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Chaudhary Charan Singh University, Meerut ‘Tenatative Annual Scheme of Regular & Pvt. Examination ~ 2016 [Date & Day Cass: Subject Tt Shik (7 AMO 70. AM) Tied Shit (17 AM to 2 Pop Tied SHIR Pato SP ‘Course: Course Paper Coda Course Paper God fe-oszete [5Se (FE, HES] a [Foundation of Physical Education |Heath Education, Safely Ezucaton, |5-207 [Psvchdoay & Socivoay Pryscal Sao Friday Sports) First Aid and Rehabiitation lEcucaton & Spore rs-03-2076 [cM = Legal Fistor ofindiaS England | —T01 [Federal Aspects ofa Canadian and [USOT = = Saturday [Australian Constiuons |Genarai Principles af Contract L310 Trt (General Principles) Lata faras2nt6 [ase PE HER] = [Anatony ana Prysoioay |S= 102 | Physiotoay or exerase IS-20z undanentals f Spors Training |S=302 INonday Sports) [cca = (Constiional aw oF aia [732 — |Fandamenta Rights nda 302 = = Specie Contracts er [Tort (Speciic Wrongs) Lata fasosa0Ie [oso PE HEA eS Theory of Garres & Sports (Tack |S~ 103 _|Theay/ of Games & Spore Tracka|S=05 [Kinesioogy & BloMecanics IS= 305 Saturday |Sports) [Fela Field Events) ra [orseradence IC =2at— |aaministatve Law at ina Lor = = |Company Lew and Partnership |ai2 History and Principles of Ceminal Law [L415 28-03-2016 /8.A.8.Sc.& [Comp Applicaton |Computer Fundamentals and intemal [AB § G12 [System Anayais and Deveupmen [ABE OTIS = IMonaay —_|, BSc (PE HER = [Theory of Games & Sports [S= 104 |Theay of Games & Spore IS=204 Theory of Games & Sports (Track &@—|5—30a |Soors) |;Gymnestics) |tGyrnastice) Feta) Mx JPrIcsophy = = es = athies [oma x sony = = = = |fistoronraphy Concept Mettod & [6137 HToois nx tora = = = [Modem Prose eae fica [Det Sucies 55 - = = __ | Reory and Development ofwar Since [6195 1789 AD to 1945 AD Iam iSansiet = = = = Yedie Lrerature& History ise na ans = = = Fropotoay sas ate E Day Case Suber Tat Shit (7 ANS TO AM) Tad Shit (7T AM 2 PH Shit SPA to € Pl ‘Course Paper Code. Course. Papor Code ‘Course Papereo peasants (BA. ina [Prachin Eva Madhyakaleen Kawa Ja 11a [Rahn Hinai Kavra A213 = : [Tuesday Ina Finer = = = =| Final Sahiva a Wihas Evam Sania INibanen Ia Eaucaton Zz = = = __|Psycholosical Foundation of Education [= TOE wx Sacco = = = =| Giese Soctogeal Thinkers Is= Ter x oy = = a = |i Eonar Theay ie T06 is [Pottcal Science = = Westen Pattcar Treay isa as Engin Ss = = = |ieratare ih Engi om 1940 to 1650 |G —112 |€Exclusing Shakespeare) [ow = Cesisiation = Principles, Methods and | —202 ——|Consttonal Lawat USA © cao = = interpretation Switeriane Negotiable instruments, Cariage of |L419 [Goods & Insurance [Criminology ana Penciogy Lane [5003-2016 [SA BSc [Det Suses An of Warm hdl (uplo TEAT) JASB— 104 _|AtofWarininda er 1647) ARB 204 = JWednesday [3.A,8.c & |Comp. Anpicaton Data Communication [AB £C-105 [DONG and ROBME AB aC-25s = = com, BAG BCom [TIM [Tourn Bosirees [AE C— 100 [Toute Marketing nec— 70 [S:com- = [Business Communication [C—io1__ [Corporate Law [e—201 = = [BSc (PE HES] = [Theor of Games Spots (Vora) __JS— 105 | Baslet Ball [S205 jadririon IS-305 Sports) loctey ls-205 kaboacs Is-306 Foot a Is-207 [Weight Liting Is-307 ax IPIGSOpR = = z = Jian Pritosorhy [o—Ta6 lirx roo = = = = went Centary Word caro a [ora = = = Wade Pocky [om es aa [Ber Studies = a 3 = |Warand itematonal Raton Sree —[G—196 i945 [ira [Sanat = z = = ]rammrar Unguisies € Easay ea ies as ah = = 5 = [Real Aras [o= 180 [Bate & Day Cass ‘Subject TEESE (7 ANI to TOA Tin Shit (77 AM 2 PH Shin GPM ToS PM ‘Course Paper Code Course Paper Code Course Paper Coe loxoaanie ese [Botany Diveraiy of Viuses, Bacteria Fang [B— 101 —|varsiy ot Angee B= 207 = = [Saturday |Systematics, Development & |Reproducion bse inaus- Chenisiy —industial Aspects of Oganicand —)B~153 —— |Matonal Scence ard Industrial 5255 = = inorganic Chemistry IPotution [ase Phys [Mechanics