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Week 1 (6/25 6/28) (times next to date indicate bedtime)

6/25 4:30 am
6/26 3:45 am
6/27 4:10 am
6/28 1:00 am
This first week I set a baseline for myself. I did not employ any behavioral techniques,
but wanted to measure what my bedtime was on average in order for me to set a target bedtime
for the following week. Some antecedents I noticed that kept me up late at night were online
activities and games with my close friends and bringing my computer with me into bed for
browsing right before I slept. A consequence of this behavior is that I wake up past noon
frequently so I can get enough sleep.
Week 2 (6/29 7/5)
6/29 2:30 am
6/30 3:40 am
7/1 2:50 am
7/2 3:40 am
7/3 3:45 am
7/4 1:40 am
7/5 3:40 am
The baseline that I had set for myself the week prior was 4 am. I have instances of
sleeping especially early compared to the rest of the week due to variations in exhausted feelings
during the evenings. Setting alarms has been useful in reminding me to prepare for bed earlier
than usual. I have been unable to keep all of my electronics out of my bed, but I have been able
to keep my computer on my desk rather than my bed. This was my first week of my summer job
that starts at 9 am each morning Monday, Tuesday, and Thursday. I feel especially sleepy and
unfocused on those mornings. I tend to promise myself naps in the morning when I am feeling
tired so I go home after work and class and take four hour naps that make me feel awake later
into the night when I should be sleeping.

Week 3 (7/6 7/12)

7/6 3:30 am
7/7 3:40 am
7/8 3:30 am
7/9 3:00 am
7/10 3:10 am
7/11 2:30 am
7/12 2:35 am
I struggled a lot this week with managing my negative moods that are a consequence of
sleeping late. I have been impatient with my friends and I have been inattentive at work. I have
also been frequently cyberloafing on my phone at work. My best friends have been pressuring
me to play games with them and I have had trouble with keep my computer away from my bed. I
was able to overcome this relapse by giving myself another week to reach last weeks target
bedtime. I was able to diminish the duration of my naps to two hours this week by setting alarms
right before I nap. Unfortunately, my alarms to remind me to sleep early have only reminded me
to prepare for bed early, but not motivate me to actually fall asleep at an earlier time.
Week 4 (7/13 7/19)
7/13 3:20 am
7/14 2:35 am
7/15 2:00 am
7/16 2:10 am
7/17 2:05 am
7/18 2:00 am
7/19 1:00 am
I was able to effectively employ my behavioral techniques towards the end of this week
despite my slight relapse at the start of the week. I procrastinated on a class assignment and
stayed up late to finish it, but I was able to finish the assignment at my desk and not my bed at
night. I was also able to successfully communicate to my friends my behavior changing goals.

This made it easier for me to utilize the alarms that I had set for myself as my friends were
understanding when they heard the alarms as well. I saw improvements at work regarding my
attitudes and attentiveness in the morning.
Week 5 (7/20 7/26)
7/20 1:20 am
7/21 2:30 am
7/22 2:00 am
7/23 12:45 am
7/24 1:50 am
7/25 1:00 am
7/26 12:50 am
The most improvements occurred this week. My relapse occurred due to another incident
of procrastination in regards to a PowerPoint for a lecture that I would be giving to students at
my workplace. It was only on the day after the relapse that I took a four hour nap, resulting in
another relapse incident. As a consequence, I struggled a bit during my lecture and I had a hard
time tolerating the criticisms that were directed towards me. However, I was able to recover from
my relapse thanks to the alarms that I set for myself. It was easy to get back on track and I am
beginning to develop a habit of getting ready and putting electronics away from my bed. My
mood improved towards the end of the week and I was able to resolve the tension at work.
Week 6 (7/27 8/3)
7/27 12:30 am
7/28 12:00 am
7/29 12:15 am
7/30 12:20 am
7/31 12:30 am
8/1 12:00 am
8/2 12:15 am
8/3 12:00 am

This was the last and most successful week of the intervention. I was able to employ all
the behavioral techniques effectively during this week and I reached my target bedtime that I had
set at the beginning of the intervention. This was also the last week of my first summer job and I
was able to end it on a positive note. The sleepiness and cyberloafing that I experienced at the
start of the job was nonexistent this week. My relationships with my coworkers and the students
developed favorably this week thanks to my constant positive mood. I began my second summer
job optimistic and enthusiastic even though it started even earlier in the morning.

Bedtime (12-hour)
5:00 AM

4:00 AM

3:00 AM
2:00 AM

1:00 AM

12:00 AM

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