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A magazine designed to bring a young lady closer to her King

- includes -




hear ME NOW?




Spring 2016


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A note from

Words ... what beautiful things they can be

used for. To bless, to encourage, to inspire
and to build up. But once again, satan has
used something once beautiful - and has
given it an ugly tare. Words, once beautiful
- now can be used to deceive, to tear down,
to gossip, to discourage and to protect
oneself. And something so small as a word
can make a person question their meaning
and existence. How can we change the way
we speak? We have a lovely article on
Words that I encourage you to read.
This issue is full of inspiring articles
that have encouraged me lately to live
my fullest for the cause of Jesus Christ;
to put on the full armour of God and
give up my everything for the cause of
Him. Because He ultimately is worth it.
May you be blessed as well.
Isn't Spring so beautiful!? I find it
thrilling to see the snow disappear and
view the gift of new life in its rawest
and most touching form. Ground that
was once dead, peeks with new life ...
God does indeed make everything
beautiful in His own time.
May you be blessed!


In this

Spring 2016 issue






















Elisa Knicely

co-editor; creative assit.



Elesa Stoltzfus

Rosa Yoder

Jessica Wingard


Colomnist Writer.


Louisa Friesen

Dorcas Yoder

Anna Duncan

GUEST WRITERS: Kayla Chupp, Mary Derstine and Debra Burkholder

GUEST PHOTOGRAPHERS: Tashia Lehigh, Marlee Frieson, Kristina Miller,
Katherina Stoltzfus,


Im Janane Doutrich and I live in the beautiful state of Oregon. Ive had a
passion for photography before my age reached double digits. Im a senior
in high school and I enjoy spending my free time with photography, painting
and graphic design.

Cover Photo credit: Janane Doutrich



written anonymously

there he is

Mr. Perfect - standing over there well you

know, perfectly. Lets be honest here, there is
likely nothing more distracting to a young ladies
spiritual and emotional life than meeting a guy
shes attracted to. You were probably thriving
in your walk with the Lord, living your fullest
of the cause of Christ - giving to the lives of
others, and you meet an incredible godly young
man and then- WHAM. Everything loses
perspective, and your focus, thoughts and
attention shifts to one thing . him.

So what do I do!? I have crush and I dont

know what to do with it! You may ask.

Having a crush isnt wrong in itself. That's just

the way God made us. But it's the way we
handle the attraction that insures whether or not
its a spiritual stumbling block or not. It may
also become your idol, if it consumes your
thoughts and takes the place of Christ.
Attraction can easily transform into an
unhealthy emotional obsession that obscures
your relationship with your Father and your
future relationship with your future husband.

Dont act differently around him: When

youre attracted to a guy, its quite simple to let
your emotions take control and change the way
you act around him. Try your hand at saying a
bible verse over and over while your heart goes
on a roller coaster ride or quickly pray for a
friend in need. These are just a few ways to
focus on something else other than the
wonderful guy before you.

First off give it to God. Believe me when I say

there is nothing more satisfying than giving any
attractions you have to your Father. Honestly
pray to your father in heaven, begging Him to
keep your heart and guard it till you can safely
give it to your future husband. Pray that you
will be able to contain your emotions and that
the attraction wont consume you.

Photographer: Janane Doutrich


Guard your thought life: Its so easy struggle to

keep your thoughts on Christ when you are attracted
to a guy in your life. Often times the deadliest things
are that of the mind. Its so easy to sit around
imagining how your first date may play out, or what
your wedding will look like - but this only encourages
your infatuation and may give you a bigger downfall.
Its okay to notice his good qualities, but to dwell on
him day in and out is not Gods best for your emotions,
mind and heart. First off ask God to empower you to
keep your mind on Jesus Christ - and not on a guy. If
you continue struggling with the invasion of
distracting thoughts - this is another opportunity to
pray. As soon as a thought comes in, start praying.
Yes, you may briefly pray for the guy you are thinking
about - but its best to pray for someone else so these
prayers dont become a stimulus for more obsessive
thinking. Choose someone in your life who needs the
love of Christ and aggressively pray for the persons
soul. Every time satan tries to sidetrack you, you can
hit back by praying for an unsaved friend. It's one
of the best game plans against spiritual attack. The
enemy will back off when he realizes that it only turns
you into a prayer warrior. Another way I have found
helpful, is memorizing scripture and quickly quoting
them. Not only does this make you think of something
else - its always refreshing and life-giving.
Make Christ your first love: Lets be honest here though inviting, guys wont make you truly happy and
fill the place Christ ultimately belongs in your life.
And your father in heaven, your Creator, loves you so
much that he wants to fill your life with His goodness
and His abundant love for you. So often, though we
claim to know Jesus, we look around for someone to
fulfill the deepest desires of our heart. We frenziedly
search for the man of our dreams, expecting for our
romantic fantasies become reality. I love how Leslie
Ludy in her book, Authentic Beauty explains it:
Jesus Christ is your true Prince. The one who gave
His very life to be with you, the One who can rescue
from the dungeon that you are in, the One who can
transform you into a radiating Princess, the One who
can carry you away to His beautiful land to cherish
you forever. Hes the one who can fulfill you your


deepest longings; Hes the ONLY one worthy

of your entire heart, life, soul and body - all
you are and all you have. Jesus Christ is the
Prince you should you should passionately
pursue with all your heart.
Once more, there are some personal tips that
I would advice in your everyday life.