ard Wave Mover [S—176 | Payscal Optics and Lasers le=26 = = IMA [Ring = = = =_|Ravyashasirs Evam Sahitya lechan—|6—127 fica [Education = = = Methodology of Eauceton Research |S =202 land Educational Statstics iSocieioay = = Zs = [Prespectves an indian Sociay [Economies = = : = __ [Economics of Growth Deveopment [wa Ponca Soros = = = ___ [Comparative Potties IS=270 Ia Enotes = = = Rerature i English fom 1785 1837 (G— 114 fom = egal Research Metredatogy C= 203 [Adninistatve Lawof USA & [Tae = England loxoaan16 BCom = Financial Accounting |C=103 ——[Principies cf Business Management |= 205 = INonday SA BBSe [Geography Physical Geomaphy |ASB— 111 [economic Goograrhy AeB= 2 5 a BSc (PEHEG = = ~~~ Wosational Oventes Courese lsat [kro Re S308 [Spors) [rable Tennis S310 [resting sit lam JPrncsopry, = = 2 = [Social and Poltcal Phiosophy io— 8 lax tony = = = = Sonomic Fisiry of iia CAD 1757 = |=240 964) as rae z= = = [Altea Languages Prosody & Omicam la) Persian Or fo) Arabic Or lease |) Uc Prosoty Poetcs & Rhetorics 16-263 lor \G-264 [op titerary Critcism o-285 Inca [Bef Sucies = = z = [Dperaton Rasa [s=aee wr [Sansiit = = = Postics end Aesthetics [o—2a3 Ts ate a = 3 = [Sompiex Anais Isa ez [Pate & Day Gi ‘Subject Ist Shit (7 ANI to 10 AM) Tind Shift (74 AM to 2 PM) Tied Shift (9 PM to 6 PM ‘Course Paper Code Course Paper Code Course Paper Cor 6-04-2016 [B.Com = Business Regulatory Framework | C104 [income Tak [e=204 = = [ednesday [B.Sc PE, REG| = = = 5 = | Theor of Vocational onented courses [5-512 Sports) IBA &BSc_ |Geoxraphy [Human Geography JASB— 112 _|Geography of nda [Aa B—71D = = MA [Ring = = ~ = [Achar Kava cam ma lEducaton = = = = [Sociological Foundation of Education |G— 205 x Socooay = = = = Rural Societyin Indo [e=i90 IMA Economics, a5 es = = [intemational Trade and Finance [e705 es Poliioal Science = = = = | Fheores ofiniemational Relations _[G—271 os length = = = = Literature in English tom 1638-1880 |G—715 loroezie (BA. English [Posty = 108 [Brame [A= aoe = = Thursday A [Philosophy = = = IModern Indian Thought [o-248 x [Fistory = = = [Fistorcal Appication n Tourism lo=2ar is Ure = = [Special Study ata Post or Auhor la. Galio Or Jo-256 |b. Sir Sayad Ahmad \o-257 pa [Det Studies = = = = [Ballets jo=236 aa [Sansent = = = [Kavya [o=2ee [a [Maths = = = iy on from fre following papers |a) Diferential Equations lo-159 |b) Diferentisi Geometry Ic-154 fc) Mechanics Ic-155 [Date & Day Cass ‘Sabet TSE SHIR (7 ANI to 70 AM) Tad Shin (TAM to 2 Py Shift GP to 6 PM ‘Course: Paper Come Course: Paper Code ‘Course: Paper Gai roar aA nor [Prose [A= 110 [Petar la=210 = z [saturday JA [ring = = = = Any ane Wom he Tolowing papers i) Vishistha Rachnatar(Soordae) — |o-zes i) Vishistha Rachnakar (Tusidas) — |G-226 |i.) Visistha Rachnakar (Jai Shankar |¢-227 lPrasae) lov) Vishishita Rachnakar (Acharya |G-228 Hazan Prasad Dives) lv) Chnayavedottar Kavya lo-209 (i) Rekaal Ic-230 |i) Prachin Bhache Sshitya Sanckit) [6-231 {vi Prachin Bhasha Sahitya (Prakrt /Apbnansh) 232 (a) Predesnit Bhasha Sabia (angi) lo-2s3 la Esucaion = = = = essay on any paper Tov is=200 Ima Socciony = 2 = Jaa one fom ne folowing papas la) Gender ane Society lo-287 fo) Education end Socety Jo-280 |<) Socology cf SocialMovements [6-289 {@) Potical Soccioay e290 wa cones = = = = [OptionatAny oe From he lowing fares Je) intra! Cxonomics lo-200 |b) Economics af rfasructure lc-207 =) Economics of Social Sector and |G 208 lEmvrorment \@) Denograpty lo-200 =) Matematica! Eonomice Jez0 a Potea Seance = z = = [Majoras & sve Babe Is=az Adminstration ra Engin = = = = _| iterate in English fom 18812000 16116 [Date & Day Chass Subject Shin AMTO TUAW Ting SHIRT AM to 2 PR id Shift (3 PM to 6PM) Course, Paper Code Course Paper Code Course, Paper Coe roars 5A [Eaueation [Prnaiies of cation [A= 180 | EausavonalPayohatooy A280 [Rew Tends and