Jawaban PBL NMR 3 Modul Kuning

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What is the infection agent of

Plasmodium is agent infection of Malaria.
Plasmodium infects red blood cells, so that the increased
breakdown of red blood cells, with the rapid release of
bilirubin in the blood. This hemolysis occurs in the
formation phase of pre hepatic bilirubin in the hepar.

Reference : http://repository.usu.ac.id. Online at 21 December 2015

Hepatitis Virus
Hepatitis virus is an infectious agent causing icterus in
hepatitis. Hepatitis virus infects liver cells. Resulting in liver
cell damage and unconjugated bilirubin can not be converted
into a conjugated bilirubin. So that the amount of bilirubin
mundane can not be excreted into the digestive tract.

Reference: Guyton and Hall. Buku Ajar Fisiologi Kedokteran. Edisi 11. Jakarta:
EGC. 2008 Page 907.

Leptospira is the infectious agent causing icterus on
leptospirosis. Leptospira can cause hepar damage. Hepar
damage that occurs will result in the onset of icterus, although
there are some experts expressed icterus among others
caused by hemolysis and biliary obstruction.

Reference : Setiadi, Bobby, Andi Setiawan, Daniel Effendi, Sri Rezeki S

Hadinegoro. Leptospirosis. Online (21 December 2015) Available from URL
: http://saripediatri.idai.or.id/pdfile/3-3-10.pdf

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