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Name Meagan Snively

Date activity plan was carried out March 8th, 2016

Teacher Initials _______________

Activity Plan Template

EDUC 456, Winter 2016
Dr. Allison Wilson

1. Activity Name: Color, Sort, Drop

2. Individual X

Small Group

Large Group

3. Learning objectives:
i. Children will be able to follow simple rules such as picking up pom poms and sorting
them into the correct cup
b. Children will be able to pick up pom poms with their pincer grip
c. Children will sort at least 2 colors with 100% accuracy
4. WA Early Learning and Development Guidelines:
a. Self Management: Remember and follow simple routines and rules some of the time
b. Fine Motor Skills: Reach, grasp and release with more control
c. Math: Follow simple directions for position, such as up, down, in, on
5. Materials:
a. 12 colorful pom poms (3 of each colors- blue, orange, purple, green)
b. Plastic cups (colored to math the colors of the pom poms)
c. Plastic box (to catch put the cups in)
6. Environmental arrangement:
a. Set it up by placing the cups in the plastic box on the floor in an open space where children
are able to come and enjoy during free play.
Sequence of steps:
7. Beginning:
a. Set up the activity on the floor by taping the colored cups to the plastic box
b. Pour the pom poms into the box
c. It should be an option during free time so set it up for children to utilize at any point
d. When a child comes to play, explain to them the rules (listed below) and if needed ask for
them to wait so the child before them can finish
8. Middle:
a. To play:
i. The child will sit on the floor
ii. They will pick up a pom pom and place it in the correct cup
iii. They will continue this until all the pom poms have been placed in a cup
b. For the teacher:
i. To get children engaged, announce to the children that we are going to be playing a
game with colors
ii. If a child needs help, guide them by correcting them at a max of 2 times per a color

Name Meagan Snively

Date activity plan was carried out March 8th, 2016

Teacher Initials _______________

iii. Throughout the whole thing be tallying on the score sheet (below) on the accuracy of
each child
9. End:
a. Once complete let the child know they are all done
b. Dump out the pom poms into the plastic box and mix them back up
c. When you are done with the activity, reflect with yourself on what happened and how can it
be improved
10. Peer interaction opportunities (social-emotional):
a. Broadcasting: Do a play by play of what each child is doing. For example: Sally is picking
up the orange pom pom and putting it in the orange cup
b. Gestures: When a child does something right, gesture to them to encourage them. This
could be as simple as giving them a thumbs up.
11. Vocabulary (cognitive/language):
a. Pom pom
b. Green
c. Blue
d. Purple
e. Orange
f. Tube
g. Pick up
h. Drop
i. Group
12. Planned variations:
a. Younger: Place the pom poms into groups instead of down a tube or you could split them
into teams to complete as a group
b. Older: You could add more colors or even give a certain amount of time to complete it
13. Assessment:






to work






Blue, Red



Name Meagan Snively

Date activity plan was carried out March 8th, 2016

Teacher Initials _______________

Acknowledgement of Activity Implementation:

I certify that the activity plan written above was carried out by _______________________________,
on such date ___________________________________ and that I received notice and a copy of the
activity plan described above prior to the activity plan implementation.

Name _____________________________

Signature _________________________________

Name Meagan Snively

Date activity plan was carried out March 8th, 2016





Teacher Initials _______________





Name Meagan Snively

Date activity plan was carried out March 8th, 2016

Teacher Initials _______________

As I was walking into the Childrens Center I thought of everything that could go wrong, and it did. This
quarter was the most I have ever been in the classroom so I really didnt know what would be developmentally
appropriate. I knew that they class had been learning colors so I thought that I would do an activity on colors
and I googled color activities for ages 18 to 24 months and found this activity. But once I went to do the activity,
the teacher in my classroom told me that there were only a few that might be able to do the activity. Which I
realized real quick I would have to be flexible and I was fine with that.
From there I set up my activity and already had children coming up to do the activity. I let the few
children that my teacher said that would be able to do it participate at first then I let the other children just pick
up the pom poms and put them in the cups. While that didnt have to do with the objective about colors, it did
have to do with the pincer grip, so that is one positive thing.
Evaluating the children was surprising, we had a rough spot at the beginning but then it got better, and
the children really knew the color purple and orange. I tried to bend the activity a little bit and ask them to pick
up the color that I said and that was more successful. It was like I split up the objectives but they still were able
to complete it.
I also was short on time to get my materials and it wasnt like I planned, I needed cylinders but I had no
time to get those so I improvised with plastic cups. Well I should have used small boxes because even though I
let the marker dry overnight, it still never fully dried so an activity that was meant to be clean got a little messy.
Of course I cleaned each child's hands and the surface I did my activity on.
One last thing I noticed was while I imagined this activity to go smoothly in a group activity; I had lots of
other children picking up the pom poms and cups which disturbed the activity. This makes total sense because
it is something new that everyone wanted to do. Because of that, the activity would have been better to do as a
pull out session than during free play.
If I could go back and do this again, I change it completely. Maybe instead of putting them into colored
cups I would just have a plate with the name of the color on it where they would place the pom poms on, or
even colored wooden sticks. If that was still too advanced I would probably just change it to like an arts project.

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