Ionovatons Fh [a=360 INonday [Education and Management BSE Botany [Dwersty of Asse, Linens & B= 102 |Gycoay, Genetics, Evaruton & [20 = : lsryopnytes. lEcoboey ase indus Chematy —|indusiral Aspects of Physical [B= 164 Unit Processes in Organic Chemicals [@—254 iS [Chemisty Meterial and Eneray Ioantacture [Balances BSE Physi [Kinetic Theor and Thermodynamics [B— 117 |Elecromagnetcs a7 = = BCom, 85s [QUALIFYING COURSE [e@S—008 [QUALIFYING COURSE lexs—o10 = = PE HE & [Environmental Studies IConorsl Awareness [Sports) fara Fisiony = = = = Fistor of Mediavel Rajathan (AD —[S— 307 [:400-1708), Ia Det Stes = = B = Payshooay otvar IS=257 laa rete = = = = fay one trom the lowing papers la) Advanced Abstract Algebra c-186 |b) Theory of Numbers loss? (¢) Mathematical Statistics Ic-158 eoeaoe |B [Sanat [Sanskatkavyam Kavyashastancha |A~ 130 jada. Upriahad Aranianyare Amo |Thurscay lankarashcha Bom: = [QUALIFYING COURSE: [o=coT | QUALIFYING COURSE” ie=002 IUALIFYING COURSE. Ie=008 [Sports & Physical Education [Spots & Physical Eaucation ports & Physical Edusation Hsagac6 [BA BBSo [Det Suces = = A [Evolution of Svategie Thought AES 306 \Wednesday BAB Sc & [Comp Apaication = = = fava Programming AeaCH ae B.Com. BA G8 Com [TT = = = [fimeraing Concepis forEiecive JRE C—a00 [rourism Developments [BCom = [Business Economics Je=105 | Fundamontsis of Envopransurship —[O~ 05 [Sorporste Accounting le=sor Be [Botany [Diversiy of Pendophites & [B= 103 Plant Prysicogy and Giochemisty —[B=203 a = {symnesperms BSE indus Chemisty JUnit Operations, Utes, Flud Flow B~ 165 |Efivent Treatment, Waste Bes = i Heat Transport in Chemical IMonsgement an Process in lntstry [Strumentaten BSE Physics [Grout Fundamentals and Bac (8-118 | Elewents of quantum Meckanos. —JB-778 Electronics [Atomic and Moleculars Spectra oo Fistor zs = z = |Wemerininaian Risto Is=aas wa bet Stoses = = = |area Sucy (Fimalayan SiatesNepale (C= 798 Bhutan) & Pakistan [Bate & Day Chase Subject TSCShi_ (7 ANS TOA Tea SRE CTT AM To 2PM ied Shit (3 Pi to € PR ‘Course Paper Cote Course Paper Code Course Paper Gx heaeanie BA. [Mose [Vocal Theory Panen pies [Vocar rReoy Paar [aes focal Thea Paper ns Saturday [star (Theory Paper) la-t67 sitar Theory Pape) |a-267 Sitar Theory Paper) \a-357 [Tabla (Theory Paper) la-tea [Tabla (Theory Paper) la269 [Tabla Theory Paper) la-269 [se = [QUALIFYING COURSE” [B=00T QUALIFYING COURSE- iB 002 [QUALFYING COURSE: 5-008 [Sports & Physical Education [Sports & Physical Education [Sports & Physcal Education Ia. Sansa = = 5 = |[Sanstat Kevjashasire [s—oez is ing 2 = = = [Prachin Evam Machya Kaless Kaya [G=325 [aa Eames = = = sere Eeonanie Thea [S306 7 JRistoy = = = = Histon of Science & Technology in |G =244 Inka os [Dat States. = = = fe-o4206 BA BESe [Det Studies = = = |S of War and Passe Rea aoe Inonaay IA BSc & [Comp Application = = Z = [Ravaneed Topics in Computer JABECHH B.Com. BA @B Com (TTM = = = = |ntermation, Communtation And JA BO —S8T lastomation acon = jusiness Envronmart [o= 705 [Pubs Finance [e=206, iting le=m2 ray = [Jurspracence: IK=701__|Conract=1 (Speciic Contact) |K=207 [criminal Procedure, Juverite ustice® |K~301 [Probation of offenders os Phiosoohy = = = = [Gontenporary Western Phiosophy —|G—545 os [ora = = z IEary & Medieval Prose [e=302 WA. stony = = = E [History of Archtecture of india Is=245. a Marrs = = = = }ntegraion Theory anc Functional |G ~ 343 lyse re Fistor = = = es ICIENT INDIA Histay of Ancent _|G407 nia end Greco Roman Contacts (c.8C| \s00-78) [MEDIEVAL INDIA: Histor of Medieval [o-441 |ncia and Cental asia (AD 1200. +526) [MODERN INDUC History of Modern |o-44s |ncia (cab 1757-1857) oe [Potical Sconce [Potted Theor JA 738 [An Outine History of Westem Povical|A~235 [Principles of Pubie Aarinataton [A338 jruesaay [Thought [a Sanaiat a E = Sansiet Nayarhasta [o= ses paca ing = = =___|Bhasha