First off dont pair a friend off. Sara!

You would look so, so adorable with Josiah.
I mean, you guys so think alike and wow!
You both have wonderful hair . wouldnt
that be a lovely match, girls? Picture yourself
in Saras position. Now, she may be thinking
- Maybe I would be nice with Josiah he is
a really nice guy Not only are you leading
her emotions in the wrong way it may also
become extremely awkward for Sara to even
be around Josiah in future acquaintance.
Second of all dont talk about your
attractions, no matter how tempting it may
be. I feel as though this is an obvious one, but
girls are girls and girls love to talk. I dont
care if your friends promise a week of
chocolate, its altogether best not to tell. Your
friends may not say anything, however your
crush my multiply into something more than
just an attraction. So often if youre
surrounded by a group that knows - youll be
more encouraged to act differently around
Him. Besides that, it may get around to him,
and things would be forever awkward between
the both of you.
Crushes are complicated and usually
frustrating, but sometimes it may be over
dramatized. If you think about all the other
problems in this world, being attracted to a
guy in your life seems small and insignificant.
Above all - keep your focus on Christ Jesus,
because only He will make you happy.






1/4 cup white


Feta cheese

1/4 tsp. paprika

Red onion (optional)

1/4 tsp.

2 T sesame seeds

1 T minced onion

1 T poppy seeds

In a medium bowl, whisk
together sesame seeds, poppy
seeds, sugar, olive oil, vinegar,
paprika, Worcestershire sauce,
and onion. Cover and chill for
one hour.
In a large bowl, combine the
spinach, strawberries, feta
cheese, pecans, and red onion.
Pour dressing over salad and

1/2 cup white sugar

1/2 cup olive oil



Photography by: Jessica Wingard

Can you

hear Me now?
Written by: Kayla Chupp

Our communication to God is prayer and it

should be our lifeline. If prayer is not a priority in
our day then where is our relationship with Him?
Prayer is like a friendship we have. Every day we
talk to this one friend, whether its in person or not,
you still have that communication. Eventually we
get used to having that communication and that
friend. We start to depend on them. What happens
if that friend doesnt talk to us in a few days? We
start to think that they dont like us anymore or we
arent as important as we thought we were to them.
What would God think of our friendship with Him?
Are we a loyal friend who confides in Him and
spends time with Him every day? Or do we simply
not feel like doing it sometimes. We think He
wont notice it. God is there every time waiting for
us and I believe He is truly hurt when we leave Him
out of our day. After all, He is the reason we are
here. And whats even more ironic is that we need
that time in prayer way more than He does! Take the
time to be with Him. You will never regret it.
Have you wondered before if your prayers are
doing anything? Is God is even listening to them? I
know I definitely have, however I believe that we
greatly underestimate our prayers to our awesome
God."The little estimate we put on prayer is evidence from the little time we give to it." E.M.
Do we just say our prayers every night? Or are we
communing with God and fighting against the dark
ones? I believe prayer has a much bigger impact that
we can even imagine. The Bible says in James 5:16
'The earnest prayer of a righteous person has great
power and produces many results.' It goes on to say

that Elijah was just a man and he prayed for it not to

rain and no rain fell for 3 and a half years. He then
prayed again and the Lord gave him rain. How
many times have we missed seeing God's power
because we simply didn't ask or we just didn't have
faith He would do it? Are we that righteous person
calling out to God? Is our prayer life making a
difference in the world?
Luke 18 is the story of the tax collector and the
Pharisee who both went up to pray; however, their
prayers were completely the opposite. We are called
to pray a humble and broken prayer like the tax
collector. We are to flee from being like the selfrighteous and proud Pharisee, who only prayed to
have others see how good he was. He was focused
on others instead of focusing on the One he was
praying to. The tax collector recognized his need for
God and couldn't even lift up his eyes to heaven.
Now, this man understood who God was and who
he was compared to God. We are to have this same
mindset, compared to God we are nothing and without His mercy we would still be nothing. However,
He has given us a great honor of sending His Son to
this earth; through this we have a connection to
God. He listens to us and wants to delight in us and
we are to delight in Him also.
I recently heard someone say that, "Victories don't
come by accident". We have to be on the offensive
and fight for it. We can't just pray normal prayers
that we say every night and expect to have victory
in our lives and in the lives of others. "The prayer
power has never been tried to its full capacity. If we
want to see mighty wonders of divine power and
grace wrought in the place of weakness, failure and


disappointment, let us answer God's standing challenge, "Call unto me, and I will answer thee, and
show thee great and mighty things which thou
knowest not!'" (J. Hudson Taylor)
We have heard it said before by William Cowper
that "Satan trembles when he sees the weakest
Christian on his knees". Well, I wonder what would
happen to the devil if hundreds of thousands went to
their knees with effective and powerful prayer.

