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Notes from readings


Child Development I
I precisely understand that the attachment is first and


In the textbook, Child: From birth to adolescence the foremost to be built with the child. It is mainly
author tells us that attachment is an emotional bond achieving through trust. Thereby the child can be
between child and parent, the relation develops with nourished in all aspects such as physically, socially,
trust, secure attachment and mutual understanding cognitively and environmentally. Therefore as an early
between the child and caregiver. It is said that, childhood educator, my utmost duty is in building trust
Securely attached babies have learned to trust not only with the children at all times.
their caregivers but also their own ability to get what
they need (p.151).
Martorell, G. & Kruk, R. (2012). Child: From birth to
adolescence (Canadian Edition). McGraw-Hill Ryerson,
Child Development - II
Socio-cultural Theory - Vygotsky
The key concepts of Vygotskys socio-cultural theory
are Zone of Proximal Development and Adult
Scaffolding. Zone of Proximal development refers to
the difference between what a child can do alone and
what a child can do with help (p.21).i.e. from the more
knowledgeable other. Scaffolding means, Temporary
support to help a child master a task (p.21).
Martorell, G. & Kruk, R. (2012). Child: From birth to
adolescence (Canadian Edition). McGraw-Hill Ryerson,

The sociocultural theory really taught me how to be an

excellent supporter for the childs learning. For
example, while children are doing their activity, when
they need help in their effort at that time we have to
scaffold in their learning in order to take it to the next
level to accomplish their goal.

Learning Environment - I
Inner Qualities

I believe that being responsible is my utmost duty in


whatever I do in my life. The reason I believe is that I

The layout of the physical space is welcoming (p.20), have the ability to perform the job which is assigned to
and attention to detail everywhere in the arrangement me to the fullest satisfaction related to the development,
of simple objects on shelves and tables (p.20), next it is learning, health and safety of the children.






appropriate materials routines, schedules, transitions,

blocks of time for learning activities (Anderson, 2015,
Slide 8) and finally the interpersonal which is most
important as an educator interactions of children and
adults. (Anderson, 2015, Slide 9).
Curtis, D. & Carter, M. (2015). Designs for Living and
Learning, Transforming Early Childhood Environments.
St. Paul, MN: Red Leaf Press, P.20.
Anderson, A. (2014). Building Inclusive Early Learning




Brampton, Sheridan College.

Interpersonal Communication
Understanding others: Empathetic communication
& active listening.






judgmental listening will help you to understand the

other person or people. When someone listens to you,
both your own sense of worth and the worth of the
listener increases (2003).
Mistri, D. (2015, March). Module 3.3: Understanding
others: Empathetic communication
& active listening. [PPT Slide 11]. Brampton, Sheridan

This is really giving me an idea about how

communication can be made effective in whatever
situation we are, if we do listen to others actively and
understand their feelings with open-mindedness, it
would build trust and respect which is crucial at all
times in life whether in family, or work place.

Understanding Families

I see that it is due to the cultural and psychological

Immigrant Families

change that results in acculturation when group of

Responses to stigma and discrimination

individuals from different cultures comes into first time

Acculturation are of 4 types such as assimilation, contact with the cultures of the host country due to



marginalization. immigration.

Assimilation: Rejection of the heritage culture and full For example, when I immigrated to Canada, I prepared
and exclusive orientation toward the dominant culture my mind to embrace both cultures, so now I am able to

accept the two cultures; not fearing that I will lose my

Separation: Voluntary rejection of the dominant identity.

culture or involuntary exclusion from the dominant This course gave me knowledge and awareness on how
culture (p.48).

to work with children and families in child care centres

Integration: High levels of engagement in both the by not looking at their race, caste, religion and ethnicity
heritage and mainstream cultures are sought (p. 49).

but to give due respect to the values and beliefs of the

Marginalization: There is little possibility or interest families.

in maintaining the heritage culture and little interest in
having relations with others in the dominant culture
Ward, M., & Blanger, M. (2015). The Family
Dynamic: A Canadian Perspective (6th ed.). Nelson
Education Ltd., Toronto, Ontario. (p.49).

