and Lucille Moore were blessings to our church
family for many years, and we will always treasure
the times we shared with them in the service of
the Lord. Using their memorial money, new tables
have been purchased for upper Wesley replacing
the original tables which were purchased when
Wesley Center was completed in the early 60s. A
dedication service was held Sunday, Feb 28 during
In appreciation,

St. Paul Church Family

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