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Information Literacy Assignment

Sabanam Shrestha

Summary of 'Scientists Develop Earthquake Detection

Scientists from University of California and Utah State University
have developed a free Android app called 'My Shake'. The app uses three
accelerometers that help to detect earthquakes and provide early warning
for smart phone users. The apps runs in the background, gathers and
analyzes the data, and sends the information if the movement fits vibrational
profile of an earthquake. The new invention for now just collects data, but
the scientists are upgrading it to incorporate earthquake early-warning
capabilities by one year. The smart phone accelerometers are not as
sensitive as the in-ground seismometers, but they are able to detect the
earthquake with a magnitude of five or higher within a ten kilometer radius.
Richard Allen, the director of Berkeley Seismological Laboratory and the
leader of app project said that My Shake can save life with fast early
warning and more accurate.

Information Literacy Assignment

Sabanam Shrestha

3. Keywords: "articles on mobile technology"

Search engines: google and yahoo search
Google is better than yahoo search because google shows how many results
are found

and only scholarly articles can be filtered in google.

4. Time- The article was written on April 30, 2013. It has not been updated.
Relevance- It does relate to the topic, but the article is describing about the
evolving of mobile technology only.
Authority- The author is James Kendrick. It does not open the qualification of
the author, so it cannot be said that the author is qualified to write about the
Accurate- The information might not be trustworthy because there is no
evidence to support and there is no reference given. It seems like the author
has written his own thought without any evidence and research fact.
Purpose- It was written to inform.
5. Keywords used to find the articles is mobile technology.
Database used was ProQuest Central.
Its easy to find the articles filtering the date and academic scholarly journal
with the full text which is also valid and reliable source. They have given all

Information Literacy Assignment

Sabanam Shrestha

the references used to write the article. It carries journal articles written by
qualified and authorized author.

Information Literacy Assignment

Sabanam Shrestha

6. Comparing the Internet and Journal articles:

The internet articles are easy to access which might have wrong
information; whereas, some Journal articles are not accessible without
payment for full text. The online articles would not qualify as published
journal articles. The Journal articles are reviewed periodically, and they are
scholarly. They have abstract in the beginning which gives the overview of
the articles, but the internet articles do not, and they do not follow any rules
of writing. Authors of journal articles are affiliated with Universities, research
institutions, or professional associations, but it is not sure about the
affiliation of the authors of the internet articles. The language is specific and
follows the rules for writing in the journal articles, but internet articles is not
written with such limitations. The journal article authors document each

Information Literacy Assignment

Sabanam Shrestha

source they use; whereas, the internet article authors gather the information
without citing the source.

Works Cited
Goldberg, D. (2016, February 6). Crunch Network. Retrieved from Tech Crunch:
Kendrick, J. (2013, April 30). Mobile Technology: The amazing impact on our lives.
Retrieved from ZD net:
Lea, S., & Callaghan, L. (2011). Enhancing Health & Social Care Placement Learning
through Mobile Technology. Journal of Educational Technology & Society, 14.1.
Meyer, L. (2016, February 16). Scientist Develop Earthquake Detection App.
Retrieved from Campus Technology:
O'Connor, S., & Andrew, T. (2015). Mobile Technology and Its Use in Clinical Nursing
Education: A Literature Review. Journal of Nursing Education, 137-144.

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