Play Experience - I
Partens Classification Of Social Play
There are different of types of play such as solitary,
parallel, associative, cooperative, unoccupied behaviour
and onlooker play (p. 56).
Dietze, D & Kashin, D. (2011). Playing and learning:
In early childhood education. Toronto:Pearson Canada,

It is really interesting to know that children engage in

different types of play. I gained knowledge and now
when I observe the children in the placement, I am able
to distinguish the different types of play they are
engaged. It also helps me to further enhance their
learning process by planning activities based on their

Intentional Strategies For Guiding Childrens


It reminds of my second placement experience because

Underlying Causes of Problem Behavior

children with different behavioural problems were there

The ten causes for the problem behavior are in the centre, I was able to see the issue and handle the


misunderstanding children by guiding them in a positive way.

expectations, immature self-control, silly, playfulness,

group contagion, boredom, fatigue and discomfort,
desire for recognition, discouragement, frustration and
rebellion (p.279-289).
Miller, D. F. (2013). Positive child guidance. Belmont,
CA: Wadsworth, (p. 279-289).
Nutrition, Health and Safety

After studying the course, it opened my eyes that the

Health and Illness Prevention

How infection spreads: Germs, New Host, Host &
Vehicles of transmission (Slide 4)






Immunization, Daily observation, exclusion policies

(Slide 5).
Barmapov, M. L. (2015). Module 4.2 Health and Illness
Prevention [PPT Slide 4-5]. Location: Brampton,
Sheridan College.

illness can be prevented by following the steps properly

such as cleaning, disinfecting, etc regularly.
It reminds of my second placement, when two children
had cold and fever, the educator in the classroom closed
the water and sand tables, then the child was separated
from other children till the parents came to pick them
up. The next thing she did was she asked me to wash
and sanitize all the toys used by the children. The close
observation and excluding the sick children prevented
the other children from falling sick.

Inclusive Practices in Early Learning Settings

This course really gave me an insight that one must

Inclusion in Early Learning

change their perspective on viewing children who have

People first language refers to, sentence structure that disabilities. The insight gained inspires me in such a
names the person first and the disability after,

way that it would affect my practice with children and

the disability is then a secondary attribute, not a families. Firstly, I would use proper language, not
persons only attribute (Tate, 2015).





Power of language we use means words are powerful, communicating with children and families.

I would

be careful of the words we use and how we use them focus on what the child can do in a positive manner. I

(Tate, 2015).








Tate, J. (2015). Module 1 Class 2: Inclusion in early suggestions to the parents regarding use of positive




Location: language, caring and treatment to overcome with the

Sheridan College, Brampton, Ontario.

disability if they are unaware of it, and not excluding the

Inclusion in Early Learning Settings (Class 3)


Secondly, use of People First language i.e

The 6 key principles of inclusion are zero reject, natural looking at the person first and then the exceptionalities.
proportions, full participation, same range of program Taking into consideration that each child is unique,
options, maximum feasible parent participation and pro- looking into what the child can do and based on their
action for community inclusion (Tate, 2015, Slide 10).



Tate, J. (2015). Module 1 Class 3: Inclusion in early


learning settings. [PowerPoint Slides]. Location:








Sheridan College, Brampton, Ontario.

The philosophies are exclusion, segregation, integration
and inclusion. (Tate, 2015, Slide 11).
Tate, J. (2015). Module 1 Class 3: Inclusion in early
learning settings. [PowerPoint Slides]. Location:
Sheridan College, Brampton, Ontario.
The Competent Child

By learning the life skills, as an educator I would be

Life Skills:

able to promote them through daily group activities and


Focus and self-control

Perspective Taking
Making Connections
Critical Thinking
Taking on Challenges
Self-Directed, engaged Learning

(Galinsky, 2016, para 6).

Galinsky, E. (2016). Work & Family Life. Retrieved
(Para 6).

computer games to the children. These skills would help

them to promote their cognitive flexibility and selfcontrol. Besides, it would very much essential for their
growth, development and well-being of the childs life
not only at present but also for their future.

Professional Ethics & Reflection in ECEC

ECERS Assignment
Video guide and training workbook for the early
childhood environment rating scale revised edition by
Thelma Harms and Debby Cryer
(Jazokas, R. (2016). ECERS Space & Furnishings
[PPT]. Location: Brampton, Sheridan College.

This assignment provided me an experience on how to

assess the physical environment (space & furnishings)
both indoors and outdoors, the materials and activities
offered in a child care setting in order to provide high
quality care to the children.

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