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Pre cot Be rrtd niroduetion This is the world's rst ‘hur’ column, devoted wo provide acess tothe dsempowet Ing poser of weet in any moment of your if, Wit the ilion-ollaslP-ep indy wwe hive tay itis nly a mater of ime before al ofthe empowered, flied people in ‘he world wil be ooking fr something to “take themselves down a couple rungs on the talightenent lade We have face i ru personal power is scary. Once we have i ‘ween wish we could ive back Tam hr to provie that coaching admit that his lama is probaly bing published several years ahead of its time, but sine Tatively ‘Practice the selfnbison and dsempowerient techniques taught here, [wil ned that a tine "You maybe asking, “Why do ned help in dsempowering myself? Ido tha all the tie iti” First ofall, congratulations for having already taken ation in using upset inyour life. And ths perfect oppor for you ose where eime of seep trainvashing as taken over your thought processes. You ae shuting out the dsempow- {ment coaching {am oflering in subconscious tempo Keep your self-help sla {place So now that you ar ready to sen, les jump right ino the frst step in gaining secest opel inal reas of our lie Geli Denrecation Daily selfdeprceston canbe powerful isempowerment ol if used propery First we shoul define excl what dally sel deprecation i Daity Occurring every da. Self The ol ting of» pereon, individu. Deprecaion To elit, dala. So, daily sl-deprecstion the ct of belting your being on a ily basi. The best ‘vay to J ths is tn spent the ioe and expres approval, doubt, and blame toward ‘our sel, The interesting thing about hs x your mind ial too stupi to realize hat isthe coe telng elt pid nd itl acaly star to believe wha iti saying Well go to more about thi seprtion of sland sf in ater atl, ‘What I sugacs for effetive daily sldeprceation st sito stand in fon of ior (prefers in sloshed postr), ether alne orth group offends watching (til ‘tne natal for them to support your disempowerment, cause that's jt what ends 4) have generted ali of sugges pst to speak into the mior to yourself but you ae encouraged to create your owm if there ae pass tha aly speak downto ou that {have not ncuded Ifyou ae simply to enveloped with selsteem and sclf-worth 0 inven your ow depecenting prs, pick 3 oom my list each yt work with "Weare working on muse of el-depreiton here hat may ave been severely a rophied by years of el-belpbraiaching, 20 you may need to week pt the evel of truly csempowered person wh can belt themselves over 1900 times ada. Tha’ an "verage of ver? depectons pr minut ofeach waking ay! Re ey The Clouds Words Of Discouragement To Hinder You Realth ‘To tar, suggest you rept 304 sel-dprecations 10 times into the miro er sein. Do this at many tines a dy as necesary. When You sat to fel he impacto this eave sell, make a note of ow many eepetons tok o gt tere This wl be your mi ‘mic pal rare resis elloning ou 0 tek vp on ewe "You may als find that some of the sei depeccatng phrases havea stronger impact on you ‘han other. Eac pron i diferent inthis area as some have more slf-escem ince sexs han others Pick the pes tht relly peak down to your being and uz those fist “You wl want pick new phrases equ, as your mind wil atte tarsform based on ‘he areas you ae woking on. Always pick the sei depecations ht speak down to you the ‘most powerfully in the moment Deprecations gain dsenpowerng power when spoken in the second person. The wordt say 0 the mor "you" not" “Ii capitalind. "shows respect. This sable reapet ‘au empowerment a ilo const be on the lookout fx They hate you You ar tov sepia. You are going to ge hurt agin [Nobody cares what you have to say ‘There something inherently wrong wih ou. ‘They are keeping you down. ‘They are going to fad ou Yow are ao afraid. Yona toothy. ‘Yon are wey Youre wrong. ‘The magi and suprising impact of daily deprecation is that you ar literally speaking semethng int existence, When yous to youself ht “body cre What $0 "you ‘lst see it inmeditly in the next intracons you have with pele Next Article: Negative Thinking And The Power Of Blame Ifyou have a personal story from your life that ‘you would lke to share, please send it to me, PEMA TOOVADOOCORD

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