Vigyan Evam Hindi Bhasha |G — 326 Tz Econemics = = = a [S=307 Date bay case Subject Tat SHIR (7 ANS TO AM) Tin Shit (77 AM to 2PM ire Shit PH to GPM) Course: Paper Gods Course Paper Code ‘Course Paper Coe faoezoie [5A JPolical Science |National Movemant end Consttuton [A~ 109 | Sonparaive Government la-29 Inaian Poical Thought ja-33e Saturday lotinga international Pltics la-s10 Mx Prosepmy = = z = Phiesephy af Region [o— eae A. ra : = = arly & Medieval Pooky [o=363 Ma Fistor = a e = [ANCIENT INDIA Fistoy of Ancient —Jo-a36 Inara (cAD 78-850) IMEDIEVAL INDIA: History of Medieval [G-442 India (@AD 1826-1657) IMODERN INDIA: History of Modem — |c-a46 nia (2D 1857-1919) im [ate E = = = Taig Oyraries [o=360 i = (Contrast =1 [K=702___[Famiy Caw (nas Law) [Koma aw of Evidence: IK=302, lasoaanTe aA [Physical Education [Foundations of Physical Education —[A~ 185 —|Heath Education [A285 IManagoment in Physical Eaacation [A305 INonday 5 Com, Se = |FOUNDATION COURSE |FOUNDATION COURSE - = = |PE, HES [Dhartya Sanstiv Evam Rasta — |c&s—o09 [Hing casor Soocs) Ieaurav lEngish lca sow Sanskrit lcesor xe = = = = = joney and Financial Syetem c= ice. = [Fons & Consumer Protection Laws —|K—103 _|Fannly Lawl (Mohammedan Law) —|R~203 Jolvi Procedure & Limiation ik=303 lirx Sensi = = [Sanskrt Prose, Champu& Historical |G—597 Jpoety lax Rear = 5 = [any one fom the Talowing two papers |2) Batya Sahitya [b) Koni Lok Sanitya Ic-so7 eae ES Econami = = = fnsian Esonamie Pata o=308 aa Fistor, = = 5 = [State inca [c= 246 CEN [bet swares = = [nsurgenoy & Counter neurgence —Jo= 259) [Bate & Day Chae ‘Subjert TetShin (ANTS TOAM) ind SRA AW to 2 PUY Tied Shit (3 PH to € Pi Course: Paper Code ‘Course Paper Code Course, Paper Goe lasoaanTe (SA [Sansert Nvakeranam, Anuvadeh [A= 18 | Gaaryaranam, Vperararam [a 2at [SadyanavyarsNectkavyar™ a=s3r tuesday [Sanskitsanityetinassncha Nibandhah, Gadhya,-Shaityetinas IVayaksranam Chandashcna [ase = [QUALFYING COURSE. [B= 008 —JQUALIFVING COURSE- 5-070 : = [Environments Studies |General Awareness Ix IPriosaphy zs = = = avanosd Ethos (e=350 wa Grau = = = [Specie Study ofa Post or Autor fa) srs O- Jc-ss4 ()tabat Io-355. ax oo : = = = INCIENT INDIA: History Of Aient [6-238 india and South East Asia (AD 650- l:200), IEDIEVAL INDIA: History of Medieval |-443 india (CAD 1658-1761) JODERN INDIA: History of Modem — |G-447 [inci (. AD 1220-1864) lam aie e = = operations Research [o=357 luccom = = Management Concepts & =107 [Computer Application Business I-20 |Orgsnizationa Behaviour aroa aos EA Education IHistoryand Development ofinaian JA 761 Thoughts and Pracices in Edocaten |A~257 [Measurement and Evatatonin A367 Wednesday [Educaton lEducaton BCom a 2 = = = information Technology & Ws Ie=a0F mpicaions in Business a Poitical Science = [Moder indien Potticar Tog saa [MA FEngish = = = [Shakespeare [o=3i2 Le. = [IPC (Caw of Grimesy [k= 104 _—_|Rarnniatratve Law iK=204 lLenal anauage & Lecal Writna ___|K—304 finciuding Profeiency h Gen. English) faeoeaoe eA = “OUNDATION COURSE [=0o5 (Fer_ [FOUNDATION COURSE [FOUNCATION COURSE a= 008 ro Thursday [Bhartiya Sanstrii Evam Rasta |Reguar & Ex [Hing [aor [ahartya Sanskrit Evan Rashra [Private [Gaurav [Students) —JEnaish facia [saurav stucents) Sanskrit [aor BAS ESc [Geography = = = =| Environmental Stoies AeS—aT7 as [Sarai = = 5 = ___|ireducion ts Sensi Posts Tradton |G = 350 as nae = = ed =] ane rom te Taioving our pape a) Patrakarita Io) Prayojan Mulak Hina Ic-329 |c) Natek Evam Rangmunch c-320 joan a Econerics| S 5 = [Any one rom the folowing papers a) Agrcutural Econansics Ic-40s. \b) Labour Economics \c-407 c) Financial Insitutions and Markets |¢-408 lo) Ecoromatries I-410 Date & Day Claas ‘Subjet Tat Shit (ANT TO AM Tad SRC 2 PH Tra Shi (SPM to € Pip Course: Paper Code Course. Paper Code Course Paper Co: prose (oA, Fina, [Hind