A few tips to improve your prayer life:

Be organized. In anything we do if we are not organized or dont know where to start then nothing gets
accomplished. Write prayer requests down and take
one request a day and focus on that one. Start a
prayer journal. For me journaling is how I really feel
like I can get everything out and really tell God what
I am feeling. It also helps to keep record of when
God has blessed you or answered a prayer.


I read once that there are words and then there are
WORDS. There is something special when you pray
with Scripture. There is power in those WORDS! A
few of my favorites are Ephesians 3:14-20, Colossians 1:9-12, and Psalm 20.

Make sure you also take time to listen to Him. Dont
just spend the entire time saying what you want to
say. We must be quiet enough to hear when God
wants to say something to us.


God wants to bless us and give us our hearts desire.
Now our desire must line up with His but He is just
waiting for us to ask Him. In Luke 11, it says to just
ask, ask and it will be given. I tend to wonder how
many times we have missed out on a blessing because we simply didnt ask. Nothing is ever too little
or too insignificant for God.



Find a place where you can get away from everything. It may even be your closet. My mind has
enough distractions in it already that I dont need
anything more to keep my mind from straying.
Block the world out and focus on Christ.

Meet the

My name is Kayla. I currently
live in northern Idaho. I enjoy
traveling the world and I cant
wait to see where He will take
me next. I am learning more
about my Jesus every day. I
also enjoy baking and cooking,
there is just something about
creating a dish and having
someone enjoy it as immensely
as I did.

Project Inspired

ways to give your room a




Compiled by Tashia and heather lehigh



Project inspired

Round up all
your old cards,
pictures, hand
written quotes
them into a
collage on your

painted jars
Paint jars and let dry. Cover with modpodge to seal. Add a string and tag.
*Use tape to make stripes*


Tissue paper pom poms

*use about 8 pieces of paper* the

more paper the fluffier it will be.
STEP 1: fold

STEP 2: round corners (make sure all layers are even)

Spring paper tree

what you'll need:
-scrapbook paper

STEP 4: fluff

-glue stick
-hot glue gun
-tree branches

Cut leaf shapes out of paper

and glue wrong sides
together (so that there is
colored paper on each side).
Glue on to tree branches.


Written by: Dorcas Yoder


Photography by: Rosa Yoder

We have

several early risers in our house

and around 6:00 alarms start going off upstairs. I have
learned that alarms have their own unique sounds.
There's the traditional alarm, then there is the one that
sounds like a rooster crowing repeatedly, and the one
I call a steam boat alarm. One of my boys will set several
alarms to make absolutely sure he wakes up. In our
house, most of us take getting up seriously.
I was awake early one morning, catching a few moments
of quiet with my Bible. The only sound was the ticking
clock and I was lost in deep thought. Suddenly, only
inches from my ear, someone's cell phone alarm went


off on the windowsill. Bong, bong, bong! It

sounded like a steamboat coming through, as
it broke the silence of the house. My heart
leaped into my throat as I whirled and
grabbed the phone, attempting to turn it off
as quickly as possible. Then I collapsed back
on the couch to recover from the unexpected
noise. It didn't take me long to see the humor
in the situation and I shook in silent laughter
as my heart slowed to it's normal pace.
Someone had forgotten to take their alarm
upstairs the night before.
I would also like to mention the ones in our
house who are more careless about getting
up. These people usually don't bother setting
an alarm, relying on the possibility of
someone else's alarm waking them up. Or if
they do set an alarm, chances are they'll pull
the covers over their ears and let it beep
away to the irritation of everyone in the
house. Sometimes it may go on and on before
an irate neighbor shows up to yell at the


sleeper or to turn off the alarm for them.

Alarm clocks are a common, daily part of
your life. But, there are other alarms that
you need to be aware of. I am going to call
these character alarms or warnings that give
your life direction or wake you from
spiritual laziness. We may oversleep if we
don't heed our daily alarm clocks, but if we
don't heed these character alarms we may
end up in places we don't intend to go and
that is more serious. We all need these
character alarms, and we can be the alert
person who knows that alarms are going to
happen and who plans to wake up and heed
the warning. Or we can be like the careless
person who doesn't bother to listen for
alarms, maybe leans on another person too
much, or who stops their ears completely
and keeps on sleeping in spite of the
So where do these character alarms come
from? If you are someone who reads your
Bible regularly that is probably one of the

Bible is full of warnings. Verse after verse that

give us direction, help us make choices, and
warn us of sorrow for the sinner. One of these
warnings is found in Matt. 26:41. Watch and
pray that you may not enter into temptation.
The spirit indeed is willing, but the flesh is
weak. When you read warnings like this one,
take notice and remember that the Bible is for
us today. God has preserved it's truth down
through the years for Christians to follow
Another way alarms may come to you is
through parents, teachers, or your pastor. If
someone speaks a warning into your life about
places you are going, music you are listening
to, or someone you are following- these are
only a few of many alarms you may hear about.
Don't allow the warning to go unnoticed. Stop
and listen, remember that some of these older
people were once a young person just like you,
they have experienced many things and very
likely that is why they are warning you now.
Peers can be alarms in your life, in a different

way than older folks. If they are good

friends, they may give warnings because
they see things about you that maybe your
mom or teacher don't see. In the same way
bad friends can really pull you down if they
are going the wrong way themselves.
Discern the character of your friends. Are
they shutting their ears to the alarms around
them or are they alert and responsive to
God's way? Spiritual laziness can rub off on
us from the people who we spend the most
time with. What are your peers doing for
How can you stay alert to the character
alarms that will come? God's presence in
your life is the answer. His presence will
bring you humility and obedience which will
help you hear better and follow what you
have heard. Listen for His still, small voice
speaking to you and remember that all
character alarms ultimately come from God.

