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1. Membership and organization

a. Independent- not supporting any particular party
b. Local party organization
i. Precinct- voting district ranging in size from just a few voters to more
than 1,000 voters all whom cast ballots at the same polling place
ii. Precinct captain- organizes party workers to distribute info about party
and its candidates and to get voters to the polls
iii. Ward-several adjoining precincts
iv. Party county chairperson- great deal of political pwr in country key
figure in which candidate receives parties support. Handle county party’s
daily affairs.
c. State party organization
i. State central committee- usually composed largely of representatives
from the part’s county organizations
ii. Party states chairperson- what state committee chooses but listens to
governor or senator
d. National party organization
i. National convention- gathering party members local and state party
officials. Meet ever 4 years to nominate party’s presidential and vice
presidential candidate
ii. National committee- large group of mainly reps from 50 state party
organizations, run the party
iii. Party national chairperson- elected by national comitee- manages daily
operations of national party. Usually choice of party prez candidate
2. Political Party Functions
a. Party acts as link between legislature and chief executive one party control white
house other one or both house congress
b. Patronage- favors given to reward party loyalty, to their members. Jobs contracts,
appointments to gov positions

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