Nata & Rangrnch [tia [Fina athe Gana a=2ia = = [Thursday fia ins = = = = [Saas Sanita ca aa co = = z =___|Phitesophieal Foundation af ueaton [S103 ina [Sociony = a = | ieoioiogy of Sasa Reseach |= Ta Ina [Ecoremies = = = = |Siatisical Mehiods tor Econenie = 707 lanatyss Ia Poilical Scenes = = = neian Goverment & Poms [on ns English = a = |Gheratre in English fom 1661 — 17H [G15 stevens BA S5Gs [Det Studies |Evouton of Amament and Wiestem [A B= 105 —|Natnal Securly AaB as = Friday [art of Warfare |BA.B.Se & |Comp. Applicaton [Prooramming in © JABEC-a00 [Object Onented Programming win [ABE C-W00 = = [ love BAR ECan [TTM [Touisn Products JAEC= Tet _| Travel Agency, Tow Busress & [AR C—2aT = [Accommodation [Stoo [Business Siatates C=Te2 [Cost Accounting e702 = = [BSc (PE AES] = [Spore & Games of Spacaliy JS~ 108 ——TGrexet S28 Theory of Garres & Sports (Sports |S—308 Sports) Hand Bal |s-209 {Speciaization) Notley Bat Js-210 Ma IPriosophy = = = = fiesta Prison co [wa ister = = = National Novenentin nia (@AD 1857 JG— 108 F-4047, wa rae = = S = fa: LiteranyFistoy Or lores lb. Social & Cutural Bsckground of — |c-165, Urdu Leerature as Ber Stades = = = |eananics Aapeais oF Detence coy wa [Sensi = 2 = |ndian Pritosophy le= m2 a nate = a = iserete Mathematos io-e7 [Bate & Day | Cine Subject Tt Shit (ANTS OAM) Tad SHIR (TT AM To 2PM) ed Shi (3 PM to GPa Course, Paper Code ‘Course Paper Code Course Paper Goe jaoearis |S Phystal Edicaton [Piston of Physical Eacation [A186 | Peyahatogical Fourdations of Pryical]A~ 200 [Kinestogy & Bio Meoanicam A= 388 Friday Education [Physical Education fase - IFOUNDATION COURSE. [S—t03 FOUNDATION COURSE > |snarwya Sanskra Evam Rasta Hint Bors \caurav lEngish 012 [Sanskrit ors [BCom = = = fFinancal Managemen [o=305 lam [PRGSoDRY a = z = Phitosephy of Sankara [Sees Des [Gras = = = = Prose Forms & Techniques ks) Essay 6 Tiansiaton Or Is-386 ke) Journalism & Mass Communicaten |G-257 ae iso a = = = ANGIENT IND" Soc, Eoanomy [G40 land Cuture of Ancient india (upto le xz000) IMEDIEVAL INDIA: Society, Ezonomy |c-a44 land Cuture of Medieval Inca (© AD 11200-1750) lena IMODERN INDIA: Society, Economy sr Cute of Madeen India (CAD 175 950) a ane = = = Rav ane fom be towing papers a) Diference Equations lowe |b) Integral Equations and Boundary |G-450 valve Probiems |) wavelets least |@) Infomation Theory and Reliability [6-462 [Theory hiccom = = ~~ |Bosiness Environment 77 Gorporate Legal Frame Work a2 fseoe01s [BA Priosophy [nian Philosophy = ed [ethics (indian & Wester) [A228 Philosopry of Religion [a=aaa [Saturday [Se Botany = cS 3 = Plant Resource Usizaton, Paynolagy, [2-301 Piant Pathology and Biostatistics BSE indus. Charisry = = ae emo Bsc. [Physics E = iz = ]Retativiy and Statistical Physics [B= 316 Na [Botieat Soares = = = [Contemporary Poiicalissues [o—s71 MA. fEnaisn = = = indian Wiring in Enatsn Ie=si3 a Sanskat = = je Lleralre & Grammar Is=o8e Le. = [Sonstiational law of aia =105 [Company Law iK=205 [Cand Laws (incusing Revenue IK=305, |eCeiting Laws) Managerial Ecananics [Gorporaia Tax Panning & Managemen [Pate & Day Cass Suber Tse SHIR (7 AN TOA Tina Shi (71 AM 19 2 PI Tird Shin (3 Pit € PM) Course: Paper Cove. Course Paper Code Course Paper Cos lsxosarie aA [PRICRoDRy adem Western Priseoahy [A=i25___ [Loge anaian & Wester) [a-225 [Soci and Paltcal Philosophy [anes Monday [Applies Philosophy lanaze [BSc [Botany a = = = [Moiecitar Bobay & Bcteciraiogy [a —202 fase incus. Chemisty = = = = |Chemizat Process Economics and —B=354 Industral Orgerization Ese Payee : = = [Solid State & Wuclear PISCE [B=3i7 [BSc Fs 200, [Envereneurship Dewlopmet ___|B— 159 = = = = aa [Sanskrit = = = = [Sanat Grammar & The Pribsophy of [O=E56 [cramnar es athe = mi = = fAny one frome Toloung papers (a) Computer Programming & Data |a-453 IStucture le) Non Linear Programming loss \c) Spherical Astonomy & Space [c-455 IDyanamics |c) Fuzzy Set-meory, Fuzzy Logics & [6-436 fine Applications ice = [Pubic ntematonal Law Human (K-07 |Cabour Law& Industial Raatons —|K>206 [Any one fom fe folowing Rights la) Air Space Law K-08 le) La.