c h m s ul m G o d
a come

The end






Did you see the new sweater

Vesta is wearing? Do you think her Mom saw it?
Doesnt she know anything about modesty? What
do the guys think about when she wears clothes like
Did you hear what Beth said when she saw what
she had scored on her algebra test? She said that the
test was too easy and everyone should have gotten
at least a 90%. Didnt she catch on that Kendra had
failed the test and was standing right where shed
be able to hear? Some people dont think about what
they say!
Guess what I just heard? The reason that Jenn
broke up with Wade is because of his muscle truck.
She was worried that his truck would be more
important to him than she was if theyd ever get
married. Wow, youd think some girls would give
a man a chance to grow up!
Wordswe text them, speak them, scribble
or scrawl them, scramble for the right one and still
get in trouble with them. Who does not enjoy the
thrill of being the first one to share a good bit of
news and all the whys and wherefores associated
with it?
James calls the tongue a fire and since that
is true, words could aptly be called the flames that
leap from this fire. Those flames can provide places

of warmth for our friends or they can cause

damage that requires many years to repair.
Proverbs 31 notes that the virtuous woman
opens her mouth with wisdom and allows her
tongue to be governed by the law of kindness.
(verse 26) The examples at the beginning of this
article show the damage that can be done when
we are thoughtless with our words and dont
require that our words be governed by the law of
These passages teach that a woman who
loves God does need to pay attention to her
words and the effect they have on the lives of
people around her. As Proverbs 18:21 notes,
Death and life are in the power of the tongue.
We do well to consider whether our words are
breaths of life or death blows to the spirits of
others. Lets think together on some ways our
words can bless others.

Often. Pray that the Spirit of the Living God can
put words of life into your tongue. Pray for
wisdom to speak words at the right times.


Photographer: Hannah

Sincerely. At appropriate times. One of my friends does
not like extra fuss. Its been good to watch for ways to
include words that bless her and dont come across as
flattery which would only irritate her.

Open Conversations
With the visiting girl at church. Or the co-worker
that started last week. Or your grandma who seems
to catch only every other word you say. Or how
about that cute little second grader?

Ask good questions Say Good morning

Friends have interests- at least most of them do, unless

they are incredibly stagnant people. Perhaps their interests

feel immature, extravagant, or even inefficient, but they And Have a good day! and all the other social
are important to our friends. Breathe life into the spirit of niceties that glorify God and show His love to
your friend and ask several well-thought-through people.

Avoid I

That little word can monopolize a conversation and tune

out our listeners. Sometimes a bit of prayer before we have
a good chat with our friends is a way to keep I in its
proper place doing its proper job.


Write excellent things

E-mails, texts, cards, notes, and letters all loved to
be filled with encouragement or upbuilding news.
These missives can then do their job of being a day
brightener to someone else in our lives.

Some people write their prayers. Others write their
questions, or a poem, or some ideas. Journals with
their words can be a tool to sort out the mixture
of emotions that are a response to life.

Avoid Gossip
Thankfully Gods power is available to curb the
tendencies of the sin filled carnal nature to spread
negative information or to delight in the evils that
others have committed.

meet the

I hail from the Finger
Lakes region of New York
where one source says we
have 11,000 acres of
grapes. Picking grapes is
one of the things I enjoy
doing as well as teaching
first grade, spending time
with my nieces and
nephews, sewing, and

6 Tips



When describing a scene try to

use all five senses. Smell,
eyesight, touch, hearing and
even taste.

Dont forget a flaw for every character, not just the bad guy. It can
make a difference between a quirky character and a Jane. (Clumsiness
doesnt count!)

Never throw out your writing. Not even the littlest paragraph. Save it
for later. You dont know what ideas it could spark. When your older,
trust me - it will be amusing to read.
Disconnect! Facebook,
email, Pinterest you get
the picture
technology is probably
used best for
distraction and countless
wasted hours. Being able to
unplug for hours is more
important than you think.


"In writing - dont use

adjectives which merely
tell us how you want us
to feel about the thing
you are describing. I
mean, instead of telling
us it was terrible
describe it so well be
terrified. Dont say it was
delightful when weve
read the description. You
see all those words,
(horrifying, wonderful,
exquisite, hideous) are
only like telling the
readers, Please will you
do my job for me. C.S


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fl e e t i
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b a d




Its okay to have several projects going! That way, when you get stuck on one you can always
escape to the other. They dont have to be big projects either one could be a short story, or
a song you are inspired to write. Worst case scenario would probably would be you get stuck
on both of them.

whether that helps


my sanity or makes me

it, I will never know.




