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he dates set within the courts mean that duing the decade indicated in the court, the 10-year Self
aspect resides in that court.
Let's imagine that we want to analyze the subject's current decade, which is 2002-2010. The 10-year
self aspect is sitting in 10You Court. Plot the chart like so (click to enlarge image):

This means that during this decade, the Self, for example, is also influenced by the stars in 10You court
(which is the "Peers" court in the birth chart).
Once this is established, add the 10year transformations.You'll get this (click to enlarge):

Add some of the stars that move during the decades (flying stars). placement uses the same charts
described in Step VII. This time use the stem/branch of the Court which sits the 10-year Self.
In this example, 10You court Stem = 6 , and Branch = 10
Once done, it'll look like this (click to enlarge image):

Note the parameters we got from the previous steps, using an example from a woman, born 26 Oct
1947 1200hrs:

Year stem = 4Ding;

Year Branch = 12Hai;

Month = 9 ;

Day = 13;

Hour = 7.

Self Court = 1Jia 5Chen

Element Frame = 6 Fire

Important thing to note: if the calculations lead to values > 12, subtract 12; if the calculations lead to
valure < 1, add 12.
Branch numbers, 1 - 12, represent 1Zi, 2Chou ...12Hai courts in the chart.
XI.The 1-year Chart
For the 1-year cycle chart;

Not the Stem and Branch of the year in Question

Set the Self aspect within the court which is the Year branch. For example, if the year is 2008,
the year branch is 1Zi, so the 1-year Self sits in the 1Zi Court

Use the year stem to determine the transformations and locations of the flying stars.

It is through our exprience, that reading up tp the 10-year cycles is more than adequate for achieving
benefits from chart reading. This is because, most big decisions and success building takes many years
to build and accomplish. Focussing on how to build long term success sets a better foundation for good
Too much in-detail reading of charts is obsessive. Many people fall into the trap of trying to "check
their luck" over 12 months, or even days. This kind of activity is fruitless. It is a waste of time. Doesn't
make you happy, and distracts you from working towards building your potential.
Please understand that we do not provide free readings or individual tutorials since the course is
already free :)

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