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Section 5.

1. Rules for lawmaking

a. House rules aimed at defining actions individual representative can’t take
b. In house Committee work more important than in the senate
c. Constituents- people in district they represent
d. Republican sit right side democrats left
2. House leadership
a. Organized leadership coordinates work of 435 individual members of
i. Organizing unifying party member
ii. Scheduling work of house
iii. Making certain that lawmakers are present for key floor votes
iv. Distributing and collecting info
v. Keeping house in touch with prez
vi. Influencing lawmakers to support the policies of their political
b. Caucus- closed meeting
c. Speaker appoints members of committees
d. Majority leader- speakers top assistant
i. Help plan parties legislative program
ii. Steer important bills through the house
e. Whip-assistant floor leaders in house
i. Persuade as party wishes
3. Lawmaking in the house
a. Bill- all laws start as bills. Proposed law until both houses of congress pass
b. Calendars- list bills up for consideration
c. Rules committee- helping direct flow major legislation. Move bills fast
hold them back etc
i. Grants requests
ii. Settles disputes between 2 committees
d. Rule-special order
e. Quorum- minimum number members who must be present to permit a
legislative body to take official action

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