Written by: Mary Derstine

Photograhpy by: Kristina Miller

often heard that the kinds

of friends we have does matter. And it does. Friends
impact our lives in a way that nobody else can. But
what about the kind of friend we are? Are we
making sure that we are not the friend that
everybody should stay clear of? Lets be the kind
of friend that Jesus would approve.
Here are some kinds of friends we should not be.

In my mind, the worst kind of friend is a

betrayer. Too many people are oh-so-sweet to their
friends face, but when she turns the corner they
immediately start gossiping about them to their
other friend. Ive seen it happen. Ive done it myself.
(A little warning here: If you and your friend enjoy
tearing down your other friends, beware. She
most likely is doing the same thing to you behind
your back.) Proverbs says this: A perverse man
spreads strife, and a whisperer separates close
friends. Do not expect to have any close friends if
you have this problem. Probably they will hear the
things you have said about them, and I doubt they
will want to continue the friendship.

Another kind of friend we can be is an idolizing one.

Do you expect your friends to be able to take the
place of God? That may sound weird to you, but it
does happen. We take their opinion over everyone
else, we spend the most time with them, and we
expect them to be perfect (something they cannot
live up to). To sum it up, no other relationship is as
high in our priorities as it is with her. Maybe you
and her just click. You might call her a kindred
spirit. Whatever the case, make sure your times of
sharing with her are not taking place of pouring your
heart out to God

Do you think of yourself as friendless?

There might not be any girls your age at your
church, and the ones who are closer in age may
seem strange. I encourage you to take a look at this
verse: A man who has friends must himself be
friendly, (Proverbs 18:24a). I know how it is to not
have a girl your age. In fact, the only girl close to
my age at our church is totally opposite of me. At
first we did not really hang out much. But when we
started going to school together, we found out that
we could get along really well! We now have a


want. Sometimes it may not seem important to us; we may

not be able to understand why we should not tell anyone.
Dont ask why, instead, honor your friend by keeping silent.
I have had friends not keep their promise to not tell my secret.
And, believe me; I had enough of telling secrets to them.
There are always exceptions to the rules, of course. If the
secret is a serious one that other people need to know about,
you would do your friend more harm than good to hold it in.
Lets start focusing on the more positive side of being a
friend. We have a lot of power in being a friend, so lets use
it! Now I will list the good traits you should have.
Who would be a better example than Jesus in how we
should be as a friend? Jesus told His disciples in John 15:15
No longer do I call you servants, for the servant does not
know what his master is doing; but I have called you friends,
for all that I have heard from my Father I have made known
to you.





In that verse Jesus revealed something that is essential

in a friendship. Honesty. Bless your friends with your
honesty. Be yourself. Share your struggles. Give heartfelt
compliments. Help them by being honest with their
weaknesses. Proverbs 27 says, Faithful are the wounds of a
friend; profuse are the kisses of an enemy. And, Iron
sharpens iron, and one man sharpens another. As friend to
friend, you can major impact your friend by encouraging
them, and by even correcting them. Gentleness and love is
the key to give correction, and when it is done in the right
spirit; it can strengthen your relationship more than ever
before. But make sure that you do not just hand out degrading
remarks all the time. Compliments are just as necessary; make
sure it will benefit your friend more than you to give

friendship, even if we are still total opposites.

So be a friendly friend. Strike up conversation
with people that totally do not look like your
type. You may be surprised.

Secrets are hard to keep, especially if you are

a talkative personlike me. But in order to
have a close friendship, we must be willing to
keep our lips closed if that is what our friends


Jesus also expressed humility to His disciples when

He declared that they were not servants, but friends. Friends
need us to be willing to say sorry, to forgive when they
wronged us, and to admit we are wrong in an argument. We
need to view them as better than ourselves. They need us to
show them that no matter if they are poorer than us, come
from a broken family, or do not have a sense of style, they
are still very important in our lives.

Although love is usually the reason for friendship,

sometimes it can become difficult. Maybe your friend said
something that hurt your feelings or anything else that can
happen in a relationship. Bless your friend with love even if
it seems you cant connect like you used to. Show her you
care by sending flowers, a card, or by taking her out to eat.
Also, dont wait until your relationship starts having problems
before doing something nice. Anybody enjoys getting mail
or a gift, so make time to send something small. You can be
an encouragement by simply sending a text telling them that
you are praying for them. I love knowing that somebody cares
enough to take time to pray for me. What better gift, really?






