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RubiStar Rubric Made Using RubiStar( http:/ ) Historical Role Play : Immigration Teacher Name: ‘Student Name: CATEGORY |Exceeds Standards| [Meets Standards| [Approaching Standards| Below Standards| BiographicallAll4 key pieces of ion Biographical info are (altel jincluded (name, country of origin, ime period, age). 3 key pieces of biographical info are included. [2 pieces of biographical info jare included, 1 piece of biographical info is included [Motivation _|A detailed explanation of the motivating factors for your immigrant coming to America are lexplained [An adequate Jexplanation of the motivating factors for your immigrant [coming to America are explained [A brief explanation ofthe motivating factors for your immigrant coming to America are explained [An inadequate lexplanation of the motivating factors for your immigrant [coming to America fare explained, The Journey |Period appropriate transportation to JAmerica is explained with specific examples of |what occurred on the jjourney and upon arrival in America, [A very detailed account of the immigrants Jemotions about the trip jand experiences in |America after the trip are included, 1:15 or longer Period appropriate transportation to |America is explained with a few examples Jof what occurred on. the journey and upon arrival in America. Period appropriate {transportation to America is lexplained with no examples of lwhat occurred on the joumey Jand upon arrival in America, No mention of transportation to lAmerica or what Joccurred on the jjourney or upon arrival in America. [A somewhat detailed Jaccount of the immigrants emotions about the trip and Jexperiences in |America after the trip fare included 00-114 Date Created: Oct 10, 2013 07:47 am (CDT) [an account of the immigrants Jemotions about the trip and lexperiences in America after the trip are included but few details are provided. 0:46-0:59 Very litte to no information about the immigrants emotions Jabout the tip and, Jexperiences in JAmerica after the trip are included. [o:30-044 Copyright © 2000-2007 Advanced Learning Technologies in Education Consortia ALTEC To view information about the Privacy Policies and the Terms of Use, please go ta the following web address: hitp:snubistar teachers. orglindex phpsceen=TermsOfUso

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