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Aptitude Shortcuts and Mind Tricks for Partnership Problems Type-II:
Model Question:
1.) Rs. 48,000 is distributed among A, B and C in the ratio at 6:5:4. What is the difference in
the shares of A and C?
Total Amount is: Rs. 48,000
Distribution ratio between A, B and C is: 6:5:4
Ratio Difference between A and C is: 6-4 = 2
Shortcut Method:
For this type of Partnership problems, use the below given Matrix format to get answer in few

Equation (1)

Explanation for the above Matrix Format:

Sum of the Ratio- Add the given ratio of distribution of A, B and C
Total Amount- Given Total Amount that to be distributed.
Ratio difference of A and C- From the given data, find the ratio difference of A and C.
(Here we are taking the Ratio Difference of A and C because in question they asked the
difference in share between A and C)
Take x as the Difference in Shares between A and C

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Note: In this Matrix format, among the four values one value should be unknown, then only you
can use this format.
Substitute the given values in the equation (1).

(Cross Multiply the values in the matrix format)

15x= 96000
x= 6400; The Share difference between A and C is Rs. 6400
Model Question:
2.) A sum of the money is divided among three persons A, B and C in the ratio of 4:6:9. If the
largest share is Rs. 1000 more than the smallest share, what is the total sum?
Ratio of the shares of the three persons is 4:6:9
Amount difference between largest share and smallest share is Rs.1000 that is 9-4= 1000.
Shortcut Method:
For this type of Partnership problems, use the below given Matrix format to get answer in few

Explanation for the above Matrix Format:

Ratio Difference of A and C- Given share ratio difference between A and C.

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Equation (1)
Amount difference of A and C- Given, Share amount difference between A and C.
Sum of the Ratio- Add the given ratio of distribution of A, B and C
Take, x as the total sum of the amount.
Substitute the given values in the equation (1).


(Cross Multiply the values in the matrix format)

5x= 19000
x= 3800; The Total Sum of the amount is Rs. 3800
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