& Medicine k307 ) () Vlomen Law and Law Relating o|k-308 ld oF Atl Law, Poverty & Development |k-309 | intelectual Property Law k-310 |e) Martime Law kart jos-os-2016 aA, [Homes [Home Management and Housing _|A— 117" inroductonto Teles Aaa, [Fundanentals of Food Nubtion —[A=3i7 Tuesday BA ESS [Mate [Wgebre and Tigonomeny JA&8—126 [Linear Aigetra anc Matos JAR B—226 Analysis Ags—a26 Se. FS eac [Basic Nutition Food [B= 156 |Foad Presenation pes Food Anaya saws [BSc indus. Microbiology |Fundanentals of Microbiology JB=113___|Microbial Genetcs and Mobouar —[B=213 |mmunclogy & Medical icrobciogy B= 313 Bicicay ese [Zosear [Fawer on cheraata B= 1a Chordata B20 [Applied and Economic Zoology jB=320 | Protozoa Helminths) BSE IMicroticioay | werabial Dversiy-3 B71 |nairmantaton and Broanalyical —|B~2a7 nmanogy & Wecicar microbaIGy —|B= 247 [Tectniques IitCom es = = ate & bay Cass ‘Subject BUShi AMIS TO AM Tad SHIR CH AN Te 2 PM Tied Shit (3 PM to 6PM Course, Paper Code Course. Paper Code Course: Paper God loxos-2016 BA JQUALFYING COURSE JA— 008 (Far [QUALIFYING COURSE IA—oi0(ror QUALIFYING COURSE [A—008 (Far wednesday [Environmental Studies JReguar & Ex, [General Awareness [Regular 8x [Environmental Stusies Private Students Students Only) Students) SAS BSc[Geomaphy = = = = iy ona ofthe Toliowing th West Asia Jagesiz ISouth East Aca Aaest Far East Asia lAaesta {south asia Jaaesis a [Potical Seance = = = (ntemavonal Law s=a70 MA [Engish = = = [Any one fom re Toloning wo papa ks) American Literature Or ko) Literary Theory and Resesch — |G-314 Joocumentation losis Ima [Ber siaies = = = =~ [ieratonal Caw [S306 (oso5-2016 [eA Home Sc. (Extension Edvcaton JA=118 | Ghia Development Eee) [Dietetics and Therapeutic Nation _[A~318 HToursday BA BESS athe [Gatcutes JAS B- 127 [Diferential Equatons and hiegral JAB B- 227 [Linear Programming AEB—327 [rrarstorms [BSc Fesao [Food Commosites & Food Chemisty |B~ 187 | Sensary Evaluation & Analjical 8-257 |rtrodoaton to food Manutactre ——JB-~357 BSE [Zo Higher Non Chordata (Annelida |B 21 [Animal Dietibatton Evoluton and B= 227 itacrnaioay, Immunology, Bclogieal [B32 lchinodermata) [Developmenta Biology [Tools and Techniques and Biostatistics ase IMicrobiclooy —|Wicrobal Dewy. [B= %42 [Cel Biooay. Microbial Genetics ard [B= 242 Food, Bary ard Agrcoturar esa Motecutar Baioay IMicrobcoay Be indus MiciSBcleay |Microbal Prycloay and Bio B11 environmental Micobioloa7 iB—zia yicuture & Food Microbiclony ___|B—314 istry [wa aie = = = [Any one fom te folowing papers a) Matrematical Modeling \o-4s7 |) Paral Oitematias Equation Ic-ase \c) BioMathematics Ic-aso |) Mathematics of fence & Insurance |@-460 [Development [Bate & Day Tass ‘Subject Tet SiR (7 AN to TOAM} Tind Shift (77 AM i> 2 PM Tied Shin Pi to 6 Pi Course: Paper Code Course Paper Code Course Paper Coe lpsosan16 aA [Pryaical Eavcation [Anatomy & Physiology [A=te7 __[Aiietc yures & Renabmauon A= 287 frtroducton we Statstos & Computer —[A~367 Friday Physical Education JAppication in Physical Education ma Portal Soenee = = = = [Arcler indian Potical Thought s=ari IMA Enaish = = = = fa) Gissical erature Or__IG-at6 fe) Proneses, Lingustes ane Stylstes {6-317 MA [Der Stes = = = atonal Ser ot ia [o=a06 ce = [Envircamenial Law IK=108 [Proven Lav & Easoment R207 Dratig of Pleading & Conveyancng [=313 [Theory roam = = __ [Sistecar Anais =t08 nandal Management aor IMarkeing Management I-40 International Business Environment L413 Human Resource Management bats leroeao1e [oA [Socaoay inrocacion w SoaaDy |A=132__ [Socal Change and Socal Contol_—|A=232 [Functions of