This one can be a little hard. But lets look, once

again, to Jesus as the example. Jesus was friends with Peter.
Jesus knew Peter would betray himnot once, but three
times. Did that make Jesus steer clear of Peter? No. And thats
how we should be. We may know that somebody has talked
behind our backs. Should that make a difference to the way
we treat them? No. We need to allow ourselves to be servants
for God. We need to be used for Him, and if that means
reaching out to a hurtful person; so be it. And again, there are
exceptions. If that person is a bad influence on you, use
Are you friends with your friends to benefit them, or
yourself? Leslie Ludy says, In friendship our goal should
be to honor Jesus Christ and bring glory to His name, not just
to pursue our own happiness and security or follow the
popular trends of culture. Ask yourself when you are with
friends, Is this conversation bringing glory to God? Are
our actions Christ-like? What would Jesus be doing?
Always, always, always seek to honor God in everything you


My name is Mary Lynn Derstine. I am 16 and I love to write,
sing, and do crafts. I have lots of nieces and nephews, whom I
love. I hope to be a missionary and take a trip to Hawaii

The greatest

Written by: Louisa Friesen


you love a good thrill! Good thrills
are like the whipped cream on the
top of life. They can come as
surprises that we are nervous about,
events that are funny, or even as
(oxymoron, right?). In a few small
moments you have forgotten about
everything else and are caught up in
the adventure.
Although they are usually
equally as terrifying as they are
exciting, thrills have somehow
thrilled people for many years.
Millions of people enjoy skydiving,
hang-gliding, white-water rafting,
cliff diving, caving, and scuba
diving (and a host of other
potentially dangerous, yet thrilling
sports) each year. And thats just
thrilling sports. There are also those
moments, seemingly insignificant,
but mini thrills nonetheless.
It has to be more than just
having fun. Who would sacrifice
even a tiny percentage of their
personal safety or self-image, solely
for the love of having fun?


Photography by: Janane Doutrich

Im sure that people have different

reasons for their many thrilling
excursions, and Im not meaning to know
every reason behind every thrill.
However, I would suggest that perhaps
the reason for such high statistics of
people participating in high-adventure
sports is for a unique reasonthe joy and
discovery of the unknown.
Now for a fact, the future, the
unknown scares me. I dont like surprises,
especially if Im not sure if they are going
to be a blessing or a curse to me. Often
Ive thought to myself, what a mercy it
would be, if God would have revealed to
me my future. Wouldnt it be peaceful to
know for sure that you werent going to
die until you were 78 years old? Wouldnt
life be carefree if you knew that the right
events would take place in your life at the
right times? Wouldnt it be neat to know
that you would lead a happy and
purposeful life all those 78 years?

But what is it about me that sees a youth

retreat brochure, and mutters, Boring. I
start wondering If the whole event is so
scheduled, when am I going to have time
to hang out with my friends? Why does
there have to be church until 9 every
night, and lights out at 10? When will I
ever have time to have fun?!
What is it about me that sits in church,
and in my mind keeps up a running
commentary. First Brother Benjamin will
preach (and knowing him it will be at
least an hour long), and then four people
will give testimonies: Sister Thelma for
sure, and then three others. And lastly,
Brother Benjamin will close in prayer and
end his prayer with, so bless us as you
see we have need. Keep us from harm and
danger, sin and evil. Keep us in your care,
in Jesus name, Amen.
Predictability! And I begin complaining
about how conventional and boring life
is. So what is it about us? We believe that

if we know our future, but once weve figure out the ins and outs of normal life, we complain that life
is too predictable! Suddenly the simple, out-of-the-ordinary events give us a thrill and we begin hoping
more unexpected events take place!
What is it about me that smiles with anticipation when I see a visiting minister walk up to the pulpit?
Why do the frantic looks (of the ladies at the end of my bench, motionlessly watching a giant praying
mantis crawl the length of the bench in front of them) get me shaking with laughter, while tears roll
down my cheeks. Why is it so funny when a community fellow visits church and brings along his
leashed poodle (Doesnt it look hilarious to see Brother Ron, in his pressed suit coat, getting pawed by
a dog during the sermon?). What is it about driving four hours to a museum in the middle of sleet storm,
(solely because you planned to go this day) that excites me? Why is it adventuresome to run out of
gasoline, in the middle of nowhere, while on an out-of-state trip?

Have their place But
with them come small
Chances of
In contrast leaving your


Is entirely

AND THIS will prove

To be the greatest



Its the unexpected joy and hilarity that

the unknown brings, that spices up our
And when it comes down to it, thats
how I like life: a few pleasant surprises,
thrills, and then of course, sometimes bad
news. But imagine the torture of
foreknowing the bad news. And what of
the blessing of miracles, if we would
know the outcome of everything before
it happens?
When you worry about your future,
God says, Dont worry about tomorrow,
for tomorrow will have plenty of its own
things to worry about (Matthew 6:34).
When you worry about what Gods plan
for your life will be, where He might call
you or what you will be doing, He says,
I know the plans I have for you
(Jeremiah 29:11). He knows the plans,
and thats all that matters. In His time
hell show you too. When you worry that
Christianity is dwindling in the world,
and wonder how the world will be when
you are older, He says, Be still, and
remember that I am God. I will be lifted
up among the non-Christians, and I will
be celebrated throughout the whole earth
(Psalm 46:10).
God is wise. And he never makes
mistakes. God knew we would miss out
on so many thrills, if we knew our future.
He created us to enjoy adventure (even
though some surprise adventures are just
about over the top). He wants us to allow
him the joy of controlling our future. Its
safer that way. Picture this: the best,
wisest, most loving and merciful Being
of all times is carefully planning out your
life. Now thats security.
Allowing Jesus to be the lord of your
life sounds exciting and yet terrifying.
But dont we all love thrills? Earthly
thrills have their place, but with them
come small chances of danger. In
contrast, leaving your future in the hands
of an Almighty God (get this!) is entirely
secure! And this, my friends, will prove
to be the greatest thrill of all!






