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Anna Smagacz

Honors LA per. 7
21 February 2016

A Dog Has Died Interpersonal Response

The poem A Dog Has Died connects to me in a personal way. A

couple of dogs Ive owned have died; I remember both vividly. Nerudas
poem reaches put to my heart. The poem also relates to me because it
says, only dogs know how to be happy (47). I believe if a dog is taken
care of it will joyful. However, dogs will die, I struggled with the most
recent dog that died. She was a rough black lab who sniffed
everything. Bea buried gloves; every now and then I still come across
one. About a year after we got Bea she hot pregnant. Three puppies
were born. Yet, unfortunately a few months later she died. Here is what
happened. Every morning before I was awake, my dad would take Bea
and Iris (the other dog) for a run across the highway and up the hills on
an ATV trail. One day my dad came back and said Bea didnt come
back with today. She must be have found a dead animal. We got in
the car and headed to school. Driving off our gravel road and onto the
highway, we noticed Bea dead on the side, obviously hit. My mom
turned the car around and we went back to the house and told my dad.

I sat inside and cried while my dad fetched her in the truck. I still went
to school. I told a few of my 4th grade friends My dog has died
sweated, trying to keep the tears in my eyes (1). This poem relates to
this event in my life. There are no good-byes for my dog who has
died (50). I remember thinking about the night before glancing at her
curled up on her pillow. I thought about how maybe I should have
wrapped my little arms around her, yet no good-byes. My dad removed
her bloodied collar, washed it, and we put it on my favorite puppy, the
runt, Gloria. Once Bea had died I though about if there was a dogheaven. There had to be. If humans were considered animals then why
wouldnt other species be allowed to go to heaven? A couple years
later the teacher said dogs dont go to heaven. Everyone disagreed,
including me. I believe in a heaven for all dogdom (10). I was
convinced and still am. After the teacher asked if we still believed if
dogs, no one raised their hand except me.

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