Sociciogeal Theught _|A=3a2 JSeturday [B.Sc [Botan = eS : = [Environmental Botany jp =303 Se indus. Cheney = Es = |Foymes: [s=a58) [ase [Physics = = = = Soi State Eectronice [B38 Hose BA [Psyenoioay [Basic Paychoogical Processes ___JA—140 | Payshopatfoloay lA=20 [Psychological Measurement and Tass [A430 wednesday Bx Seabees Statisteal Methods and Theay of _JA~Tea | Statstcal ference and Analysis 1 A254 \Nomereal Analysis ard Computational |A~36a atioizes WVarance Hrecangues [BSe (Gecioay Physical Geoloay iB 136 | Sraigraphy p= 236 [Statigaphic Flasontdoay & B35 [Sedimentolooy [ase [Sistas [Statistical Memos [Tea | Statistical erence B= 204 INon-Parametre Mathods and B= se Numerical Analysis x [Potcal Saance m= = =~ South Asian Poltcal Systeme Is=a72 {Pakistan Srilanka, Nepal (Bangladesh) aa Bar Studies = = = = ]Pisarrament Arms Ganirol and Peace |S —405 [arcom = a = [Corporate Financia Accounting ——]I=105 [Project Planning & Contrar 05 vertsing & Sales Management |.ait Frorsign Trade Policy, Procedure & fare lbocumentation IGroup Dynamics and Personaity [ats [Bate & Day Cass ‘Subject TetShR (TANTO TOA) Tin Shift (77 AM to 2 Prt) Tira SHIR (Pa to € PR Course: Paper Cove. Course Paper Code Course: Paper Gos fzosane SA GaSe [Maine |Geomaty and Vector Galcuue JAB 128 Mechanics [A&e-z2e _—|Numencal Wehods and Funcamentas JA 8-325 [Thursday lof Computer Se FSeac [Sanitaion, Hygiene & Food [B= 158 [Packing Wateral Testna a= 258 Food Tosicolagy, Food Adaivaton and [355 Imicrotictogy [esting Se indus. Microbiology [Gell Bology and Genatics B15 [Physiology and Bie chemiaty B-ae |Evology, Microbiology Animal Behaver [8315 lang Potton ana Texcology [ese [20oKay Pest Management and Parsstology |S— 122 | Mcobial Pwsiciony & Metabolan |= 257 [nduaival and Envronmeniat a IMierotclogy [55a [Micrcbioicgy Tools and Techniques in Micobiclogy [B— 143 | Computers, Beanfomahesand B= 245 Industral Micbioay lB=aae Bostatics IMA [Pottcal Scenes = z = = [Reseach Watosooar ema jisosare lA [Sociclony [Society in india-Structure and Change JA~153 indian Socitylasime and Problems [AT SSS [Social Rescorsh Methods la=35 Friday BSE Indus Chomety. = = = = Prarmacectca [Baas Ma Poitical Science = = = = nian heintration [o—a7a [wa Bet Stusies = = = = |Man Power Sticies [s—a96- ice = [Any one fom fe Toone [Anyone fom te foloning Interpretation of Stats IK=s14 (a) Intematioral Economics Law |x-t09 ta) Contic o Laws 200 (©) Bankruptcy Laws k-110 (o) Banking Law (rctuding Negotiable |K-210 (@) Taxation Lnws lent instruments Act) (6) () Comparative Law k-t12 lc) Investment & Securty Laws |kc211 (Legal History K-13 Cc) Trusts. Equity & Fiduciary K212 {Insurance Law kei18 Relationship (e) Criminology anc Penology 213 eoszo1e [5 [Eran = = = = isteryot Enaieh Creature [A=308 Saturday [vicom, = a = |Recounting fr Managerial Decisions I= 106 [Secunty Analysis & Pero 09 Management International Marketing ere labour Reforms and fetus! -as7 [Relations [Bate & Day Chass Subject Ist Shift (AMT 10 A) Tine Shift (17 AM to 2 PM) Tied Sait (Pato CP) ‘Course Paper Code. Course Paper Code. Course. Papar Code Rrosaoe [ax lero = = [QUALFYING COURSE [a= 010 ror freien witnasn Engin la=s10 Monday |General Awareness Private Students) 35 indus Chemisty = = = = [Heswy and Fine Ghemiais [Ewe luca [Pottcal Science = : = = Federatem in aia Ie=a7e aca [Bet studies = = = [Science ang Tecrnotoay war [o=aer IMA [Education = = = [bomparative Esucation [e302 faa [Socioooy 3S = = = ]fheoreical Prespectves in Saciolooy [G—367 lacCom = = QUALIFYING COURSE: Elementay, = = Jaccounts | Quatying Ceurse is compuisery for thnes Jcancidates who have passed 8C.A/BA/ [sve Tecn wn Economics Or |uatrematies or Statics or Computer a8 Jnain subject and dese to eppear in Iuicon Par Examieation) fr-0s-2016 [BA [ora Fiction A= [Prom [a=26 [Fstoryof Urdu Lieratwre Grom [A= a3 [Tuesday a = = = = = = = ase [Chemistry inorganic Chemisty [p= 706 [organic Chemisty (B= 205 (morgane Chemisty. [E08 ice = Protessional Ehics iK=7I0 = = |Atbivaton, Conciliation and Atemate k= 315 [pispute Resolution System reosz06 |B Paycroioay [Experimental Nathodsloay and [A= 141 Social Pycholoay lA-2a [Counseling and Guidance lama Wednesday [statistics lorcanizational Behaviour laced |Heatth Psychology ja-aaa [Envirormental Psychology Janta oa Stauanes [Probebiny ane Prebabiiy JA=195_|Suivey Samoing ard Desi of __JA=255 [Appued Siatstcs and Unear as fpistributons Experiments [Programming [aSe [Geol [Structural Gest) [B= 137 [Palavortotogy ls=za7 [Economic Geoboy =a las. Statsics [Probabity [B= 195 Survey Samoung [a 205 [opie Statistos B= 395, IMA [Political Sconce Zi : 5 = Jnctan's Foreign Potay Io=a76. IMA [Det Suctes = = si = [Givi & itary Relations [o— 108 eosao1e BA Jura Nazar A= a7 ___|Ghazar lA-za7 [Classical Posty jaar Tnursday [Essay Translation & Grammer Lasse lGom: = = = 5 = Princisies of Marketing| [c— 306 BSc [Ghemisty [Digan Chematy [B= 107 Organic Chemisty [s=207 [Drganic Chemist [B= 307 faoe-z016 BA. story PPoltica History of Andentinda (BC. A= 115 |PoliicalHisory of Nedieval India JA~215 Poltica Histor of india (T7a01847) JA —415@ Friday J500-A.0. 606) (1208-1525 4.0.) BSe (Geateay [Crystallography and Mineralogy [8-188 | Peteogy =a [Applied Gesiogy & Giobal Teconie [6-33 Iie. = = = = = = = ita (Education = = = = [Teacher Eaveation Io= 303 wa Socobay, = = = = ]Becicioay of Change and Development |G —388 [Tuesday Wartalap [Date Day Crass Subect Tet SHE (Ato TAM) Und Shift (14 AWito 2 Pia) id SHR PH to PM Course Paper Coda Course Paper Code. ‘Course: Bapercod fas-osa01e [EA [Fisory Foltcal Hisor of ndian (rom. [A-116 [Pamucal stay of Medieval naa Poo Fistoy of Traian Cuture Rais Monday [s06 uoto A.D. 1208) 1828-17400) ister of Mader World laai7 ese [Staats [probability Distibuton and Theory oF |B 198 lAnalyas of Variance andDasigro? [S256 Kinesr Programming & Computational B= 366 [aries Experiment HTectriques faa JEsicaton = es = ~____ntetigence, Greativty and Eaacaten JO 307 Inox [Soseear = = = =| Grimnstogy and Peraiogy sae. [2s-082076 BA = [QUALIFYING COURSE JA-007 [QUALIFYING COURSED oor JauauirviNc COURSES JA=003 HTuesday [Sports & Physical Education Sports & Physical Ecucaton Sports & Physical Education Se [Chenisty Physical Chemisty [B= 705 [Physical Chemisty. [B26 [Physical Chemisty B= 308 [25-05-2015 BA &BS0 —|Economics Pinsele ofScononic Aashis (A B-T3_[Natona come Anahals Money and [AE BTS org Development|AE B= 35 Wednesday Banking Ima lEceaon = ra = Speci Eaueaton [= 305 Ima [Sosbiogy, = a = = [Anyone fromthe folowing papers ta) Scrciogy of Marginalizes lc-se7 ICommurities Ce) incustry& Society in nce Ics tc) comparative Sociology Iovs9 (d) Sociology of Kinship, Mariage @ 4c-490 Famaly te) Sosclogy of Aging Joa [26-05-2076 JA Dra Pe Fama erat of Visual ARE Indian JA— 105 Fistay of ndlan Paling Pamiine ACIS [Philosophy of At and Modem Indian —JA~305 Thursday Falk at last anc ist Century to [Painting (18th Century A.D. upto 17th Gentuy AD) [Present Age) [ax Fectonal Find Baral Sertarki Ra} Sasha Neel [A164 rina tam Osorond Goamnerour SSE (Anwvad, Dubhashiva Pravin, [A=a8a |Conespondence Paribhashik Shabdawali lar05-2016 [BA Fina Es = = = yet Hind Evan Kauivi Ok Raja] STS Friday ies Education = = __[Pistanoe Education a [28-05-2016 BA EE Se —[Econamice |ndian Econanie Protas [*&8= 146" |Fubie Finance andinismatonal [AEB —206 —|Guandiatve Waioas AaB aa eaturaay [Trade soosz01e faa Irina = 5 ~_ |findi Nana and Anaya Gach jAaaa Monday bycyave Ni [Esucaton = = = = educational Technatoay SrOs21e eA Functonel Hind [el Ka Prayogk Vyataran Taba |A=Te5 ——]Nobig and Dating Aas [Sanchar Maahyam

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