Written by: Elisa Knicely

I find that releasing

my thoughts on paper lets loose that
pressure that is usually hidden deep.
Writing is a way of venting and expressing
that I would never know how to live
They sit on the top shelf of my bookshelf
a row of journals filled with life lessons,
embarrassing moments and letters to God.
Some are half empty, and yet others are
brimming full and slowly falling apart at
the seams.
I often hear girls complaining that they
have nothing to write about. Their life is
way too boring! Why write insignificant
details like what you ate that morning, or
what you talked about with your best friend
that day? Trust me, I understand. But you
dont have to write trivial things - I have
found many ways to make my journaling
experience more interesting.

Photography by: Katharina Stoltzfus

Although many girls Ive come across proclaim that journaling is time-consuming, boring or
completely unnecessary - I have found several exceptional reasons why I believe you should keep
a journal. If not only for your enjoyment for years to come to also enrich your walk with
I have compiled a few ways to make your journaling more interesting, and to inspire you to take
this discipline in your everyday life.

Sometimes praying isnt enough and can only be expressed through words on paper. Quite often
it helps me focus and put those feelings into relatable words. Perhaps Im going through a rough
patch - by telling God on paper, maybe I feel as though Im closer to His presence. And looking
back on those prayers, I find it quite encouraging to view my spiritual growth, or a way in which
God showed me His goodness.



with letters to God I
write down certain prayer
needs close to my heart.
Perhaps I have a sick
friend, or a searching
sometimes reminders to
keep on praying. As a look
on old journals, I realize
that God does, indeed,
answer prayers - and more
than anything cares about
those insignificant details
in your life.
VENTING: We all have our
rough patches in life.
Sometimes friends betray
you, or someone at
school gives you
reason to be angry.
Too often in life, I
feel that girls in
general, run to the
nearest confidant
feelings like

feathers in the wind. Let

me remind you once
the feathers are gone,
there is practically no
way to get them back.
You may in your anger,
hurt a close friend; or
make something small as
a pet peeve appear huge
and ugly. This is another
reason to run to your
journal. Usually most
things get cleared up
overnight and arent near
as frustrating as they
were the night before.
And by not talking, and
writing instead - you
may save yourself some
heartache that you may
have easily experienced
otherwise. Although you
can most definitely vent
to your mom and
probably gain clear
perspective writing
everything seem smaller
than you ever imagined.

perspective writing usually makes everything seem smaller than you ever imagined. And trust
me, three years later youll laugh at the insignificance of it all. Ill be honest here, quite a few of
my journals consist of venting. It may be a thing Im struggling with or a specific decision that
Im indecisive about - Im not too sure if thats healthy but goodness does it ever help me think.
DEAR FUTURE HUSBAND: Im sure youve all heard this one. To be honest Im really not faithful
at writing letters of these kinds. Quite often I feel as though as I dont know what to tell my future
husband. There are, however a few reasons why I think it would be interesting. They actually
operate as snapshots of where you are in life right then. For example you may say: Nearly
swamped in studying right now hope youre doing well right now, cuz ya girl is struggling.
What a fun way to freeze time and have a glimpse of what you were like at that age. It will also
remind you to strive for self improvement. We all have expectations for guys, perhaps we take

the qualities such as kindness

and a loving heart to our heart
and live them out in our life.
EVENTS: Taped to pages of
journals are airplane tickets,
and old letters. Although this
option for Creative Journaling
can easily be missed I find
it rather fascinating to look
back on the years of my life.
True, what I ate for dinner
doesnt capture my attention
now, but rather a special
memory or a exciting event
usually makes me remember
things I may have forgotten.
This may not be exciting at
the time - but think about it
right now, when you look
back at your perspective of
life at 8 it's so vastly
different than what it is
today. You may have visited
the zoo then and the baby
bunnies were the object of
discussion - now however, its
completely different. Imagine
in five, ten years? Your
perspective on life will have

changed drastically. In my 2009 journal I wrote about

things like chicken pox, and saying funny poems for
school programs it was my childhood and to this day
I enjoy reading them and laughing at my immaturity.
some of the same things I said above. While having my
devotions, I have always found it to be helpful to write
a verse that stands out to me. Not only does it help me
remember it, I find I can meditate on it through the
course of the day, or till I fall asleep. This doesnt have
to be limited solely to verses however - you can always
write inspiring song lyrics or quotes helping you
remember them throughout the day.
EXPRESS YOUR CREATIVITY: This last one is solely for
you dear writers out there. Your journal can also be an
outlet for beautiful poems or song lyrics that you
suddenly want to express. Trust me, they are quite
fascinating to read over in later years.
Looking over the years of emotion, stories, decisions and
growth I realize that Ive changed from the 9 year old
who thought fifteen year olds were near perfect and had
their life figured out. Im older now, and I realize that
Ill never be perfect, and Ill probably never have my life
figured out. Creative Journaling is up to you - take it or
leave it, its quite your choice. These are just a few
reasons why I journal - may you take a few to heart. \\


