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Kulo - exhibit featuring the works of 32 artists from UST.

Catholic Church & Believers

Blasphemous and sacrilegious


Artists & Other Sectors

Expression of one self

Devoid of any moral judgment
Power play

Two persons may look at the same thing but they may look at it differently.

Society is composed of 2
structures that continue
to function to maintain
stability in the society.

Society is composed of 2
opposing poles, each trying
to grab power from the

Society is a world of
symbols brought by the
constant interaction of
the people in the

Early perspective: Evolutionary Approach


Society is like an organism that evolves.

Also known as Social Darwinism.

Trial and error mechanism things that promote societal practice are upheld while
those that
deteriorate it are discarded.
Inequality natural phenomenon in society. It is necessary for people to be unequal.

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