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Running Record Form

Childs name: Child A

Observer: Reena Felix Maria Selvam
Age / D.O.B: 2009/10/20
Date: March 3, 2015
Start Time: 4:30 PM
End Time: 4:34 PM
Reason for observation: For Running and Anecdotal Record Assignment
Context: Child A is sitting in the living room with his mother at home. There are building
blocks material in a bucket with different colors, shapes and sizes.

(every 1


4:31 P.M

Child A enters into the living room from the dining room. When he is coming, he
picks up a blue bucket in his right hand, goes to the middle of the living room,
and keeps down the bucket. He kneels down on the floor, holds the bucket in his
left hand close to his body, uses his right hand to opens the yellow lid and puts
it on the floor. Next, he picks up a yellow plate from the bucket and places it on
the floor,

4:31- 4:32

sits down with left leg folded, right leg straight and places his chin on the right
leg, then, he sits straight and turns his head towards left, he keeps his left hand
on the floor, moves his body to the left, and uses his right hand to take the
blocks from the bucket. He tells his mother Amma, I am going to make a
garden And he continues by picking up two green plants one in right and
another in the left hand. He fixes the two green plants on the plate; next, he
picks up

4:32 4:33 P.M

4:33 4:34 P.M

a cylindrical block in his right hand, places on the plate, presses by using his
palm and fixes it. He takes a green flower and places on the top of the
cylindrical block. Then, he sits down and sees the plate, then he leans his body
on the bucket and puts his left hand, picks up a blue, green, red, yellow and
orange square blocks one by one in his right hand, first he keeps the red,
second he fixes green to the red, third blue to the green,

fourth yellow to the blue and fifth orange to the yellow on the plate, fixes it by
using both hands, then turns towards his mother and says Look at my
rainbow. And then, he stands up, runs around the dining room, kitchen and
comes back to the living room. He sits down on the floor by crossing both the
legs. He picks up two blue, two red, two orange rectangular blocks from the
bucket by using his left and right hand and puts it on the floor.

Anecdotal records
Step # 1 Handing the Blocks to Child A
Anecdotal Record # 1
4/4/2015. Observer A. In the living room,
Observer A handed the blocks to Child A and
asked, What are we going to do with these
blocks. Socio-emotional.

Step # 2 Sorting Blocks By Colours

Anecdotal Record # 2
4/4/2015. Observer A. In the living room,
Observer A asked Child A, What are we going
to do first to build the beach. Socio-emotional
4/4/2015. Child A (5.5). In the living room,
Child A turned to the observer A and said, I
sort colours first green, blue, yellow, red,
orange. - Cognitive
Step # 3 Sorting Blocks By Shapes
Anecdotal Record # 3
4/4/2015. Observer A. In the living room,
Observer A asked Child A, What are the shapes
of blocks that we are using to build the beach?
4/4/2015. Child A (5.5). In the living room,
Child A said to the Observer A, We use 5
square, 5 big rectangle, 5 small rectangle 5
circle, 5 triangle. Cognitive

Step # 4 Start Constructing Beach By Child A

Anecdotal Record # 4
4/4/2015. Observer A. In the living room,
Observer A saw the blue rectangular blocks and
turned towards the child A and asked, What
does the blue rectangles represent? - Cognitive
4/4/2015. Child A (5.5). In the living room,
Child A said to the Observer A that, Big blue
and small blue rectangle blocks are water on
beach. - Cognitive
Step # 5 Finish Construction Of Beach By Child A
Anecdotal Record # 5
4/4/2015. Observer A. In the living room,
Observer A saw a tall block in the middle and
asked Child A, Can you tell me about your
green rectangular and circle blocks in the
middle Cognitive
4/4/2015. Child A (5.5). In the living room,
Child A said to the Observer A that This is man
on beach, 2 rectangle is arms, 2 circles - Eyes, 1
rectangle middle is mouth, 2 rectangle straight is
legs - Cognitive

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