Written by: Anna Duncan


He hung on the cross, suffering in

unbelievable agony,
He recalled the
whipping, the mocking words, the bloodthirsty crowd crying out for His crucifixion.
Father, forgive them, for they know not
what they do.
Just as Jesus forgave, so also are we called
to forgive.
Forgiveness is Gods requirement, not an
option. For if ye forgive men their trespasses,
your Heavenly Father will also forgive you;
but if you forgive not men their trespasses,
neither will your Father forgive your
trespasses. (Matthew 6: 14-15) In the light
of the great mercy God has shown in
pardoning our sins, we are compelled to
extend forgiveness to those who have
wronged us.
Forgiveness is a choice, not a feeling.
Feelings come and go and cannot be depended
upon. Forgiveness is a decision we make to
let go of our pain and vengeful thoughts
toward the one who hurt us.
Forgiveness is a process, not just a one-time
act. The pain and hurt will flare up again from
time to time, and each time you will need to
determine anew to forgive. It is no doubt
difficult, but possible, by Gods grace.
Forgiveness brings freedom and healing,
while bitterness destroys us. (Hebrews 12:
14-15). Genesis tells the story of Joseph and
the many cruelties he suffered as a result of
his brothers jealousy. While he could have
harbored anger toward his brothers and sought
revenge, Joseph chose to focus on God had
transformed their evil intentions into lifesaving good for many. Joseph understood that
God allows our hurts to transform us into His
image and thus he was able to forgive. If he
had chosen a bitter response, it would have
destroyed not only himself, but his family and
many others, but his forgiveness allowed God
to work all things for good.
Photography by: Elisa



supernatural. Some hurts are so
deep that they seem impossible
to overcome. Corrie ten Boom
endured such hurts. She suffered
greatly at the hand of the Nazis,
losing her freedom, sense of
dignity, and even the lives of those
nearest and dearest to her during
her awful prison-camp experiences.
Years later, her testimony of
forgiveness still challenges us all
It was at a church service in
Munich that I saw him, the former
S.S. man who had stood guard at the
shower room door in the processing
center at Ravensbruck. He was the first
of our actual jailers that I had seen
since that time. And suddenly it was all
therethe roomful of mocking men,
the heaps of clothing, Betsies painblanched face.
He came up to me as the church was
emptying, beaming and bowing. How
grateful I am for your message, Fraulein.
he said. To think that, as you say, He has
washed my sins away!
His hand was thrust out to shake mine.
And I, who had preached so often to the
people in Bloemendaal the need to
forgive, kept my hand at my side.
Even as the angry, vengeful thoughts
boiled through me, I saw the sin of them.
Jesus Christ had died for this man; was I
going to ask for more? Lord Jesus, I
prayed, forgive me and help me to forgive
I tried to smile, I struggled to raise my
hand. I could not. I felt nothing, not the
slightest spark of warmth or charity. And
so again I breathed a silent prayer. Jesus,
I cannot forgive him. Give Your

And so I discovered
that it is not on our forgiveness any more
than on our goodness that the worlds
healing hinges, but on His. When He
tells us to love our enemies, He gives,
along with the command, the love itself.
Perhaps youve had a mountainous
wrong done against you, or maybe
youre just struggling with little
everyday grievances. In any case, Gods
grace and power are available to bring
about a work of forgiveness in your
heart. With much prayer and
perseverance, you can be sure He will
bring you through. triumphantly.


This issues questions:

Question 1:
How do I as a young lady be friends with guys and yet guard my
heart? Or should I have guy friends?
Question 2:
How do I stay pure for my future husband if I have a crush on a
who may or may not be the one God has set aside for me?

Jean Answers:
I am going to give one answer for both questions.
To start with, you are not seeking a husband. Men are
the seekers, and they need to mature in their walk with
God so they know what to look for in a godly young
Woman. You are called to follow God with all your heart,
soul and mind. Are you reading romance books or
watching romantic movies? If you find yourself focusing
and obsessing on this crush or dreaming about who your
future husband may be, it is time to get active. I am talking
about getting active in guarding your heart and practicing
self discipline. Are you pursuing and focusing on your
relationship with God? Choose to turn your focus away
from yourself and any boy thoughts, and do something
active. Go for a walk in God's creation and talk to God
about how you can focus on Him, look around you for
someone you can serve. Turn your thoughts to helping
others; siblings, parents, no matter how you feel.
1 Timothy 4:12 thou an example of the believers; in
word, in conversation, in charity, in faith, in purity.

Have a your own question?

Submit it on our website, email
(, or send it
via snail mail!


Enjoy this issue? We would love your

input! Any topic suggestions, or section
thoughts are much appreciated. And of
course, we appreciate any of you dear
writers and photographers who would
like to contribute! Older ladies who
write are especially welcomed as their
experience and insight gives the
younger generation wisdom to live by!

Subscribe today!

I AM THE resurrection
John 11:25-26










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